Buy-Sell-Rwt THE LARGEST 5URBURBAN It pays to use the NEWSPAPER IN THE COCNTY CLASSIFIED COLUMNS COMPLETELY COVERING WOOOMIDCE, SEWAKRN, AVU0*, of this newspaper POUT READING, COLONIA awl HWUH P«|« 6 nnttrtd ai a«con<J clam mattVr PRICE: FIVE Woodbrld WOODBRIDGE, N.' J., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1940 AMPA1GNS America' Drops In for Tea SALE THREAT CARS' POISE Officials In Soap-Box Derby UMON FK [ERE SLOW SPURS TAXFOR DERBY COLLECilONS TOMORROW Republicans Show Scatter Developers Warned To Pay Record Entry; I3*t Is An ford* FactoryEmploye*.','{ _ SigwOHHeBut ; Bills Promptly Or See nounced For Annual Resent Effort! To Oiy .J.V Foes Still Sleep' ,; Property .Sold : : Classic By Groe ganiteThem,IiCllfla V. " /'•/.I ILLKIE'S CANDmAOf TRAINER LAUDS LOCAL ^ iETS BRISK SUPPMCT RESIDENTS FOR EFFORT is KEEN ACCUSE*) k ASSA1 ethargy Locally Laid To Sayi Out-Of-Town Owtieri Transportation Promised Owner Declare! No Fact G. 0. P. Cannot Fail To Display Equal For Thote Unable To Exists; Alleges Art*; Mayor Greiner Director Gioe Lose town Control Interest In Paying Get To Course Broken In praca* W oODRIUDGE — Although th< WOODBRIDGE-Since the WOODBRIDQE — The play- SPOONING COSTLY BEATTY, 22, VICTIM WOODBRIDiGE — Picket!, il election, is less than t# story, announcing thai a tax sale grounds of the Township are ex- ployes and employers at tha Moll a iiwny, and it is a preslden- pected to be a beo h'tol of activity is to be held on property on which TO L0CAl_VISITOR OF FUMES, BURIED ed Fashion Co., of 2 Grace ! nl year, there are very few signs 1939 taxes and prior arc due, was today for the "cars," which will •.political activity in Woodbrldg* published in this paper last'week, compote in the Third Annua Fords, will appear at the 1<W»1] nvimliip, a community, whleh Township residents are making a Soap Box Derby are to bo woighod- Adams Resident Pined $5 Local Youth Died In Acci- lice court before Recorder, nilf, takes its politics seriously ommemtyblc effort to pay theh in, Tho Derby will tie run off to- dent At Plant; Was Brown today to give Che. court j Outside of a few "Willkio.foi elinquent taxes iiii,yywhole or in. morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock a As Aftermath To Park- opportunity to attempt tft i rsiili'iit" buttons seen in an iart, according ax Collector the southeastern approach to tin to*T ing In Sewaren School Grid Star a 'mass of charges, and minil the town' hall there is n Hichnel J. Trainer, Pennsylvania Railroad overpass on ;n of the usual debate betwee However, Mr, Trainer said yes- lhain-O'-Hills Hoad, Colonia. charges, thl outgrowth of 1 WOODBRIDGE—A fine of five WOODBRIDGE —Funeral ser- mlidalcs as in previous years. terday thnt he could not say as Prom all indications the Derby activities. dollars was imposed Upon John vices for Francis W. Beatty, 22, much for out-df-town developers will be tho largest ever sponsors The Molded Fashions Co,, In cftse you may havo forgottei Levinsky, of, Adams, H.J., on a who have purchased property for by the Recreation Department son of Mrs. Anna Boatty, of 100 torturers of ladies' coats, 1» rrc is a Township Committal charge of disorderly conduct, when .[•rlimi in November, too Bu( speculative purposes, lerc. In addition to the races for High Street, who was killed Mon- in business in the Township for \ he.appeawd/before Judge Arthur 1 "The developers and real estate ocal boys, there will be a large past throe years, employing 80 i ,ck nf interest may bo caused bj Brown Tuosday' night. day morning by gqs fumes at the lcalers must understand once and ut-of-town class which includes era tors. The employes do not! [' fact that the balance of power, LevinBky was arrested by Offi- Barber Asphalt Corporation plant, Cor all," he stated, "that they will many fast "cars." Somo of tho long to a union and as far aa eon w in the hands of the Rftpubl cers John Manton and Thomas not be allowed tp have their prop- "vehicles in this territory that were wore held yesterday morning at be determined, none of them us, will not change regardless ol Bishop after he failed to> produce rty tax free until a customer ntered in the Akron, 0., finals re- 8:30 o'clock at his late homo' and pn strike at the present tfa»e,, utcomo of the Township Com his automobile registration' card. 1 comes along. That happened too cently are expected to be regU- The pickets,, all out of town litU'i race. The officers said Levin sky'B car was at St. James' R. C, Church at'O frequently in years gone by and tercd for the Township race to- 1 dents and not employes of, arked On Cliff Road, between Se- o'clock.. Burial was in St. James John Bergen, first ward am the Township residents had to car-morrow, Registrations will be ac- Township factory, say tKey waren anah'd Port Reading1 at a very •Its Alexander, second ward ry the burden for the speculators. cepted until a few mii.utes before cemetery, • representative.