Skolt Sámi Language and Cultural Revitalization: A case study of a Skolt Sámi language nest Tiina-Maaria Laihi University of Helsinki Faculty of Social Sciences Social and Cultural Anthropology Master’s thesis May 2017 Tiedekunta/Osasto – Fakultet/Sektion – Faculty Laitos – Institution – Department Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Social Research Tekijä – Författare – Author Tiina-Maaria Laihi Työn nimi – Arbetets titel – Title Skolt Sámi Language and Cultural Revitalization: A case study of a Skolt Sámi language nest Oppiaine – Läroämne – Subject Social and Cultural Anthropology Työn laji – Arbetets art – Level Aika – Datum – Month and year Sivumäärä – Sidoantal – Number of pages Master’s thesis May 2017 166 Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract The topic of this study is the role of language nests in the language and culture revitalization of Skolt Sámi. Language nests are used for revitalizing a threatened indigenous language and/or culture using a language bath method in a so-called perfect language environment with the help of everyday interaction and care in a culturally sensitive way. Using the Skolt Sámi language nest Pe´sser in Ivalo as an example, the study discusses the operational environment of language nests at a practical level as well as at the levels of local Sámi community and the Finnish society. It is also the first ethnographic study on the Skolt Sámi language nests. The data was gathered through ethnographic participant observation, interviews, and discourse analysis combined with methods from authoethnographic reflexivity and indigenous studies. The language nest activities and their meaning for the community were observed within the contexts of language learning and socialization as well as postmodern identity. Based on the study, it can be said that the children gain linguistic capabilities and familiarize themselves with the Sámi culture in the language nest. As in other language nest studies, it was noted that the language nests are not sufficient for achieving revitalization by themselves, but also other domains are needed where the indigenous people can use their language and promote and practice their culture. The changing life and work situations were problematic for the continuity and the language community of the language nest. Attitudes towards the language and culture also affect the participation in the nests and the support for them. The discrimination against the Skolts and the stigma for using the language are still visible in the community, affecting the language and culture revitalization. The roles of the society and the Sámi community were pronounced in the way in which the language nest funding is decided and in the regulations concerning the nests. The role of (social) media is also increasingly important for understanding the role and the meaning of the language nests and also for creating modern Sámi identities. The language nests have an important role as symbols of hope as well as places where the community members can participate in the language and culture revitalization. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords language nest, Skolt Sámi, language revitalization, socialization, language community, indigenous identity Tiedekunta/Osasto – Fakultet/Sektion – Faculty Laitos – Institution – Department Valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta Sosiaalitieteiden laitos Tekijä – Författare – Author Tiina-Maaria Laihi Työn nimi – Arbetets titel – Title Koltansaamen kielen ja kulttuurin revitalisaatio – tapaustutkimus koltansaamen kielipesästä Oppiaine – Läroämne – Subject Sosiaali- ja kulttuuriantropologia Työn laji – Arbetets art – Level Aika – Datum – Month and year Sivumäärä – Sidoantal – Number of pages Pro gradu Toukokuu 2017 166 Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract Tutkielman aiheena on kielipesätoiminnan merkitys koltansaamen kielen ja kulttuurin revitalisaatiolle ja kielipesien toimintaympäristö kielipesän, saamelaisyhteisön ja suomalaisen yhteiskunnan tasolla. Tutkimus on ensimmäinen koltansaamen kielipesän toimintaa etnografisesti tarkasteleva tutkimus. Tapausesimerkkinä käytetään Ivalon koltansaamen kielipesää Pe´sseriä. Kielipesällä tarkoitetaan kielikylpypäivähoitotoimintaa, jossa tarkoituksena on elvyttää alkuperäiskansan uhanalaista kieltä ja kulttuuria päivittäisten hoitotoimenpiteiden ja heidän kulttuuriinsa pohjautuvien toimintojen avulla ns. täydellisessä kieliympäristössä. Metodeina käytettiin etnografista tutkimusta, haastatteluja ja diskurssianalyysia yhdistettynä autoetnografiseen refleksiivisyyteen ja alkuperäiskansatutkimukseen. Kielipesän toimintaa ja merkitystä tarkasteltiin kielen oppimisen ja revitalisaation sekä sosialisaation kautta postmodernin identiteetin viitekehyksessä. Aineiston perusteella voidaan sanoa, että kielipesän