Coordonnées Des Fédérations Européennes Et De La Fiba

Coordonnées Des Fédérations Européennes Et De La Fiba

COORDONNÉES DES FÉDÉRATIONS EUROPÉENNES ET DE LA FIBA 248 Saison 2014-2015 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 248 11/09/2014 15:07 FÉDÉRATION EUROPÉENNES AFFILIÉES Albania - Albanian Basketball Federation Rruga «Brigada 8» Pallati Pinguli Alb-Progress Shk 1,. Ap 1,. Tirana P O. Box 8349, 402 Tirana Tel :. +355 (42) 225404 - Fax . 1: +355 (42) 225404 E-mail: info@fshb .al Andorra - Federació Andorrana de Basquetbol Casal de l’esport - Baixada del moli, 31-35 AD 500, Andorra la Vella Principat d’Andorra - Tel.: +376 890361 – Fax : +376 890358 E-mail: beasoldevila@hotmail com. Website: www fab. .ad Armenia Basketball Federation of Armenia Abovyan 9St 0001 YEREVAN Tel :. +374 (10) 52 97 97 - Fax :. +374 (10) 54 97 89 E-mail: arm-basketball@gmail com. Austria - Austrian Basketball Federation Favoritenstraße 22/11, 1040 Vienna Tel :. +43 (1) 50596490 - Fax :. +43 (1) 505964915 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www basketballaustria. .at Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Basketball Federation Garabagh Street, 22 Firuza Business Center, 1008 Baku Tel :. +99 (412) 496 37 26 - Fax :. +99 (412) 496 37 25 E-mail: abf_baku@yahoo com;. info@basketball .az Belgium - Federation Belge de Basketball Avenue Paul-Henri Spaak 27, Boite 17, 1060 Brussels Tel :. +32 (2) 5285765 - Fax :. +32 (2) 5221815 E-mail: infokbbb@basketbelgium be. Website: www .basketbelgium .be Bosnia and Herzegovina - Basketball Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Cemalusa 6, 71000 Sarajevo Tel . 1: +387 (33) 445720 Fax :. +387 (33) 566131 E-mail: basketbh@bih net. ba. Website: www .basket .ba Belarus - Belarussian Basketball Federation Sourganova str . 2, 220012 Minsk Tel :. +375 (17) 294 91 60 - Fax :. +375 (17) 294 91 60 E-mail: info@bbf by. Saison 2014-2015 249 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 249 11/09/2014 15:07 Bulgaria - Bulgarian Basketball Federation Blvd. Vassil Levski 75, 1142 Sofia Tel . 1: +359 (2) 9864816 Fax . 1: +359 (2) 9810515 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: www basketball. bg. Croatia - Croatian Basketball Federation Lipovecka 1 / III, 10000 Zagreb Tel :. +385 (1) 3688950 - Fax :. +385 (1) 3688951 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: www .hks-cbf .hr Cyprus - Cyprus Basketball Federation 21Amfipoleos, 2025 Strovolos, P.O. Box 24999, 1306 Nicosia Tel . 1: +357 (22) 44 98 30 - Fax :. +357 (22) 44 98 35 E-mail: admin@basketball org. cy. Website: www basketball. org. cy. Czech Republic - Czech Basketball Federation Zátopkova 100/2, 160 17 Prague 6 Tel . 1: +420 242 429 236 - Fax :. +420 242 429 229 E-mail: cbf@cbf cz. Website: www .cbf .cz Denmark - Danmarks Basketball-Forbund Idraettens Hus, Broendby Stadion 20, 2605 Broendby Tel :. +45 (43) 262420 - Fax :. +45 (43) 262430 E-mail: info@dbbf dk. Website: www .dbbf .dk England - English Basketball 1 Arena Cart, 59 2LF SHEFFIELD Tel :. +44 (0) 11 42 84 10 60 - Fax . : +44 (0) 11 42 84 10 61 E-mail: keith nair@englandbasketball. co. uk. Website: www englandbasketball. co. uk. Spain - Federación Española de Baloncesto Avda de Burgos 8-A-9ª Planta, Edificio Bronce Planta, 28036 Madrid Tel :. +34 (91) 3832050 - Fax :. +34 (91) 3027431 E-mail: secretaria@feb es. Website: www feb. es. Estonia - Estonian Basketball Association Pirita Tee 12, 10127 Tallinn Tel.: +372 6031540 - Fax.: +372 6031543 – E-mail: info@basket ee. Website: www .basket ee. 250 Saison 2014-2015 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 250 11/09/2014 15:07 Finland - Finnish Basketball Association Makelankatu 91, 00610 Tel :. +358 207 928 928 - Fax :. +358 (9) 1496713 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Georgia - Basketball Federation of Georgia Chavchavadze Ave . 