Leukemia (1999) 13, 671–678 1999 Stockton Press All rights reserved 0887-6924/99 $12.00 http://www.stockton-press.co.uk/leu MINI-REVIEW Centric and pericentric chromosome rearrangements in hematopoietic malignancies R Berger and M Busson-Le Coniat INSERM U434 and CNRS SD 401 No. 434, Institut de Ge´ne´tique Mole´culaire, Paris, France Cytogenetic and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) lymphoblastic leukemia, have been described as nonrandom analysis of 10 patients with various hematopoietic malig- abnormalities in hematopoietic malignancies.6–10 Other nancies revealed the presence of dicentric chromosomes or pericentric chromosome rearrangements. Dicentrics were only examples of dicentric chromosomes implying various chro- ascertained by FISH studies in six patients. Two types of peri- mosomes occurring as clonal abnormalities, have been centric chromosome rearrangements have been observed: reported to be present in hematopoietic disorders (Table 1). ‘classical’ dicentrics with two clearly separated centromeric Dicentrics may be difficult to detect with banding techniques regions, and more unusual rearrangements with a breakpoint if the two centromeres are very closely located on rearranged within the centromeric or heterochromatic area, but outside the chromosomes. This difficulty can be overcome by use of FISH, alphoid domain. FISH analysis of partial chromosome 1 q dupli- cations present in three Burkitt lymphoma cell lines confirmed and it has been shown that a large number of isochromosomes the partial involvement of the non-alphoid centromeric domain identified by chromosome banding analysis actually are iso- in the duplicated chromosome segment. The incidence of cen- dicentric chromosomes (Table 1). The overall frequency of tromeric and pericentromeric rearrangements in hematopoietic isochromosomes in human malignancies was 9.9% in 18 160 malignancies may be higher than hitherto admitted. The neoplasms11 and unevenly distributed according to the type chromosomal localization of these rearrangements suggests of tumors. several mechanisms possibly involved in the malignant process and deserves more systematic study. The present report underlines the importance of FISH tech- Keywords: hematopoietic malignancies; chromosomes; dicentric; niques to detect dicentric chromosomes and identify pericen- pericentric rearrangements tric rearrangements occurring as clonal abnormalities in malignant blood disorders. This study was initially based upon Introduction Table 1 Dicentric chromosomes in hematopoietic malignancies Dicentric chromosomes classically are instable structures Disease Ref.a prone to be broken at anaphase. While dicentric chromo- somes are rare in normal cells, their frequency is increased Dicentric chromosomes when the cells are exposed to mutagenic agents and ionizing dic(1;15)(p11;p11) MDS, PV 56 radiations. Dicentrics resulting from irradiation from various dic(5;7)(p13;p11) AML 57 sources (X-rays, gamma rays) were also shown to be instable dic(5;17) MDS, CML-BC 58–60 in somatic cells since they disappear throughout successive dic(7;9)(p11–p13;q11) ALL 61,62 mitoses. Dicentric chromosomes, however, have been dic(7;12)(p11;p12) ALL 62 dic(9;12)(p11–13;p11–12) ALL, sAML, 6,7, 63–65 observed in malignant cells as clonal abnormalities with a CML-BC, variable incidence according to the type of tumor examined. ATL, NHL Since such dicentrics persist during cell proliferation, it has dic(9;20)(p11–13;q11) ALL 8–10 been hypothesized that one centromere was functionally inac- dic(12;13)(p11;p13) AML, MDS 66 tive. The abnormal chromosome could consequently escape dic(12;17)(p11;p12) ALL 62 breakage at anaphase. The hypothesis of two kinds of cen- dic(16;22)(q11;p11) MDS, sAML 67 dic(17;18)(p11;p11–12) AML, CML-BC, 68,69 tromeres, active and inactive, was supported by the fact that APL the CENP-C and CENP-E centromere constitutive binding pro- dic(17;22) CML 70 teins are necessary components of functional centromeres but whole arm chromosome various hemato- 18 not of inactive ones.1,2 The centromere is, indeed, a complex translocations poietic disorders structure, associating various DNA subtypes and proteins, dif- ferently associated within the different chromosomes. Alpha Isodicentric chromosomes idic(8)(p11) T-PLL 71 satellite (alphoid) DNA, which is believed to play an idic(12)(q12) MDS, ALL 64, 72 3,4 important role in the function of the centromere, is a family idic(14)(q11) T-CLL, sMDS 73, 74 of satellite DNAs including several subtypes.5 Some idic(17)(p11) AML, CML 75–81 sequences are chromosome-specific, allowing their use as idic(21)(p11) AML 82 markers in techniques of fluorescence in situ hybridization idic(Ph) CML, AML 70, 83 (FISH) to human cells. idic(X)(q13) AML, MDS, MPD 84 Some recurrent dicentric chromosomes, such as dic(9;12)(p11–13;p11–12) and dic(9;20)(p11;q11) in acute ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; AML, acute myeloblastic leuke- mia; sAML, secondary AML; APL, acute promyelocytic leukemia; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; CML-BC, blastic crisis of CML; MDS, myelodysplastic