1 mm. temperature M. Fair, Wd tedajr, Ugh S8 to M. To- night, fair, low in the npper Ma. 25,700 Tomorrow, partly cloudy, Ugh in Red Bank Area j the upper 50>. Wednesday lair, Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. cool. See weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS lMU#d <•*"*• «"">»/ tlirouiti Friary. Stcond Clan Ponr.n VOL. 88. NO. 84 Pill it »«1 Bank Mid u Additional MlUlni Otriiei. MONDAY, OCTOBER 25t 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 'Most Demanding' Space Flight Poised CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) to the moon a few years from spacecraft atop a giant Titan 2 what the technicians called "pow- "We're well rested and ready lots were pronounced ready to Agena, which will have a 1,205- —Last phase technical check-outs now. rocket. er up"—meaning its operating for the flight," commented/Navy go. mile head start. (or man'i most demanding space Instrument readings indicated The link-up of the speeding parts were energized. Capt. Schirra, America's'oldest The forecast for the Cape Ken- Given a perfect flight, Gemini flight yet got going right on everything was moving smoothly craft was timed some six hours The start of the terminal count astronaut at 42. He is a veteran nedy area was for partly cloudy 6 will pursue the Agena over a •chedule today with astronauts after the Gemini lift-off, over the on the Gemini spacecraft was of a nine-hour flight in the Mer- skies with an unlimited ceiling, 103,000-mile course, moving close toward the climax of a spectacu- f Walter Schlrra and Thomas Staf- lar doubleheader launching start- . Pacific near Hawaii. timed for 6:35 a.m., and for its cury program. light surface winds and seas and to it during the fourth orbit. ford reported ready and eager ing at 11 a.m. (EDT) with the The various count-downs on the Titan booster at 8:35. "We're looking forward to it temperature about 80. The joining and clamping to- tnd their equipment apparently blastoff of an Atlas booster. innumerable components for the In the early hours there was with great expectations," added The Atlas was to propel the gether of the two vehicles was fine-tuned. intricate operation were consoli- a broken high haze over Cape Stafford, 35-year-old Air Force 26-foot Agena Into a circular slated for about six hours after The assignment was to track The Atlas' task.was to shove dated at 1:15 a.m. EDT when Kennedy that hid some stars, but major making his first venture orbit 185 miles high. Schirra and the Gemini launching, high above down another satellite in a ce- the Agena target spacecraft the count clock was started and weathermen expressed full as- Into space. Stafford were to settle into an the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii.. lestial hare and hounds chase at toward an orbital path 185 miles the range stations were cut into surance conditions would be good The signal to begin the unique elliptical path ranging from 100 If successful, it will be the 17,500 miles an hour and up, up. the check. : lor the launching, not Only at. dual countdown was given last to 168 miles. Through a series of first time two objects have been lock onto it and demonstrate that The astronauts were to follow Then at 2:50 a.m. the terminal the cape but at all the potential night after weather, spacecraft, orbit-shifting maneuvers, they are brought together in space and- man can get back when he flies at 12:41 p.m. in their Gemini 6 count on the Agena began with landing spots around the earth. • rockets, tracking systems and pi- to gradually catch up with the (See GEMINI, Page 3) Pilots' Condition Gubernatorial Candidates Visit County To Be Watched By JOHN BARBOUR CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP)-When the Gemini 6 Hunter spacecraft chases down its target in the skies, flight sur- Democrats Roast Reef Dumont Roasts Hughes geons will closely watch the condition of the pilots. But there will be little in the way of new medical OAKHURST - The Texas bar- By WILLIAM HENDERSON information coming from the one-to-two-day trip. becue was in his honor but Gov. EATONTOWN — In his most, Hughes was the only one among The next big medical look-see at the rigors of life in spirited speech of the campaign. the 1,400 guests who didn't taste the weightless state will come In December when Gemini 7 Republican gubernatorial candi- the hot, savory food. takes two men on a two-week stint in space. date Wayne Dumont, Jr., yester- . The governor, who'(surprise!) day predicted victory and also But the results of preceding Gemini flights have shown was late, arrived by helicopter