49a, 380062 Tbilisi Tel :. +995 (32) 2235384 - Fax :. +995 (32) 2292890 E-mail: basket@gol ge. Website: www gbf. ge. Federal Republic of Germany - Deutscher Basketball Bund e.V. Schwanenstraße 6-10, 58089 Hagen Tel :. +49 (2331) 10610 - Fax :. +49 (2331) 106179 E-mail: elke luczak@basketball-bund. de. Website: www basketball-bund. de. Gibraltar - Gibraltar Amateur Basket Ball Association c/o Air Terminal, Winston Churchill Avenue, P O. Box 735, Gibraltar Tel :. +350 20 07 30 26 - Tel 2 : +350 57 22 40 00 - Fax :. +350 20 07 39 25 E-mail: airport@gibnet gi. Greece - Hellenic Basketball Federation OAKA, Kifissias 37, 151 23 Maroussi, Athens Tel :. +30 (210) 6813066 - Fax :. +30 (210) 6817921 E-mail: helbasket@otenet gr. Website: www basket. gr. Hungary - Magyar Kosarlabdázók Országos Szövetsége Istvánmezei út 1-3, 1146 Budapest Tel :. +36 (1) 4606825 - Fax :. +36 (1) 2523296 E-mail: mkosz@hunbasket .hu Website: www .hunbasket .hu Ireland - Basketball Ireland National Basketball Arena, Tymon Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Tel :. +353 (1) 4590211 - Fax :. +353 (1) 4590212 E-mail: info@basketballireland ie. Website: www basketballireland. ie. Iceland - Korfuknattleikssamband Islands (KKI) Ithrottamidstodin Laugardal, Engjavegur 6, 104 Reykjavik Tel :. +354 (514) 4100 - Fax :. +354 (514) 4101 E-mail: kki@kki is. Website: www kki. is. Saison 2014-2015 251 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 251 11/09/2014 15:07 Israel - Basketball Association of Israel 36 Sderot Yehudit, 61573 Tel Aviv Tel :. +972 (3) 5686666 - Fax :. +972 (3) 5686667 E-mail: ibba@basket-ball co. il. Website: www ibba. one. co. il. Italy - Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro Via Vitorchiano 113, 00189 Rome Tel . 1: +39 (06) 36856511/14 Fax :. +39 (06) 36856552 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Latvia - Latvia Basketball Association 13 B Skanstes Street , 1013 Riga, LAT Tel . 1: +371 (6) 729 20 87 - Tel . 2 : +371 (6) 729 20 88 - Fax :. +371 (6) 729 20 86 E-mail: lbs@lbs .lv; aija@lbs .lv Website: www basket. lv. Lithuania - Lithuanian Basketball Federation Birzelio 23-osios Str .5, 03206 Vilnius Tel . 1: +370 (5) 2133256 Fax :. +370 (5) 2163589 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www .lbbf .lt Luxembourg - Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Basketball Maison des Sports Josy Barthel - 3 route d’Arlon, 8009 Strassen Tel :. +352 48 18 76 - Fax :. +352 48 21 14 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: Moldova - Basketball Federation of Moldova Mun. Chisinau , Trandafirilor street 13/2, 2038 Kishinev Tel . 1: +373 (22) 528020 - Fax . 1: +373 (2) 528020 E-mail: info-fbrm@mail ru. Website: www fbrm. .md F.Y.R. of Macedonia - Basketball Federation of Macedonija Bul Kuzman Josifovski Pitu 17, 1000 Skopje P O. Box 318, 1000 Skopje Tel ./Fax :. +389 (2) 24 64 988 E-mail: contact@basketball org. mk. Website: www basketball. org. mk. 252 Saison 2014-2015 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 252 11/09/2014 15:07 Montenegro - Basketball Federation of Montenegro 19 decembra 21, 81000 Podgorica Tel . 