Development Assessment Commission AGENDA ITEM 3.1 21 January 2016 Applicant: Skycity Adelaide Pty Ltd, C/- Masterplan Proposal: Expansion of the Skycity Casino: comprising the construction of an 11 level building (including 1 level below plaza), with new gaming areas, restaurants / cafes, hotel and associated works Address: Festival Drive, Adelaide DA Number : 020/A084/15 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO AGENDA REPORT 2-41 ATTACHMENTS 1: DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROVISIONS 42-70 2: MAPS & PHOTOS 71-86 3: APPLICATION & PLANS 87-495 a. Planning statement from Masterplan, dated November 2015 117-153 b. Correspondence from Masterplan (dated 13 November 2015, 9 154-185 December 2015, 11 December 2015, 8 January 2016) and additional perspectives c. Design Statement by Buchan Group 186-190 d. Heritage Impact Statement by Dash Architect, Revision C, 10 191-245 November 2015 e. Perspectives, floor plans , elevations 246-319 f. Traffic Impact Statement by Aurecon (ref 245406), Revision 5, 320-428 dated 5 November 2015 g. Acoustic report by Aurecon (reference 245046), Revision 5, dated 4 429-450 November 2015 h. Environmental Wind Assessment Aurecon (reference 245046), 451-470 Revision 4, dated 6 October 2015 i. Stormwater report by Aurecon (reference 245046), Revision 3, 471-492 dated 6 October 2015 j. Waste Management Overview by Hospitality Technical Services, 493-495 dated 14 January 2015 k. ESD correspondence from Lucid 4: AGENCY COMMENTS a. Government Architect 496-498 b. DEWNR (Heritage) 499-511 c. Commissioner for Liquor and Gambling 512 5: COUNCIL TECHNICAL ADVICE 513-514 6: APPLICANTS RESPONSE TO COUNCIL 515-517 1 Development Assessment Commission AGENDA ITEM 3.1 21 January 2016 OVERVIEW Application No 020/A084/15 Unique ID/KNET ID 2015/17861/01 (#9999476) Applicant Skycy Adelaide Pty Ltd, C/- Masterplan Proposal Expansion of the Skycity Casino comprising the construction of an 11 level building (including 1 level below plaza), with new gaming areas, restaurants / cafes, hotel and associated works Subject Land Festival Drive, Adelaide Zone/Policy Area Riverbank Zone: Entertainment Policy Area 28 Relevant Authority Inner Metropolitan Development Assessment Committee of the Development Assessment Commission Lodgement Date 11 November 2015 Council Adelaide City Development Plan Adelaide (City) Development Plan, consolidated 2 April 2015 Type of Development Merit Public Notification Category 1 Representations N/A Referral Agencies State Heritage Unit, Government Architect, Commissioner for Liquor and Gambling Report Author Gabrielle McMahon RECOMMENDATION Development Plan Consent subject to reserve matters and conditions EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed expansion of the Skycity Casino comprises an 11 level building (including 1 level below plaza), with new gaming areas, restaurants / cafes, hotel and associated works. Development Plan policies have recently been amended within the Riverbank Zone to allow for increased development opportunities to revitalise the Riverbank Precinct. This proposal is consistent with the desired land uses and scale of development identified in the Development Plan and will improve activation of the public plaza. The development is also consistent with the parameters within the Riverbank Masterplan Stage 2, prepared by the State Government for the overall Precinct. An overall redevelopment of the Riverbank Precinct is proposed with an upgrade to the Festival Plaza, a new car park, office tower and retail uses and upgrade to the Adelaide Festival Centre. An application has been lodged by the State Government for the redevelopment of the Plaza and ancillary works. Development applications are expected to be lodged early in 2016 for the other works. The proposed Skycity development has undergone extensive consultation with the Government Architect to ensure it has synergies with the desired outcomes for the Precinct and associated development applications. The proposal is generally consistent with the desired character for the Riverbank Zone and the Entertainment Policy area with a development that has active land uses which front the public plaza and assist in the revitalisation of the Precinct. The development allows for the selected view corridors to be maintained, as identified in the Development Plan, creating visual connections between important buildings and public spaces. The development has the general support of the Government Architect, subject to further details. However, the State Heritage Unit has raised concern that the proposal will impact on the heritage values of the Adelaide Railway Station and the Adelaide Festival Centre due in part to the: proximity to these buildings; loss of the view of the northern face of the Railway Station; ‘crowding’ of the space adjacent to the Dunstan Playhouse; orientation