ipf ;•»>•.;: i.iS •. i'• - * '. ff!*'.,''!' ''-r •' "i:> \/P~ei_ ho\4er_ 0639- ">j,: \r\> .'. \ *• 1 i'i Li's \ • • >; fr>". •/i ';nf VjiO * 3?j,<?i 'SC^b: '[''-i Ifeiii feV'l PSl lire mW :v.r'A*r>t'{»J • yJj .''Xi.'l"?' KS»i !'fLV''s5iWjR « 5SS'<";iSB»ra'..-,sJi L'J //. 5. huocl'^t^ '4. 5.€4 .1^ Lb ^ .of 12 .XII.61 CATALOGUE 1 \ oV PI* 1 i exj; Miletos. Single "barrel" preserved of top of double-barrelled handle; fragment seen by V.G. in October 1959. A See under A A- PI. 1 (^club 3 ex.: Alexandria. -A^o9\. PI. 1 1 ex.: Athens. Context of first half, perhaps first quarter, of 2nd century B.C. for this handle, SS 9382 from cistern B 20 : 2. club "5. q •SO ex. from four dies: Kos, Athens, 6; A±RXKSJixiJK:(xifi:;^x Delos, ^ fl 2 impressions on a single handle); Alexandria, iO« I Context of early 2nd century B.C. or earlier for SS 554 and 12682 from gSBF; of first half of 2nd century or earlier for SS 6619 from cistern E 6 : 2 PreTious publication: Meroutsos 1874, p.457, no.l (EM 89, from colleeti ou p .£?:2- <liu '.iin\X do't.,aio nmtorole aoln''' stampibito. Do altfJl si B ^ Gr'aK"^ f ci si ?, *'iauii 51 (d i?i (^xpoitii viniinlo nu mim^^ arnioro simple, fara iiici nii sonm ])e olC' 2. STAMPILI-; iNTlUCGri't-; ^1 STAM1MI.I-; j^j-pd-SCIPHAHIL}. 71 o 'ASaiou lAAAlor - Ip'dtp(,'zitnV'^^^^ fara alta "I'Ucatio I fNTOCMAlM. N. laAbt'i*lnv.^^3321.in'"'-!!. ]'• , ,o3 - 104. ,-jg •" 'A-oXXcd[vi]o^ tdra stmhol. - 1 v.-^-jpip sapatairi, fara alta ,,- hi depozitiil saiitiorulm IsH'"- mdieatie. apare- lavlnL?VlV/''i'ri"ik.'i"'i''.gonitiv, 'AttoUojvIou, iar ii'.tr-iimilI'- 23. <lin oazun533-300cu 'A™»<ivio«0 tloare la. droapta. 714 —'AvSpo[.. '?] 2.0? - 2 - of J, Demetriou in Alexandria, later brought to National Museum, Athens); and , cwj of Die B but Maiuri 1925, p,246,2 ^ot certainly identified with examples found 1957 in Kos). 'A gQ( PI. 1 club 3 ex.: Athens, 1; Naukratis, 1; Skxbk± Taras(?), 1. Probable context of early 2nd century B.C. «>• earlier for SS 12294 probably from 1.ISBP. AA Se, AA, lig "A(X' o^ PI. 1, 2 33" examples from at least 7 dies: Athens, 1; Alexandria, 23; various sites in southern Russia, 7 (rlamenka, 1; Nymphaion, 1; Pantikapaion, 3; Phanagoria 2)* A, ' * ' 9 L •} V unknown provenance, 2. Previous publieation: Skorpil-Marti 1910, p.41,250 y^unknown die), A stamp of Die Gappears on a broad (non-double) handle from Alexandria, r .-i below (PI.2). r I r \ 7 "yA 4a.vc>[uj (retr.) PI.2 1 ex.; Athen s . "A, o (retr.) PI. 2 Apparently a cut die. 4 ex.: Alexandria. (retr.) PI. 2 V (- >^ •• . 2 ex.: Delos, 1; Olbia, 1. 'v.* , ..... ..r /•:i- r- 10 PI. 2 J.U- ,I 36 ex. from at least 3dies; Kos, 1; Athens, 2; Delos,Alexandria,l^Istria, 1; ^ •'- • various sites in southern Russia, 5 (i ex. each from Bosporos, Chersonesos, Kerkinitis, Pantikapaion, and Tyras), "S . '^^"^'^•^^^^^WHeilaniatic^oontext -f-or^BS^3-82^lJ)ie--A)~frcmuM^^^^^^ Previous publication: Canarache 1957, p.279, 712 (Die A)i Staerman 1951, 103 (unknovm die). , ,, > j, « m The same reading appears on a brSiad (non-double) handle from Tyras, below. 