.. 01-- owa·n WASHfNGTON "" - President · of below·ground atomic shots. The as ured the subcommittee. "No Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Kennedy wiu meet with top ad- results indicated nuclear explo­ decision has been arrived at as to visers Friday to consider \I heth- sions underground can be spotted any modification, if any, of any Established In 1111 Associated Press Leased Wire Bnd Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Thursday, July 26,1962, Iowa City, Iowa er to relay U.S. terms for an at a greater distance than prev­ U.S. propo at." atomic weapons test-ban treaty iously supposed. "It is hoped that by late this with Russia. The present Western proposal for week, or early next week, a final , Press ecretary Pierre Salinger a treaty to outlaw atomic tests decision can be made as to wheth­ said Wednesday about 10 to 12 envisages listening posts inside er any modification can be made key advisers, including defense the Soviet Union plus on-the-spot relating to detection and inspec­ and diplomatic officials, will at- inspections when a suspicious event tion on the basis of information lend the Friday gathering. He de- is recorded on the Ii tening ma­ gained in recent tests," Hum­ Ben Bell-a's Troops scribed the meeting as one of a chines. The Soviet Union has ob­ phrey said, Move series of inside-the-government jected to any control scheme Humphrey said Foster empha­ discllssions on how the U.S. posi- \I hich would allow inspectors on ized it would be premature to as­ lion on a test-ban treaty might be Soviet soil. sume that such significant infor­ modified _ Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D- mation has been obtained in the • A prior Cabinet.level meeting of Minn . I, said the United States has recent tests which would justify agency, chiefs concerned with the no intention of abandoning the any modification of the U.S_ pro­ nucleal·-test situation is scheduled right of on-sight inspection. posals. Toward AI gerlan fo r today. Salinger said he did not Humphrey made the comment Kennedy told his news confer­ know whcther a final decisibn after a Senate Disarmament Sub­ ence Monday that the United States this week. committee he heads questioned still believes a nuclear test treaty The question has been tossed to William C. Foster, director of the should include inspection. inside Washington's decision-makers from U.S. Arms Control and Disarma­ the Soviet Union. Ben Khedda would be reached by the end of ment Agency. on discussions now However, the President indicat­ Senate Group Ihe recently announced resulls under way on proposals to achieve ed the new information from Proj. from Project Vela , a U.S. program a test ban. ect Vela could allow a modifica­ aimed at improving the detection I Humphrey told newsmen Foster tion of the previous U.S. condi­ Accuses Hoffa Warns Nation lions. There reportedly is strong senti­ ment within the Senate-House Lemnitzer Receives Approval Atomic Energy Committee ngainst Of Indifference Of Civil War any change in the American pro­ Says French Troops posals. Sub«;ommittee Rejects As New NATO Commander Hoffa's Sworn Denial Plan Intervention In Government Crisis PARtS IA'I - Gen. Lyman L. one in 1950. U.S. contributions in Of Message to Corallo Lemnitzer was approved unani­ nuclear and strategic air power Gayno Smith ALGIERS"" - Algerian troops mously by tht.' Atlantic Alliance on are factors in this. WASHINGTON IA'I - Teamsters rallying to Deputy Premier Ahmed President James R. Hoffa was de­ Wednesday to succeed Gen. Lauris Lemnitzer, 62 , is a combat vet­ Ben Bella controlled three-fourths Norstad as supreme Allied com­ eran with a diplomat's touch. His scribed by Senate investigators of Algeria on Thursday and moved Is Indicted Wednesday as showing a callous mander in Europe. succession to the NATO post be­ menacingly toward this capital disregard of whether his own un­ President Kennedy sent to the came a virtual certainty wben city. Kennedy named him last Friday ion members were robbed by their Ben Bella claimed his forces Senate the nomination of Gen. officers. have achieved power over the Maxwell D. Taylor to replace to become commander in chief On 6 Counts of U.S. forces In Europe, another The Senate ]nvesti~ations Sub­ country. They have won