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Roosevelt cent grouDds of the Hudson valley heirs "to select on~y such articles Ninth Gains Foothold !laid on Jap Home in his will filed yesterday be- estate to the {ederal government, of personal property" as they Island Brings Toll quested to his widow, Anna with the provision that Mrs. "may be in a position to use per­ Iowan Beyond Elbe, Third Eleanor Roosevelt, all the income Roosevelt and their children could sonally in their own homes." 85 Miles From Reds fo 1,674 Craft Hit from a trust fund to be set up Live there during their lifetimes. Mrs. Roosevelt was giveD th~ Truman to* broad,cW* * b r i e f Irom his residuary estate. The will, executed Nov. la,l use of property at campobello speech at 9 tODight. BULLETIN GUAM. Tuesday (AP)- Vice London. Tuesday (AP)-The run . Marc A. Mitschel"S carrier Upon her death, one half of the 1941, shortly after his mother's Island, New BrUDswlck, Canada, Ii force pilots destroyed 368 remaining principal, with any ac- death and a few months after his upon certain terms and conditions. Nuls repoli Russians on,ly 23 Paris radio repOrted without of­ lpanese planes in raids on cu.mulations, is to be paid equaJ- meeting with Prime Minister Specific cash bequests were miles from Berlin. flcJaI confirmation today that I'I5hu, southernmost of the Jap­ ly to his children or their heirs. Churchill to frame the Atlantic made to St. James church, f[yde American and Russian spearheads The other half is to be divided Charter, provides that Mrs. Roose­ Park, the Georgia Warm Springs Governor Blue signs approl?ri­ had met In the Elbe river valley lISe home islands, and near the ,akyus April 12 to 15 inclusive, into separate trusts, to be held velt has the right to select any foundation and personal employes ation biils. south of Dresden. by the trustees for the benefit of personal property she desires. and servants. Last advlces from the western This disclosure, in Fleet Adm. the children and grandchildren. Mr. Roosevelt directed that his A provision in the will directing Klrke Simpson COD tin u e s front lndlcated that approximately hlllter W, Nimitz's communique The will, filed in Dutchess live children each shall have the payment of a stated income to and "Roosevelt as I Knew Him" 85 mIles still separated American day. was the first from an COUDty surrogate's court, Pough.. right to select one-fifth of the payment for the care oC Miss series. and Russian forces in this area, merican source that Mitscher's keepsie, N. Y., was made public remaining personal property. Any Marguerite A. Le Hand, 'for many with United States spearheads lots had raided Kyushu. No de­ here by Johu C. Farber, of the not chosen by them will be offered years confidential secretary to Seventh army enters Nuren­ sUIi 30 mIles from Dresden. ils were given except that many berg. 'the enemy warcraft were de­ law form of O'Connor and Farber, as a gift to the governmeDt for Mr. Roosevelt, lapsed because of who said in a statement: display at the Franklin D. Roose- her death July 31, 1944. PARIS, Tuesday (AP)- Three lOyed on the ground. In addition American armies battled possibly those shot down, 60 were dam­ "No attempt has been made as veH library or the main house at Executors and trustees of the yet to place any valuation upon Hyde Park. estate are the late president's 85 mUes irom Russian lines today, ~ . hammering five miles beyond the the assets of the estate." I The late president asked that eldest son, Marine Colonel James Red Paratroops Land These aerial victories raised to Roosevelt; Basil O'Connor, his Elbe river, outflanking the great Upon the death of Mrs. Sara his family leave "the greater part fortress of Leipzig and driving 114 the number of enemy aircraft Delano Roosevelt, tne late presi- of the personal property" at the former Jaw partner, long time ~troyed by Mitscher's forces personal friend, president of the 23 Miles From Berlin a steel wedge 30 miles from the dent's mother, OIl' Sept. 7, 1941, main house lor the government enemy's eastern front base of Ice March 18. United States Mr. Roosevelt received nine- "so that the general character of NatioDal Foundation for InIantile sses have been negligible. ParalysIs and chairman