American Friends Service Committee BU LLETI N September . October, 1956 ( nrr~phrll1ltrl.r Daily meditation in youth service projects encourages individual and group evaluation. See page 3. In this issue . EIGHT MONOTONOUS HOURS TEACH LESSON -page 3 PEOPLE AT WORK - PROCEED HOPEFULLY - page 4 WALLED CITY MEETS MODERN PROBLEMS -page 6 CHURCH PEACE EFFORT ROLLS ALONG - page 7 other? we'd like to reach. If you know any former workers . a growing fellowship . who are not now on our mailing list, we'd appreciate know- Philadelphia, Pa. ing about them. September, 1956 Then. I'd like to get your response to a proposal for a Dear Fricirrls: rare reunion. Nest year will be the AFSC's fortieth birth- The red-and-black star pin marks a special fraternity. day. A national meeting of Friends is planned for June 25- The pin is simple enamel-no gold or diamonds. Rut it is July 3 in Wilmington, Ohio. Many former AFSC workers worn on many a blouse and lapel with particular pride. will likely be there. Would fellow wearers of the red-and- The pin is both democratic and exclusive. Anyone who black star pin. whether attending the Friends conference has worked closely with the American Friends Service or not, like to meet at Wilmington for a day or so before Committee is eligible to wear it. This includes staff mem- or after that'? I'd hope that especially those from the first bers. project volunteers and those faithful guides-the few years would come-partly for rekindling the bright members of our committees. spirit of the founding period, partly to help apply that As you probably know, the AFSC works more in the spirit to today's situation. Their participation would also present than in the past. We have not built up an alumni mean much to more recent members of the AFSC, who I association to reminisce. Yet we do remember those who hope would be there also. have been the AFSC in past years. They have helped shape The pin we wear is a reminder of shared motives, shared what it is today. They are welcomed to help form its experience and shared hope. Though we are aware that tomorrow. And we have counted on each experience of our resources do not let us answer all the calls to broader personal service to prepare men and women for further service, our fellowship is growing steadily. dedication, wherever they may be. Sincerely yortr frienrl. I was looking at the list of the young men who were in France in 19 17, the first AFSC overseas workers. Many are to be found today on AFSC lists-staff, regional com- mittees, local projects. Others of that early period have found other auspices for a life of usefulness. P.S.-Alumni will find attached to their copy of this Bul- This issue of the Bulletin goes with a special letter to letin a reply card to give us current information many alumni. We have unfortunately lost touch with many about themselves. I hope you will return it soon. Christmas Suggestion way recently in the Southeastern Regional New Films Ready Office. Initial approaches to the prohlern will Again this year the Service Committee's he made in North Carolina. "Quaker Village Work" is a 12-minute Chrktmas Gift Plan will he available to con- The AFSC gets invitations from time to color film on, AFSC village development tributors. time to testify hefore Co~rnrrssio~~alCot?~r~lir- work in Barpall, India. Film was edited from 1nste:id of personal gifts to friends or asso- rrrs. Winslow Oshorne, an attorney and mem- movies made hy Ralph Victor. :I doctor on ciates, contrihutions in their name can be ber of the New England Regional Committee the project, and taped commentary is by made to the AFSC. An :~ttr:lctive Christmas of AFSC, spoke to the question of impound- Eleanor Eaton who was director. card will be sent hy the Service Committee to ing mail. Sam Marble, presitlent of Wilming- A color,~ovie,tentatively titled, "Hallow- each honoree. ton College and on a six-months leave to work een I'arty, shows how "Frientlly Beggars" I-lerc's what your dollars can do: send a with the Quaker program at the U.N., testi- have fun by gathering treats to share with German child to a summer camp, keep n fied on disarmament last summer. overseas friends through AFSC. The 13-min- physician or nurse in Korea one clay, ship n ute movie w:ls prepared by Friends in Kala- ton of government surplus milk ahroatl, or mazoo, Michigan, cooperating with a local tleliver warm clothing to 60 refugees. Friends Write In . film club. Gifts like these at Christmas, going heyond the regular AFSC contrihutions, arc an extra Fro~nSorrth Dakota- Latest Publications channcl to share the spirit of the season. "I want to express my appreciation of your The AFSC also receives gifts in honor of stand and interest in the problems of the MEETINGTHE RUSSIANS,a 96-page report by births, anniversaries, weddings and other Negro, Indian, your work abroad (work the six Quakers who visited the Soviet Union events and notes of acknowlcdgcmcnt arc camps, etc.) and your opposition to certnin in the summer of 1956. 