I The Election Has Come and Gone, But the Chamber of Commerce Still Needs $25,000 For Bugdet Fund -- T i SECTfflrraranrx i - tufc t v Thf Morn nig Ttem AIM PAGINA 5 CttvklMton Yeeterdny, Af W Prtatert and IM.trtbuted S.I4 transo A vera, M Dar Bada, Daily ..Sil. UM, per MO lb Avernsjn for Ban da ra, per tWc. 100 lb n rnin atendtey Sn.ao . 34TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS. , 1914. IEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS FERGUSON NOW LEADING BY TWENTY THOUSAND MAJORITY FORMER FT PASOAN IS CARSAJAL NAMES PEtr.E PHtsnT.R AT MLEr.ATE TO ' MURDER TRIAL AND MAY BE EXECtTB) ACTION TAKEN MATTERS WT1 EUROPE FACES if y tr ilaseotoled prcas Mexico City, July tin. President HOBBY prlKoner or the constitutionalist mili- today derided unen General LEADS STURGEON; tary forces al Palomas. Cblh., and It Is Leoro villar, enter or the supreme reared he may he executed. Ravel. It tribunal or military and justice, and Is said. If accused or aiding the fol- Judge David Gutierre Allende, or the IS MELODRAMA lowers of Hoque no met-- The Ameri- MEANING WAR supreme court, as the Maticen gov GENERAL WAR can state department has been applied ernment's representative to the sal to and Consul Thomas D. Edwards, or tillo peace conference. They will Juarei, wtn take up the matter or the leave for Saltillo tomorrow. Official arrest of the man with Col. Tomas Austrian Government Hands and diplomatic clrehjs consider the Prospects Brightest RACES ARE CLOSE Parisians Look Upon the Court nie-ate- ror their Are the IKY Ornelas, military commander at named well fitted En- Juares, In an effort to save the Amerl-- . Servian Minister His Pass- task. for Trouble Have Con- Proceedings as a Daily can's Ufe and obtain his release, General Villar Is expected to be es- That navel is a member of the Fl Paso ports Departure. pecially acceptable to the fronted Generation tertaining Performance. lodge of Elks. No. 187, and the local Takes as be posse a clean lodge is doing all that la possible in military record. He commanded the SUBMISSION DEFEATED BY GOOD MAJORITY AC- the American's behalf. troop t the National Palace when it According to information received was attacked by General bernardo CORDING TO RETURNS ALREADY MADE-MA- NY FORMER FRENCH PREMIER here yesterday by Max Havel, a broth- NO FORMAL DECLARATION Reyes and Felix Pin. and was se- AUSTRIA FORCING FIGHT el' or the, imprisoned American, who verely wounded during the tlghilna STRAGGLING VOTES. resides here and Is in business on He hi not been ctlv In politics south El Paso street, sam navel was during the Huerta regime. Into Breach in Defense delivering a wagon load of goods to The Passports Incident, How Judge Allende hs ttken no part in That She Is Fully Determinad Springs some Mexicans. The goods bad been polines recently and I not ronnerted of His Second Wife, Charg- purchased at the Ravel store In Colum- ever, is Equivalent to Decla- with any political party. He will rep to War on Servia Proven by POOL IS NOMINATED BY NINETY bus. It Is believed here that the con- resent flie civil government at the VOTES ed With Murder. stitutionalists charge that the goods ration of War. peace conference, white General Villar Sunday's Developments. were destined Tor Roque Gomel's will represent the army, band, which Is In that vtctnlty. ORGANIZATION FORCES WIN EVERY OFFICE EX- TWO DUELS ALREADY IN PROSPECT PARTIAL MOBILIZATION OF ARMY ACT OF WAR ALREADY COMMITTED CARRANZA CHANGES CEPT THREE COUNTY COMMISSIONERSHIPS FEDERAL TREASURY COMPLETE COUNT NOT judges of the Trial Court Not Indications Are that Allies on Arrest of Chief of Servian MADE Both Sides Will Be Drawn General Staff, Released, Bp Ae Jsaoi-Pi- i on Speaking ierms and AMNESTYPOLICY il Prrn lure without opposition to surreed P.n Scorn Each Other. WILL FURNISH CASH Into the Conflict. Was Hostile Action. Dilla. Texas, July W. Prohibition ua tlefeied In yesterday's state iiemoctatli for NOT DISPOSER TO MAKE FORMAL AUREE-Ht- primary, Bp it according to additional re mm to county commissioner ITom Precinct No. I Bv tht Atmvlatcd WILL PI. At APPROXIMATELY By the Attociatei Prttt IN ADVANCE OF ACTUAL AS- tht AsoclnO Prrn Prrtt StMMW July iM.