ANNUAL REPORTS OP TllS OFFICERS OF TllS TOWN OF BEDFORD, roa TH.S FINANCIAL YEAR ENDING FEB. 1, 1894. BOSTON: R. H. BLODGETT & CO:llPA....~, PRIYfERS, 30 BROYFIELD STREET. 1894. 8 Shawaheen Cemetery Committee. GEOBOJ: R. BLil'l"N, Term expires 189!. TOWN OFFICERS 1893-94. DAvm L. B. Frrcu, Term e xpires 1895. ABRA.ll ENGLISH BROWN, Term expires 1896. Selectmen, A saessorB and F ence VietoerB. Con.atables. OLIVER J. LANE. I RVING L. H ODGDON. WILLIAM G. RABTWBLL JAMES H. GILLOOLY, WILLIA.ll R. MUDGE. BENJilllN F . Mn.Ls. Tou,n Clerk, Treasurer, and Collect-Or qf T<J,Ull. .Funeral Undertaker. CIJABLES A. COBEY. L NEWTON llARTwELL. O~eraeers qf the P oor. Janitor of To1on Hall. FBANX P . FITCH. J..ua;;s H. GILLOOLY. GEORGE M. P ABKE'B. WILLIA.ll H. MUDGE. ra. R egistrars of V oters. Field Dri-r;e EDWARD J . SKILTON. DAVID L. B. FITCH. IRVING L. HODGDON, WILLIAM G. HABTWELL. JAKES H. GILLOOLY. OLIVER J. LASE. B. SHITB. GEORGE H. HOWE. CHARLES A. COBEY. NATHAN P ound Keeper. A uditors. THE SUPERlliTENDENT OF TKE T OWN F AR11 1 WAI.LACE G. WEBBER. WALLACE A. CALEF. Sur-r;eyors Qf L umber. P ark Commissioners. EMERSON B. CUTLER. D L'\"TEL E. HAY?IZ:S. CILI..BLES A. COREY. expires 1S94. Dr. STEPHEN A.. WooD, Term CHARLES H. CLA.RK. OLIVER J. LA.._'ra. t CHARLES C. COBEY. E LIHU G. Loom s, Term expires 189.3. ELLIOT P . LIVEBMORE. ELIHU G. Looms. HESBY W OOD, Te rm expires 1896. Sur-r;eyors of Wood and Bark. B oard of HeaUh. SEWARD S. CRASE. WILLIAM II. MUDGE. tCHARLES C. COBEY. DON. WILLIAM G. HARTWELL. OLIVE-It J. LANE. IRVING L. H ODG GEORGE H. H OWE. CHARLES H. CLARK. t.Alfos B. CUTLER. WILLIS G. LA.."Tit. Cll.ARLES A. COBEY. DA..'\'IEL E. HAYNES. chool Committee. CHARLES F. SPAULDrnG. GEORGE .M. PABKKR. Rev. JAYES S A.LLAWAY, Term expires 1894. Mrs. ABBit: C. CLARK, T erm expires 189.3. Wei!!hers of Grain. GEORGE R. BLINS, T erm expires 1896. CBA.RLES H. CLA.RK. tCHABL&S C. COREY. DAll"IEL E. HA.YNES. Superintendent Qf Schools. LEWIS T. MCKEXNEY- tDeceased May 14th, 1893.. l Dee. 8th, Trustees of B edford Free P ublic L ibrary. FB.A..NCIS RODllAN, T erm expires 1894. ABBA.ll :EYGLISB BROWN, Term expires 1895. GEORGE R. Bu..--m, T erm e xpires 1896. JEROME A. B ACON. T erm expires 1897. Also the acting pastors of the three churches, together wi_th the Chairman of the Board of Se lectmen, and Chairman of the School ComDUttee. OFFICERS APPOINTED 1893-94. BY TBE BO.lBD OP SELEClllll:11". TOWN CLERK'S REPORT. Superintendent of Boaas and Bridges. DAVID L. B. FrrcB. Sunieyor of Hi,ghwa.ys- Ea.st District. WARRANT FOR TOWN MEETING, MARCH 6, 1893. FRANK P. FlTCK. Special P oliee. MIDDLESEX, SS. ALBEBT P. S A MPSON. DANIEL E. HAYNES. JAM.ES W. SPREDBY. CHA:RLEB L. WAIT. To JAMES H. GILLOOLY, Constable of Bedford, GREETING: FnANX P. FITCH. WAI.LACE G. WEBBEJI. Engineers of Fire Department. In the naipe of the Commonwealth of Massachuse~ts, you A. ELMER BLAKE. JAMES H. GILLOOLY. HARRISON D. HODGDON. are hereby directed to n:>tify and warn the inhabitants of the Forest Fire Wards. ALBERT P. SAMPSON. wwn of Heclford, qualified by law to vot-0 in elections and in HENBY DESMAZES. FRANK P. FITCH. WILLIAY H . MUDGE. town affairs, to meet in the T own Hall of said town on Monday, WrLLlS G. LAN.It. C KARLES L. WAIT. Sealer of W eights and Measures. the 6th day of March next, at 9 o'clock A M. , to act on the fol­ CKARLES A. COBEY. lowing matter relating to town affairs, viz.:- Weighers of Coal. ARTICLE 1.- To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. CH~LES A. COBEY. WILLIAM CHARTERS. Ga11gers of L iquid Measu·res. Chose by ballot, and use of check list, George R. Blinn. CHARLE!! H. CLARK. HENRY H. STAPLES. CKARLES A. C OBEY. A.BT. 2.-To choose all necessary town officers for the ensuing year, t-he Licensed a.s .Auctioneer. polls to be kept open for voting for said officers the length of time the meeting l RVINQ L. HODGDON. may decide on. .Licensed a.s I nnholder. VOTED, That t he polls be now opened for the choice of a Wn.LLUI ADAMS. Towu Clerk, three Selectmen, three Assessors, three Overseers Inspector of CaUle. of the Poor, a Town Treasurer, one Collector of Taxes, two H ENRY Woon. Auditors, one Park Commissioner for three years, one member Licensed to keep a Bowling Alley and Billiard Boom. of the School Committea for three years, one Trustee of the WALTER W. MACDONALD. Bedford Free Public Library for four years, one member of BY TBUSTEES Ol' BEDFORD FBEE PUBLIC LIBB.lBY• Shawsheen Cemetery Committee for thre., years, and one mem­ Libraria-n. ber of said Committee for one year, thretl Constables, one Miss LoTTIE M. CoREY. Funeral Undertaker, one Janitor of Town Hall, and Piano BY THE OVEBSEJJBS OF THE POOR. Committee ; and that they all be voted for on one ballot by Superintendent and Matrcm of the Town Farm. each voter, and that the polls be kept open until 5.15 o'clock Mr. and Mrs. JAMES SPREDBY. P. M . for the deposit of the same. Also the polls to be ktlpt BY THE SCHOOL COIIITl'U. open the same length of time for ,vomen to deposit votes for Truant Officers. School Committee. WILLIAM B. HUGHES. JAMES H . GILLOOLY. 