24 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Fri., Oct. 22, 1982 Coventry dancer Angels fire Teaching kids lists favorites Gene Mauch to like writing] SROOM RANCH . page 11 . page 16 . page 6 East of the River newly remodeled. EXCELLENT I Real Estate neighborhood, Brand Sunny, cold Manchester, Conn. THROUGH THE YEARS new heating system. again Sunday Saturday, Oct. 23, 1982 Single copy 25(P home ownership has been the best Completely new — See page 2 UIanrI|ratpr investm ent a family can make ••• bath and kitchen. IT STILL IS Excellent buy on today’s marketl Another •50,900 2 McCAVANAGH REALTY 73 West Center 8t., Msncheeterj^ man held 649-3800 Manchester - Must be sold, owner living out in drug bust 3 of state. 7 room eye dormered cape with 3 BOLTON bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, formal dining room, 2 car garage, and In-ground pool. Asking $69,- 500, but will negotiate any serious offer. Owner Another Manchester man was Most of the suspects were iden­ will consider holding mortgage at 12% - arrested late Friday afternoon on a tified as low- and medium-level drug Immediate Occupancyll charge of illegal drug sales, dealers and were arraigned in bringing to 34 the number of Superior Court on a variety of Manchester - Two family duplex with 2 suspects busted since Thursday charges. Police said most were bedrooms on each side. Separate utilities, night in the town’s largest ever drug released on bond, while the rest carpeting, remodeled kitchens, panelling and sweep. were taken to the Hartford jail in permanent exterior siding. $68,900 - Owner Three other suspects were lieu of bond. Outstanding, 4 bpdroom. 2 bath U&R located In Rockledge moving out of state. arrested Wednesday. An undercover Manchester police section. Lovely fireplaced family room, flreplaced living room, William D. Herrera, 25, of 4 Pearl officer worked with the Statewide bright cheerfull kitchen. Price $109,500. Manchester - if you are looking for a St., was arrested Friday at 5:15 Narcotics Task Force. Town spacious 8 room Colonial, hero Is the best buy in General Manager Robert B. Weiss NEW LISTING p.m. and charged with selling Manchester. 4 bedrooms, 2V4 baths, applainces, m arijuana, police said. He is said at a press conference Friday GLASTONBURY carpeting throughout, first floor family room with scheduled to appear in Manchester that he was consulted about the use Attractive 10 room Raise Ranch on desirable - fireplace and a 2 car garage. $89,500. Immediate Superior Court on Nov. 8. of a Manchester officer and he in­ You will have plenty of elbow room when you buy formed the town Board of Directors. this Colonial house on Loomis Road In Bolton. MInnechaug Mountain. Exceptional living Occupancyll More arrests are expected in the room and family room, 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, investigation, the culmination of a Police Chief Robert D. Lannan This homo Is located on a very quiet country said school officials, including country kitchen, large deck, 2 fireplaces plus year of undercover surveillance by tuirnTT street and Is on a large lot of over 2 acres. There Manchester Police and the Superintendent James P. Kennedy Is a flreplaced living room, 3 bedrooms and I'A more. Asking $159,000. Statewide Narcotics Task Force. and Manchester High School prin­ baths. And best of all there Is an assumable VA Forty-one warrants were issued to cipal Jacob Ludes cooperated — even mortgage. The price Is only $72,900. So call today be served Thursday night, police though the investigation did not deal Herald photo by Pinto to see this home. said, and 33 of those warrants were with activity in the schools 0 Charming 6 room alum, sided Ranch with over­ for Manchester residents. — because “ this is definitely a youth sized garage. Many outstanding features such as laordon Marijuana, cocaine, hashish, LSD problem.” ’The investigation was Down, set . hike? 2 full baths, fireplace, fenced In yard, built In and PCP were among the drugs started at the request of Manchester E fl LTY Police Capt. Joseph Brooks. It was Florence St., Paul Wilhelm of 156 BIssell St., and David Rlsley vacuum system, etc. $79,500. “ ED GORMAN WARREN L HOWLAND, INC seized in the raids. Police also said Maybe the NFL strike has sornething to do with the fact that Associates I 05 MAIN ST„ MANC. gum drops laced with LSD were turned over to Capt. James these boys are playing football with a soccer ball. They are, of 111 Holl St. They’re at the corner of BIssell and Harrison Sweeney, who succeeded Brooks as ZINSSER AGENCY 604 East Middle Turnpike, Manchester 598 Main 8 t, Manchaatar MLS 6 4 3 -2 lir4 manufactured by the Manchester from left, Mark Adams of 37 Knighton St., Scott Lebrun of 44 streets. 