664 I IDDlNGTON. RUTLAND. [KELLY'S PRIVATE RESIDENTS. CheaUe George, draper of taxes for Liddi/lgton, Caldecof1, Clark John, black,mith Stoke Dry & Thorpe-by-Water, ... Brown Mrs Clarke lI1ary (:'.11'8.), grazier sistant overSeer Bisbrooke, collector Clarke Charles, The Woodlands Clement Richard Wm. farmer & grazier of poor ratp.s Bisbrooke & Stoke Dry Clarke Mrs. Robert, Orchard house Colwell John Hugh, grazier & fell monger Marvin Edward, farmer & grazier Colwell Mrs. Jane Cox Harriet (Mrs.), laundress Middleton Thomas, farmer & grazier Green Mrs. The Whit" he"s.. Curtis l\lary Alice (Miss), dress maker Muggleton Ellen (~liss), shopkeeper Middlet~n Miss Curtis William. saddle & harness maker Pink Thomas M.R.C.S.EIlg., L.S.A. surgeon Parker Mrs. The Gables Eaton Clara (Miss), laundress & medical officer Kingscliffe district. Pink Thomas, Liddingt.on hous. Freeman Annie (Mrs.), grazier Oundle union. Liddington house Pretty Miss iFrisby Jasper, hutcher Reading Room (W. Jeffs, sec) Trustam Miss, The Warren ,Goodwin John Thomas, baker Sewell Arthur Ernest, beerretlr. & baker i Goodwin Willinm, land surveyor Sharman WiIliam, farmer & gra.ier COMMERCIAL. IHinch William Henry, boot maker Tyler Sarah Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Eryan Charles, grazier Jeffs William, wheelwright Warren Edwin Phi lip, beer retailer Butler l\lichael, blacksmit.. IMantun Alfred Joseph, builder Wright Thomas William & Francis Kell- Challender John. Exeter Arms P.H IManton Arthur Edward, Old Whit", ham, graziers Chambers Thomas, carrier Hart P.Il. & aBsessor & collector' NORTH LUFFENHAM is a p~rish and pleasant nnder the direction of the late Mr. J. E. Street R.A. and villaJe on the north b"nk of the ri,-er Chater, half a affords 200 sitting.. The regi;;ter dates from the year mile north from ti'e Luffenham railway station on the 1565. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £394, Midland and London and i'-orth \'estern railways joint arising from lithe rent-charge and 45 acres of !rlebe, with line, 61 rrdes south-west from Stamford and 9!5! from residence, in the gift of Emmanue\ College, Cambridge, l.ondon, in the Wrangdil;e hundred, Cpping!lam union and held since 1900 by the Rev. Edward Arthur Irons and county oourt district, rural deanery of Hnlland M.A. and formerly scholar of that college. Here is a Wes­ (second port.iun), archdeaconry of Oakham and d'ocese of leyan chapel. There are charities of £52 28. 4d. yearly value, Peterborough. The church of St. John the Ilaptist is a of which £13 is given to children for regular attendance at building of stone, chiefly i.l the Early English and Decorated school and £13 to church purposes, and £26 is distributed styles, consisting of chancel, derestoried nave, aisles, in coals and clothing. The Earl of Ancaster is principal north and south porches and a western tower "ith broach landowner and lord of the manor. The soil is clayey in spire, containing 5 hells, one of which is of medi<eval date parts and sandy and stony in parts; subsoil, chiefly clay. and the others are dated respecti"ely 1630, 1618, 1701, The chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips. The parish 1742 and 1619, but this last, is cracked: the chancel, of comprises 2,034 acres; rateable value, £3,627; the popula­ tine proportions, retains Decorated sedilia and a piscina tion in 1901 was 443. and two low-side windows: the font is plain but good, Parish Clerk and Sexton, Williarn Steele, jun. the p.ulpit is Jacobean: the ea~t ':"indow, the, tracery Post, M. O. & T. O. & Telephonic Express DeliveryOffice.- of winch has been renewed, IS filled 'nth glass b~ ~,r. C. E. Miss Mabel Annie HankiIL', sub-postmistress. Letters are Kempe, and <!"e of the wmdolVS on the north sl~e_ of t.h" received from Stamford at 7 a.m. & 1 p.m.; dispatched chancel contams Some fine very old glaBs, Clrc_ 13,:,0, and at 9.15 a.m. & 6.5 p.m. week days & 5 p.m. sundays there are monuments t,o the Dlgby famIly, erected m 1582 . and 1758, and to the Noel family, 1640, in the chancel Public EI~mentary School (nuxed), managed by trustees, at the back of the sedilia is a brass to Robert J ohnson erected m 1858, for 120 chIldren; average attendance, archdeacon of Leicester founder in 1584 of the Oakha~ 78; William Waiter Peal, master and Uppingham Gram~,ar schools, and formerly rector Carrier.