University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies 2008 / 2009 Calendar Graduate Programs: Web Site: Student Services at SGS: For admission and application www.sgs.utoronto.ca Telephone: (416) 978-6614 information, contact the graduate unit Fax: (416) 978-4367 directly. Contact information and Web E-mail: site addresses are listed in each unit's [email protected] entry. [email protected] 63/65 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2Z9 Mission Statement Dean’s Welcome The mission of the School of Graduate Studies I am delighted to welcome you to the many graduate is to promote excellence in graduate education and communities of the University of Toronto. We are proud of research University-wide and ensure consistency and our accomplishments as a centre for graduate education high standards across the divisions. Sharing respon- that integrates advanced scholarship and research into sibility for graduate studies with graduate units and every degree program. Please use this site to learn more divisions, and operating through a system of collegial about the excellent programs we offer. governance, consultation and decanal leadership, Here at the largest graduate school in Canada, over SGS defines and administers university-wide regula- 13,000 graduate students are studying in an extraordi- tions for graduate education. nary range of scholarly fields. The diversity of our depart- SGS also provides expertise, advice and information; ments, centres, and institutes means that the focus and oversees the design and delivery of programs; organizes expertise that you seek is very likely to be found within reviews and develops performance standards; supports the graduate offerings at U of T. We also offer a number diversity, equity, fairness, and ethical conduct in graduate of interdisciplinary collaborative programs. education; organizes services and financial assistance We welcome graduate applicants from around the to graduate students; encourages a close and positive world, inviting those who are successful to participate in relationship between research and graduate instruction; advanced study that links research and scholarship with and represents the cause of graduate education at the graduate training. We offer you a scholarly community of University of Toronto in the wider academic and general superb quality, one of the best academic library systems community. in the world, and a lively intellectual environment that sits within a remarkably cosmopolitan city. You can investigate graduate studies at the Univer- sity of Toronto more closely through the Web site: www. sgs.gradschool.utoronto.ca. That site is a gateway to the fields of study that you may choose. Officers of the School of Welcome to the University of Toronto’s graduate Graduate Studies school, where your intellect and aspirations can thrive. With my best wishes for your academic success, Dean of Graduate Studies and Vice-Provost, Graduate Education Susan Pfeiffer S. Pfeiffer, BA, MA, PhD Dean of Graduate Studies and Vice-Provost, Graduate Education Vice-Dean, Programs E. A. Cowper, BA, AM, PhD Vice-Dean, Students J. J. B. Smith, BA, MA, PhD About this Calendar and courses of instruction. Faculty who are affiliated with About this Calendar the graduate unit are listed by appointment category. For additional details about a graduate program, visit the The School of Graduate Studies Calendar is pub- unit’s Web site and/or consult the department’s hand- lished annually. It is posted on the SGS Web site at www. book. sgs.utoronto.ca in May. Published copies are printed by July and may be purchased using the online order form on the SGS Web site or in person from the SGS office at 63 St. George Street. The School of Graduate Studies Calendar describes the broad range of graduate study opportunities available at the University of Toronto. It also contains policies and procedures related to graduate studies. The calendar is divided into six sections. Section 1 General Regulations outlines admission, registration, enrolment, grading, and graduation policies and proce- dures. Selected policies and codes established by the University are also featured in this section with links to the full policy which is accessible online. Section 2 Degree Regulations discusses general admission and degree requirements for programs offered by more than one graduate unit at the University. Specialized programs not mentioned in this section are described in the entry for the specific graduate unit offering the program. Section 3 Fees and Financial Support Fees schedules, types of fees, and fees for graduate student categories are explained. Financial Support describes awards, assistantships, grants, and loans available to graduate students. Section 4 Services for Students outlines University services avail- able to enhance graduate life at U of T. Look for student housing information in this section. Section 5 Graduate Faculty members are appointed in one of three categories: full members, members emeriti, and associate members. Faculty with appointments as full members and members emeriti are listed alphabeti- cally, together with their home unit affiliation. Associate members are listed in the individual graduate unit entries in section 6. Section 6 Graduate Programs. The largest component of the calendar features a comprehensive list of the graduate units that offer degree programs. The term “graduate unit” refers to a department, centre, or institute. The section is divided into three categories: degree programs, collabo- rative programs, and joint programs. Each graduate unit entry contains valuable information about the programs it offers together with admission and program requirements times such a balance cannot be struck and the number Important Notices of qualified students exceeds the instructional resources that we can reasonably make available while at the same time maintaining the quality of instruction. In such Changes in Programs of Study and/or cases, we must reserve the right to limit enrolment in the programs, courses, or sections listed in the calendar, Courses and to withdraw courses or sections for which enrolment The programs of study that the School of Graduate or resources are insufficient. The University will not be Studies Calendar lists and describes are available for the liable for any loss, damages, or other expenses that such academic year September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2009. limitations or withdrawals might cause. They may not necessarily be available in later years. If the University or the School must change the content of programs of study or withdraw them, all reasonable possible advance notice and alternative instruction will Copyright in Instructional Settings be given. However, the University will not be liable for If a student wishes to tape-record, photograph, any loss, damages, or other expenses that such changes video-record, or otherwise reproduce lecture presenta- might cause. tions, course notes or other similar materials provided by For each program of study offered by the University instructors, he or she must obtain the instructor’s written through the School of Graduate Studies, the courses consent beforehand. Otherwise, all such reproduction is necessary to complete the minimum requirements of the an infringement of copyright and is absolutely prohibited. program will be made available annually. However, we In the case of private use by students with disabilities, the must reserve the right otherwise to change the content of instructor’s consent will not be unreasonably withheld. courses, instructors and instructional assignments, enrol- ment limitations, prerequisites and co-requisites, grading policies, requirements for promotion, and timetables Person ID (Student Number) without prior notice. Each student at the University is assigned a unique identification number. The number is confidential. The University, through the Policy on Access to Student Regulations and Policies Academic Records, strictly controls access to Person ID As members of the University of Toronto community, numbers. The University assumes and expects that stu- students assume certain responsibilities and are guaran- dents will protect the confidentiality of their Person ID’s. teed certain rights and freedoms. The University has several policies that are approved by the Governing Council and which apply to all students. Notice of Collection of Personal Each student must become familiar with the policies. The University will assume that he or she has done so. Information The rules and regulations of the School are listed in this The University of Toronto respects your privacy. calendar. In applying to the School, the student assumes Personal information that you provide to the University certain responsibilities to the University and the School is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of and, if admitted and registered, shall be subject to all Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of ad- rules, regulations and policies cited in the calendar, as ministering admission, registration, academic programs, amended from time to time. university-related student activities, activities of student All University policies can be found at www.govern- societies, financial assistance and awards, graduation ingcouncil.utoronto.ca/policies.htm. Those which are of and university advancement, and for the purpose of particular importance to students are: statistical reporting to government agencies. At all times · Policy on
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