, l .. SE~VtNG THE N~RT . - COSTA MESA COMtv\UNmES S~t~CE 1907 .. ~ , { ... .Ci . )/may file :~· ~uit • Costa Mes.a 'courtcil will reopen for concerts. • • Court JUdge cowd decide to lift Erickson ·said wtiile nothing amphitheater · ,- · On the advice-of·City Attom~y those sound limits, which may bas been decided, the council "That's what our taxes are toi:. • decide Monday whether Tom Kathe, the council is set to pave the way for full-scale can- coul<:f opt to either file swt agamst and that's what the City Council is to take legal action if review the recen't lawsuit settle- certs to return aftec four years of the fairgrounds lo try to block the elected to do," he said '~ U they ~Ct's what our taxes are ment that gave the 32nd Dist.Jjct .silence. venue from reoperung or do n~th­ don't, they're not domg their for, and that's what the Oty judge allows Pacific 4 Agricultural. Association - the To brace for1.he possible return mg for now. jObs." Amphitheatre to reopen. state agency that runs the fair- of concerts, the eity is looking Kathe-could not be reached for if the city does file swt against Couoo1 is elected io do,• he grounds - control of the now- over its legal options, including a comment Thursday, and his staff the fairgrounds, it would not be said. •If they don't, they're · .. closed 18,500-capacity outdoor lawsuit, ofhcials said. · report for Monday's meeting is the first tinie. , concert venue. Councilman Joe Erickson and confidentidl, officials said. · The city 10 1991 sued the fa11· not doing their jobs." The fairgrounds had sued the other officials declined to com­ College Park resident Chuck grounds to try dnd get ongomg . COSTA MESA - The City Nederlander Organization, the ment on the specifics of Monday's Huddleston, who lives across traffic congestion and otper 1ssue'i Chuck 'Huddleston Council on Monday night is theater's pre'vious owner, alleging 'meeting, because talks of civil lit­ Fairview Road within a few hun­ from the Pacihc Amphitheatre Fairview Road resident talk expected to behind closed the fair's 1993 purchase of the site ifJdtion are protected by state con­ dred yards of the Pacific concerts and other activil.Jes at the who hves n~r the Pacific doors about the possibility of fil­ was invalid because strict sound 'f1dentiallty laws. Amphitheatre, said as taxpayers falfgrounds resolved. Amphitheatre ing a lawsuit against the Orange restrictions render the venue use- "The council has several differ- and voters, he and his neighbors That suit was dropped two County Fairgrounds if_ ll}e Pacific less for most concerts. enl choices," he said. "We have a expect the city lo protect them yea.rs later when the falfgrouncls Amphitheatre is aIYowed to Later this month, a Superior lot of options." from any noise corrung from the agreed to buy the facility. ' -~ K E E Pl NG T H E B EI C H E 5 5 AF E Raytheon shuts plant next year •The defense company plans to lay off most of the 630 workers at Newport Beach fdc11ity b)- June 1999. th<' compclnr's Southern Ca.Wor­ ma ht-ddquarters tn El Segundo tnlyPb dncl 50 will recerve unmediate NEWPORT BEACI I la yotr noll< PS Raytheon Systems Co, one of the The> clusurt's dre part of a largest defense comparues m the> ndtionw1de effort by Raytheon to United States and one of the city's tnm its pdy'l'oll by 10 . or 8,700 largest employers, W\11 close its employees. Other Raytheon Superior Avenue plant by June plants m C dWC>rmd bf'mg closed 1999. or having work-force reductions The facility, which employs include facilities m Fullerton. 630 people, mdkes tiignal proces­ trvme. Long Beach and San sors for airborne 1adar dnd Diego infrared sensor systems, and Raytheon ongmally microelectronic components. dnnounced the Newport Beach Employees will be laid off m closure in January, but had not " phases betWeen now and the clo­ set a timetable ior the layoffs. sure date, th"e company rocecding to unplement the announced Thursday. plan we had announced previ­ Besides the Ne\vport Beach ously is difficult. but it 1s neces­ plant, Raytheon 1S closmg d pla~t ~ary .to ensure the company '·!