It»1·'1""^!, ΈήΔ eurostat Country profile Statistisches Bundesamt The Pacific ACP countries ,,β».-».-«,. HZ'Δ eurostat Country profile Statistisches Bundesamt The Pacific ACP countries Statistisches Bundesamt Gustav Stresemann-Ring 11, D-65180 Wiesbaden and Eurostat, Statistical Office of the European Communities, Luxembourg Plateau de Kirchberg, L-2920 Luxembourg in cooperation with the EFO Institute for Economic Research Munich The French version of this publication is available from the Office for Official Publications of the European Union 2 rue Mercier L-2985 Luxembourg The German version may be obtained from the publisher: Verlag Metzler-Poeschel, Stuttgart, Germany Delivery: Hermann Leins GmbH & Co. KG, Holzwiesenstraße 2, D-72125 Kusterdingen Tel.: (49-7071) 93 53 50; Fax: (49-7071) 336 53 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated, reproduced or copied, recorded on microfilm/microfiche or stored in electronic systems without the explicit prior permission of the Federal Statistical Office Cataloguing data can be found at the end of this publication A great deal of additional information on the European Union is available on the Internet. It can be accessed through the Europa server (http://europa.eu.int) Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1997 ISBN 92-827-7586-0 © European Communities, 1997 Printed in Belgium CONTENTS Page Explanation of symbols 4 General abbreviations 5 Official, national, international and other abbreviations 6 List of tables 9 List of graphics 11 Introduction 12 Maps 14 Selected basic indicators 18 USD-ECU exchange rate 26 1 Historical background and future prospects 27 2 Economic structure and development of the Pacific ACP countries 42 3 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 63 4 Industry 94 5 Tourism 97 6 Transport and communications Ill 7 Money and credit 113 8 Public finance 117 9 Prices 118 10 Balance of payments 119 11 Externaltrade 122 12 Foreign investment 142 13 Official development assistance 148 14 Foreign debt 158 15 Economic systems, economic policies and structural adjustment 164 16 Environment 170 Bibliography 176 StBA/Eurostat, Pacific ACP countries 3 EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS 0 = Less than half of 1 at the last occupied digit, but more than nil - = Magnitude zero 1 = General break in the series affecting comparison over time = Figure unknown χ = Tabular group blocked, because information is not meaningful SELECTED INTERNATIONAL WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 inch (in) = 2.540 cm 1 imperial gallon (imp. gal.) 4.546 1 1 foot (ft) = 0.305 m 1 barrel (bl.) = 158.9831 1 yard (yd) = 0.914 m 1 ounce (oz) = 28.350 g 1 mile (mi) = 1.609 km 1 troy ounce (troy oz) = 31.103 g 1 acre (ac) = 4 047 m2 1 pound (lb) = 453.592 g 1 cubic foot (ft3) = 28.317 dm3 1 short ton (sh t) 0.907 t 1 gallon (gal.) = 3.785 1 1 long ton (It) 1.016 t StBA/Eurostat, Pacific ACP countries GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS* g = gram LIT = Italian lira kg = kilogram LFR = Luxembourg franc dt = quintal (100 kg) HFL = Dutch guilder t = tonne (1 000 kg) S = Austrian schilling mm = millimetre ESC = escudo cm = centimetre SKR = Swedish krona m = metre PTA = peseta km = kilometre USD = US dollar 2 m = square metre SDR = special drawing right 2 ha = hectare (10 000 m ) cu = Currency unit 2 km = square kilometre h = hour 3 1 = litre kW = kilowatt (10 watts) hl = hectolitre (100 1) kWh = kilowatt-hour 3 cubic metre MW megawatt (106 watts) m = = tkm = tonne-kilometre MWh = megawatt-hour GRT = gross registered tonne GW = gigawatt (10' watts) tdw = tonnes deadweight GWh = gigawatt-hour F$ = Fiji dollar Ρ = pair A$ = Australian dollar/Kiribati Mio = million K = Kina Bn = billion (thousand million) ws$ = Tala av = average SI$ = Solomon Islands dollar p.a. = per annum T$ = Pa'anga YB = beginning of year VT = Vatu YM = mid-year BFR = Belgian franc YE = year-end DKR = Danish krone Yav = annual average DM = German mark Qrt. = quarter FMK = Finnish markka HY = half-year FF = French franc MA = monthly average DR = drachma cif = cost, insurance and freight UKL = pound sterling included IRL Irish punt fob free on board Special abbreviations are allocated to the respective sections. With only a few exceptions, provisional, revised and estimated figures are not marked as such. Detail may not add to total because of rounding. StBA/Eurostat, Pacific ACP countries OFFICIAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS ADB = Asian Development Bank, Manila, FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization Philippines of the United Nations, Rome AIDS = acquired immune deficiency FFA = Forum Fisheries Agency, Honiara syndrome FMR = Fisheries Management Regime ACP = African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (parties to. the Lomé FSC = Fiji Sugar Corporation Convention with the EU) GATT = General Agreement on APEC = Asia-Pacific Economic Tariffs