Maple Leaf 'Pack 'V c tlon In lu Iv Ind p ndent .)1 nn fn your onv nl n and pi f rUlIIIII, Rail-Auto Tr v n, Go by tT In ... r 'n I 1\ lilli, 1\ ,- rangem nt t m J(I 1111 In I- ( 1111 To the plainsman, Western Canada is a land of use It on arrival. far horizons and wide prairie. From Lake-of-The-Woods to Alberta's foothills sprawl millions of acres of prairie flatland, where ~iant combines drone throu~h ~olden wheat. Here, in this empire of wheat are the West's trademarks ... solitary ~rain elevators clustered about a loadin~ track easy-~oin~ farmers and townsfolk whose bad~e is the ten-~allon hat. C m lid h v flln III III ,I It Columbia durlnlt Il ,','nl"11111 I The West is also seen in the steep summits of the Canadian Rockies, celebratlQn . PI n no\ W m mountin~ in mammoth ~randeur alon~ the Continental Divide. It a dat for '5 ! The ~i~antic sweep of ~reat mountains is seen, too, in the western Selkirk and Coast Ran~es, slopin~ alon~, peak after peak. for 600 miles to the Pacific Ocean. Towerl1il9 Mount Fitzwilliam CNR's transcontinental line This hu~e half continent is a realm of prairie and peaks ... of woods, forests, lakes and Two First Class Trains streams. And its gateway is Winnipeg. Choose from two first class trains, the Super Continental and Continental, which cross JA:, E the country daily. There's modern equip­ General ment for comfortable travel ... arrivals at Canad' principal cities are conveniently timed and 214 Jose h TO SEE THE BEST N THE the journey is made without chan~in~ trains. Any Canadian National a~ent listed below will ~ladly arran~e travel details. CAN AD AN NAT o NAL RA LWAYS PASSENGER 'AGENCIES IN CANADA AND UNITED STATES Traffic Department Headquarters: 360 McGill St., Montreal, Qu•. Belleville, Ont.. ... .....188 Front St. South Quebec, Que.... Boston 16, Mass•...................... .497 Boylston St. Regina, Susk•............ Brantford, Ont•........................153 Colborne St. San Francisco 8, Cal.. .. Brockville, Ont•...............Cor. King and Apple Sts. Sarnis, Ont . Buffalo 2, N.y 13 West Genesee Saskatoon, Sask . Calgary, Alta•... , 504 Eighth Ave. West Seattle 1, Wash . Campbellton, N.B.. .. ..CNR Station Charlolletown, P.E.I.. CNR Station Sherbrooke, Que•... Chatham, Ont... .. ..220 King St. West St. Albans, Vt.. Chicago 3, Ill 103 West Adams St. St. Catharine", Onto Cincinnati 2, Ohio _..206 Dixie Terminal Bldg. Saint John, N.n. Cornwall, Ont•.......................ll Second St. East St. John'., NIh•. Delroit26, Mich......... .. 131 W. Lafayette Blvd. St. Louis 2, Mo. Edmonton, Alta.. .. _., .Cor. Jasper & looth Sts.. Sudbury,Ont. Flint 3, Micb 1639 Moll Foundation Bldg. Toronto 1, Onto Fredericton, .B.......... ..580 Queen St. Vancouvt"r, Il.C. Guelph, Ont.. .........•..... CR Station Victoria, 11.<:. Halifax, .5.. .............. ..505-507 Barrington St. Wa8hin~ton 5, n .•. I-Iamilton, Ont.. ....... .. .. _ 7 James St. North Wind~r, O ..t. Kansas City 6, Mo.. .. .. ..414 Fairfax Bid"., 101 West Winnil)("l(. 1", .. Eleventh St. Wood t ....k. 0", Kingston, Ont.. ..... 115 Princess 5t. Kilchcner, Ont.. ]9 King 51. West Hl'I'lU I '11\ I- London, Ont....... .. 430 Richmond St. Et HOI'I. Los An",elcs 14, Cn!. 510 West 6th St. I..o.ulon,.... .1, I .... 11·1'1 ( ...1. lUI' "". Milwaukee 3, Wis.. .. Room 502,231 W. Wisconsin Ave. LondOn.' C '.' " •• H .. tn t lIutl ", Minneapolis 2, Minn.... ..101.0 Rand Tower, l' 1. w 11""",1 ..... 527 Marquette Ave. C "" ..d IUd .~ WUlt"r ~l. Moncton .. N.B.. .. _.... _..CNR lalion 9 IlothwO'II St. Montreal. Que.. .. .384 St. James St. W. • nut'! SerU... NO' ... York 20, .Y........... .. .....630 Fifth AvO'. • ~ I"onl tit' Meir North nny, Ont...... ..203 Main Sl. Wei'll Urcdgad.· I. Ol!Shuwu, Ont.. .... 3 King Sl. W('Ml Ottawa .. Onto , .. Cor. Sparks & Metcalfe St... t S'II( 1.1 n Peterboro, Onl.. .. 