of the Dresden. The Japanese launched heavy tenths of her net estate of $1,089,- the house be not altered." Germans Say Final Yet another American army, the 872 and her Hyde Park, N. Y., The will added that this should American Red Cross, and Henry r attacks against American T. Hackett. a personal friend and Seventh, broke into the Nazi property. ' not be construed as a restriction Drive Against Berlin shrine city of Nuernberg, 90 miles rees in and around Okinawa yes­ a Poughkeepsie attorney. May. Yank pilots, ships' gun­ Mr. Roosevelt last year con- on members of the family. Mr. Now Underway north of Munich and an outer '18 and land-based antiaircraft ------~------------------~------------------- bastion of the Germans' alpine LONDON, Tuesday (AP)-The retreat, w.here the final shots in ~~~:~ destroyed 242 of the at- '33rd Tightens Noose Alliles Launch Reds Insisl on Polish FIRST PIOTURE RECEIVED via signal corps radio of the munitJons G e r man s reported today that the war In Europe may be fired. The United States Ninth army Nimitz did not say whether ship explosion in the harbor of Barl, Italy, on April 12th. Thls aerial Soviet parachutists had landed nerican forces suffered damage view shows the burning shlJl being towcd out of the harbor followln, was 52 miles southwest of Berlin Around Luzon Capl'taJ Invitation to Frisco behind German lines less than 23 after hacking out a foothold five these attacks. I I I . the blast which killed 360 and injured 1730 persons. F" . I D miles beyond the Elbe, and un­ Nimitz disclosed that 9,108 Jap- Ina rive (Ill tematlonal Soundpboto.) miles from Berlin yesterday even lese troops had been killed on F t F F . Soviets Uninfluenced as Adolf Hitler was demanding a confirmed enemy reports said the killawa and 391 taken prisoner ron rom ormosa . Amcricans had forced a new By Allied Demands defensive death-sland a g a ins t ) to Friday midnight. That cov- The Bitter Dregs- crOSSing farther north at Havel­ To New Guinea I N 'Ih II I what he called the "last massed" berg, 45 miles northwest of Ber­ 'cd the first 13 days 01 the Liberators Pound For New Government kinawa campaign. The prisoner n, or. a y Russian offensive against the Nazi lin and some 85 miles from Rus­ gure was for military personnel LONDON, Tuesday (AP)-The capital. sian lines. 11y. Approximately 85,000 civil- ~ILA, T u e s day (AP)'­ Soviet government continues to The Red army airborne troops The United Slates First army ROME (AP)-An offensive de­ insist on the absolute neccssity of Reich Becomes Trqp cut loose with a 14-mile tank IllS have been placed under Strongly supported by bombers dropped in Berlin's defense ring merican military government and :{ightecs, 3Srd division doUgh- scribed by Field Marshal Sir Har­ participation by the Polish pro­ somewhere between the city's dash that swept into Wurzen, 12 ~pervision. l old L. Alexander as "the last battle visional government at Warsi!w in By J. M. Roberts Jr. h·ch·t. all h b in eastem limits and heights won by miles east of Leipzig, where an Only United States, casualty fig- boys dl'e.w heir ~oose tightec The lull tide ot destruction '*' J Ute ies ave een stor g which will end the war" was the San Francisco conference, ~ the Red army 23 miles to the east, estimated 1,000 ,000 civilians faced res announced by Nimitz were around the PhilippiDe summer Moscow radio said early today. up for Germany lor five years is the Berlin radio commentator an ordeal of fire and steel because 12 killed, 2,103 wounded and 160 capital of Baguio on northern launched today with American The Moscow broadcast, recorded pouring through the breaches in Ernest von Hammer said, as Ger­ <10,000 German troops are bent on jgging-a total of 2,695-through Luzon Sunday while Liberators Filth army troops joining in the by the Soviet monitor in London, the Nazi dam. For the first time man reports indicated that four making a Stalingrad of that ref­ assault begun a week ago by forces Blue Signs Bills pril 9. swept choice targets from Formosa took note of the American and the HiUerites are called on to Russian armies totalling perhaps ugee-swollen firth city of the Elements of the 24th army corps south to New Guinea.
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