syndrome; MPD, myeloproliferative disorder; Correspondence: R Berger, U434, 27 rue Juliette Dodu, 75010, Paris, NHL, non-Hodgkin lymphoma; PV, polycythemia vera; T-PLL, T cell France; Fax: 33 1 5372 51 92 prolymphocytic leukemia. Received 7 December 1998; accepted 21 January 1999 aSee also Ref. 17. Mini-review R Berger and M Busson-Le Coniat 672 the finding of aberrant heterochromatin segments in D9Z1) and beta satellite probes (Oncor, D9Z5) specific to rearranged chromosomes, either in possible or obvious dicen- chromosome 9, YACs (from the CEPH library, Paris, France) tric chromosomes, or in translocations mainly involving the 882b3 covering the BCL9 locus,15 978e4 covering the ARNT- long arm of chromosome 1. Ten patients and three cell lines AF1q loci, 742f9 covering the MLL locus, and 936e2 covering with these criteria were chosen for the study. While the inci- the TEL/ETV6 locus, cosmid 19q covering the telomeric part dence of these abnormalities in hematopoietic malignancies of chromosome 19 (L Kearney, MRC Molecular Haematology, cannot be ascertained at the present time, the aim of this John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK), BAC 16091 and PAC report is to focus on these rearrangements which suggest 16093 corresponding to chromosome bands 7q11–7q21 (G several working hypotheses. Gilliland, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Howard Hughes Institute, Philadelphia, USA). Materials and methods Results Patients Analysis of FISH studies of patients (and cell lines) roughly The clinical and hematological data of 10 patients examined confirmed the results of conventional banded karyotype for malignant blood disorders in the Department of Hematol- analysis in most of the cases (Figure 1). However, some abnor- ogy of the Saint-Louis Hospital (Paris) are summarized in malities were found to be better or differently defined with Table 2. In addition three Burkitt lymphoma (BL) cell lines, FISH techniques (Table 3). Dicentric chromosomes or pericen- BL2, BL3, and LY66,12,13 were re-examined with FISH tric rearrangements were present in all patients examined. techniques. Patient 1, therapy-induced AML, M4 after multiple mye- Chromosome studies loma: The karyotype was complex. The chromosome 22 painting probe showed various rearrangements of chromo- Chromosome studies were performed on bone marrow and/or some 22, including add(22)(q13), and del(22)(q11). FISH peripheral blood cells after short-term culture, and on cultures analysis with several probes (chromosome 5, 12, and 22 of BL cell lines. GTG and/or RHG banding techniques were whole chromosome painting, YAC 936e2) showed that the applied and the chromosomes were classified according to the add(22)(q13) chromosome was dicentric, including cen(22) international nomenclature. The results of banded karyotype and cen(8) with insertion of a segment of 12p including the analyses are summarized in Table 3. ETV6/TEL locus (YAC 936e2) between the 22 and 8 fragments. A second marker, add(12)(p12), was also dic, dic(5;12)(q12:p12). Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) FISH techniques14 were applied on metaphase chromosomes Patient 2, ALL: Chromosomes 1 were analyzed with DAPI using various molecular probes depending on the abnormali- staining and a chromosome 1-specific alpha satellite DNA ties studied: whole chromosome painting probes for chromo- probe. A faint heterochromatin-like band was present on the somes 5, 9, 12, 17, 18, 22 (U301 INSERM) and 1 (STAR*FISH long arm of the rearranged chromosome 1, at the limit of its 1066-1B, Cambio, Byosis, Compie`gne, France), 8 (p5201 partial duplication suggesting that the breakpoint was located Coatsome, Oncor, Illkirch, France), alpha satellite probes spe- within band 1q12. Moreover, this band was not labeled with cific to chromosomes 1, 12, 17, and 18 (Oncor, D1Z5, the ‘alphoid’ probe as the normal centromeric regions were. D12Z3, D17Z1, and D18Z1), ‘classical’ satellite (Oncor, This pattern of labeling indicates that the DNA breakpoint Table 2 Clinical and hematological data of 10 patients with hematopoietic malignancies No. CG Sex/Age Diagnosis Bone marrow Peripheral blood Follow-up % blasts Leukocytes Hemoglobin Platelets ×109/l (blasts g/dl ×109/l 1 3462 M/42 y tAML-M4 (MM) 82 35 (36) 8.9 110 — 2 98033 M/3 y ALL-L2 (B) 93 45.6 (84) 9.5 33 CR, 1 m+ 3 2559 F/18 m AML-M4 50 60 (31) 12.9 27 CR, R:7 m, D:8 m 4 97290 M/18 m ALL-L1 (B) 93 47 (83) 8.3 96 CR 5 95276 F/25 y AML-M1 98 159 (94) 9.3 50 CR 6 97220 M/2.5 y AML-M5 79 65 (66) 10.2 280 CR 7 8513 F/2 y ALL (B) 32 4.3 (40) 7.9 50 CR, 6y+ 8 8136 F/8 y ALL-L2 (B) 68 1.3 (0) 7.5 43 CR F/18 y ALL-L2 (R) 89 8.9 (49) 11 6 CR, R:19 m F/19 y ALL-L2 (R2) D: 5 y 4 m 9 4082 F/11 y ALL-L2 (B) 100 7.6 (68) 9.6 46 CR 10 97192 F/62 y AML-M6 21 4.3 (1%) 7.7 89 CR, 6 m+ AML, acute myeloblastic leukemia; tAML, therapy-related, AML; MM, multiple myeloma; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia; M1, M4, M5, M6, L1, L2, FAB subclass; B, B lineage; R, relapse; R2, second relapse; CR, complete remission; D, dead.
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