lapset tutustuvat saamelaiseen kulttuuriin ja saavat kielellisiä valmiuksia kielipesässä. Kuten muissa kielipesä-tutkimuksissa on todettu, kielipesä itsessään ei kuitenkaan riitä kielen ja kulttuurin jatkuvuuden takaamiseen, vaan vaaditaan myös muita domeeneita, joissa alkuperäis-kansan jäsenet voivat käyttää kieltään ja edistää kulttuuriaan. Perheiden vaihtuvat työ- ja asumistilanteet aiheuttivat vaikeuksia kielipesän jatkuvuuden ja kieliyhteisön syntymisen kannalta. Asenteet kieltä ja kulttuuria kohtaan vaikuttavat kuitenkin vahvasti yhteisön tukeen ja osallistumiseen kielipesässä. Kolttasaamelaisten kokema syrjintä ja stigma kieltä ja sen puhumista kohtaan näkyvät jossain määrin yhteisössä edelleen hankaloittaen kielen ja kulttuurin elvyttämistoimia. Yhteiskunnan ja saamelaisyhteisön merkitys korostuu kielipesän toiminnassa etenkin rahoituksen ja toimintaa ohjaavien säädösten kautta. Lisäksi (sosiaalisen) median rooli korostuu kielipesien merkitystä arvioitaessa ja toisaalta modernin saamelaisen identiteetin luomisessa. Kielipesien merkitys korostuu kielen ja kulttuurin elvytyksen kentällä toivoa antavana symbolina ja toisaalta konkreettisena kielen ja kulttuurin elvytyksen tilana, jossa yhteisön jäsenet voivat osallistua toimintaan. Avainsanat – Nyckelord – Keywords Kielipesä, kielen revitalisaatio, sosialisaatio, kolttasaamelaiset, kieliyhteisö, alkuperäiskansaidentiteetti i. Acknowledgements Like the river Ivalo flowing from the fjells, through the town of Ivalo, eventually reaching the lake Inari lapping the shores of Inari village and flowing to the wider world, this thesis started small and kept gaining momentum over time. The process has been long and meandering, starting already in early 2013, though the topic had interested me for a long time even before starting this work. Throughout the process I have had the privilege of advice and support from various people both in and out of academia, people whose knowledge and experience have greatly enriched this work, and in the spirit of acknowledging the indigenous perspective, I wish to give my thanks. All mistakes (and things left out) are naturally my own fault. My greatest thanks go naturally to “Maa´ren” and “Liizz” who allowed me to follow them in their work for weeks at a time and gave me invaluable input and support throughout the whole process, as well as the children and the families of the language nest. Without them this work could never have been done and I wish them and the whole Skolt Sámi community all the best. I hope that in the future I can keep contributing in some small ways and give back at least a fragment of what they have given me. I regret that I did not have the chance to translate the abstract into Skolt Sámi for this version, but my hope is to remedy that in the future. Many people helped me along the way with practical and theoretical contributions. Annika Pasanen gave me useful advice on finding the right topic and was a very helpful informant and interviewee, in addition to her research giving me an important point for comparison. Pirkko Saarela helped me to contact the language nest in Ivalo and Pia Pasanen in the Sámi Parliament offered useful insight on the situation of the language nests in Finland at both societal and Sámi community level. All the Sámi people I came across during the study helped me tremendously with their interested and understanding attitude, especially the language nest workers and other people I interviewed or had a chance to talk to about my project. I also wish to thank all the people who hosted me throughout the fieldwork, both in Ivalo and Inari, and gave me shelter from the nightless nights of Northern Lapland. iv Over the course of writing this I ended up traveling from Helsinki to Ivalo to Tromsø and back and forth to Helsinki again (not unlike many of the Sámi families involved in the study). My fellow students and teachers in the anthropology department in Helsinki and in the indigenous studies master’s program in Tromsø were extremely helpful with their comments, questions, and remarks on the topic and contents of this thesis. Paula Virtala and Daryl Weir helped me with the language as well as lent a helpful ear when I needed to process my thoughts aloud. Daryl also helped me recover the interview recordings that I almost lost when switching computers, and for that I am very grateful. An assortment of other friends and family offered support and advice throughout the process, and I thank them all for their contributions. Naturally my supervisors, late prof. Karen Armstrong and Dr. Toomas Gross deserve their due. Their advice and assistance helped me avoid many pitfalls and saw me through the harder times of the process. Thank you, kiitos, spä´sseb! This study is dedicated to the wonderful, joyous children of Pe´sser. They
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