Monday Herald-Citizen The Daily Newspaper of the Upper Cumberland 114th Year — No. 2 Cookeville, Tennessee, January 4, 2016 14 Pages — 2 Sections • 50¢ Weather Investigation of White County baby kidnapping continues Tonight Tomorrow By TRACEY HACKETT County woman two days before cident, and the baby was found safe investigation is still trying to deter- HERALD-CITIZEN Staff Christmas, when another woman took two hours later in the Sparta Walmart. mine,” District Attorney General her 3-month-old baby from her vehi- But investigators today are still try- Bryant Dunaway told the Herald-Cit- WHITE COUNTY — It’s probably cle as she retrieved laundry at a Sparta ing to determine the woman’s motive izen this morning. every mother’s worst nightmare — laundromat. for taking the baby. Shortly after the incident was re- one moment, your baby is there with Pamala Jean Cox, 50, of Sparta, was “There’s really no explanation as to ported on Dec. 23, a shopper at Wal- 17º 43º Cox you; the next moment, it’s missing. charged with especially aggravated why she did that. We still don’t know That’s what happened to a White kidnapping in connection with the in- why, and that’s one of the things the See BABY, Page 2 Complete forecast, Page 2 Sports Drug charge Weather-ready dropped against man arrested with fugitive By TRACEY HACKETT HERALD-CITIZEN Staff TTU’s coach COOKEVILLE — A drug Tech names Satterfield charge against of Cookeville new head man has been dropped after an- football coach /B1 other person claimed possession of the substance in question. Erik Michael Dolente, 45, of Jefferson Avenue in Cookeville, and Ashley Onna Daniels, 28, a fugitive wanted in Bartow Living County, Ga., were both charged with possession of a controlled substance after a quantity of marijuana was found in a vehicle in which they had both been rid- ing. During an appearance in Gen- eral Sessions Court late last week, however, Daniels report- edly claimed possession of the drug, authorities say. The arrests were made after of- ficers with the Cookeville Police Department responded to a Jef- Granville ferson Avenue store in reference Lindsay McReynolds | Herald-Citizen to a reported shoplifting incident. Historic Granville According to a report by Offi- celebrates Putnam County Highway Department Director Randy Jones looks at the 700 to 800 tons of salt the county has on standby to take care of the county’s roads when it snows. cer Michael Herrick, when he ar- the holidays /A6 rived on the scene, Officer Greg Young was already speaking with a man — later identified as County prepares for winter Dolente — standing next to a ve- hicle in which Daniels was Nation seated in the driver’s seat. By LINDSAY McREYNOLDS gency management agency app on a smart- kit” including kitty litter for traction if a ve- A check found that both had ac- HERALD-CITIZEN Staff phone. hicle is stuck in the snow and ice. tive warrants. Dolente’s were out “When you go to the app store, it’s the Of the areas that were hit the hardest by of Putnam and White counties, PUTNAM COUNTY — Nearly a year Putnam TN EMA app,” Smith said. the ice storm last year, some people did and Daniels was wanted for theft following the devastating ice storm in Put- Smith said that during last year’s ice have to walk to get out because roads were out of Georgia, with confirmed nam County that downed trees and power storm when people were without power, temporarily not passable. extradition. lines, many may be asking what officials many used car chargers to keep their “As far as long-term being trapped, I “During a search incident to ar- and residents can do to prepare for the phones charged. don’t think we had any,” Smith said. rest, a large leather wallet was worst. He also recommended having extra food, Putnam County was also fortunate that in found on Mr. Dolente’s person. Putnam County Emergency Management clothes, blankets, and an alternate heating spite of the damage caused by the ice The wallet contained a large Agency Director Tyler Smith said there are source such as a kerosene heater. storm, there were no weather-related amount of U.S. currency. There many things residents can do to be pre- “Do not bring in charcoal grills or gas deaths. was also money found in other pared including keeping a weather radio grills (inside your home),” Smith said. Mystery meat with extra batteries and having an emer- Smith recommended a “winter car safety See WINTER, Page 2 See DROPPED, Page 2 Congress makes it harder to know where your meat came from /A8 Fundraising underway for Monterey playground By AMY DAVIS Plans are now underway for the first HERALD-CITIZEN Staff fundraiser, a chili cookoff, which is Index scheduled for Feb. 20. Details will be Abby............................A6 MONTEREY — Little by little, it’s available on the club’s