Kushiro Initiative SUMMARY STATEMENT FROM THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CONSERVATION OF MIGRATORY WATERBIRDS AND THEIR WETLAND HABITATS IN THE EAST ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN FLYWAY 2 December1994. Kushiro,Japan The "InternationalWorkshop on Conservationof Migratory To achievethis, the meeting made the following Waterbirds and their Wetland Habitats in the east Asian- recommendations: AustralasianFlyway", held in Kushirofrom 28 November to 2 December1994, was attendedby 92 expertsand 1. Countriesin the flyway shouldenhance mechanisms governmentrepresentatives from the followingstates and for collaborativeaction to conservewaterbird species; identifyand establish a network of sites criticalfor territories:Australia, Cambodia, China (People's Republic),Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, waterbirdsconservation; and ensurethe speciesare Myanmar,New Zealand, Papua New Guinea,The managedon a sustainablebasis accordingto the Philippines,Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), "wiseuse" principles. Korea(Republic of), Russia,Singapore, Thailand, USA, 2. Notingthe importantr01e of the RamsarConvention in and representativesof AsianWetland Bureau, The protectingwetland sites of importanceto waterbirds, Ramsar Convention Bureau, Convention on Migratory urgedthe ContractingParties in the flyway to Species,and the Wetlandsfor the Americas.The meeting designateadditional sites of importancefor migratory was organisedunder the auspicesof the Environment waterbirds in accordance with recommendation C.5.1 Agencyof Japan,the AustralianNature Conservation of the 5th Conference of the ContractingParties. Agency,with assistancefrom the Asian Wetland Bureau Japan Committee:partial financial support was received 3. Notingthe successof the Western Hemisphere from UNEP RegionalOffice for the Asia Pacific,and the ShorebirdReserve Network in facilitatingthe Conventionon MigratorySpecies. It was heldat the conservationof this groupthroughout the Americas, invitationof the PreparatoryCommittee for the Kushiro recommended the immediate establishment of an International Wetland Centre. Asia-AustralasianShorebird Reserve Network,linking sitesimportant for shorebirdson their annual migrationbetween N,•rth Asia and Australasia. The meetingexpressed its thanks to the localorganisers and supportersfor the excellentarrangements. 4. Recognisingthe need for an improvedmechanism for co-ordinationof conservationaction between flyway The meeting also congratulatedthe initiativeof the countries,recommended the developmentof a legally- Kushiroand other local governmentsin concludinga binding,multilateral agreement. twinningagreement between Ramsar sites in the Kushiro regionand KooragangRamsar site in New SouthWales, 5. The workshopendorsed the frameworkfor a Migratory Australia which is a model for establishment of a network WaterbirdConservation Strategy for the Asian- of sites linked by migratorywaterbirds. AustralasiaFlyway that will describethe principle issues, and identified mechanisms to be addressed in preparationof an actionplan for particulargroups of The workshopdiscussed and exchangedinformation on waterbirds(see Annex 1). the conservationof migratorywaterbirds and their wetland habitatsin the east Asian-Australasianregion. Waterbirds 6. Developedan outlineAction Plan for shorebirds are an importantcomponent of mostwetland ecosystems. prescribingparticular actions necessary to conserve They are of great value economically,culturally, socially the shorebirdpopulations in the flyway(see Annex2 and scientifically,and this value must be maintained [currentlyunder developmentby the Asian Wetland throughproper management. Thus it is importantto Bureau]). properlyconserve waterbird species and theirwetland habitats. However, for migratorywaterbirds, it is 7. Adopteda timetablefor implementation,and inadequateto take such actionsin individualcountries or requestedthat partiesreport on progressby the time regions. Rather,conservation action requires of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention in March 1996. internationalco-operation throughout the flyway. 8. Requestedthe organisers,on behalfof the Workshop, The meetingagreed the followingaim: to conveyand commendthese recommendationsto the countriesin the flyway; and to assist in the location The currentdecline in the numbersof migratorywaterbirds of resourcesfor their implementation. in the flywayand the degradationand loss of wetland habitatson whichthese species depend, should be stoppedand reversed. 18 ANNEX 1: FRAMEWORK FOR WATERBIRD CONSERVATION IN THE ASIA-AUSTRALASIAN REGION The Strategyfor migratorywaterbird conservation in the 7. Education and public awareness Asia-Australasiaregion will includethe followingprincipal proposals; Effortsto promoteawareness and educationin waterbird and wetland management need to be supported, 1. Co-ordinationof activitiesin the flyway especiallyin developingcountries. Considerationshould be given to supportingdevelopment of regional The establishmentof a formal multilateralagreement information networks, such as the Asia-Pacific Wetland between the countriesin the flyway is recommended. Education Centre Network. 2. Preparationof Action Plans for groups of species 8. Research and monitoring SeparateAction Plans shouldbe preparedfor certain Encourageresearch to establishflyway populations, sizes groupsof key speciesincluding shorebirds, cranes and and trends,and appropriatedetails of migrationroutes ducks/geese.These shouldbe preparedas soonas and of priorityspecies. Systemsof data collation, possiblewith the deadlinefor the shorebirdplan set at analysisand dissemination(including databases), need to June 1995. These Action Plans will identifyneeds to be enhancedand made compatible.The Asia Waterfowl establish networks of linked sites/states. Censusand othermonitoring programmes should be supportedand enhanced. Updatedinventories of wetland 3. Establishmentof flywayreserve networks sites shouldbe preparedto clarifythe status of sites. This may also provideinput into activitiessuch as preparation of directoriesof importantbird conservation areas. Flywayreserve networks will be proposedas required underAction Plans for key speciesgroups. These networkswill includesites nominatedby countriesin the 9. Implementationagencies flyway. The networkfor shorebirdsis plannedto be establishedby March 1996. Considerationshould be The strategyshould be implementedby governmental. givento developa similarnetwork for migratorycranes in non-governmentaland local community organisations, the flyway. and private sectorgroups. 4. Reviewand enhancementof legislationand policy 10. Implementationand evaluation A reviewis proposedof legislationand policiesin the It is proposedthat the Strategywill be implementedover flyway countriesrelated to waterbird and wetland habitat an initialperiod of five years (1995-2000). Significant protectionand management. Proposalswill be made to resources will need to be identified to ensure successful harmoniselegislation and policyframeworks to ensure and timely completionof actions. Innovativefunding minimumstandards of protectionin all range states, and schemes,such as througt•wetland habitats stamps, or implementationshould be enhanced. public-privatesector partnerships should be considered. 5. Implementationof Conventionsand Agreements Progressin implementationof the strategyshould be reportedto the 1996 Conferenceof the Contracting Partiesto the RamsarConvention in the flyway should Partiesto the RamsarConvention, and furtherprogress, if ensurethey fully implementtheir obligationsunder the any, to the 1997 Conference of Partiesto the Convention conventionto maintainwaterbird habitat, includingthe on MigratorySpecies. designationof additionalRamsar sites as appropriateand the incorporationof the "wiseuse" principal for wetland management into land-use planning. 6. Institutionalstrengthening and training Adequateresources should be allocatedto strengthen appropriateresearch and managementagencies especiallyin developingcountries through provision of funds, equipmentand training. 19 .
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