i Long Branch candidates spar over federal funds, B1 | GREATER RED BANK EATONTOWN Tinton Falls crackdown Sleep well series LONG BRANCH 111 summons issued Sleep result of deal between brain, body. Today's Forecast: to garbage haulers. Showers, thundershowers Page B1 Page A9 Complete weather on A2 The Daily Register VOL. 107 NO. 99 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER ... SINCE 1878 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1984 . 25 CENTS Police charge 3 in desecration of Manalapan temple BY TED LOUD ligious property in connection with as "Hitler Rules" and "Into The the Incident in which a Molotov Owns With Jews ' MANALAPAN - Three 18-year- cocktail was thrown on the sidewalk Rabbi Ira Holhslcin. spiritual old township youths were arrested in front of Congregation Sons of leader of the SB-family Beth and arraigned yesterday on charges Israel. There were no injuries or Shalom congregation, s.ml temple stemming from last week's van- damage in that incident, police said officials had not determined the cost dalism at Temple Beth Shalom, Superior Court Judge John P. of the damage Rothsloin said a Route SS, In which a tractor was Arnone set bail at $90,000 cash each structural engineer has concluded driven through a wall and anti- for Busalacchi and LaRocca, with that the tractor caused struciurnl Semitic graffiti was spray-painted no 10 percent reduction. McLane s damage which left "more than just on the exterior of the newly-opened bail was set at $25,000, also with no a hole in the wall ' synagogue. 10 percent. Holhslcin indicated tli.it the li-in Two of the men also are charged They are being held in the county pie would probably press charges. in connection with a May 19 Incident Jail in Freehold Township The three suspects were ap- in which a Molotov cocktail was Kaye said the aggravated arson prehended at their respective homes thrown at another township syn- arraigned in Superior Court yesterday. The charge, a first-degree offense, Is yesterday shortly after 5 30 am. THREE FACE CHARGES - Three 18-year-old agogue acording to l.t Peter Vanderwiel. Manalapan residents arrested in connection with suspects are, left to right, Joseph Busalacchi, Keith punishable by a maximum sentence Joseph Busalacchi. «6 Blenheim Of 10-10 years in prison. Unlawful who led the investigation Me said 18 vandalism at Temple Beth Shalom wail to be LaRocca and Timothy McLane Road. Timothy McLane. 29 Holidsy possession of explosives is a second- police and prosecutor's office in- Drive, and Keith LaRocca. 242 degree offense punishable by five to vestigators, with search and arrest Wickatunk Road, were arrested ten years' imprisonment, Kaye said warrants signed by Superior Court before dawn at their homes by In last week's Incident, which Judge James A Kennedy, took part police and Investigators from the occurred either Wednesday night or in the three separate, simultaneous Candidates continue county Prosecutor's office. early Thursday morning, a tractor early morning raids All three are charged with ma- was driven through a wall at the Vandcrwiei said police were led to licious destruction of property rear of the building, shattering the suspects by unidentilied in worth over $2,000. and defacement glass, brick and wood. Anti-Semitic formants on the street' who had and damage of religious property. slurs and swastikas were spray- given information to Patrolman debate on competency Both charges are third-degree of- painted on the building's exterior, Thomas White White and other fenses, carrying a maximum pen- and a sukkah, a tent-like structure police officials would not elaborate BY MIKE FEINSILBER serve another term. "If only 90 percent of the working alty of three to five years in prison symbolizing the Jewish harvest on the type or source of Information He put it lo bed once and for people in this country vole for the and fioss of 97.MW. according to holiday and decorated by children, that resulted In the arrests all." she said of the age issue aboard Mondale-Ferraro ticket, we lose," county Prosecutor John A. Kaye. also waa desecrated Police have not established a Following the nine Ucki they Air Force One, flying to California she said "It's a simple as that." Busalacchi and LaRocca also are The tractor had been left at the motive for the vandalism, but puriued In their final debate. Walter Mrs. Reagan demonstrated her high At a church in Harlem, Ms. charged with aggravated arson, site by a contractor who was Vanderwiel maintains that the van F Moodale pictured President Re- spirits by rolling an orange down the Ferraro acknowledged that the possession of explosives for an grading the property. The graffiti dalism was "pre-meditatcd and not agan yesterday is "the most de- aisle. Democratic team Is running behind unlawful purpose and defacing re- included profanity and phrases such See 3 charged, page M tached, most remote, moat unin- "We're on a roll," said Vice the Republicans, but said, "Blacks formed president In modern