and Trade (UN) Geneva Cooperation, Singapore GDP = Gross Domestic Product ASEAN = Association of South-East Asian Nations, Jakarta, Indonesia IAEA = Internation Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna BIS = Bank for International Settlements, Basel IBRD = International Bank for Recon• struction and Development Comext = database of external trade (World Bank) (UN) Washington statistics (Eurostat) ICAO = International Civil Aviation DAC = Development Assistance Organization, Montreal Committee, Paris (OECD committee for development ICJ = International Court of Justice, assistance) The Hague ECU = European Currency Unit IDA = International Development Association, Washington DC EEZ = exclusive economic zone IFC = International Finance EIB = European Investment Bank, Corporation, Washington DC Luxembourg ILO = International Labour Organization, EIU = Economist intelligence unit Geneva ESCAP = United Nations Economic and IMF = International Monetary Fund (UN) Social Commission for Asia and Washington, DC the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand IMO = International Maritime Organi• EU = European Union, Brussels/ zation, London Luxembourg ITU = International Telecommunications Eurostat = Statistical Office of the European Union, Geneva Union, Luxembourg/Brussels StBA/Eurostat, Pacific ACP countries OFFICIAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS (continued) IUCN = International Union for Conser• SPEC = South Pacific Bureau for vation of Nature and Natural Economic Cooperation, Suva, Fiji Resources (World Conservation Union), Gland, Switzerland SPESS = South Pacific Economies Statistical Summary LDC = less developed country SPF = South Pacific Forum MFA = Multi-fibre Arrangement SPFS = South Pacific Forum Secretariat, MSG = Melanesian Spearhead Group Suva, Fiji (former SPEC) NGO = non-governmental organization Sparteca = South Pacific Regional Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement ODA = Official Development Assistance SPREP = South Pacific Regional Environ• ODF = Official Development Finance mental Programme, Apia, Western Samoa OECD = Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Stabex = System of Stabilization of Export Paris Earnings (EU) (OECD) OOF = Other Official Flows TC = Technical Co-operation PAFCO = Pacific Fishing Company TCSP = Tourism Council of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji PFEA = Pacific Forum Energy Agency, Fiji TTF = Tuvalu Trust Fund PIACC = Pacific Islands Association of Chambers of Commerce UMP = Union of Moderate Parties RERF = Revenue Equalization Reserve UN = United Nations, New York Fund UNCTA = United Nations Conference on D SIPL = Solomon Islands Planations Ltd Trade and Development, Geneva SITC = Standard International Trade UNEP = United Nations Environment Classification Programme, Nairobi, Kenya SOP AC = South Pacific Applied Geoscience UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Commision, Fiji Scientific and Cultural Organi• zation, Paris SPC = South Pacific Commision, Nouméa, New Caledonia UNICEF = United Nations Children's Emergency Fund, New York StBA/Eurostat, Pacific ACP countries OFFICIAL, NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL AND OTHER ABBREVIATIONS (continued) UNIDO = United Nations Industrial WMO = World Meteorological Organi• Development Organization, zation, Geneva Vienna WRI = World Resources Institute UPU = Universal Postal Union, Bern WTO = World Tourism Organization, USP = University of the South Pacific Madrid WHO = World Health Organization, WTO = World Trade Organization, Geneva Geneva (former GATT) WIPO = World Intellectual Property Organization (UN), Geneva StBA/Eurostat, Pacific ACP countries LIST OF TABLES Page 1 Historical background and future prospects 1.1 Membership of international organizations 29 2 Economic structure and development of the Pacific ACP countries 2.1 Regional gross domestic product of the Pacific ACP countries at market prices in 1987 prices 44 2.2 Annual average growth in gross domestic product of the Pacific ACP countries at market prices in 1987 prices 47 2.3 Development of gross domestic product at market prices 58 2.4 Generation of gross domestic product at factor cost 60 2.5 Use of gross domestic product 61 3 Agriculture, forestry and fisheries 3.1 Land use 1993 82 3.2 Machines and equipment 83 3.3 Use of fertilizers 1993 83 3.4 Cultivated areas, yields and harvest volumes for the main agricultural products 83 3.5 Livestock population and slaughterings in 1985 and 1993 91 3.6 Production of selected animal products in 1985 and 1993 92 3.7 Timber-felling 92 3.8 Total catches 93 4 Industry 4.1 Installed capacity of power stations, generation and consumption of electricity 94 4.2 Consumption of selected petroleum products in 1992 94 4.3 Mining products, mining and quarrying 95 4.4 Production of selected products of manufacturing
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