Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements י'-י"ז חשון תש"פ November 8-15, 2019 שבת לך לך Shabbat Lech Lecha Shabbat Times CBY Rabbinic Search Enters Next Phase זמני שבת entered a מרא דאתרא The process to select Bnai Yeshurun’s next ערב שבת הדלקת נרות Candle Lighting 4:23 pm new phase last Wednesday evening, right on schedule. At its מנחה וקבלת שבת Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat OM 4:30 October 30th meeting, the Board of Directors accepted a lengthy מנין נינוני קרלבך Carlebach Minyan NM 4:30 and detailed report from the Rabbinic Transition Committee. The מנחה נוסח מורקו Moroccan Mincha 4:30 ,report, analyzing the results of a survey of our membership שעור בנביא לילדים Kids Navi Shiur 8:00 Oneg Shabbat w/Rav Sternberg explained our members’ vision for the future of our shul and עונג שבת 8:00 identified the skills and characteristics they want in our next Senior "לך לך אל הארץ אשר אראך " Rabbi. The Board then unanimously approved the official Position .Description that invites applications סוף זמן ק"ש Latest Shema 9:06 am השכמה Hashkama 7:00 am The baton has now been passed to the Rabbinic Search Committee, Ashkenaz–Social Hall 8:30 who will screen, evaluate, and select a group of candidates from נוסח אשכנז Sefard–Beis Medrash- .which the membership can ultimately select their new Senior Rabbi נוסח ספרד 8:30 שבת בבוקר Drasha by R’ Sternberg It is planned that the congregation will meet the candidates in נוסח אשכנז Ashkenaz–New Main 9:00 March. Also, right on schedule, President Ethan Keiser announced נוסח אשכנז Ashkenaz–Old Main 9:15 the formation of a Tribute Committee that will plan and manage the נוסח מורקו Moroccan–Ogden Building 9:30 process to acknowledge and thank Rabbi and Karen Pruzansky for Teen Minyan–Social Hall 9:00 .all they have done for our shul over the past twenty-five years מנין נוער מנין לכתות ה' וו' Jr. Congregation–SH Stage 9:25 גן ילדים Youth Supervised Play 9:00 כיתות נוער Youth Groups (N–4th grade) 9:20 אמהות ותינוקות Mommy & Me 10:15 7:30 am, Daf Yomi-Manny Adler דף היומי pm 3:20 Parshat HaShavua-R’ Zahtz 8:40 am פרשת השבוע לוח שיעורים Mishna Yomit (Zevachim) 8:15 am משנה יומית Moroccan pre-shacharit shiur 9:00 am שעור לפני שחרית Gemara Shiur - R’ Frank Breslau After 8:30 שיעור בגמר א & Dr. Joey Bench am After Minchas Chinuch -George Silfen The Transition Committee chair, Esti Kaminetzky, presented the מנחת חינוך Sefard Position Description and Michael Karlin presented the survey שיעור עין אי"ה R’ Sternberg-Ein Ayah 3:50 results. Other members of the team were Steven Becker, Frank ומוצ"ש Breslau, Chava Gamms, Clive Lipshitz, and David Zomick. In מנחה Shabbat Mincha 1:45 addition to the formal Position Description, the Transition Moroccan Mincha following shacharit & Committee has given the Search Committee a large number of שבת בצהרים מנחה נוסח מורקו kiddush on shabbat morning issues/questions that can be used in interviewing potential מנחה ושיעור הרב Mincha & Shiur 4:20 pm Rav Amiel Sternberg’s shiur in Hebrew following mincha candidates. The full report of the Transition Committee’s Survey was shared "אתה אחד ושמך אחד, ומי כעמך ישראל גוי אחד-המלחמה בעבודה זרה" with the shul membership earlier this week. Among the key מעריב וקדוש לבנה Ma’ariv & Kiddush Levana 5:27 pm Manny Freed z”l 6:15 pm requirements based on the membership’s input: הורים וילדים Parent Child Learning • Must be able to appeal to and attract young families to our shul שבת פרשת וירא Next Shabbat Candles 4:17 pm • Should be warm and approachable, willing to invest in הדלקת נרות developing a personal connection with each of us; מנחה Mincha 4:20 pm Continued on page 4 Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 1 of 4 641 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 www.bnaiyeshurun.org Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements י'-י"ז חשון תש"פ November 8-15, 2019 שבת לך לך Shabbat Lech Lecha ,Mark your calendars, Thanksgiving day shiur at 8:45 am . אירועים מיוחדים Special Events . Oneg with Rav Amiel Sternberg at 8:00 pm in the CBY with R’ Shay Schachter, “Appreciating the Simple Jew”. Social Hall. Shiur shabbat afternoon following the 4:20 Stay tuned for more shiurim on Dec. 25th & Jan. 1st. pm mincha. Shiurim will be in Hebrew. David Frohlich z”l Youth Department This week’s Tot Shabbat will be led by Randi Wartelsky . מזל טוב Mazal Tov . Chani Chesner on being honored at Emunah’s dinner this and will take place in the back of the Nursery room. Sunday night. This Sunday, join us at the Dash for Dignity. Please visit the shul website to register or for more information. Alissa & Shimmie Horn on the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Shana, to Avery Horovitz. Please join us for an oneg, next Friday night, Nov. 15th, 7:30-8:45 pm in the triple classroom. Snacks, candy, . Mindy & Muttie Stein on the engagement of their stories, and fun! Open to kids in 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades. daughter, Arielle, to Jacob Chefitz of New Rochelle. CBY boys are invited to sing with Simcha Leiner on . Devorah & Igor Genkin on the marriage of their son, Shabbat Dec. 14th. Must be able to attend a training Yaakov, to Batya Cohen of Southfield, Michigan. session with Chaim Kiss on Sunday, December 8th from .am. Register on the shul website 9:45-10:30 נחומים Condolences . Tefillah of the Week: אשרי Stacey Gardin on the loss of her beloved mother, Lorraine . CBYHERO#-גבורה :Mermelstein a”h. Theme of the Month CBY Notes Teens . CBY welcomes Rav Amiel Sternberg, Rosh Yeshiva, . Teen Oneg Shabbat-this Friday night at the home of Simi Yeshivat Har Hamor. Rav Sternberg will speak at a Friday Friedman at 8:15 pm, 693 Northumberland Rd. night oneg at 8:00 pm in the Social Hall. Shabbat BNOT following the 4:20 pm mincha, Rav Sternberg will give a shiur. All shiurim will be given in Hebrew. Nov. 9th at 8:00 pm, join us for a Melava Malka & showing of the 17th Annual Yahrzeit Rachel Imeinu Video "Your . Rabbi Pruzansky’s Series, “Great Rabbis of the 20th Inner Spark: Finding the True You” in the CBY Social Century, part 18; The Chazon Ish” will take place on Hall. Introduction by HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, Monday, November 11th at 8:15 pm. featuring words of inspiration from R’ Moshe Weinberger, . TORA Lunch & Lecture on Nov. 12th at 12:00 pm, R’ Paysach Krohn, R’ Ephraim Shapiro & Rebbitzen Tehila featuring Deborah Marcus, audiologist, “Fall in Love with Jaeger. For women & girls only. For more information Better Hearing”. contact 201-837-0354. Wednesday, November 13th at 8:00 pm, CBY presents Men’s Club Jonathan Neuman, “How Jewish is Tikkun Olam?” . Sponsor the 1st Men’s Club Kiddush of the new year, on . CBY Adult Ed Committee & Shapell’s/Darche Noam