Committee Date: 22/01/2015 Application Number: 2014/08699/PA Accepted: 28/11/2014 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 23/01/2015 Ward: Hodge Hill 296 Washwood Heath Road, Saltley, Birmingham, B8 2UL Change of use of former health centre (Use Class D1) to 8 self- contained flats (Use Class C3) and erection of single storey rear extension Applicant: Mr Ahmad Owais c/o Agent Agent: Aaxer 88 Nansen Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham, B11 4DT Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Planning consent is sought for the change of use of a currently vacant former health centre at 296 Washwood Heath Road to a development of 8 self-contained flats, the proposal will include the construction of a single storey extension to the rear and external alterations. 1.2. The proposed single storey extension to the rear would provide an additional 13sqm of floorspace to the ground floor to allow the extension of living room/kitchen areas to two of the proposed flats. The extension would measure 8.2 metres in width x 1.6m in depth x 3.4m in height to pitched roof, 2.4m to eaves. Further external alterations would include a number of new door and window openings, which would be in keeping with the design and appearance of the existing property. 1.3. The proposed flats would all be self-contained consisting of 4 units to the ground floor, 3 units to the first floor and 1 unit to the roof space, each flat would contain a living/kitchen area, bathroom and one bedroom. The footprints of the units range from 35sqm to 56sqm. Outdoor amenity space equates to 475sqm, equating to 59.3sqm per unit and, off road parking provision is provided to the front of the property. Site Layout Proposed Ground and First floor layout Proposed Second floor layout 2. Site & Surroundings Page 1 of 7 2.1. The application site is a 2.5 storey double fronted Edwardian style property with room within the roof space and a basement area, which was formerly occupied by the Solihull NHS Trust but is now vacant. The property has a hard-standing off-road parking area to the front and a large private rear garden area. 2.2 The surrounding area is predominantly residential in character, whilst to the southeast on the opposite side of Washwood Heath Road is the PAK Supermarket. Site location Street view 3. Planning History 3.1. 15.08.2014. 2014/03402/PA, Change of use from former health centre premises (Use Class D1) into nine self-contained flats. (Use Class C3), refused for the following reason: ‘The proposed development would not provide future occupiers with a satisfactory standard of residential amenity, as the proposed flats would be of an inadequate size due to an over-intensive use of the property’ 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Regulatory Services – No objection subject to conditions requiring noise insulation details, air quality and the provision of an electric charging point for vehicles 4.2. Transportation Development – No objection subject to conditions requiring an amended parking layout, boundary treatment details and cycle storage details. 4.3. Severn Trent Water – No objection subject to a condition requiring drainage details. 4.4. WM Police – No objections 4.5. Nearby residents, residents associations, local MP and Ward Councillors notified, with the following responses: - • Ward Councillor Majid Mahmood objects to the proposal, commenting that the previous application for 9 self-contained flats was refused and he is not convinced that a similar application for 8 self-contained flats can provide a satisfactory standard of residential amenity as the proposed flats would be of an inadequate size due to an over intensive use of the property. Furthermore it is considered that the premises would be out of character with the locality as the road is an extremely busy road consisting of predominantly residential properties which are large residual properties inhabited by large families. It is also noted that the applicant suggests 8 parking spaces to the front which is doubtful. In addition there is a similar property close by which attracts homeless and vulnerable people which has had a detrimental impact on the lives of the residents nearby, this proposal would make this situation worse. • Two letters/emails of objection from near neighbours who raise concern to existing anti-social behaviour problems in similar properties in the area, including loud music, violence, prostitution and drug dealing/taking 5. Policy Context Page 2 of 7 5.1. Birmingham UDP (2005) and Submission Draft Birmingham Development Plan (2013); Car Parking Guidelines SPD; Places for Living SPG; NPPF (2012). 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. The main issues for consideration are whether the principle of the sub division of the premises into 8 self-contained flats is acceptable; whether the proposed flats would provide future occupiers with a satisfactory standard of residential accommodation/amenity; and the impact of the proposed rear extension and external alterations on the architectural appearance of the property, the visual amenity of the locality, the amenities of adjacent occupiers and highway safety. 