1: +382 20 66 42 56 - Tel 2 : +382 20 66 45 65 - Fax . : +382 20 66 56 26 E-mail: kscg@t com. me;. nena kscg. t-com. me. Website: www kscg. me. Malta - Malta Basketball Association Basketball Complex, ATD 4000 Ta’Qali Tel . 1: +356 (21) 430950 - Fax :. +356 (21) 430856 E-mail: mba@go net. mt. Website: www .mba org. .mt Principality of Monaco - Fédération Monégasque de Basketball Stade Louis II, 7, Avenue des Castelans, 98000 Monaco Tel :. +377 (9) 2054058 - Fax :. +377 (9) 2057168 E-mail: monacobasket@libello com. Netherlands - Netherlands Basketball Federation Wattbaan 31-49, 3439 ML Nieuwegein P O. Box 2651, 3430 GB Nieuwegein Tel :. +31 (30) 751 35 00 - Fax :. +31 (30) 751 35 22 E-mail: info@nbb basketball. nl. Website: www basketball. nl. Norway - Norwegian Basketball Association Songnsveien 75 L, Serviceboks 1, Ullevaal Stadion, 0840 Oslo Tel . 1: +47 (21) 029000 - Fax :. +47 (21) 029591 E-mail: basket@adm basket. no. Website: www .basket .no Poland - Polski Zwiazek Koszykówki Erazma Ciolka 10, 01 - 402 Warsaw Tel -. Fax . : +48 (22) 8363800 E-mail: pzkosz@pzkosz pl. Website: www .pzkosz .pl Portugal - Federação Portuguesa de Basquetebol Rua da Madalena 179-2°, Segundo Andar, 1149-033 Lisbon Tel . 1: +351 (21) 8815800 - Fax :. +351 (21) 8815899 E-mail: portugalbasket@fpb pt. Website: www .portugalbasket fpb. .pt Romania - Federatia Romana de Baschet Str . Vasile Conta N° 16, Sector 2, 020954 Bucharest P O. .Box 89 OP 13, 70139 Bucharest Tel 1:. +40 (31) 4157165 E-mail: federatia@frbaschet ro. Website: www frbaschet. .ro Saison 2014-2015 253 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 253 11/09/2014 15:07 Russia - Russian Basketball Federation Luzhnetskaya Naberezhnaya 8, 119992 Moscow Tel :. +7 (495) 7847034 - Fax . 1: +7 (495) 69 70961 E-mail: nb@basket ru;. rfb@basket ru. Website: www .basket .ru Serbia - Kosarkaski Savez Srbije Sazonova Str . 83, 11000 Belgrade Tel . 1: +381 (11) 3400820 - Fax . 1: +381 (11) 3400834 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www kss. .rs Scotland - Scottish Basketball Association Caledonia House, South Gyle, EH12 9DQ Edinburgh Tel :. +44 (131) 3177260 - Fax :. +44 (131) 3177489 E-mail: ceo@basketball-scotland com. Website: www basketball-scotland. com. Slovenia - Basketball Federation of Slovenia Leskoskova Ulica 12, 1000 Ljubljana Tel :. +386 (1) 5201010 - Fax . 1: +386 (1) 5201022 E-mail: kzs@kzs .si Website: www kzs-zveza. si. San Marino (SMR) - San Marino Basketball Federation Via Rancaglia 22, 47899 Serravalle Tel :. +378 0549 88 5691 - Fax :. +378 0549 88 5692 E-mail: fsp@omniway .sm Switzerland - Fédération Suisse de Basketball Rte d´Englisberg 5, 1763 Granges-Paccot Tel :. +41 (26) 4690600 - Fax :. +41 (26) 4690610 E-mail: info@swissbasketball ch. Website: www swissbasketball. ch. Slovak Republic - Slovak Basketball Association Junácká 6, 832 80 Bratislava Tel . 1: +421 (2) 49249141 Fax :. +421 (2) 49249556 E-mail: sba@slovakbasket sk. Website: www basket. sk. Sweden - Swedish Basketball Federation Idrottens Hus, 11473 Stockholm Tel :. +46 (8) 6996000 - Fax :. +46 (8) 6996306 E-mail: info@basket se. Website: www .basket se. 254 Saison 2014-2015 145586_BAT3_annuaire_FFBB2014-15.indd 254 11/09/2014 15:07 Turkey - Turkish Basketball Federation Abdi Ipekci Spor Salonu, 10 . Yil Cad . , Zeytinburnu, 34760 Istanbul Tel :.

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