* of the Hlnfl rfaulu by Vconej, late hour and that ho had a 17- th Democrats and Samuel Far- Each and ev.ery property owner starting time. , The late Mr, Beatty, who was a Workers' Union and have ear-old Scwaron girl with him. !, third ward, Republican, are Miss Frances M, Burke must keep taxes up to date or they former football star at St. Mary's sent here to organise the lo Township boys who find it dif- In poHce court, Levinsky pro- •king re-elections. will bp entered in the tax sale." High School In Perth Amboy and shop. They charge that J< ficult to get their "cars" to tho duced hiH registration card, but af- Andrew Aaroe, Republican, will president of his class, and Danieill Rothmun, owner of tho shop, tflj Mr, Trainer previously announc- site of the race are asked to call ter admitting parking with the girl ' liia luck-again in the first ward Danilovich, 24, of 308 New Bruns- manufacturing goodB for a concern Our Photographer's Still Talking ed that the now tax sale, which will the Recreation Department office, ho was informed that she was on will Frank Wiukoveta, Demi 1 that is on strike ','... include 1930 taxes according ' to Woodbridge 8-1200 and arrange- parole. Ho said he had permission wick Avenue, Perth Amboy', were nt, in the thirdJ Aaroe was d Owner CUImi injurUi law, is now being prepared and will ments will be made to have a truck of tho glrl'B parents to "take, her at work in a 110-foot long-pipe- •a led by CommiLtceinan Be,rg« To Himself- And It's fVo Wonder! be ready for publication on or transpprt them, tunnel under the Pennsylvania In the meantime, several blow^, out" but WBB unaware of the fact have been struck. Yesterday m«n< years ago and Wukovets bon about October 25. At that time Prizei Are Offered that she. was on parole and that railroad tracks erecting brackets 1 ing, after Captain John Sgan and. < u Committeeman Rankin las ho. also mudo plain that there Two trophies and a number of which were: to be used to support 'Miss America* Stopped In Town For Lunch And She't permission would also have to be Detective Sergeant G«rge B«l|at '* would be no favorites and he cor-sweaters will be awarded to the a 14-inch steam pipe,, when a Fetter Newcomer obtnined from State parole officer's. left the scene, Rothnun alleges %* A Dish You're Not Apt To Forget Any Time Soon/ rected the erroneous opinion tha winners and runncrs-up. The Der The girl was recently gas line, broke, ' The newcomer in the field U Le- •delinquents in the payment, o; Tieta." by ru^aTe as follows: from thftooasdeaf ithtffG •WAtkmen at the other end of taKfcscould[.noti'U'e s^'bt^fpr 1 as a fracturs ;ograp3iera get extra 1. Any boy, a resident of th< herd. i the tunnel heard the pipe break i wrest the seat from Coramitte years after the tax bill is due, »rm. • . swellegent assignments. But, Wednesday afternoon we Township, between the ages of f and the gas escape. ' While others (;in Alexander in the'«econd war "That is incorrect," Mr Trainer and 15, may enter. Both the girls employed fti the rah to notify the police, Edward What little activity there has got one. It was a honey, too! Imagine posing "Miss explained, "the fact..Jjha't we an 2. Tho total weight of the soap shop, and the pickets, insist the? Zuranski, a for/man and Charles rn recently Beems to be on th America" of 1940, winner of Atlantic City's annual beauty operating on a cash b,asls compel box car and the hoy must not COL KflTsTARTS have .been insulted and their live* air of the Republicans. In th us to holtl a tlix Peterson, an electrician at the. threatened. Judge Arthur Browii , , , . A. ,, n • i « sale after July ' ceed 250 pounds. •*t ward regular meetings ha plant, attempted to rescue the said yesterday that approximate^ pageant, for a picture! Ain't, jrou all jealous? , of, the following year, so that per 3. The car must be built en- i'ii held and in the second war Frances Marie Burke (she told us to call her ons who have not paid their 1939 tirely by the boy although it is men.
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