his- President George Bush, campaign- and women and disadvanlaged tory" while the Republican Incum- ing In Cape Girardeau, Mo. Americans have only themselves to bent said Mondale believes that "a "They're not going to be able to take blame if they stay home and let weaker America Is s safer Ameri- it from us." Ronald Reagan be president." ca." Middletown cop files Reporters asked Mondale how House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Both sides claimed victory In he'd done and the Democrat issued a post-debale statement Sunday night s television exchange grinned: "Well, I thought it over. which called Reagan "ignorant" as they opened the homestretch of and I won." three times. "Reagan was Reagan, the lMt race by concentrating on He said in one sense Reagan did comfortably amiable but danger- one Issue: which candidate would ously ignorant." the Massachusetts charges against chief better than he had in their first make peace more likely and Ameri- Democrat said debate, "but on the central question BY STEPHANIE GLUCKMAN ca more secure. of command, knowledge, of taking Reagan arranged to campaign Reagan, his wife and his aides responsibility. I think he did worse." among employees of three defense MIDDLETOWN - The long acted as though the debate had Three polls - for Newsweek contractors — Rockwell Inter- standing feud between Police Chief nailed down a Nov. 6 victory. magailne. ABC News and CBS national, Lockheed and Northrup - Joseph McCarthy and former PBA "I believe the election of 1W4 will News-New York Times - showed to underscore the differences be- President Irvln B. Beaver exploded be a victory for us all," the viewers saw the second debate as a tween himself and Mondale. last week, as Beaver filed de- president told defense workers in his virtual tie, while a survey taken for The president said Mondale had partmental charges against home state of California, where USA Today tagged Reagan the "made a career out of weakening McCarthy's allegedly the chief used Mondale has made some inroads winner. America's armed forces." obscene language against Beaver on And a Jubilant Nancy Reagan said Mondale's running mate, Added Reagan: "As long as I'm three different occasions. her husband's wisecrack about Mon- Geraldine Ferraro, went hoiiie to president, we will not shortchange Bcsvcr's cwirMt were rscclvMl dale — that he was loo young and Queens, N.Y., the working class the security needs of America in writing by Business Adminis- Inexperienced for the presidency — district which elected her to Con- Those who have no vision of Ameri- trator Herbert Bradshaw last weak. ended forever the debate over tress, and asked for the votes of the ca have no business leading Ameri- But Bradshaw said he Is walling for whether her husband is too old to common people. See Reagaa, page At Township Attorney Peter Carton to decide whether Beaver's allegations are chargeable offenses before sny action la taken. CIA: Nicaragua manual Carton will prepare a defense for the chief If Ike allegations are chargeable, Bradshaw said. But Beaver. In his suit, said If Carton JOSEPH MCCARTHY HERBERT BRADSHAW "feels there is s conflict of interest, advised 'neutralization' I would request that the township another. They shall be quiet, order- would sign charges against him. supply me with a prosecuting at- ly, attentive and respectful, and Beaver then said verbally assaulted WASHINGTON tAP) - The CIA condition he not be identified, said encouraged assassinations, Nunn torney of my choice who would be shall exercise patience and descre- him with foul language has told Congress that all copies of the manual apparently was re- said: paid by the township." tlon In the performance of their McCarthy admitted he "may have its manual for Nicaraguan rebels viewed by middle-level CIA officials "There were deletions before Bradshaw, however, said that duties." said that." But be said when he and contained advice about •neutral- at Langley some printings were made and Beaver, or the Policemen's The first charge filed against Beaver drove past each other on isation " Of government officials. A week ago. The Associated Press before some distribution was made, Benevolent Association, would have McCarthy is that the chief, in a Oct. 3, Beaver "waved his arm and The admission came one day after reported the existence of the con- but all of the documents presumably to pay for an attorney if Carton warning laced with profanity, told stuck his tongue out." The chief said President Reagan asserted that troversial manual, and four days ... had some of what would be called determines that the chief was acting Beaver to tow the line or else when he had driven approximately l'i with assassination later, Reagan ordered investiga- questionable to some and lo others within his Jurisdiction as s township the patrolman was standing with an miles when he heard what sounded tions by the CIA and the three- offensive language, Including employee.
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