THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVI. NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 19o8. NUMBER I0798. THE CITY RECORD, Tuesday, November I0-2 p. m.—Room 305.—Order NO. 786.—CENTRAL PARK, NORTH & EAST RIVER R. R. Co. and FREDERICK W. WHITRIDGE, Receiver of The Third Ave. R. R. Co.—Transit Reform Committee of One Hun- OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. dred, Complainants.—"Why Companies should not make joint rate for through transportation of passengers."—Whole Commission. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the 2 p. m.—Room 305.—Order No. 796.—CENTRAL PARK, NORTH & EAST BOARD OF CITY RECORD. RIVER R. R. Co. and FREDERICK W. WHITRIDGE, Receiver, 42nd Street, Manhattanville & St. Nicholas Ave. R. R. Co., and The Third GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAma. Ave. R. R. Co.—Transit Reform Committee of One Hundred, Cotn- FRANCIS K. PENDLETON. CO&PORATION CovasaL. HERMAN A. METZ, COMPTRou.n. plainants.—"Why Companies should not make joint rate for through transportation of passengers."—Whole Commission. 2:30 p. nl.—Room 31o.—Order NO. 531.—STATEN ISLAND RAPID TRANSIT PATRICK J. TRACY, Suraavrsm CO. AND STATEN ISLAND Ry. Co.—Fifth Ward Improvement Asso- Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays. ciation, Complainants.—"Passenger rates, etc."—Commissioner Mc- Carroll. Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. 2:30 p. ni.—Commissioner Eustis' Room —Order No. 459: INTERBOROUGH SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), ag eenu; RAPID TRANSIT Co.—Republican Corn. by David G. McConnell.— Official Canvass of Votes, ro cents; Registry and Enrollment Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; "Escalators at 155t11 Street and Eighth Avenue."—Commissiouer Law Department and Finance Department supplements, i cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation ot f usti s. Real Estate, as cents each section. 3 P. m.—Commissioner Enstis' Room.—Order NO. 391.—INTERIOROUGtI Published at Room s, City Hall (north side), New York City. RAPID TRANSIT Co.—Board of Aldermen, Complainants.—"Escalator at Entered as Second-class Matter. Post Office at New York City. 125111 Street & Eighth Avenue."—Comnlissioncr Eustis. 3 p. in.—Coeimixsioncr Eustis' Room.—Or(ler No. 545.—INTERBOROUGH RAPID TR.vNSIT Co.—"Rehearing after Final Order No. 494 in regard to additional stairway at 92nd Street Station, Second Avenue Ele- TABLE OF CONTENTS. , vatetl."—Comnlissioner Eustis. 3 p. In.—Chief Engineer's Room.—CITY OF NEW YORK AND DF.GNON CON- TRACTING Co.—"Arbitration of determination of IIenry B. Seaman, Assessors, Board of— I kai th, Department of— Chief Engineer." Public Notices ..................... 11731 Proposals....... ................... It729 hoard Meetings ........................ I1729 ,Eetcciroiogical Observatory— Wednesday, November 11-2:30 p. nt.—Commissioner Maltbic's Room.—Order No. Bridges, I)e],artment of— Abstract of Registers for the Week 1'roposals .......................... 11729 Ending October 24, 1908....... 11722 8c8.—NEv YORIC EDISON C09tP.\NY.—"Alleged cinder nuisance at Bronx, Borough of— Municipal Civil Service Commission— power house, First Avenue and 38th street."—Commissioner Maltbie. Proposals .......................... 11730 Minutes of J[ectiug of September 16, 2:30 p. ni.—ROO111 31o.—Order No. 8t3.—INTERBOROUGII RAPID TRANSIT 19Uí8.......................... 117_2 Public Notices ..................... 1 1730 Co.—Chas. F1. Baxter, Coiiiplaui iit.—"Failure of Subway trains Report of the President for the Public Notices ..................... II730 Week Ending October-28, 19o8. 11725 Notice to Contractors .................. 11744 to stop at Mott Avcnuc."—Commissioner Eustis. Erookivt,, Borough of— Official I,ci1uufiR Papers ................ Ií737 3 p. m.—Room 3o3.—Order No. 784.—Public Hearing.—"Proposition of 1roposals .......................... I1741 l )fficial I lirectory...................... 1 t 726 Amsterdam Corporation (W. J. Wilgus) for freight subway."— Change of (:rade Damage Commission— f)i1idaf 1'apers ......................... 11 743 Public Notice ...................... 11729 1' arks, lleparttucnt of— Whole Commission. Change., in Departments, etc........... II7-6 Auction Sale ...................... 11731 , Pripopals .......................... 11731 Thursday, November 12-2.30 p: tn.—Room 305.—Order No. 8o6.—PF:LIIAM PARK Cm'rcctiun, I c1artncut of-- llepartutent- ít729 l'alice R. R. Co.—Application under Section ioo of the Railroad Law for l'roposals .......................... :\uction Sale...................... í 1 74.I Report of Transactions, October 12 Otieners \Vautcd for Lust Property. 11743 permission to change motive power."—Commissioner Eustis. to 18, 1908 .................... 11721 Public Charities, Department of— 2.30 p. tn.—Room 305.—Order No 8o7.—CITY ISLAND R. R Co.—"Applica- Docks and Ferries, Department of— Proposals .......................... 