- .New proof day. without opposition. In Precinct No. , Oeo. l.ilw l Parisians look noon tr 1 m u, IT) lir.l.p Vienna, July M. The sending or his pass- SUMPTION or POWER. London. that Austria hrti killing or inks is ruuy war on servu Jame E. Ferguson PendelJ, ihe aim organisation candidate, trial or Mattarue Calllaux for the MOVE THE CROPS. - aeternttnea io inane ports to the Servian minister, M. Jovano- is seen In Sunday s developments, wbll' candidate gt whose name ws. Ihe only one appesnng on Gaston Calmería as duly melodramatic for the on til, hallait. rerelveii the have diplomatic vltcb. by the Austrltn foreign office today Constitutional Chler Now Insists That the the posSttnltUes of general Foropesn wu Hon. Inrrraaetl his lead to 10,000 over the nomina There been mystenoui Dallas. Port of the Uoierament Hon. An effort wa iiuule to defeat Pan- papers, w hich moat persona stUi think exUt Worth, Houston. Galveston and Is deemed equivalent to a declaration of Surrender Carbalal seem greater than have ever lonfrontrd Hi' Thomas H. Hall, prohlblllnn randldste. The in archiven, imonio Will Handle Must Be I neondltloaal. present generation. returns Indtesle a final majority ror Fergu- dell by Ihe orgsnlsatlon voters by writ- ihe rniTian ..mee and elusive aaaks war. ing In Hie name of George carpenter, photographed love letters la tvo a touch Funds la Texas. The Servian reply lo Hie Austro Hungarian son or about SO.000. hut This action was taken today, the report was an acceptance or Prospect tonight ware while carpenter ran s good rae be roll 01 tiiy.sir.ry v ine eaae. Bv the A Meo led Fres ultimátum almost Ihst rinal figures short or the nomination.. in the foreground two women have Bp mat tne servían minister len Vienna yes all the Imperious demands, ctcept thai would show teret or the constitutional . tht Prca Washington, SO. Advice to ef- In Prerlnct No. 3, Srth orndof-ff- aim striven against each other Mme CalUatu, Anomtei terday having been Incorrect. He will d July the Austrian officials shall participate tn Hie ameiiiiinciii proposition by about lo.noo wasoingion, July ie. Money part Immediately. organisation randldatr, defeated Julian AI who thrilled the audience In the courtroom from the fect thai General Carrasta la not disponed investigation ami riv the responsibility for voiea. arron, organisation The Russian ambassador will take chara th propaganda. Hohhev of the llnanniont Kntemrlme the candidate who was with a confession of her thoughts and federal treasury will be deposited lu na to mike formal agreement granting seeking re election, 4 or tne Hervían interests. was leading rur governor. by s majority OT emotions before She shot Galmetta. and tlonal hanks throughout the country again tn advance of hi atiunvp Seril Made Concession!. lieutunanl votes. Alsrron earned only the Island box Mine, Gueydan. her No tmnesty ictual who moved hearers this fall to me Formal Declaration of War. Herví proposed an appeal to the powers and thai by but one vote atlll more strongly by the tragic testimony racímate movement or It Is will no formal Hon or power in Mexico Ulty reached nesults la K.l Paso County. crops and promote business general!" believed that there be at The Hague for the settlement or thai In Precinct No. i. George W. Waiting. or a wire. Sec declaration or war, as Servia never sub Washington today from the headquarters Pim.i, deertea retary mcaooo announced tonlg... that he or tne cmer. feature. Notwithstanding litis humiliating Adrian organuallon eanilltlale ror antl organisation candidate fur commis France. WOUld scribed to The Hague convention. coneiitutivnaiist which was more Europa county Judge, will sioner, was Fanner Premier at DUt out nnr.iiiii.ttv limnM This la not in llu- with what the Atue.ri surrender, than receive the liemocratlc nominated without oppotlUon. Joseph Calllaux. a former premier and that he There were patriotic demonstrations expected or the proud little nation, the liumlnallon by a inajorlly ranging between The Saturday' primary election, there stood ready to Increase ine throughout the day. although a heavy rain can government had previously understood France, and now the leader of the "Radical amount o any extent necessary to Austrian government gave the Servian min- M and hi According to the rigures com Tor, returned three antl orgsnirarion can- meet was railing. Great crowds gathered, hi to be Carranza' posiuon and if insisted piled by tliti groups which trovero the republic, sprang need a. upon may proposed con ister his passports, which may be Morning Times, which Include didate winners, giving thia rscUon or the or wimuj i rront or the war orrice and cheered the of- disrupt thai twice a every county a or at once into ma orsacn n uerente uts The secretary's estimate or what will be Terence in Mexico at It very bealnnlAg. a virtual declaration of wr. box in the county except one small ptrty in the majority If wire, and during the proceeding's baa been needed ficers woo appeared. Processions with Austria alan an act de In which will not affect the court. James Clirrurd will be the one Is based upon replies from five flag The United Sutes ha taken a denude committed of war confrontad by another former premier, thousand national banks to a flying rilled the aireéis.
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