September 15, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1873 expressing it by helping our distressed people To provide continuity and insulation against recognized as a visionary in the world of en- now. politics, a director, once nominated by the terprise and sports marketing responsible for To the people and royal family of Thailand— President and confirmed by the Senate, would initiating many ground breaking concepts. thank you. Your compassion and friendship is serve a 6-year term—although of course, as Werner’s credits include the brand posi- much appreciated. an Executive Branch official he or she would tioning of Dallas Cowboys superstar Emmitt f be subject to the direction and control of the Smith, yielding ‘‘Brand Emmitt’’, ‘‘Emmitt President and thus could be removed by the Zone’’ and ‘‘Emmitt Zone For Kids’’ franchises. INTRODUCTING A BILL TO MAKE President. He has also worked with several corporations FEMA AN INDEPENDENT AGENCY Reorganizing FEMA is only part of the nec- like American Airlines, Frito-Lay, and Bank HEADED BY A QUALIFIED DIREC- essary actions to respond to the tragedy and One Texas, providing strategic market devel- TOR devastation on the Gulf Coast. But I think it is opment expertise. a necessary part, and I think this bill would Under his guidance, AMG was the key ar- HON. MARK UDALL help us be better prepared for the next emer- chitect in staging the NFL Run To Daylight OF COLORADO gency. and the NFL Fast Man competitions, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f working with NBC Sports to produce the ongo- Thursday, September 15, 2005 ing Bayou Classic, the Super Bowl of Black TEXAS DISTRICT AND COUNTY College Football. Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I am ATTORNEYS ASSOCIATION Prior to finding AMG, Werner started his ca- today introducing a bill to reestablish the Fed- reer in 1979 in brand marketing and sales eral Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) HON. TED POE holding a number of posts with Xerox and as an independent agency, and to require that OF TEXAS never looked back. He climbed through the its Director be someone with appropriate train- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ranks at Xerox becoming an invaluable execu- ing and experience. tive within the organization from 1979–1985. Thursday, September 15, 2005 The undeniable shortcomings of the federal A distinguished military and honor graduate response to the tragic effects of Hurricane Mr. POE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor from New Mexico State University, Werner Katrina have shown that FEMA’ s most recent the 100th meeting of the Texas District and majored in human resources management, director, Michael Brown, was not qualified for County Attorneys Association. The men and with a minor in marketing sales. the Job—in fact, he really was in over his women who serve the state of Texas as pros- Werner Scott has not only overcome tre- head. Now that he has resigned, Congress ecutors are the foundation of the criminal jus- mendous challenges in this competitive indus- should begin the process of strengthening tice system. As a prosecutor for 8 years and try, but he is a brave person who stands by FEMA and assuring Americans that Federal a district judge for 22 years, I witnessed first- the courage of his convictions. He has a emergency management efforts will be han- hand the remarkable dedication to the law that strong passion for civic and charitable organi- dled by a capable and effective leader. is exhibited by county and district attorneys zations including, The Open Doors Founda- As a first step, I think we should revisit and and their staffs. Texans are truly privileged to tion, Academies of Excellence, and the Center reverse our decision to fold FEMA—formerly have such an extraordinary group of legal for the Study of Sports in Society. an independent agency—into the Department minds who have answered the call to public He is a truly extraordinary human being, of Homeland Security (DHS). service. and it is my hope that others will be inspired I was never completely comfortable with that On November 2, 1905, less than 50 pros- by his determination to succeed and the decision. When the House considered the leg- ecutors met in Dallas, Texas at the first meet- strength of his spirit. islation to establish the new Department, I ing of the Texas District and County Attorneys f voted for an amendment (offered by the gen- Association. In 1970, the TDCAA re-organized tleman from Minnesota, Mr. OBERSTAR) to for the purpose of offering training and tech- PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION keep FEMA independent. I did so because, as nical assistance to prosecutors. The TDCAA OF H.R. 3132, CHILDREN’S SAFE- I said at the time, I feared FEMA’s core mis- has made great strides since that time, cur- TY ACT OF 2005 sion and focus would be lost in the new bu- rently providing training to two-thirds of the SPEECH OF reaucracy. prosecutors and staff in Texas. The 2005 It was argued that FEMA—as the central meeting will take place in Corpus Christi, with HON. RON PAUL agency in charge of disaster response and more than 1100 prosecutors and staff mem- OF TEXAS emergency management—should constitute bers in attendance. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the heart of the new DHS. But FEMA had Mr. Speaker, I am proud to be a lifetime Wednesday, September 14, 2005 been primarily engaged in and especially ef- member of the Texas District and County At- fective at responding to natural hazards, not torneys Association. Our district and county at- Mr. PAUL. Mr. Chairman, as an OB–GYN terrorism. We should have left FEMA outside torneys make communities safer while holding who has had the privilege of bringing over the new department, or at a minimum trans- criminals accountable for their actions, and I 3,000 children into the world, I share the de- ferred its Office of National Preparedness to commend the TDCAA for setting the bar with sire to punish severely those who sexually the new department, while leaving FEMA’s regards to training prosecutors. I wish the abuse children. In fact, it is hard to imagine Disaster Response and Recovery and Mitiga- Texas District and County Attorneys Associa- someone more deserving of life in prison than tion Directorates intact tion all the best as they look forward to an- one who preys on children. This is why I have Although the independent-FEMA amend- other 100 years of success. supported legislation that increases penalties ment failed, I voted for the overall bill while ex- f for sexual assaults on children occurring on pressing the hope that ‘‘the President will con- Federal land. tinue to work with the Congress to make sure TRIBUTE TO WERNER SCOTT However, Mr. Chairman, I cannot support the agencies moved to the new Department this bill because it infringes on the States’ con- will be supported in their many other important HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON stitutional authority over the prevention and duties even as they focus anew on their secu- OF TEXAS punishment of sex crimes. The late Chief Jus- rity roles.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tice William H. Rehnquist and former United Unfortunately, recent events have given hor- States Attorney General Ed Meese, two men rific proof that I hoped in vain and that my Thursday, September 15, 2005 who no one has ever accused of being ‘‘soft fears were well-founded. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. on crime,’’ have both warned that, although Therefore, the bill I am introducing today will Mr. Speaker, there are few things I enjoy more creating more Federal crimes may make politi- reestablish FEMA as a separate agency. It in this job than getting the opportunity to shine cians feel good, it is neither constitutionally also will require that its Director be a person the spotlight on truly deserving people who sound nor prudent. Rehnquist has stated that, with appropriate formal training and at least serve as a source of inspiration to the rest of ‘‘[t]he trend to federalize crimes that tradition- two years of experience as the head of a dis- us. Werner Scott of Irving, Texas, is one of ally have been handled in state courts . aster-management agency of either a State or those people, and I would like to pay tribute to threatens to change entirely the nature of our a political entity—a city, county, or other him today. federal system.’’ Meese stated that Congress’s area—smaller than a state but with a popu- Werner Scott is the founder and President tendency in recent decades to make Federal lation of at least one million people. of Advantage Marketing Group (AMG), and is crimes out of offenses that have historically VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:13 Sep 16, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A15SE8.084 E15SEPT1 E1874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 15, 2005 been State matters has dangerous implica- tively protecting children from sexual preda- Despite huge revenue losses, the Mont- tions both for the fair administration of justice tors. gomery bus system refused to alter its seg- and for the principle that States are something f regation policies. more than mere administrative districts of a Despite endless provocation from Whites, nation governed mainly from Washington. CELEBRATING THE BIRTH OF who often resorted to acts of violence and har- H.R. 3132 not only creates new Federal CHARLOTTE RILEY CALLAHAN assment, the Black community continued its programs and crimes, it instructs the States to boycott for over a year.
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