1í73o t 1729 tion under Section ioo of the Railroad Law for permission to change I'roposals .......................... Public Service Commission for the First motive power."—Conunissinner I':ustis. Education, Department of— District- 1'ro),osale .......................... iI741 Calendar of llcaiings .............. II7-1 Friday, November 13-2.30 p. m.—Roots 31o.—Order No. 790.—NEW YORK, NEW Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— 0uccn5, 1lorougil of- Pttblic Notices ..................... 11737 hops it of Conlntissioncr ,if Public IlwEN AND ILaRTFoRD R. R. Co.—South Bronx Property Owners' Executive 1)epartntent— Works f~ r the Week Euc1ing Association, C0111plaioaat.—"Uusanitary methods in loading cars in Notice of Special Meeting of Board . 1 t, ' q o3.. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • t t 7=.1 Ilatlem River yards."—Comts1issioecr E1tstis. of -lldcrmcn .................. 11721 RRichmond, Borough of— Troposals .......................... 1173 2 1.30 p. ral.—Commlissiooer Maltbie's Rooral.—Order No. 822.—AIL EI.ECrRIC Finance, llc1 tartmcnt of— Street Cleaning, llepartmcnt of- LIGHT C0.%IVANIES.—''To prevent discrimination and unreasonable AtICtion Sale of 1Machinery, etc .... 11733 \sliet, etc., for Filling in Lands.... Ií7_9 preference in rates or contracts."—Commissioner Maltbie. Corporation sale uf Real Estate, etc. 1 1 735 Prop"'als .......................... 117'9 Corporation Sales of Buildings, etc. 11733 Supreme Court. First Department— 2.30 p. m•—Commissioner Maltbie's Room.—Order No. 823.—ALL F.LECTRIc Notice of Assessments for Opening :\cquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 11743 11736 Luber CoD]fAtitEs.—"sihother companies should be compelled to ohey Streets and Parks ............. Supreme (burt, Second llcvartmcut- certain regulations regarding publication of rates, etc."—Commissioner Notices to Property Owners........ 11733 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc....... 11 743 Notice to Taxpayers ............... 11736 Water Supply, Board of— Malthic. Sureties Required on Various Classes Proposals........... .... Ií736 STATEN ISLAND MIDLAND Ry. 11736 ..lect i •t , 2.3o 1). Iil.—Ro001 305.—Order No. 820.— of Contracts ................... Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- Co.—TI. 1V. Pope, Complainant.—"Congested conditions of service Fire Department— partmcet of- 1'roposals .......................... 1173_ I'ropusals.......................... 11732 on Concord-New Dorp and Concord-Port Richmond Lines."—Cont- inissioner McCarroll. 3.30 p. 111.—Rooral 31o.—Order No. 780.—KINGSBRIIIcE RAILROAD CO. AND FREDER1( W. WIIITRIDGE, Receiver of Third Avenue Railroad Co.— EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, "Operation of Third Avenue cars over tracks of Kingsbrldge Railroad Company."—Connuissioncr Eustis. The City of New York, I Office of the Mayor. j Regular meetings of the Commission are held every Tuesday and Friday at 11.30 Pursuant to the authority vested in me by law, I, George B. McClellan, Mayor of a. m. The City of New York, do hereby call a Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen, in the City Hall, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on Tuesday, DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION. November io, 19o8, at one o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of considering REPORT OF TRANSACTIONS, OCTOBER 12 TO 18, í9o8. the Budget for iltog, made by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of said City, and signed by the members thereof on October 30, 1908, submitted to the Board of Communications Received. From the Board of Aldermen—Clerk of the Board transmits certified copy of a Aldermen as by law required. resolution which reads as follows: Iu witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Resolved, That for the purpose of enabling the Commissioner of the Department of Correction to carry out the provisions of chapter 471, Laws of 1879, and section [SEAL.] seal of office this 4th day of November, A. D. one thousand nine 108 of chapter 429, Laws of i8ó, relative to donations to discharged prisoners, the hundred and eight. said Commissioner of Correction nun, by requisition, draw upon the Comptroller for a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars ($t,000). and may in like maiuer re- GEO. B. McCLELLAN, Mayor. new tite draft as often as he may duehi necessary, to the extent of the appropriation set apart for donations to discharged prisoners, during the year ic>o : but no such renewal shall be made until the money paid upon the preceding draft shall have been accounted for to the Comptroller, by the transmittal of a voucher certified by the said PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FOR THE FIRST Commissioner of Correction, covering the expenditures of the money paid thereon. DISTRICT, Adopted by the Board of Aldermen
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