go — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Nov. 3. 1987 eoard of Diractort ' TOWN OF MANCMR$'niR TOWN OF MANCHBSTUR , §^ Peter DIrtosa Jr.y 7,971 Board of Education 1987-90 LBOAL NO'nCB LUNAL NOTICU Richard W. Dyer, 7,891 The Zenino Board at Appeals made the follawing dedslons Stephen T . Ca88dno,;'7,804 The Planning and Zoning Commission will hbld o public at Its meetlno of Octobor 36,1917: hearing on Monday, November 9, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. In the James F. Fogarty, 7,667 Susan L. Perkins, 6,878 Hearing Room, Lincoln Center, 4M Main Street, Manches­ APPL. PATRICIA a AHOtlA CLANCY - Orantod ovprl- BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ter, CT to hear and consider the tollowlng petitions: NO. 1227 anc* to Article II, Section 4.81.81 tooHowareduc- John A. TuccI, 5,075 Tax-Increment bonds 4. _ fiontolhereaulradstraetfroiitoeeforlfVOraaft- 1^ Kenneth N.vTedford, ‘^187 RICHARD WOODHOUON, TRUOTN AND CIRCLI wood Drive, Residence A zone. The winners; 1^ ‘No’ by 205 votes ASSOCIATHS - ZONICHANOI • 130V BUCKLAND STRIBT Mary Ann Handley, 6,724 APPL. J08IPH J. JOHNS (OAH'3 AUTf^OTtVl) - R n C L E M I M IgnpANmNe/ MISCELLANEOUS • (C-46) - AdpHcollon 'to change the zoning district classification from Business III to Business V fora parcel of NO. 1221 Granted a special oxceptlon undor A ^ c la II. Sac- Theunis Werkhoven, 6,654 Board of Education 1988-91 | K |SERVICES j --------------- IggjRERIBIlEUIIB ISSJPAFERINO SERVICES land Identified os 120V Bucklond Street. tion 11.82 and Article IV, Section S.01.82 Ip o p t ^ a eanaral repair auto rtpoir shop at 917 Center Rcnald Osella, 6,114 Gloria D. DellaFera, 6,829 Town-8th agreement CIRCLI A$$OCIATI$ - ZONI CHANOI • 10, 40 AND 40 Street, Business II zone. R E L IA B L E Woman Will INTERIOR Painting and BUCKLAND S T R U T IC-48) • ApMIcotlon to Change thezon- James E. Morancey, 6,707 Overwhelmingly ‘no’ staining. Experience FALL CLEANUP Ing district classification from Rural Residence to Business APPL. WILLIAM a HBLHN WASCHOLL - DenlWl a varL Barbara B. Weinberg, 5,973 ciM n vour office or M.T.S. Puffy Inturad, Free Estfnwfee NO. 1229 ancetoArtldell,SectlonS.01.01toallewtfteuteof business, evenlnss. 7'h years. For estimate III for o parcel of land consisting of approximately .01 opras and Identified os 30,40 and 40 Bucklond Street. a third floor os llvins space at 29ainton Street, Re­ Gecffrey Naab, 5,880 Francis A. Maffe Jr., 6,189 in the Eighth District Free estimote. Please coll 647-7815. sidence a zone. call 647-9509 or 537-0500. BUILDERS CORRIVEAU’S SAMUIL CHORCHIS • ZONI CHANOI - 47 AND 11 OAK­ UwR Sanrieg LAND STR UT (C44) • Application to change the zonlngdls- APPL. ARMY AND NAVY CLUB OP MANCHNSTHR- 6 4 6 -2 7 8 7 trlct classification from Residence A to Business 11 for o par­ NO. 1238 Granted a variance to allow ttie us# of o port of p PAINTING 646- 9 7 1 6 cel of land Identified as 47 on<Kn Oakland Street. Forest Street (Residtnee AA) for o f t-«tr ^ park­ CMPENTRY/ fnleffor SpeetoMsfa ing with the following conditions: (1) Fencing, •CUSTORI HOMES CINTIR STR UT ASSOCIATIO • ZONI CHANOI • CIN- lighting, landscaping, signs and other design REmooEum •ADDITIONS Pride taken In every Job NAwkksiiatBi^ TIR /M CK II/DO U OHIR TY S TR U TS (C-47)- Application pccts of the parking lot and site shall b* revltwed to change the zoning district classification from Business II by th# Cheney Historic District Commistlon and we dol Quality Is our Bucket, truck & cMppor. to Residence A for parcels of land Identifted as S36, 530V, •SARA8ES Stump removal. Free approved by the Zenino Board of Appeols. (2) Th* main concern. S34V, 530V, 544 and 553V Center Street, 33V and 37V McKee house shall remain os a single family heust and •DECKS eatImaMa. Special Street and 14V and 11V Doughterty Street. any exterior changes shall be approved by the THOMAS “ TS™’ REASONABLE RATES consideration for elderly PAK ASSOCIATIO • SPICIAL IXCIPTION • 300 WIST Cheney Historic District Cemmltslen. and handicapped. • nooflng •CONCRETE WORK C IN T IR S T R U T (P-41A) - Application under Article II, APPL. MANCHNSTHR SAND AND O M VH L CO., INC. - We cater to the Section 9.15.01 to permit on office and commercial pralect • ShSng. Rte neoms •FRAMING CREW home owner. 