11 l^yL) PI. 2 SxBxxxfrxrocSxjixBSXxAlsxKiidriKxxi^x 2 ex. from 2 dies; 3fcsa:5xi:sxAiBXKJiiria:5xix Alexandria. 12 (^j PI. 3 2 ex,: Alexandria. 13 -"A ©vvv'Ai ou* PI. 3 2 ex. from 2 dies; AisxKHdxiJc^fxajy Kos, Ij Alexandria, 1, The -whole handle is preserved of ABC 479, Ht. 0.162. Previous publication; ilaiuri 1925, p.247, 2 (Kos 36)j the author believed there nu had been a small club belo-w, left. 14 •/\ 9v\ I0V? 2 3 ex. from 2 dies; Kos, 1; Alexandria, 2. -A ^'^VUlffovVj 15 (Jm^i PI. 3 1 ex.; Alexandria. - 4 - 16 ©V\ V ckX 0n> PI. 3 2 ex.; Kos, 1; xmdtiSBXHxljixxia^xix Russian Black Sea shore, unspecified site, 1'. Previous publication; flaiuri 1925, p.247,3 iKos 95), 17 ""tlTri ~T1 -c-ov^ "A^VW \ TprTc>vJ 1 ex.: Pantikapaion, Published by V. Skorpil 11904, p. 148, 658) as a stamp on a double handle in the museum of Kerch. Included in Grakov's list of 1958. The eponjnn's name, with preposition and the same frxm genitive ending, appears in two stamps published as Ehodian: Pridik 1917, p.16, 326 (from Tanai^; apparently and Schuchhardt 1895, p,475, 1165 (from Pergamon,^,^rom the deposit dated 220-180 B.C.^ It vfould be interesting to see the fabric of these two handles. See also below. ±lBxx xilxxSxx See below. 18 A1 t u/* 4 Bl, in cartouche-shaped stamp 1 ex.: Antioch, - 5 - 19 'At ^ f o PI. 3 1 ex.: Alexandria. 20 %s PI. 3 2 ex.: Koe,/1j Kalymnos,/l. tX^ • Ir" Previous publication: l!aiuri 1925, p.247, 4/ (not found in 1957), "• 2 6 ex.: Alexandria. One of these is now in Tflbingen, having been found in the Expedition Ernst Sieglin; see R. Pagenstecher, Die Griechische- \ Agyptische Sammlung Smst vgi Sieglin, Leipzig, 1913, p, 22 PI. 3 1 ex.: Alexandria. 23 PI. 3 4 ex. from 2 dies: Athens, 1; Alexandria, 3. 24 PI. 3 1 ex.: Ilion. 6. V ''-7m: ^ \' . '}^r- 'V> 25 yv.l.-z^cK. PI. 3 •' , Vv clubt?), wheel •V ; «'.f. •' vA ,. ' " . -y-^ /,' I, 1 ex.; Alexandria, • *" »>'•!' / >* '•• ./iii'.'ivr n i'li'; /'' iW«<i\ - •W-'M -S. U v OS • ;'; ,.>Ti 26 L-fclvJ> !• PI. 3 1 ex.: Samaria. 27 •. lA TT O.o PI. 4 5 ex. from 2 dies: Kos, 1; Alexandria, 4. y-y^;;'*^yyy''• 28 fdL.] PI. 4 6 ex. from 2 dies: Kos, 1; Alexandria, 5, of which'ABC'202 bears two impressions.' 29 -A oj PI. 4 ."'It 1 ex.: Alexandria. , r- .-t i -w: r" -'Vi/liv/f'Wb •* 30 dovioo PI. 4 Avf 1 ex.; Alexandria. ..IP For stamps of similar type>', compare 2,, ^79, ^3^ ;v '• y ..V •S' A - '''K ••/ - 7 - 1,' 31 ^A . PI. 4 3 ex.; Athens; Alexandria; Antioch. Late liellenistic to early Roman context for SS 8019 from 0 IB ; 4, 32 Ava,1^(2.