6.2. Policy: UDP policies relating to flat conversions (8.26 & 8.27) advise that proposals should not have an adverse effect on the residential amenity of adjoining occupiers. The potential for noise and disturbance nuisance will vary according to the size and type of property involved, the number of flats proposed, the existing use of adjoining properties and ambient noise levels in the vicinity. Generally detached properties are most appropriate for flat conversions, semi-detached and terraced properties may be considered suitable but the potential effect on adjoining occupiers will be assessed particularly carefully. Other considerations include the cumulative effect, parking, highway safety and design of any external alterations. 6.3. Paragraph 3.8 of the adopted Unitary Development Plan states that the City's environmental strategy is based on the need to protect and enhance what is good in the City's environment and to improve what is less good. The keynote is on quality and paragraph 3.10 of the UDP states that proposals which would have an adverse effect on the quality of the built environment will not normally be allowed. 6.4. Background: Previous application 2014/03402/PA for the change of use the former health centre premises into nine self-contained flats was refused on the 15th August 2014, as it was considered the proposed internal layout of the proposal would not have provided a satisfactory living environment for future occupiers. This refusal was followed by a pre-application submission 2014/07525/PA for the conversion of the premises into 8 self-contained flats, by reducing the number of units within the roof space/second floor area from the previously proposed 2 down to 1. Advice was given that on balance 8 self-contained flats could be feasible, so long as the recommended guidelines in terms of a satisfactory living environment are achieved. 6.5 Principle: The premises are a large currently vacant detached building located within an area which is predominantly residential in character, benefiting from off-road parking and a large enclosed rear garden area. It is considered that the premises could be converted into self-contained flats providing an acceptable level of residential amenity/accommodation for future occupies and would fit appropriately within the context of the surrounding area. The principle of the conversion of the premises into self-contained flats is therefore considered acceptable. 6.6. Residential amenity: Objection has been received from a Ward Councillor who considers the proposal would not provide a satisfactory living environment for future occupiers. In response, ‘Places for Living’ recommends that 30sqm per unit of outdoor communal amenity space should be provided per flat, the premises benefits from a private rear garden area of approximately 475sqm, providing 59.3sqm per flat, adhering to guidance. In terms of internal space, the applicant is proposing the conversion of the property into 8 self-contained flats. The proposed footprints of the flats would be between 35sqm and 56sqm which is considered acceptable. In terms of bedroom sizes ‘Places for Living’ recommends that a first double bedroom should Page 3 of 7 measure a minimum of 12.6sqm, proposed bedroom sizes range between 12.6sqm and 14.3sqm further adhering to guidance. In light of the above it is considered that the proposal would provide a satisfactory living environment for future occupiers. 6.7. In terms of the residential amenity of neighbouring occupiers, 3 letters/emails of objection have been received, including objection from a Ward Councillor, on the grounds that the proposal would lead to an exacerbation in anti-social behaviour locally by future occupiers. In response, no evidence is apparent to suggest that the owners of the site would be considered unsuitable landlords or residents would unduly engage in anti-social behaviour. Regulatory Services have assessed the scheme and offer no objections subject to conditions requiring noise insulation details, air quality information and the provision of an electric vehicle charging point. In response to Regulatory Services request, I concur with the attachment of a noise insulation details condition, however I consider the request for air quality information and an electric vehicle charging point unnecessary in this instance due to the scale of development proposed. West Midlands Police have assessed the proposal and raise no objections. 6.8. Design and impact on visual amenity: The design of the proposed single storey rear extension is considered acceptable, the extension would not be visible to the public domain and the property benefits from a large 30 metre long garden area to the boundary with properties 125 – 131 Warren Road.
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