6 4 7- 7S53 NO. 1231 Granted a varlonca to Article VII, Section 1 roou- • RspMeanwnt Doors 6 Windows on a site requiring more than sixty (40) parking spaces an a lotlne heleht of accettory structuros to ollowa W AVAIUBLE FREE ESTIMATES parcel of land Identified as 300 West Center Street. foot antenna (II feet permitted) at 68 AdamsStroet • SkyltgMs, AtMo Fsns BROPHV-AHIRN OlVILOPMINT CO. • SPICIAL - Industrial Zone. H r r a l^ Fully Inaurod • R s^rs t DomoUNons C A R K im iV A IX C IP TIO N • 310 P IN I S T R U T (B-04) - Application fora APPL. LA8HR DAMN8 OP HARTFORD, INC. A M m xdm tn ■ W 1S% Senior CHIt»n REMODEtim SERVICES DELIVERING Special Exception under Article II, Section 10.03.01 topermit No. 1232 DLR TURNPIKH HAST AfSOCIATNI - M n ltd ) Manchester - A City o( Village Charm 6 4 3 -6 74 4 Rich form loam, S yards alterations, consisting of 103 residences and 34,000 square N DI$eount * CompMe home rspairs and re­ without preludlce the appeal to the zanlngcnforce- $75 plus tax. Sand, grovel feet of retail space, to a building situated In the HIstarIc Zone mant off! car's daclslon of Saptambor 7,1987 rtaulr- Free Writttn Eetfmetee modeling. We spMalln In batn- and Identified as 310 Pine Street. rooms and kNohans. Small scale and decorative stone. Inp .a special axcaptlon unaar Article II, Section QusWy work becked by e commercial work. Regletcied. In­ At this hearing Interested persons may be heard and written 9.15.81 tor 587 Middle Turnpike East - Butinen II Customer OstMacllon communications received. Copies of these petitions are on zone. Ouersntso sured. ratersnoee. 643-9504 30 Cents 0 4 B - I 1 M ___ iFLOORINfl file In the Town Clark's Office and may be Inspected during APPL. DONWHLL COMPANY, INC. - Granted a variance Wednesday, Nov. 4,1987 Call Now t Manchester normal office hours. NO. 1233 to Article II, Section 16.12.81 to reduce the tide PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION yard to 18 feat (1$ toft required) at 138 Shaldon 6 4 5 ^ 5 0 FLOOR Sanding. Floors SNOW REMOVAL LEO KWASH, SECRETARY Road - Industrical Zona. CARROUSEL like new. Speclollzlng Manchester Area - Dated at Manchester, C T this 3rd day of November, 1907. All actions have an affactiv* dot* In accordance with Con­ In older floors, natural necticut (Sanaral Statutes. Notice of that* dacislont hot been Woodworking A Reasonable Rates 004-11 KITCHEN & BATH or stained. No waxing. filed with th* Town Clark. Cirpontry Jo h n Verfollle. 646- ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS REMODEUNG 5750. 040-2516 There's someone out Did your garden "over EDWARD COLTMAN, SECRETARY QutlHy orttt$m»n»hlp et 0 Counter Tops produce" this year? Sell Mall bonding, Eighth pact lose there who wants to buy Doted at Monchastar, CT this 3rd day of Novambar, 1987. •ttordtbl* prtoM. ■ Vltll our I • Custom Cabinets your power tools. Find fruits and vegetables with 005-11 •howroom or call lor free ' e Qeneral Carpentry HANDYMAN that buyer with a low-cost 0 low-cost ad In Classi­ est/mete. I MISCELLANEOUS fied. 643-2711. all Installed with, Home Improvement - ad In Classified. 643-2711. Hwitagt NHdMR A quality and care '• ISERVICES Pointing - Wall Papering - DiRosa due Bithf Inc. building or renovating. Tiling - Light Carpentry - CARS CARS 1B2 W. UIddIa Tpkd, MsnoAssIsr ODD lobs. Trucking. Leaf Service FDR GALE FOR SALE Call Home repairs. You LAWN AND CARS Business 643-6063 Call B A R R Y S C A N L O N V 64S-S400 name It, we do It. Free at 646-2411 for estimate GARDEN FOR SALE to become Residence 269-6200 estimotes. Insured. 643- CAMARO 1984. Rare. 4 M A Z D A 1986 323 D X . 4 Classified ads serve the 0304.____________ . I ROC Z281987.4,000 miles. - cylinder, automatic, door, 5 speed. Excel­ P L A C IN G A N A D In clas­ LOOKING FOR gooC lent condition. $5988. people today — lust as. sified Is a very easy, CHIM NEY sweeping and T-top, phone hook-up, have the convenience they have since our coun- repair. Contact John at news? Look for the many loaded! Factory war- and practicality of 568-1922 Offer Spm. next mayor simple process. Just dial FOR ALL YOUR LAWN ti> ‘s beginning. Reod onC bargain buys advertised 643-2711. W f'll help yoi' Biotech. Leave mes­ renty. Pristine condi­ good mileage with the CHEVY Malibu 1988. 4 use them regulorly. 643 In the classified columns CARE NEE08.- CALL tion. $14,500 o r best style of Camaro. word your od for maxi sage. 429-0412. door, air, good condi­ By Andrew Yurkovskv today. offer. Phone John 526- Bought to combat gas 2711. mum response. PHIL'S LAWN CARE tion, high mileage, Herald Reporter 3072 onyfime.c________ crunch. Excellently highway. Snow tiros Fall Clean Up, Hedge D A T S U N . 210 1979 maintained at 47,000 and extra wheels. $986. Manchester voters on Tuesday Trimming, Mowing, Wogon. 5 speed, miles. Looks like new 643-5985 otter Spm. In and out. Great first shot down both the Buckland mall Court of Probate, District of NOTICI TO CRIDITORS Fertilizing.
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