> in Torrance that has 250 employ­ long-term competitiveness and to ees.. position 1t for future growth," Of the h.vo plant's 880 employ­ according to Dave Welp, execu· ees affected by the cutbacks, about 150 will be tr.cmsferred to ' SEE RAYTHEON PAGE 6 More building in MARC MARTIN I DAILY PILOT store for cOa.St · Gordon Reed followed.. bis bro.lrs lnto the profession and has now logged almost 30 years as a Newport Beach Weguard. • Tu'; Irvine Co. is seeking county approval to build Q T 700 homes and commerc1al center on Coast Highway. (Qlyfb Q UE STI ON Newport Beach native Gordon Reed worked hard to become NEWPORT COAST The fourth wave of residential devel­ a lifeguard 30 years· ago, now he supervises new recruits opment planned for the Newport Coast will.be up for final approval And he was right. Reed, now 51, has nsen didn't faze Reed. The next year, 1969, Reed Tuesday from the Orange County through the lifeguard ranks to senior super­ stood by his brothers' side as a lif~ard . Planning Commission. visor, a position that oversees younger Perseverance does pay off. The Irvme Co pro1ect mcludes ewport Beach's Gordon Reed remem­ recruits. But gelting there wasn't easy. "I trained on my own and worked real 325 single-family homes that will bers the days when he and his friends He wro. highly motivated to pass the life­ bard," Reed said. "I guess you can say being be either custom-made or bUllt by N ventured to the--beach and visited his ard tes_t although he knew he wasn't the a lifeguard is a family affair." different developers, said Bill older brother, Payton. best swim.mer. Then wbenrus twfuorolli-er, And it's a jotr he-can be proud of. Th Merron, an Orange County T1lan­ Only 10 at the time, Reed fondly looked Bruce, became a lifeguard 1n 1966, that Newport Beach· native has rescued more ner and project maOdger. spurred him on even more. than 1,000 people and never forgets any of up to his older sibling, who was monitoring One tract of homes will be only Codst Highway. That proposal the choppy surl at a lifeguard tower. It still Reed spent mornings paddling in the the incidents. about 500 feet from West COdst frigid bay and afternoons working out in the Like the time in 1972 when a 16-year-old C'dlls • tor d 250-room hotel, conjures images of empty beaches, long­ Highway, he said The mdm 100,000 l>quare feet of neighbor­ boards and aromatic barbecues. occ pool. girl playing in shallow water: was taken access to the new development He failed the first test, but the letdown hood commerc1al development Reed thought he could be a lifeguard, too. SEE REED PAGE 6 will be from Crystal Cove Dnve. and dn add1tiondl 25,000 square The second part of the project is a commercial area along We t SEE COAST PAGE 6 Bash salutes Newport Dunes and ·usA EXCJTING BIRTHDAY • • The bayfront resort Vlil1 celebrate its 40th anniver­ Helen M<:Pbeeten Will turn 90 )'MI'S old sary and country's 222nd birthday on Fourth of July. S.blrday. See ... Mory see ,the enormous sttjdes we've oapage5. DalJPb made and the succcsse we con­ OONllACHt tinue to en1oy. • DMY Pl.OT · NEWPORT BEACH - Live All that's left to complete music, dancing and a fireworks Evans' three-phased redevelop­ extravaganza will highlight a ment plan for the areo i a lu~u ­ dual July Fourth celebration ry hotel, which the city ~s consid· saluting Newport Dunes Resort's ~ yeer and Amenc&'a 222.nd 1e -cont communt· birthday. e ed ··nus is an tmportant event in ty fuclud• • private be• ch, Newport Dunes' history because swbnmlng poc)ls, barbecues and lt~~ Jh•~ al~ late OOnfenmce and ~ apet"el. father-in-law, Bill BTana, who ....,,.Yldft§'Nlftlrtr ~:hllr ".at•~ ro..... w tbe. potential of th1I Uft at the clUMI allO WW ~. • iald nm Quinn. New- indude: taoe ~. taridYtl port DuMI....,.. ........ g.._ lbabo __..bane· ·1 tbtDll u ......... today. ........... ~and M'd be a· rnd md pll•• ~ to k*alfoad. " . • • • .. • • "I "#; 2 Fnday, July 3, 1998 .. -...... CHECk I I 0 U;I . Star-spa.ngled trips People of all ·ages learn to swing, salsa, tan~D: fox trot and more at · for patrj,otiC travelers the Jimmie DeFore Dance Center ;ln Costa Mesa . hilo som~ travelers may early Ainerican heroes arid vil­ AusoN MURRAY se~k serenity or adven­ lains, and travel tips make this a W ture on vacation, others fine reference for todring states ~Pb look for historic interest. Por the east of the Mississippi River. · t's enough to make you feel latter breed, Newport llb,raries Por those cpncentrati.ng on the like yqu're 12 years old offer ample guidance for explor­ eastern seaboard, "Colonial again. YoULband.is _ , • vil­ I ing batUefieJ9s,.trails dnd America• recieates the ambi· Clenched in a stranger's. You ldges that reflect our American ence of 17th- and 18th-century . d~sperately try to understand hentage. We. Along with profiles of sites the teacher's instructions while The best throughout the origmal 13 -..
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