IlllllllllllllIllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll USOOPPO8480P United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: Plant 8,480 Fussey [45] Date of Patent: Nov. 30, 1993 [54] DICENTRA EXIMIA ‘SNOWFLAKES’ [56] References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] Imam" “Y” Fwy’ whi‘by’ England P.P. 1,596 4/1957 Manske ............................. .. Plt. 68.1 . _ _ Primary Examiner—-James R. Feyrer [73] Asslgnec: dof Bressmghm’ Ltd" D155’ Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Keith D. Gehr [57] ABSTRACT [2]] Appl. No.: 802,002 A new and distinct variety of Dicentra eximia which bears proli?c white ?owers beginning in March and . continuing to ?ower into October, although the bloom [22] F?ed: Nov‘ 25’ 1991 ing period will depend somewhat on the age of the plant and its environment. The plant is compact and ideal for [51] Int. Cl.5 ............................................. .. A01H 5/00 use in borders or containers [52] . [58] Field of Search ............................ .. Flt/54.1, 68.1 2 Drawing Sheets 1 2 The present invention relates to a new and distinct Size: Mature plants are 35-40 cm in height with a spread variety of a hardy perennial herbaceous plant of the of about 40 cm. genus Dicentra, a member of the Fumariaceae family. Habit: Compact. This new variety of Dicentra was discovered as a Root system: Rhizomatous. chance seedling. It was one of about a dozen seedlings 5 Plant 'vigor: The shrub shows vigorous and healthy ‘ of unknown parentage grown to bulk up the stock of growth throughout Great Britain. my small nursery in North Yorkshire, England. I was attracted to it because of the light color of its leaves Blooming habit: Generally four to eight dangling white which lead me to suspect that its blossoms might be blossoms are borne on an arching raceme from a white. It has been reproduced by division and from root ?ower stem arising at the base of the plant. cuttings. Each of the progeny of the ?rst and succeed Blooming period: From March continuing into Octo ing generations exhibit characteristics identical to the ber. Duration of blooming is dependent on climate mother plant. This particular variety has white blos and age of the plant. Younger plants will tend to have soms and is characterized by proli?c ?owering, excel longer blooming periods than older ones. Plants lent vigor, and a ?owering habit which extends beyond growing at cool temperate sites will bloom longer the normal ?owering period for the species. Dicentra than those in hotter environments. Blooming period ‘Snow?akes’ is quite distinct from other white ?ower can sometimes be extended by pinching, although this ing Dicentra varieties. It forms a low spreading clump is not ordinarily necessary. which ?owers for many months, often starting as early Hardiness: Winter tested throughout the British Isles. as March and continuing until October. The ?nely cut The plant has not been fully tested for maximum foliage makes a pleasing backdrop to clusters of pendu summer temperature tolerance. lous white ?owers. The plant will thrive in habitats from full sun to partial shade where moisture is suffi FOLIAGE cient. 25 Arrangement: Petiole arising from base of plant bearing The ?owers are of classic Dicentra type and super? deeply cut, fem-like bipinnate leaves. cially resemble those of Dicentra formosa, the native Type: Herbaceous, dying back in winter to root stock. Paci?c bleeding heart, except for color. The variety Texture: Both upper and lower surfaces glabrous, lack also has a resemblance to Dicentra eximia ‘Alba’ but is ing hairs. much more vigorous and robust. 30 Length: About 10 cm. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHS Width: About 12 cm. FIG. 1 is a view of Dicentra ‘Snow?akes’ in a con Petiole length: 10-20 cm. tainer, emphasizing the ?nely divided foliage and the Margins: Dentate. Apex: Entire. profuse blooming habit. 35 FIG. 2 is a view of the plant growing a border setting. Base: Cuneate. DETAILED PLANT DESCRIPTION FLOWERS The following is a detailed description of the new Petal count: Four, two small and two large. Dicentra variety. All color determinations and compar 40 Flower isons are based on The Royal Horticultural Society Shape. —Cordate overall. Colour Charts. Type. —Tubular, two fused petals with small spurs. Size-About 2 cm in length. Origin: Seedling selection. Carpels: Very small. Parentage: Unknown. Stamens: Very small. Plant 8,480 3 4 Flowers: R.H.S. Colour Chart Fan 4, White Group FRUIT AND SEED 155D. The plant does not appear to produce seed except on very rare occasions. To date only a single seed capsule I claim: has been observed. It is not known whether this seed 5 1. A new and distinct variety of Dicentra eximia, substantially as shown and described, characterized by was viable. proli?c ?owering, having clusters of white blossoms on COLOR CHARACTERISTICS racemes rising from the plant base, low or no seed pro duction, excellent vigor and hardiness and a ?owering Folaige: Mature leaves, upper surface R.H.S. Colour 10 season longer than normal for the species with little or Chart Fan 3, Green Group 138C; lower surface no necessity for pinching to maintain blooming. Green Group 139D. i t i U i 20 30 50 55 US; Patent‘ Nov. 30, 1993 Sheet 1 01*2 Plant 8,480 U.S.1Patent Nov. 30, 1993 Sheet20f2 Plant 8,480 .
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