Vol. 86: 1–7, 2009 DISEASES OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS Published September 7 doi: 10.3354/dao02106 Dis Aquat Org Isotopic labeling and antifungal resistance as tracers of gut passage of the sea fan pathogen Aspergillus sydowii Krystal L. Rypien1, 2,*, David M. Baker1 1Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Dale R. Corson Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA 2Present address: Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Marine Biology Research Division, 9500 Gilman Drive MC 0202, La Jolla, California 92093, USA ABSTRACT: Vectors play a critical role in the ecology of infectious disease by facilitating between- host transmission, emphasizing the multi-species nature of disease. Corals are suffering an onslaught of infectious diseases, yet we know little about the role of vector species in the ecology of these epi- zootics. The infection of octocorals by the fungus Aspergillus sydowii is a widespread Caribbean coral disease. The snail Cyphoma gibbosum is a likely vector species because it is a specialist preda- tor of octocorals, moves regularly among coral colonies, and aggregates on diseased corals. We used a novel application of stable isotope techniques and antifungal-resistant strains of A. sydowii to iden- tify the potential for this snail to vector disease. The use of both isotopically labeled and hygromycin- resistant fungus was successful in definitively tracing A. sydowii through the guts of C. gibbosum from ingestion to feces. Further, we demonstrated in laboratory experiments that snails fed antifun- gal-resistant A. sydowii excrete viable spores and hyphae in their feces. Overall, this study demon- strates the usefulness of isotopic labeling and antifungal-resistant fungi to trace the movement of pathogen propagules in microbially diverse environments, and suggests that C. gibbosum may be able to spread aspergillosis between octocoral hosts. KEY WORDS: Coral disease . Isotope label . Hygromycin resistance . Flamingo tongue snail . Gut passage . Corallivore . Specialist predator . Aspergillus sydowii . δ15N Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION 2006). Vector biology can also interact with environ- mental changes to influence disease dynamics; for Infectious disease rarely involves just pathogen and example, climate change and globalization can alter host. Rather, networks of species interact with the the distribution and life cycle duration of vectors pathogen either directly through vector-based trans- (Harvell et al. 2002, Anderson et al. 2004). mission and multiple host species, or indirectly In contrast to well-known vector dynamics on land, through disease-mediated effects on community struc- vectors of marine diseases are comparatively rare ture and function (Antonovics et al. 1995, Dobson 2004, (McCallum et al. 2003). However, this could be the Hatcher et al. 2006, Keesing et al. 2006). Vectors are a result of insufficient study rather than a genuine pat- critical component of the network of species interact- tern. With the recent increase in the number and ing with infectious diseases because of their influence severity of marine epidemics (Harvell et al. 2004, Ward on the epidemiological cycle. Vector-borne diseases & Lafferty 2004), identifying marine diseases where are often highly virulent, due to the increase in trans- vectors play a role is critical to management. This is mission efficiency they afford (Ewald 1983), and trans- especially true for diseases infecting a sessile host, mission is generally frequency-dependent (Antonovics where the presence of vectors could dramatically et al. 1995), which alters the impact of species diversity increase the rate of disease spread (McCallum et al. on disease dynamics (Dobson 2004, Keesing et al. 2003). *Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2009 · www.int-res.com 2 Dis Aquat Org 86: 1–7, 2009 Corals are vulnerable to emergent disease due to the of aspergillosis, as it is likely influenced by disease numerous environmental stressors placed upon the through the removal of its coral prey, and may in turn coral holobiont (Hoegh-Guldberg 1999, Gardner et al. influence between-host transmission of aspergillosis 2003, Hughes et al. 2003, Harvell et al. 2007), as well as by acting as a vector. their proximity to coastal pathogen sources (Patterson Marine environments are microbially diverse, mak- et al. 2002). Several coral diseases have vectors that ing the study of a single species or strain of pathogen contribute to, but are not entirely responsible for, dis- challenging. Previous studies tracing the gut passage ease spread. These vectors are almost exclusively coral of pathogens often relied on direct culturing or molec- predators that inadvertently ingest pathogens and ular identification (Dromph 2001, Colgan & Claridge spread them during feeding movements. Corallivorous 2002, Meier et al. 2002, Lilleskov & Bruns 2005), both snails have been identified as vectors of an unknown of which are ineffective for cosmopolitan species such disease in Caribbean acroporid corals (Williams & as Aspergillus sydowii, which is a common indoor air Miller 2005), and have been associated with coral dis- contaminant (Klich 2002). Here we investigated 2 ease outbreaks in the Red Sea (Antonius & Riegl 1997). methods for tracing pathogen propagules through the In the Mediterranean, the predatory polychaete Her- environment: the use of isotopically labeled or modice carunculata is a vector and reservoir of the hygromycin-resistant A. sydowii. The ecological likeli- coral pathogen Vibrio shiloi (Sussman et al. 2003). hood of snails feeding on diseased corals was assessed While these vectors are not the sole mechanism of using a choice-feeding assay, where snails were transmission, positive feedback due to injury from pre- offered artificial food amended with crude organic dation and aggregative feeding behavior suggest that extracts from diseased and healthy corals. The results they play a critical role in the ecology of these coral of these studies demonstrate the utility of these meth- diseases. ods to track the passage and viability of ingested fun- Aspergillosis is a fungal disease of Caribbean octo- gus, and indicate that Cyphoma gibbosum may be a corals caused by Aspergillus sydowii. This disease was vector of aspergillosis. first observed in the early 1990s (Nagelkerken et al. 1997a,b) and infects at least 8 different species of octo- corals (Smith & Weil 2004), the dominant group on MATERIALS AND METHODS many Caribbean reefs (Opresko 1973). Specialist predators, such as the snail Cyphoma gibbosum, that Food choice experiment. Sixteen adult (>2.5 cm) are dependent on octocorals for habitat, food, and Cyphoma gibbosum were collected from North Nor- oviposition sites, are a group that will likely suffer the man’s Reef (23° 47’ 386’’ N, 76° 08’ 273’’ W), Bahamas. effects of aspergillosis. C. gibbosum is common on Snails were maintained in individual cages (14 × 14 × many Caribbean reefs, and makes regular mate- and 14 cm) in a flow-through natural seawater system at food-searching movements (Nowlis 1993), with snails the Perry Institute for Marine Science, Caribbean moving among corals on average every 3 d (K. Rypien Marine Research Center. Snails were acclimated and unpubl.). Although C. gibbosum will eat most octoco- starved for 4 d prior to experimentation. ral species, it does demonstrate distinct host prefer- Artificial food consisted of 2.5% carrageenan and ences. The most common preferred genera include 12.5% feeding attractant (10 cm fragment of homoge- Eunicea, Plexaura, Pseudopterogorgia, and Gorgonia nized Eunicea flexuosa [formerly Plexaura flexuosa, (Birkeland & Gregory 1975, Harvell & Suchanek 1987, Grajales et al. 2007], a preferred food source; Harvell & Lasker & Coffroth 1988, Lasker et al. 1988, Chiappone Suchanek 1987, Lasker & Coffroth 1988, Lasker et al. et al. 2003, K. Rypien unpubl.). 1988, Chiappone et al. 2003) in 10 ml distilled water, Observations of increased density of Cyphoma gib- and organic extracts from either healthy or diseased bosum on diseased sea fans (Nagelkerken et al. 1997a, Gorgonia ventalina. Organic extracts were prepared Slattery 1999), and the overlap between preferred by collecting fragments from G. ventalina colonies octocoral species and those infected by Aspergillus (10 healthy, 10 diseased), extracting twice in dichlo- sydowii (Smith & Weil 2004), suggest that aspergillosis romethane, evaporating the dichloromethane, and re- may affect non-host species by altering the distribution suspending in a minimal amount of acetone. The of predators. Although the mode of transmission of extracts were added to the artificial food at naturally aspergillosis is unknown, an analysis of spatial pat- volumetric concentrations. The artificial food was terns of disease suggests that direct contact is not the poured into molds and cut into 3 × 1 × 0.2 cm pieces sole mechanism of transmission, and secondary mech- and weighed. Snails were given a block of food from anisms such as vectors may facilitate spread at loca- each treatment spaced equidistantly in the cage. Once tions with high disease prevalence (Jolles et al. 2002). at least 50% of both blocks of food was consumed Thus, C. gibbosum is a key link in the disease ecology (approximately 20 h), the food was removed, patted Rypien & Baker: Tracers of pathogen propagules 3 dry, and re-weighed. The proportion of food eaten was stored at 4°C until the end of the experiment, when all checked for normality and analyzed using a
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