-^€>s ^ PI. 4 1 ex.: unknovm. finding-place. •\ 33 "A VV^^ PI. 4 5 ex.: Kos, 1; Athens, 3; Samos, 1. ^rx® Sontext of early 2nd century B.C. and earlier for SS 14062 from LISBF. PA-A—vi-irwi i ^ I ^I 0. ^ ^ , V1-P . 0.-5, §• (•SS I &•<=]. 34 sA, p y\ V: o PI. 4 J n^ and kappa retr. 2 ex.: Alexandria. ji •, '*• ,1''' X'! •' ' ' •' •, ''1L, *•• «•••'•;•' .*•'< ' 35 PI. 4 1 8x.: Alexandria. •,^x; 36 PI. 4 1 ex.; Alexandria. -"'•km X'- /r; '.'1 • i'il'" \ 37 Av^po|^-[ PI. 4 1 ex.; Alexandria. •- •*>' • \' !""•''•• V*1. • *•.' ' >» 38 ^A•n/ Spe? C PI. 4 1 ex.: Alexandria. '•, "P 'P' A o C'f 39 PI. 5 oaduceus 20 ex.: Athens, lOj Alexandria, 6j sites in southern Russia, 4 (Tyras, ±3^ Olbia, Pantikapaion, Bosporos Kiircnerios, 1 each). 3fixa dontoxt of early 2nd century and earlier for SS 550, 12221, 12287, and 12909, from MSBF; and for 8S 7901 from N 20 • 7. A • Previous'publication: Staerman 1951, no. 105. The same reading appears on a broad (non-doubleJ handle from Tyras, see bolo'w. 40 'Av^op<S'^, caduceuB PI. 5 ^ ex. Athens. 9 ' Cf|, a <•. A ' V'.' • ' -4 I ?Vv, ,P,^^ . ]qi0. 7:- > • 41 'AvSpof.') •V ; PI. 5 club ; 1;' >• •• • v;.. « .. > • Iw '• 'f* vT' . *'ftt - 9 - 4 ex.: Kalyinnos, Alexandria, Istria, and one from an unknoum finding- place . Previous publication:^ I.G. XII, I, no.1234 (BM 1955,9-20,256; from He-vrton's investigations in Kalymnos, 1856) j Although this abbreviated text permits a different restoration (cf. (s^, I the device suggests this type is to be grouped witht;^ and <*7 V-J'*! Th ' -.rli 42 j=> o $ PI. 5 club 2 ex.: Athens, Alexandria. 43 •A V ^S I^Sl' PI. 5 club 5" ®**'/ ^l®xg.ndria, 3; Halikamassos, 1 Ifrom Newton's investigations in the -lausoleum, 1857), . •('-; 'i . \ • S 1 ,, j".( / '.1 1* •': V "C cc /A 't.r 1, See ''' 1 44 AV-C.1 v{oOs] 01- AvT.(vj«S^ 1 9x.:^ unknown finding-place. ^ • f'U . IT.V-. / ".J ' • V', ».• '' •• ; 2,. It - 10 - V. ' ' 1 45 vAv^.vL PI. 5 Club 1. ex.: Alexandria. V-CVC>")<^0^ 46 PI. 5 1 ex.: Pergamon. 47 AVTIV <5')^ ® "PI. ' '.Vi,V 1 ex.: Alexandria. •Av.'fV ^ V1. •iil 48 "/A V"c^t r\-a.-c p©5 PI. 5 ^ ' ••• oi/ii •' '1 1 ex.: Alexandria. ;.vS& 49 A PI. 5 1 ex.: Alexandria. Iv' 50 /\ V-C-lTTO-T-ptt l-* L-^luX PI. 5 1 ex.: ' Alexandria. 51 aAVtJ7r<a.rpot^ ci«,l PI. 5 1 ex.: Alexandria. .n. "A^tlcpOLfvM'" S"1 • • PI. 5 52 I • u- . J : club -'V 4 ex.; Kob, Athens, Chios, Pella. -m From contexts of 3rd century B.C. or possibly slightly later; . t' rj sU^ \ SS 42764P 6353 fromA E 14 ; 1; Chios 33, from a deposit, the top filling i of a well, on which see Anderson 1954, p,159 on the "third deposit", and the tentative revision of the date on p.l29, the end of note 25, For possible reference to the latter hajidle, see ibid», p,155, no,276, tnough the stamp is not mentioned. Note that^(f^6353 is a nearly complete amphora, on which see above, p.
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