324 C.-orliC(· SI. I'hiladelphia 7, 1'0 Philudf'lphia National Hunk Ilhhc., HEl'l(ESh 'I' Cor. Broad and ChctUnul S1M. .., tI,,,,. ...Irnl.. "''''''(·t~tll.... IIOUdC'\ 19 Bridge Sr. '")illKhurgh 22, "0... 355 Fifth AHo. .-lhuH"" t \,..,tr ." u(:olltuPi lIoulim", 360 Collin", Sa. Portland, Me... .. .Grund Trunk Railway Stut'u.. 11 IIJlH.... f\"" ,,,,,.Innd .. ,.Guardian Assurunc{' I-'rince llul)("rl, B.C.... ... 528 Third I\v(". WI'''' (:..•• Itldte... (;or.....euthcrslon & Brandon Sl"" WESTERN CANADA • PA C F C COAST Lithographed in Cunudn '58 The Super Continental passes through some of British Columbia's most striking mountain scenery. Winnipeggers proudly claim that Portage Avenue i, Saskatchewan River, bearing vital water to fertile traveller to Jasper ational Park; outdoor play­ waters of rushing rivers as they race through the steep the widest downtown street in Canada. Their city I soil ... like a prairie Nile. Saskatoon is a prosperous ground of the Canadian Rockies. Heart of this vaca­ Fraser and Thompson Canyons. At journey's end the provincial Capital and the nation's fourth largest place, earning its living from the land. Typical of tionland is Jasper Park Lodge, owned and operated is Vancouver ... Canada's Pacific Coast metropolis metropolis. It is a railway, university, financial, com­ its relaxed way of life is the restful comfort of The by the Canadian National system. From this holiday of 650 thousand. Rising sharply against its skyline is mercial and industrial hub. And across the Rl'd Bessborough - a Canadian ational hotel. haven on the scenic shore of Lac Beauvert, guests go the stately Hotel Vancouver. This port city is rich River is its twin, St. Boniface ... the City of Bigger and more boisterous is Edmonton to marvel at the mountain beauty of 'Vlaligne Lake in travel attractions ... Stanley Park, Grouse Churches. capital of Alberta. This is Canada's oil capital and or to view the snowy splendor of 'Iount Edith 'Iountain, Capilano Canyon, Lions Gate Bridge ... Winnipeg has grown up since the days of the Fort gateway to the booming northwest, where rich Cavell. By snowmobile, they cross the glacial cap of to name a few. Vancouver is British Columbia's Garry trading post and Red River cart. Today, reservoirs of 'black gold' lay beneath the Leduc the Columbia Icefield, which drains into three commercial hub. Canadian National's hotel of distinction - The Fort and Pembina oil fields. A multi-million dollar petro­ oceans. Tours to Jasper's many attractions are easily But Victoria is the Capital ... a·city of lovely Garry - bears this proud name. Winnipeg is a chemical industry flourishes on the city's outskirts. arranged and there's golfing, riding, tennis, swim­ gardens, quaint shops and English ways. It's one good starting point to see the West. Each month a thousand new citizens come to stay. ming and fishing, too. If you're a camera fan ... more proof of the wonderful travel thrills in Cana­ wavin~ Go west by CNR, past the farmlands of Matching this prosperity is the Canadian National bring lots of film. da's colorful West. Words cannot describe this great wheat and bronzed grain to Saskatoon ... pralrJl' system, which has enlarged Edmonton's luxurious Westward by Canadian National is Mount Robson, country ... you must see it to believe it. Any CNR city of 70,000. Coursing through this community of Macdonald Hotel. Monarch of the Canadian Rockies. Thrill to the agent will give you more information. He will be neat homes and modern office buildings is the South A short, pleasant trip by CNR from here takes the rugged beauty of Yellowhead Pass; the swirling glad to look after your travel arrangements, too..
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