750 Main St., Mane. H drug dealers. detective captain. u jiu m 646-4040_____ 643-1108 NKAITOfO 646-1511 c Peace plan discussed “OWNER WILL HELP WITH RHANaNG" ;|i ^ Reagan meets Arab leaders T territory wnile the United States PRICE REDUCED WASHINGTON (UPI) - Presi­ IM M E D IATE LY after the delega­ TH E U.S. participants were led by seeks a guarantee of Israeli securi- NEW LISTING To $66,000 for this lovely Northfleld Qreen TownhouM Con­ dent Reagan met with Arab leaders tion arrived at the White House in a Reagan, Vice President George Extra large, wooded property- V room Cape. 3 ty. 6 2 You should call immediately on this Manchester dominium. Three bedrooms, master bedroom with full bath, for­ in an extraordinary White House train of black limousines on a crisp, Bush, Secretary of State George bedrooms, full basement. With a little ‘T L C ", this mal dining room, family room with built-in bar & bookcases. Cape with 2 full baths, 4 bedrooms and a fireplaced conference Friday seeking common clear autumn day, Reagan escorted Shultz, "B ig Three” presidential ad­ TH E CHOICE of Hassan as leader could be your “ Country Home” ! Call now! $44,- Northfleld Qreen Is V.A. Approved. See It today. All amenities, visers Edwin Meese, James Baker living room. It’s a great home in a great location! Including central air and carport, ground for a workable Middle East the members from the Oval Office of the delegation brought the 900.00 Asking $68,900. Call 649-0917. w. peace initiative. to the Rose Garden to pose for and Michael Deaver and national, monarch and the president together “FHA-VA AVAILABLE" The president was flanked by the photographers. Saudi Arabian security adviser William Clark. again following a friendly visit the top members of his administration Foreign Minister Saud al Faisal was Although Israel has rejected both Moroccan leader made earlier this as he explained in detail his peace clad in traditional Arab robes while the U.S. and Arab peace plans, U&R built 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units feature year to the White House. During plan to a five-nation Arab League the others wore business suits. Reagan seeks to use them as a star­ that visit, the two leaders — both spacious rooms, separate basements. In­ delegation headed by King Hassan II The group carried a crystal ’’dove ting point for serious negotiations, avid horsemen — even went riding dividual heat, and are fully appllanced. of Morocco. of peace” as a gift for Reagan. and would like for the Arabs to shift through the Virginia countryside. We Invite comparison for quality and price. 1 MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE Reagan announced his plan in a their position and negotiate directly While other members of the ad­ Sept. 1 national address, and a short In addition to Hassan and his with Israel. bedroom — $41,900, 2 bedroom — $51,900, ministration met with the Arab of­ ■ittmiUK Not just your typical seven room ranch. This home has time later the league adopted a plan foreign minister, M ’hamed Boucet- The Arab plan urges a separate ficials Friday. Reagan held several and 3 bedroom — $56,900. hardwood floors, ceramic tile bath & lav. Pretty living room with Aeeume mortgages or during a summit meeting in Moroc­ ta, and Saud, the delegation included Palestinian state, while Reagan private meetings with Hassan, in­ bow window and bookcases built around the fireplace. Lovely co. The two initiatives differ sharply Foreign Ministers Abdul Halim RENT WITH AN OPTION TO BUYI patio, large ya f and garage. A must see home. Call today. $66, would like to see Palestinian cluding lunch in the residential Possible owner financing also available on this This Adult Condominium is what you need in af­ .900. on the roles of Israel and the Khaddam of Syria, Beji Caid Esseb- autonomy in association with Jor­ quarters. IMMACULATE. Well-kept, Family home. 3 13% VRM mortgages available! fordable home ownership. You’ll have 4 LARGE Palestine Liberation Organization, si of Tunisia, Marwan Kasim of Jor­ dan in the Israeli-occupied West Shultz held his third meeting in a bedrooms, full basement, newer aluminum storms ROOMS, a fully appllanced kitchen and a roomy which is not recognized by the dan and Ahmed Taleb el Ibrahimi of Bank and Gaza. The league wants week with Israeli Foreign Minister and screens, front porch, Large, pretty lot. Extra bath. Call for details today! Mid 40’s. United States. Algeria. Israel to withdraw from all occupied Yitzhak Shamir Thursday. lots available at $16,500. each. DANIEL F. REALE, INC. KEITH REAL ESTATE REALTORS STRAND REAL ESTATE 464 E. Center Street AUBRIO REALTY, Inc. 1 7 5 Main 8t., Manchaatar O B o a . Manchester 1S2 South Main S t, Manchaatar 156 East Center St., Manchester REAUDRS 646-4929 DOT to get proposals 046-2000 846-4126 649-0917 2 ^ D.W.
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