Trump’s War on science by melvin Goodman HousinG is a Human riGHT by lee ballinGer bernie sanders and THe F-35 by dave lindorFF THe AfterliFe oF cHernobyl by louis proyecT rememberinG mae brussell by paul Krassner TELLS THE FACTS AND NAMES THE NAMES · VOLUME 26 NUMBER 3 · 2019 AND NAMES THE · VOLUME THE FACTS TELLS Contact Information Subscriptions CounterPunch Business Office A one year subscription consists of www.counterpunch.org PO Box 228, Petrolia, CA 95558 6 bi-monthly issues. 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By Daniel Raventós and Julie Wark . 12 Bottomlines ............... 8 As Unanimous as it Gets articles By Pete Dolack Return to the Regulatory Dark Ages Capitalism drives extinction and climate change. By Melvin Goodman. 14 Hook, Line and Sinker ..... 9 Sanders and the F-35 The Curious Case of Patient X By Dave Lindorff . 18 By Jennifer Matsui Housing is a Human Right Is it time to pull the plug? By Lee Ballinger . 21 culture The Afterlife of Chernobyl & reviews By Louis Proyect . .. 23 Remembering Mae Brussell India’s Tryst With Destiny By Paul Krassner ......... 32 By Colin Todhunter . 27 A Social Media Based Regime Change Strategy By John Marc Shorack . 30 Your InformatIon check applIcable Name renewal gift Address new subscriber City State Zip 1 Year, Print/Digital $50 Country Outside US? 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See additional postage fee above. Subscribe by phone, mail or online: P.O. Box 228 Petrolia, CA 95558 1(707) 629-3683 store.counterpunch.org/product/gift-subscription/ letters to the editor Democratic Ideals don’t need new laws to deal clarity. You take no prisoners Pin Ball Brains Why is Chris Floyd so with most of our problems. or bullshit. In terms of political Trump has said idiotic things disturbed by by Lisa Page’s There are currently federal writers, you’re the best we’ve so many times, not to be statement that Putin’s goal is civil rights statutes that permit got in 2019. confused with his calculated to “make us less of a moral for prosecution of substantive Take care, thanks again, and lies. I’m surprised he has the authority to spread democratic crimes of violence motivated keep Roaming Charges com- brain capacity to keep things values” (CounterPunch, vol 25, by racial, gender, faith based ing! It’s one more great reason anywhere near straight at this #6), when, as Floyd demon- hate. Sentences can range to TGIF! point. I imagine his brain to be strates with multiple examples from 10 years to life to capital Sincerely yours, like a pin ball machine, with of America’s bellicosity, the US punishment. Hartley Pleshaw his train of thought the ball has lost such moral author- Stanley Cohen Knowing the Victims that lights up random stuff. We ity as it may once have had? don’t need a Democrat with a Enforcing Tyranny Maybe Putin is doing us all a I’m one of those Americans similar feature, and Uncle Joe favor if his aim is to disrupt the The Second Amdment was who knows victims of gun has a long history of putting Western alliance and thereby about defending the “liberty” violence, especially suicides. his foot in his mouth. The impede the spread America’s of owning slaves. “The Right to I knew one suicide where the man spent the last year of his murderous “democratic ideals”. bear arms” was about enforcing husband put the gun on the tenure as Vice being fodder for tyranny, not resisting it. coffee table and walked out memes. Bill Scoble on his very sick wife. She took Curtis Noel Judy Hayner Victims Not Petrators the hint and took the bullet. Bearing Books People with “severe mental ‘nother was a woman who shot Fox and the Blue Collar Voter illness” aren’t the ones doing A well educated populace, herself and her child at lunch. When Fox News’ Ainsley these mass shootings. So being necessary to the mainte- Last year there were more than Earnhardt refers to Trump NONE of these posers trying nance of a free state, The right 23,000 gun suicides. as being “blue collar,” she to pin these massacres on of the People to keep and bear Rita Stanley doesn’t mean somebody with books shall not be infringed. people with mental illness are The Weird Divide a laboring job who wears a doing a damn thing to try to Tom Winter blue shirt while doing it. She stop them. As a matter of fact, There’s no good end to our means somebody who may be When the Right Liked current crisis.
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