tt>,.e.iNc‘ . 4915 iisT...?„111.1Ç, LFY.Ç4A41 .,IM.D.Q Niue. LL.AGU. EINC. A Low Cost Short-Wave Receiver NOVEMBER 1929 UTtLt ZING SPECIALLY- DEVELOPED RADIO ENGINEERING ACH I EVE M ENTS Only you technitmlly-trained men can fully appre(late the tremendous engineering problems involvt41 in A. (T., Short Wave, successfully solved by Pilot's A. C. Super-Wasp, de- signed by David Grimes, John Geloso and Robert S.14..ruse. PILOT A. C. Not the least part of the job was the creation of the Pilo- tron 227—the only tube good enough to operate the A. C. SUPER-WASP Super-Wasp satisfactorily Newly developed Pilotrons"En- developed by dorsed by Professionals" are first on the market—alwaysI DAVID GRIMES Your nearest authorized Pilot dealer stocks the A. C. Super-Wasp (1134.50 Complete Kit), the Battery-Operated JOHN GELOSO Super-Wasp 0e29.50 Complete Kit) the K-111 ABC Power Pack which is recom mended for the A. C. job ($16.50 in ROUT. S,KRITSE semi-kit form) and the complete Pilotron Line. Prices quoted are for Custom Set-Builders in U. S. A. ¡LOT RADIO fir TUBE CORR WORLD'S LARGEST RADIO PARTS PLANT Estab1ished 1903 323 Berry Street, Brooklyn, New York 'DE cum: Xi& RCA Radiotron UV- 851 A General Purpose Tube for High- Power Amateur Stations Modulator, Power Amplifier, or Oscilla- tor —in whichever of these ways ama- teurs choose to use Radiotron ETV-851, they will be delighted with its power- ful behavior. Its ability to modulate without distortion 400 watts of oscillator' input power in radiophone transmitters: to handle 100 watts of undistorted power output as an audio amplifier: to deliver 1000 watts of useful power output as an oscillator at 3000 kilocycles or below: or to sup- ply 1000 watts of peak power output as Filament Volts . 11 a radio-frequency amplifier these are Filament Amperes . 15.5 the operating characteristics which make Amplification Factor . 20 Radiotron.1.1V-851 such an excellent all- Modulator purpose transmitting tube. Plate Volts . 2000 Grid Bias Volts .• —80 Write nearest RCA DISTRICT OFFICE Plate Current (ma.)• . 105 for further information. Plate Resistance (ohms) . 2300 Max. Plate Dissipation (watts) 600 Price $350.00 Ose. Input Watts for each UV-851 (Mod. Factor 0. 6) 400 Oscillator and R. F. Power RADIO-VICTOR CORPORATION Amplifier OF AMERICA Max. Operating Plate Voltage Modulated DC Plate Volts 2000 New York-261 Fifth Avenue Non-modulated DC Plate Volts 2500 Chicago-100 West Monroe Street Max. DC Plate Current (amps.) 1.0 San Franci3co-235 Montgomery Street Max. Plate Dissipation (watts) 750 Atlanta-101 Marietta Street Dallas—Santa Fe Bldg. Power Output (watts) 7.000 Say You Saw It in QST — It Identifies You and Helps QST . IPYREX Insulators at Station WI„W 1 and 7. On antenna line and lead in. , 3.1-and S. On frequency transirtission line and lead in, 6. Supports on the tun- ing coil. 7. On the antenna tension line. WL W -50,000 Watts —and a strong believer in PYREX Insulators " We feel that PYRE X Insulators have minimu m leakage and that they do their part in maintaining quality and range. Our installations have proven unusually strong, durable and free fro m breakage. The