of the building with a lack 2 Development Assessment Commission AGENDA ITEM 3.1 21 January 2016 of consideration of the 45 degree axis of the Festival Centre; and a bulk and scale that is incompatible with existing buildings. The impacts on the heritage context are acknowledged and are considered in detail in the report. While the proposal is inconsistent within the existing scale of development, the character of the Precinct is set to change where buildings of up to 20 plus storeys can be contemplated. The heritage impacts need to be balanced against the desired character of development envisaged in the entertainment Precinct and the Government’s future direction for uplift of the area. The Precinct has complex site constraints, given the different ground planes and variety of land uses in the vicinity and vehicular requirements for loading, unloading, waste management etc. Given the civic nature of the space the pedestrian amenity and wayfinding throughout the site are paramount for a successful Precinct. This application is limited to the casino expansion, hotel, café and restaurant uses and their associated vehicle drop off and waste management areas. The overarching access to the site will be considered as part of the redevelopment of the Festival Plaza. It is noted that the applicant has had regard to other proposed developments in the Precinct in the formation of their proposal. There are matters of a technical nature that require further consideration which are recommended to be resolved by reserve matters and conditions. ASSESSMENT REPORT 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Strategic Context On 17 October 2013, the Minister for Planning rezoned the subject land from the Institutional (Riverbank) Zone to Riverbank Zone and Entertainment Policy Area 28. Policy amendments were made to recognise the need for a redeveloped car park and to provide additional development opportunities that would help enliven the Riverbank Precinct. As part of this initiative, policies were introduced that provide for a more performance based planning approach and place a stronger emphasis on the overall planning and design merit of an individual proposal. 1.2 Pre-Lodgement Process The proponent entered the pre-lodgement process and undertook four design review sessions and several information sessions. The application details progressed through these sessions, however the applicant lodged the applications prior to reaching any pre-lodgement agreements and as such formal referrals were undertaken following lodgement. 1.3 Other developments in the Precinct The South Australian Government is facilitating the development of a new car park within the precinct to replace the existing Festival Centre car park. The casino has reached agreement for the use of a portion of this car park, however the car park does not form part of the application. On 8 December 2015 a development application (DA 020/V091/15) was lodged under Section 49 of the Development Act, 1993 for the redevelopment of the Festival Plaza, including demolition works and upgrade to Festival Drive and Station Road. This application is on public notification from 13 January 2016 until 4 February 2016. Details can be viewed on the DAC website and the Renewal SA website. Below are some images lodged for that application. 3 Development Assessment Commission AGENDA ITEM 3.1 21 January 2016 Source: ARM (DA 020/V091/15) 1.4 Masterplan for the Riverbank Precinct The Adelaide Riverbank Festival Plaza Precinct is located between King William Road, North Terrace and the River Torrens. The Precinct is one of Adelaide’s most culturally and historically significant places, however is structurally difficult. Following a number of Masterplans, feasibilities and Technical studies the State Government approved a major rejuvenation of the Precinct incorporating public and private investment and development. This includes the Skycity expansion, a replacement carpark and office and retail development, the redevelopment of the Plaza and the upgrade to the Adelaide Festival Centre. ARM were engaged to work with the State in coordinating the integration of these development. 4 Development Assessment Commission AGENDA ITEM 3.1 21 January 2016 In 2014 ARM prepared the Adelaide Riverbank Masterplan Stage 2 which focussed on guidelines for development sites. In March 2015 the Riverbank Authority distilled those principles into the following five place principles: 1. Compelling destination 2. Hear of the Riverbank 3. Event ready 4. Dynamic and evolving 5. Distinctive Renewal SA and the Office for Design and Architecture worked closely with the relevant parties to enable a cohesive development response. As previously mentioned, the upgrade to the Festival Plaza has been lodged under Section 49 of the Development
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