aimed a steady stream of criti- a gradual increase in the effects of living in space. Doctors on the Hollywood Golf and Coun- cism at his rival, Gov. Hughes. will be curious about the longer term which will help pave try Club directly across Deal the way to orbiting stations, in which men might spend weeks Sen. Dumont got off his rough- Rd. from the estate of Mr. and in space. est, toughest words at a strategy Mrs. Walter Reade, Jr., where breakfast meeting of Monmouth Chief Flight Surgeon Charles Berry is convinced at this the feast, Texas style, was held County GOP mayors, parry lead- point that there will be no bad effects from two weeks of yesterday. ers and candidates held in the weightlessness that cannot be remedied, perhaps by exercise. Hughes immediately went to Old Orchard Inn.. , . : But there also are some indications that man will have the stand, greeted his wife and "The Democrats are making to build in some exercises if he wants to fly 1% space for , seven of his 10 children as well wild predictions of a 250,000 longer periods of time. as assorted politicians who had plurality. Well, that was in early The problem of "the lazy heart" that develops after been keeping the cold audience October. A Democrat, friend tells weightlessness seems to become progressively more severe warm with heated political us the figure then dropped tp with time. v speeches. 90,000.. I want to' say, It's. how a The condition Is called orthostatic hypotension, in which The sponsors, of the barbecue, neck and neck race we can very the heart has to pump faster to keep an adequate circula- expecting an overflow crowd' of easily; win. Get, the vote, out on tion, the blood pressure falls, and blood tends to pool in the more than 3,000 persons, at J15 a election -day . and get. out the lower extremities of an upright man. head, had arranged to use the absentee "ballots, and we have "tit Gimble estate, a mile away, as made," Dumont s^id, ' . '.:'. a second cookout scene. But the Tossing caution to the winds, Reade grounds proved ample. the- Republican candidate then Expensive Lunch. took direct aim. at the governor. 1 County Aid Plan A local Democratic leader ex< ;' ' "Name Calttag , : plained the smaller-than-expected "In his campaign of name call- turnout: ing he,has. said I am a storm 'STEERING' COMMITTEE — A 1,200-pound Texas st«er "It's simple. At $30 a couple, troiper BJXJ a; iwiapire candi- presented to the Oakhurst barbeeua by President John- many a man and wife figured -Gubernatorial candidate ^»> «"* .#«•'«-been n»r» of they'd : stay home and watch "YOU'LL- son gati pats on tha head from teveral eslebrities on television, rake leaves, go for a left thakei- hands with County Chairman ?tS will be a estate of Mf. and.Mrs. Walter Reade, Jr., party hosts, ride or have their own cook- Russell -Wodltey « ^he GOP boss fells .him .he'll carry leader as long as he lives. He out Left to right- are Gov. Hughes; Mr. Reade;. U. S. Sen. - You can buy a Jot of chlck- ; Monmouth on election; day. Dumont tourneyed-, here ican'.ti^t,tak, takee a.a.deep deep,, hreathoreath;unles; unless u u ii in i JI i% ,i w/ ,t- r I, ens ""d °eef for $30. Besdes, ihe.confers wl(h Carey, Kenny Sewers Pushed Vance Hartke (D-lnd> and Gcv. John W. King of New the weather was raw and threat- yesterday from his Phillipsburg home for morning strategy ^d wilenU. He was picked four FREEHOLD — A plan for coun- "The state representatives pres- HampshireHhi . ening." session.in Old Orchard Country Club, Eatonfowh. ' '.' (See DUMOfTT, Page 3) ty loans to municipalities to en- ent endorsed the proposal and in- But the guests, all famished, large regional sewer facilities and dicated they would support the enjoyed 400 pounds of beefsteak, prepare for future needs was an-proposed legislation as an effec- 250 chickens, 750 pounds of spare- nounced today by Freeholder Di- tive measure to stimulate region- ribs, 740 ears of corn, beans, Bay Area Accidents Injure 13 rector Joseph C. Irwin. al sanitary sewer systems and Bayshore Erosion apple pies, coffee^-as well as Mr. Irwin said legislation to to prevent pollution. singing, music by a youth group, .A car-train accident that in- Police Lt. Harry Movell.and less driving,' In that she disre- permit counties to loan construc- "At the meeting, Peter Hom- a 1,200-pound prize steer pre- jured five and the injury of a Patrolman Robert Kerek, inves- garded an emergency vehicle, tion funds to local governments ack, president of Elson T, Killam sented by President Johnson and patrolman responding'to another tigating the .
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