-Tho~e, of Edith Weston, to Stamford, fri of this parish: he died in 1625: the church was restored PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I Gale Willie, grocer &; draper I Price Charles, cab proprietor Conant Miss, The Pasture house IGilbert Elizabeth (lIlrs.), shopkeeper I Price Frederick, carter Fenwick Ernest Guy J.P_ The Hall Gordon "iIliam, Fox & Hounds P.R Hobinson John Thos.farmer,The Settings Irous Rev. Edward Arthur M.A. [rector]. IHart Charles, farmer Rose Robert & Alex. In. timber dealers The Rectory King Everard, farmer Saddington Edward, boot maker N~wman Mrs. The Cottage ILake Jonathan, farmer, Manor farm Springthorpe John James, grazier COMMERCIAl,. Lambert Thomas, farmer Stanger William, farmer Cole Ernest, Horse & Panniers P.R North Luffenham Golf Club (Frank Thornton Lewis. butcher & grocer Dickens Thomas William, carpenter lIeathcote, sce) 'Wood William, butcher SOUTH LUFFENHAM is a pleasant yillage and I the church was restored in 1861 by the Rev. Constantine parish, half a mile south from the Luffenham station, on i Estlin Pritchard M.A. formerly Fellow of Balliol College, the south bank of the Chater, 5 miles east ff( m Upping- I Oxford, and affords 300 sittings. The register dates from ham, 8 south-west from Oakham and 9o! from London, , the year 1678. The living is a rectory, net yearly value £33Ci, in the Wrangdike hundred, Uppingham union and county I with residence, and including 38 acres of glebe, in the gift conrt district, rural deanery of l{utland (second portion), . of Balliol College, O"ford, and held since 1907 by the Rev. archdeaconry of Oakharn and diocese of Peterborough. 'I' John Francis Riehards M_A. of that college; the tithes were The Midland and London and North 'Vestern railways! commuted in 1845. A cemetery uf one acre was formed in junction for Syston and Peterborough and Stamford and: 1900, at a cost of £200; it is under the control of the Parish Leice<tet are in this parish. The church of St. Mary I Council. South Luffenham Hall, a handsome mansion, and is all ancient building of stone, consisting of chancel. I the property of Stafford Vere Hotchkin esq. of Woodhall clerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and an embattled Spa, Lincs, is now occupied by the Hon. Mrs_ Evelyn Com­ tower with crocketed spire, cuntaining a clock and 4 bells. I wallis Anderson-Pelham. The Earl of Ancaster is lord of two of which were recast and the whole rchung with, the manor and principal landowner. The soil is clay in chinws in 186fl: the nave and aisles are separated by I parts and sandy and stony in parts; subsoil, chiefly stone. arca,ks of three arches, the north arcade being Norman 11 The chief crops arc wheat, barley and turnips. The parish and the south Early English: t he lofty chancel arch is comprises 1,442 acres; rateable value, £3,328; the popula­ also of this period: the Perpendicular east window was tion in 1901 was 290. filled with stained glass in 1852 by the Very Rev. P MOT Offi nh I d d Th k I b Rohert Scott, D.D. late dean of Rochester and rector here ost, . &. ce.---v ar es E war ur ett e, su - 1850-54: in the south aisle is a memorial window to the postmaster. Letters received from Stamford at 7.35 - 1\1 - W S a.m. & 1.45 p.m.; dispatched at 9.25 a.m. & 6.10 p.m. ; Ven. G . H . H 0 d son M.A..d 1855, an d IliS son, aJor .. ' . no delive on sunda s Hodson, commandant of Hodson's Horse, who was kJlled . ry Y _ . at Lucknow in March, 1858; there is another to the Public Elementary School (nuxed), erected m 1873 by the Misses Wingfield, late of South Luffenham Hall, and onc I _Rev. J. G. Lonsdale M.A. rector, for 40 chiJdr~n & 20 in the north aisle to the Rev. Alexander Rhind Webster I mfants; average attendance, 46 children & 14 mfants; M.A. curate of this parish 11'41-3, d. 1889, and to his Frank A. Collison, master; Mrs. Hester Lake, infants' mist wife: a new organ was provided in 1903, at a cost of £300, Railway Station, Midland, Thomas Spires, station master as a memorial to the late Col. John CoJlinson, d. 1892: Carriers to Stamford.--Chambers, Gilbert & Bates, man. & fri PRIVATE RESIDEN~'S. Richards Rev. John Francis M.A. Chapman Sarah Elizh. (Mrs.), shopkeepr Healey Joseph, RatclitIe lodge [rector1 Rectory IClmppcll WiJliam, beer retailer Pelham Hon. Mrs. Evelyn Cornwallis COMMERCIAL. IEllis & Everard Limited, coal, coke, Anderson-, The Hall Brown Keziah (Mis'\), dress maker lime, salt, cake, artificial manure & Pretty Geor!!e, Fairfield Cemetery (Henry Spencer Dexter, granite merchants (Albert Bird, Pridmore Miss Brooke street, Oakham, clerk to the managing agent, Stamford); & a$ Pridmore Miss A. Orchard house Burial Authority) I Manton; & Ketton & Morcott .
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