THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 24, 1891. ' (3293 Tramway No* 1. On the north side of Somerton to Kingweston on its south-east Horse Mill-lane between points respec- and south sides throughout. tively 2 chains or thereabouts and 6 chains In the road leading from Kingweston to or thereabouts from its commencement. Keinton on the south side throughout. Tramway No. 2. In the road between In High-street on its south side through- Somerton and Kingweston between points out. ' . respectively 1 chain or thereabouts and 6 Tramway No. 5. In High-street and Castle- chains or thereabouts from its commence- street on their south sides throughout. ment. In the road from Keinton Mandeville to Tramway No. 3. In the fields belonging Castle Gary Station and Shepton Mallet on or reputed to belong to and in the occu- the south-south-east and west sides through- pation of Robert Neville Grenville between out. * ' . • points respectively 5 chains or thereabouts Tramway No; 6. In the9road over the Great and lo chain or thereabouts from'its termi- Western Bail way to Castle Gary and the nation. New-road (1) on their south-west and west Tramway No. 4. In the road leading sides between the road from Keinton Man- from Somerton to Kingweston for a distance deville to Castle Gary Station and Shepton of 5 chains or thereabouts from its com- Mallet and Mill-lane (2) on their north-, mencement. east and north sides between Mill-lane and Tramway No. o. In High-street Keinton the termination of the tramway. Mandeville for a distance of 3' 50 chains or Tramway No. 7. In the road leading from thereabouts from its commencement. Keinton Mandeville to Castle Gary Station In the road leading from Keinton Man- and Shepton Mallet on its north-west side deville to Castle Gary Station and Shepton for a distance of. 11 chains east from the Mallet between points respectively (1) commencement of the tramway. chains or thereabouts and 21^ chains or In the same road and the road from thereabouts westwards of the road to Castle Gary to Evercreech Junction Station Ilchester (2) 8^- chains or thereabouts and on the south-east and east sides thereof 11^ chains or thereabouts eastwards of the between points 11 chains east from the com- road to Ilchester (3) 10 chains or there- mencement of the tramway and the south abouts and 14 chains or thereabouts east- side of the Somerset and Dorset Bailway. ward of the road leading to East Lydford 9. The aforesaid tramways will be made or (4) 13^ chains or thereabouts and 18^ pass from in through or into the parishes town- chains or thereabouts eastward of the road ' ships or extra-parochial places following or some to Hornbotton (5) 4 chains or thereabouts or one of them (that is to say) Somerton Charl- and 7^ chains or thereabouts eastward ton Mackrell Kingweston Butleigh Keinton of the parish boundary dividing the Mandeville West Lydford East Lydford Wheat- parishes of Lovington and Alford (6) 2'70 hill Lovington Alford Castle Gary Ansford chains or thereabouts west of Dimmer- Ditcheat Lamyatt and Evercreech in the county lane and the west side of that lane. of Somerset. Tramway No. 6. In the New-road for a 10. The proposed tramways will be con- distance of 4 chains or thereabouts from structed OD a gauge 4 feet 8^ inches or such its termination. other gauge as may be authorised by the Board ._ Tramway No. 7. In the road from Castle of Trade. Gary to Evercreech Junction Station 11. To empower the Promoters to run on the between points respectively (1) 11^ chains said tramways carriages or trucks adapted for or thereabouts and 16 chains or thereabouts use on railways. " ^ from its commencement (2) 25^ chains or 12. To empower the Promoters for all or any thereabouts and 20£ chains or thereabouts purposes of the Order to enter upon and open south of the road to Bruton in the fields and break up the surface of and'to cross alter belonging or reputed to belong to and in and stop up remove and otherwise interfere with the occupation of William Boles 21 chains streets roads lanes highways public and private or thereabouts and 16 chains or thereabouts roadways railways tramways footways water- from its termination. courses bridges canals sewers drains pavements The following is a description of each point thoroughfares water-pipes gas-pipes and electric at which the said tramways or some or one of telegraph pipes and apparatus within all or any them are proposed to be laid so that for a dis- of the'parishes townships or places mentioned tance of 30 feet or upwards a less space than in this notice. 10 feet 6 inches will intervene between the out- 13. To enable the Promoters when by reason side of the footpath and the nearest rail of the of the execution of any work affecting the sur- tramways on the side of the road hereinafter face or soil of any street road or thoroughfare mentioned viz. — or otherwise it is necessary or expedient to re- Tramway No. 1. In Horse Mill-lane on its move or discontinue the use of any tramway or north side throughout. any part thereof to make in the same or any In the road between Somerton and adjacent street road or thoroughfare in any Kingweston on its west side between Horse parish township or place mentioned in this Mill-lane and the road to Glastonbury. notice and maintain so long as occasion may In the road between Somerton and King- require a temporary tramway or temporary weston on its south-east side between the tramways in lieu of a tramway or part of p. road to Grlastonbury and the termination of tramway &o removed or discontinued to be used Tramway No. 1. or intended so to be. Tramway No. 2. In the road between Somer- 14. To enable the Promoters for all or any of ton to Kingweston on its south-west side the purposes of the proposed tramways and works throughout. to <purchase or acquire lands and houses by Tramway No. 3. In the road leading from agreement and to take easements over lands .and Kingweston to* Butleigh on its north and houses and to erect and hold offices buildings east sides throughout. and other conveniences. Tramway No. 4. In the road leading from •15. To empower the Promoters froni time~.to JTo. 2(5226, 1.
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