insulating quality is satisfactory in fog, rain, etc." — J. A. Cha mbers, Technical Supervisor qUPER-POWER, advanced design, larger and new stations favor PYREX and PYREX Insulators throughout Entering Insulators on the lead-in, and is the logical combination that has en- that where conditions invite the use of abled its owners, Crosley Radio Cor- stand-off, pillar and bus-bar types, poration, to bring this fine new station PYREX Insulators are given the into just prominence. preference. That PYREX Insulators have vin- In the broadcasting stations, as in dicated their right to exclusive use here the U. S. Navy, Army, Coast Guard, is evident from the above comment. Ice Patrol and Air Mail Services, An investigation of the 600 American PYREX Insulators have become the broadcasting stations showed that standard because of PYREX Insulators were almost uni- their uniformly successful versally used on the antennae, that the performance. A suitable type and size for every radio service is listed and priced in our PYRE X Radio Insulator booklet. Write us for a copy and get PYRE X insulators fro m your nearest supply house, or if necessary fro m us direct. CORNING GLASS WORKS, Dept. 64 Industrial and Laboratory Division: CORNING, N. Y. T, >4. PEG, LL S. PAT, Oc t. PYREXMARK OF CORNYMG. GLASS WORKS RADIO INSULATORS Say You Saw It in QST ---- It Identifies You and Helps QST Section Communications Managers of THE COM MUNICATIONS DEPART MENT, A. R. R. L. ATLANTIC DIVISION Eastern Pennsylvania W3ZF Don Lusk 116 West Wyoming Ave., Germantown, Phila. Maryland-Delaware-District of Columbia W3BB W Forrest Calhoun 1636 Thomas Ave. Baltimore, Md. Southern New Jersey+ V937.1 Ed Baser 315 Beciihwrsid Ave. '1 ten ton Western New York W8PI C. S. Taylor 598 Masten St. Buffalo Western Pennsylvania W8CE0 A. W. MeAulY 309 Third St, Oakmont CENTRAL DIVISION Illinois W9A PV Fred j. Hinds 3337 Oak Park Blvd. Berwyn Indiana W9CYQ j. Angus $10 N. Illinois St. indianapolie 'Kentucky W9BA.Z I. B, Wathen, r11 Mockingbird Valley Louisville Michigan W8CEP b etas Wise 9187 Falcon Ave. Detroit Ohio W8RY N FL C. Storck (94 Carpenter St. Columbus Wisconsin W9VD C. N. Crapo 443 Newton Ave. Milwaukee - DA KOTA DIVISION North Dakota • W9 DYV It. S. Warner 309 4th Ave. Enderlin South Dakota W9D GR D. M., Pasek 780 Illinois St,. Huron Northern Minnesota W9BVH Carl L. Jabs 1822 james St. St. Paul Southern Minnesota W9EFK J. C. Pehoushek 60 Melbourne Ave.. S. E. Minneapolis DELTA DIVISION Arkansas W5.ABI H. E. Velte 315 No, Jackson St. Little Rock Louisiana W5EB M. M. Hill Oakdale . Mississippi .%'5A EP j. W. Gullett 1708 23rd Ave. Meridian Tenneesee* W4SP James 13. Witt 832 N. Fifth Ave. Knoxville H UDSON DIVISION Eastern New York W201.1 H. H. Rosenthal Box 741) New Rochelle .N. V. C. fk Gong Island* W213G0 V. T. Kenney 1836 Hone Ave. Bronx Northern New jersey W2 W12 A. G. Wester, Jr. SI) Princeton St. Maplewood MI D WEST DIVISION lows W9DZ W H. W. Kerr Little Sioux Kansas> WYCET .1. H. Arnie 915 Lincoln Ave. Topeka Missouri Wen R L. B. Laizure 8010 Mercier St. Katmai> City Nebraska 'W9BV G C. B. Deihl 50135 Cedar St, Omaha NE W EN GLAND DIVISION