6 7 The Moderator appointed William W. Goodwin, Wallace A. The following officers were chosen by nomination at large : - Calef and Irving L. Hodgdon, tellers, to assist in receiving and countina the votes, who were duly sworn by the Moderat-or. FOR FI E LD DRIVERS. After.,, closing the polls at the time specified, and counting James H . Gillooly, Edward J. Skilton, David L. B. Fitch, the ballots, the Moderator announced that the following officers Nathan B. Smith, George H. Howe. were elected for the ensuing year : - FOR POUND KEEPER. FOR SELECT!II.EN, ASSESSORS AND FENCE VIEWERS. The Superintendent of the Town Farm for the time being. Oliver J. Lane, Irving .L. ~odgdon, .William G. Hartwell. FOR SURVEYORS OF LUMBER. FOR TOWN CLKRK, TREASURER AND COLLECT-OR OF TAXES, Emerson B. Cutler, Daniel E. Haynes, Charles A. Corey, Charles A. Corey. Charles H. Clark, Oliver J. Lane, Charles C. Corey, FOR OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Eliot P. Livermore, Elihu G. Loomis. George M . Parker, William H. Mudge, Frank P. Fitch. FOR SURVEYORS OF WOOD AND BARK. FOR AUDITORS. Seward S. Chase, William H. Mudge, Charles C. Corey, George Wallace G. Webber, Wallace A. Calef. H. Howe, Charles H. Clark, Amos B. Cutler, Willis G. Lane, Charles A. Corey, Daniel E. Haynes, Charles F. FOR CONST.ABLES. Spauld~g, George M. Parker. James H. Gillooly, William H. Mudge, Benjamin F. Mills. FOR WEJGHERS OF GRAIN. FOR SCHOOL COM:lllTTEE FOR THRR.E YEARS. Charles H. Clark, Charles C. Corey, Daniel E. Haynes. George R. Blinn. FOR PARK COliillSSIONER FOR THREE YEARS. ART. 3.- To vote on the following question, viz. : ShaU licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating l.iquors in the town of Bedford? Yes or No. Henry Wood. VOTED, That the polls be now opened for the deposit of bal­ FOR TRUSTEE OF PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR POUR TEARS. lots on the license question, and that the polls be kept open Jerome A. Bacon. until 5.15 o'clo,;k P. M . for the deposit of the same. Before FOR CEMETERY COMMJTTEE. opening the polls, the self-registering ballot-box was shown to Abram English Brown for three years. be empty. It was then Jocked and tha key given to the Con­ George R. Blinn for one year. stable in attendance. After closing the polls at the time speci­ fied and counting the ballots, it was fom1d that eighty-seven FOR FUNERAL UN'DERTAKER. ballots had been cast, and were all for No License. I. Newton Hartwell. .ART. 4.-To raise such SUIIlll of money as may be necessary to defray the FOR J.U.'ITO~ OF TOWN HALL. expenses of the town the ensuing year, and make appropriations for the same. James H. Gillooly. Aho to provide for the deficiencies in the appropriations for the year 1892--93. 8 9 if V oTED, To raise and appropriate the following sums of money A.RT. 8.- To see the town will authorize their Treasurer to borrow money ill anticipation of the payment of taxes, to pay current ro..-penses, or to pay for the ensuing year : - any part of the town debt which may be called for. For the support of schools and superintendence, $3,300 00 VOTED, That the Treasurer be and hereby is so authorized. Text-books and school supplies, 250 00 2,000 00 ART . 9.- T o see if the town will raise and appropriate the sum of se\'enty­ Roads and bridges, . five dollars for the purpose of decorating t he soldiers' graves in the town, and Incidentals, and removal of snow, 1,600 00 for the proper obsen-ance of Memorial Day, the same to be expended under Support of poor, 1,000 00 the direction of a committee chosen by the town for t hat purpose. Interest, . 1,275 00 VOTED, That the sum of seventy-five dollars, appropriated Fire department, 450 00 under Article 4 for this purpose, be expended under the Deficiencies, 1,600 00 direction of the Selectmen with Mr.
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