35t. infringements upon rights of conscience. sent, if requested. A printed card is available THESPIRIT THEY LIVE IN, a 20-page pamphlet to acknowledge memori;ll gifts. As one Catholic, let me voice the hope that Catholics and Quakers may ~ncreasinglywork reviewing America's policy and treatment of Indian citi7ens. AFSC Suspends Jordan Work shoulder to shoulder in mak~ngour com- munities places where it is easier for people MERIT EMPI.OYMENT:WHY AND HOW, 16- Keys to the restored project buildings in to tlo good." page guide for employers starting to inte- Jordan were given that government last sum- grate their work force. mer as the AFSC laid down its work which Fror~rDjkarra, Ittdor~rsia- had been interrupted in January. " . We have just finished reading the "UNTO ONE OF THE LEAST," a brief tiescrip- I'he huiltlings were the headquarters of the Bulletin and it made us so happy, that we tion of current AFSC activities. AFSC village tlevelopment project in five vil- wish to thank you for writing and sending lages north of Amman. When the program it to us . in this far-away country . INTERNESIN INDUSTRY,four-page folder. was launched it was agreetl that the builtlines We cannot spend all our time in international would eventually become the property of the QUAKERSERVICE OVERSEAS, folder on AFSC understanding hut we can try to soften an program abroad. Jordan government. opinion here and fight prejudice there . The AFSC contributed funds to help pro- sometimes we find an opportunity to apply CI.O~'HINGBUI.LETIN (spring issue). vide skilled labor and some materials for the a word or itlea caught in the good old Quaker rebuilding project handletl by the villagers. Center of the Hague of the unforgettable SERVEAND LEARNWITH PEOPT.E, a folder The Committee hopes to undertake further Vienna Seminar hack in 1949." about the Institutional Service Units for work in Jordan ant1 is studying that possi- young pcople. hility. AFSC Prepares Radio Program INTERNATIONALSEMINARS, a folder on sum- mer opportunities for young people who may Program Notes . "This is a Friendly World," a series of 39 seek new annroaches to worl(f nrohlems.~-~ - The joh opporrrtrrities project conducted in 15-minute radio programs, is available from . .~~ Dnllas, Texas, for live years by the AFSC is the AFSC for use on education:ll stations !NTERNES IN COMMUNITYSERVICE, describ- now linancetl and directed by local citizens. with the cooperation of school officials in Ing a program for young people who want A program on .~clrooli~rtc,,sratior~ got under- Atlanta and St. Louis. to work at problems of urban blight. 2 AFSC RULLETIb WHO IS THE AFSC? Many Persons, Many Backgrounds Aid Work Promptly at 9 o'clock each Monday morning silence falls on a Friends meeting house in central Philadelphia. Some 100 persons sit for a few min- utes in Quaker quietness which seems to push back the sounds of a busy city. They are assembled in the his- toric, modest structure behind the high brick walls and iron fence for their weekly staff meeting. Many Nations, Faiths Share Can the casual passerby. seeing them emerge an hour later, conclude I) that they are the AFSC? The answer rp. 1s both yes and no. Surely these 200 persons represent 5%~1: &$ . A. a broad cross section of the person- I'ICIII Prc11\( >/I alities which give life to the Quaker American conscientious objector, doing his draft service in ideals of the American Friends Serv- India, drills a well with a trainee for AFSC village work. ice Committee. While the national office staff shares vakia, China, Latvia, the Ukraine, Ja- the Service Committee works, addi- the opening minutes of silent worship pan and Bermuda. tional staff is drawn from the perma- in the manner of Friends, less than But the total AFSC staff numbers nent residents of the community. In 30% are members of the Religious more than twice those in the national Korea, for cxamplc, the AFSC and the Society of Friends. ofice. Twelve regional offices have Friends Service Council have twelve Not only in religion but also in 166 staff members, while a field staff westerners, including ~~~~~~i~~,~~i~h, cultural background the Philadelphia of 42 works under national program South African, American and British, staff runs the gamut. There are those direction in the United States, Mexico and perhaps four times as many who identify themselves as white, and El Salvador.
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