new website, coming — new playground equipment montereycivitan.com, as the event Calendar......................A4 for Whittaker Park. draws nearer. Crossword ...................A7 At least, that’s the plan, provided Civitan members are rallying for more Living ..........................A6 enough funds are raised going into the support as well. new year. “We’re hoping donations will come Obituaries ...................A5 “As we get the money, we’ll add in, not just from the Civitan but from Elizabeth Bush pieces,” Monterey Civitan Club presi- other people who want to see this Lynn King dent Charles Looper said of the club’s equipment put into the park,” he said. new fundraising initiative to replace the “We’re hoping other people and other Evelyn Haile park’s older equipment — ideally, by clubs will help us.” Pauline Provau this summer. Looper noted that the club’s play- Sports ..........................B1 But it’ll take plenty of community in- ground fundraising initiative is a first volvement, Looper pointed out, to for its members. But it’s a worthy one, Sudoku ........................A7 make it happen. of course. Weather ......................A2 “The amount of money we’ll have “We’re a civic club, and we want to do available for the playground equipment everything we can to improve the will depend on how many fundraisers park,” he said. “Any money we make Ty Kernea | Herald-Citizen and how much money we make,” he goes right back into the city for various Monterey Civitan Club president Charles Looper, left, and past president said. “We’re going to try to do several Mike Connor, right, discuss their fundraising efforts for new playground during the year.” See FUNDS, Page 2 equipment at Whittaker Park with Mayor Bill Wiggins. $500 o Hear better an AGX5, 7, or 9 two-device for the holidays! hearing system, plus a FREE Call today to schedule Bluetooth® streamer—SRP: $375 an appointment. 728 S Jeerson Ave, Ste 8 • Cookeville Offer expires 12/31/15. 888.416.8522 cookevilleaudiology.com A-2 — HERALD-CITIZEN, Cookeville, Tenn. — www.herald-citizen.com — Monday, January 4, 2016 LOCAL READER SERVICES Public Defender’s Office has moved By TRACEY HACKETT BB&T Legge Insurance building. “We made the move around mid-Decem- smoothly than expected. HERALD-CITIZEN Staff “It’s where the Youth Villages office used ber, when court was slowing down for the “It took a lot of work to prepare for the Contact us: to be,” Public Defender Craig Fickling holiday season, so we didn’t miss any move, but the move itself didn’t take very Address: COOKEVILLE — It’s a new year and a said. court sessions,” Fickling said. long. We all pitched in and got it done,” new location for the 13th Judicial District The office was previously located on East “And we were down for maybe 12 hours Fickling said. The phone number for the 1300 Neal St. Public Defender’s Office. Spring Street in Cookeville. The timing of getting the phone lines and other utilities 13th Judicial District Office remains the Cookeville, Tenn. The office’s new address is 1420 Neal the move worked out perfectly to mini- switched over,” he continued. same. The office can be reached by calling Street, Suite 202, which is in the rear of the mize client inconvenience, he said. Overall, the move went much more 931-526-9141. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2729 Cookeville TN 38502 Phone: 931-526-9715 BABY: Fax: 931-526-1209 Email: Snatch News [email protected] Sports probe [email protected] Advertising [email protected] continues Living [email protected] Circulation From Page 1 [email protected] Business News mart found the baby covered with [email protected] clothing and lying in a shopping Church News cart. [email protected] That was roughly two hours after School News the mother called White County E- [email protected] 911 to report the infant missing, and Classified Ads authorities found that the child had [email protected] not sustained injuries during the ab- duction. In addition to the 13th Judicial Letter Guidelines District Attorney General’s Office, other agencies involved in the in- All letters to the editor must vestigation include the FBI, TBI, be signed and include the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Sparta writer’s name, address and Police Department and Walmart se- phone number. Letters are curity personnel. subject to editing and/or re- They were quickly able to develop jection. A strict 400-word limit will be enforced. Send letters information that led to Pamala Jean to the mailing address listed Lindsay McReynolds | Herald-Citizen Cox as the person responsible for above, or email to Putnam County Highway Department Director Randy Jones looks at a couple of the county’s winter weather plows the incident.
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