Connecticut Wi n, C. A. Weidenham mer 33 Washington Place Bridgeport Maine WIAOL G. C. Brown 209 No. Main St. Brewer Eastern Maseauhusetts WI WV M. W. Weeks, 40 Norfolk Rd. Chestnut Hill Western Massachusetts IVIU M Dr. John A. Tessmer 8 Sehaffner St. Worcester New Hampshire W1ATJ V. W. Hodge 227 Main St, Claremont Rhode Island W1BCR Ç. N. K.raus 92 Keene St. Providence Vermont WI IT Clayton Paulette North Tmy N ORTH W ESTERN DIVISION Alaska 1VVVDN W. B. VVileon U. S. LHT Fern Keichikan Idaho** W 7ABB H. R. M el:limey 1720 Washington St. Boise Montana W7AAT-7QT O. W. Piers Red Lodge Oregon W7UN Wilbur S. Claypool 1057 Greeuwood Ave, Portland Washington W7FD Otto Johnson 4340 30th A ve, W . Seattle PACIFIC DIVISION Hawaii K6CFQ F. L. FullawaY 2714 Manoa Rd. Honolulu Nevada* woo() C. B. New rombe 'rerington Los Angeles tiinAm D. C. Wallace 209 Pine Ave., Room 410 Long Beach, Calif. Santa Clara Valley woN F. J. Quement 1348 Hanchett Ave. San Jose East Bay WOCZ R J. Walter Prates 368 02nd St. Oakland San Francisco C. F. Bane 202 Castro SL San Francisco Sacramento Valley W6DON Everett Davies Rt. 5. Box 380 Sacramento Arizona WOB WS Russ Shortman 519 W. Madison St. Phoenix Philippines K1CV S. M. Mathes Army-Navy Club Manila Sa n Diego '33'6E0P Harry A. Ambler 4101 Hamilton St. San Diego ROANO KE DIVISION North Carolina W4TS Hal S. Justice Box 552 Canton Virginia* W3CA J. F. Wohlford 118 Cambridge Ave. Roanoke Vet Virginia WS W, Ir. D. Reynolds Box 1200 Fairmont ROCK Y M OUNTAIN DIVISION Colorado W9CAA C. R. Stedman 1641 Albion St. Denver Utah-Wyoming WOBAj Parley N. James 430 "0" St. Salt Lake City SOUTHEASTERN DIVISION Alabama W4AAQ 3. Bayne 9 Park Ave. Montgomery Florida W4All Harvey Chafin 6002 Suwanee Ave, lampa Georgia-So. Carolina-Cuba- Pine:et W4R M J7a. mesMayer(. e rle 1124 Mayland Circle Atlanta P. R. Porto Rico-Virgin Islands K4K 0 Box 103 W EST GULF DIVISION Northern Texas W3 BG J. H. Robinson, jr, 522 Cumberland St. Dallas Oklahoma WSGF W. J. Gentry h10 Pottenzer St. Shawnee Southern Texas W5OX R. E. Franklin 1806 Valentine St. Houston New Mexico W5TT L. E. Radka Tueumcari M ARITIME DIVISION Maritime* VEIDQ A. M. Crowell 69 Dublin St. Halifax, N. S. ONTARIO DIVISION Ontario VF,3FC E. C. Thompson 266 Queensdale Ave. Toronto. 6 QUEBEC DIVISION Quebec VE2BE Alex Reid 109 Logan Ave. St. Lambert VANALTA DIVISION Alberta. British Colombia V &SAL j. L. Cavalidey 4868 Blenheim St. Vancouver PRAIRIE DIVISION Manitoba VE4HR A. V. Chase III Lanark St. Winnipeg Saskatchewan* V E4FC W, j. Pickering 514 19th St. W. Prince .Albert *Officials appointed to act until the membership of the Section concerned choose permanent SCIllie by nomination and election. **Acting tor the sum mer. 3 FOR FIFTEEN YEARS the General Radio Company has been manufacturing instruments for the am- ateur which have made a reputation for sound design, quality, and relia- bility. Among these are Frequency Meters Quartz Plates for Piezo-Electric Oscillators Audio-Amplifier Transformers Power-Supply Transformers Variable Air Condensers (for work on short waves) New items are under development.
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