Shabbat, November 16th. Please consider becoming an present R’ Shaya Karlinsky, Shabbat Vayera, Nov. 15-16. Amudei sponsor for 5780. For $360 you may sponsor 7 kiddushim over the year. This is a great way to help . Save the Date! CBY Simcha Leiner Concert December 7th. ensure the robust nature of the Men’s Club kiddushim Seeking ushers and staff-get paid, get swag, & have a great while enabling the Men’s Club to support CBY. For info time! Young men & women ages 16-18. If interested, please contact Neal Landerer at [email protected] contact Chaim Kiss at 201-970-7687. Spark the Chanukah Spirit: Shabbat with Simcha Leiner December 13-14th. Stay tuned for more details. Beis Medrash Committee . Manny Freed z”l Parent Child Learning moves to Saturday night at 6:15 pm. Thank you to this week’s sponsors: Prize Level: Michal & R’ Ari Zahtz, in honor of all those choosing to turn their Saturday night into Motzei Shabbat! Weekly Sponsor: Wartelsky Family in honor of the birthdays of Ellie and Jonah. Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 2 of 4 641 West Englewood Ave. Teaneck, NJ 07666 www.bnaiyeshurun.org Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Weekly Shabbat Announcements י'-י"ז חשון תש"פ November 8-15, 2019 שבת לך לך Shabbat Lech Lecha Weekly Davening Schedule Sun. Nov. 10 Mon. Nov. 11 Tues. Nov. 12 Wed. Nov. 13 Thu. Nov. 14 Fri. Nov. 15 Earliest tefillin – 5:39 am י "ז חשון ט"ז חשון ט"ו חשון י"ד חשון י"ג חשון י"ב חשון Latest Shema – 9:06 am Mincha Gedola – 12:09 pm נדה כ"ג נדה כ"ב נדה כ"א נדה כ' נדה י" ט נדה י" ח דף היומי Daf Yomi 7:00 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am Shacharit–Old Main 6:05 6:15 6:15 6:05 6:15 Shacharit–Beis Medrash 6:25 6:20 6:30 6:30 6:20 6:30 Shacharit–Old Main 7:30 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 שחרית Shacharit–Beis Medrash 7:20 7:30 7:30 7:20 7:30 Shacharit– Old Main 8:50 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 Shacharit– Old Main 8:50 8:50 8:50 8:50 8:50 Shacharit– New Main 7:00 8:00 9:15 מנחה Mincha - Beis Medrash 12:45 & 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm 1:45 pm Mincha - Old Main 4:25 pm 4:25 pm 4:25 pm 4:25 pm 4:25 pm Ma’ariv - Old Main 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 ב 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 מערי 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 Ma’ariv - Beis Medrash 10:01 10:01 10:01 10:01 10:01 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 Beis Medrash Program Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Yitzchak Yaakov Kollel Boker 6:20-7:00 am 6:20-7:00 am 6:20-7:00 am Daf Yomi 7:00 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am 5:30 am Mishna Yomit 8:30 am 7:45 am pm 8:00 (מלכים א') Kids Navi Shiur Daf Yomi B’Halacha Chavurah 8:30 pm Olam Ha’avodah-R’ Zahtz Following 9:00 pm Maariv (M-W) Navi Chavurah-R’ Schachter-Sefer Shmuel I 8:15-9 pm Parsha w/Rav Goldwicht 8:30 pm Senior Lunch & Learn 1-2:30 pm Tzurva Merabanan-R’ Pruzansky 8:15 pm Shiur with R’ Meier – Sefer Shmuel 8:15 pm Halacha Shiur w/R’ Sobolofsky 9:15 pm Gemara Shiur w/ R’ Zahtz (8th perek of Chullin) 8:10 pm Shiur w/ R’ Moshe Tzvi Weinberg 8:15 pm Parsha shmooze w/ R’ Zahtz 9:50 pm Parsha & Halacha w/ R’ Taubes 10:15 pm Congregation Bnai Yeshurun Phone (201) 836 – 8916 Page 3 of 4 641 West Englewood Ave.
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