bollles Lemnitzer as chairman of the committee sOld In a delayed re­ for the big cities with ease out­ Joint Chiefs of Staff for a two­ assignment that Norstad is giving SIGOURNEY IA'I - Gayno Gilbert Smith, 24, of Martinsburg, was in­ port to the Senate that, "Hoffa's tide Algiers itself. year term beginning Oct. 1. up. attitude was one of defiant indif­ Lemnitzer was proposed for su­ dicted by a Keokuk County grand Premier Ben Youssef Ben Khed­ The name of the retiring chair­ preme Allied commander in Eu­ jury Wednesday on six counts of ference to the interests of the rank­ da, defended by soldiers still loyal man of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of murder involving the deaths of six and-file members oC Local 239 rope in a letter from Kennedy to whose treasury was being ex­ to his shaky central Government. Staff was placed in nomination by NATO Secretary-General Dirk U. members of his famiJ,y . warned the new nation lhat civil President Kennedy and indorsed ploited and misused by corrupt and Stikker. Kennedy told Stikker he He was arraigned before District dishonest officials." war threatened. at a special meeting of the North was sure Lemoilzer is "well and Court Judge L. R. Carson and plead­ His troops at up maehln..,ulI Atlantic Treaty Organization's favorably known to the member ed innocent on all six counts. Local 239 was described in the defen ..s around the capital ill permanent council. governments of the alliance." J u d g e Carson late Wednesday report as part of the racket em· antieipatlon of a fln.1 assault pire of New York mobster Antonio Nor tad resigned Saturday as "It g ran ted, over the objections of on the road to complet. pow.r He added : is our firmly held I Tony Ducks I Corallo. Ihe European chief of the IS-nalion conviction in the United States County Attorney J. Leo Martin. a for Ben Bella. alliance, effective about Nov. 1. that we must continue to work in request by defense attorney Stephen Hoffe, in Dayton, Ohio, for an A Cew ministers of the Ben There was no opposition to a spirit of interdependence in car­ Gerard that Smith be given a psy­ Ohio T.amsters conferenc., said Khedda Government fled to the Lemnitzer, but his selection may rying out the common and indiviso chiatric examination. Smith is to be the rlport "is a complet. ,.bri­ Kabylie Mountains 10 join with have been slightly delayed by ible task of defending Europe and taken to Iowa City for the examina­ CAtion Ind a Ii •." some 8,000 guerrillas in a stand France. The French Cabinet only North America. I am confident tion. The court ordel'ed that a report He challenged the subcommittee against Ben Bella, approved the nomination Wednes­ that. under Gen. Lemnitzer's lead­ on the examination be made not chairman, Sen . John L. McClellan, Ben Bella 's followers seized the day. President Charles de Gaull. ership, this task will continue to later than Oct. 8. (D-Ark. ), to make the statements eastern Algerian city of Constan­ has been represented as annoyed be carried forward with the same Fin ~unt, of the Indictment outside the immunity of the Senate. tine, with some bloodshed. The at the haste with which he succcss that it has in the past." accuse Smith of the rifle-,hotgun Hoffa labeled McClellan as anti­ Mediterranean seaport of Bone thought Washington was trying In a second Ictter addressed to slaylngs of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew labor. fell without struggle and Ben Bel· to put through the appointment. Stikker, Kennedy asked that Nor­ McBeth and three of their chil­ Sen. John L. McClellan. to-Ark '>, la controlled most of the major Though NATO might choose the stad be released about Nov. 1. dren, cousins of Smith, the .,i,h. subcommittee chairman, told the cities except the capital. of May 26 anel the .arly mornin, Senate the report was held up Lanes of Light SHAPE commander from any of "I beLi.ve his long and disti ... Ben Khedda a Iso chargee! its 15 members, all ba ve been of May 27. McBlth was Smith" more than stx months at the re­ Wednesday night that the French gulslMd career of dedicat.d "r,­ unci •. quest of the Justice Department. The flow of night traffic on the low. Av.nue auto lights that elimin.t. all the cars, moY.ment, Americans since Gen. Dwight D. ice to the alllence and to his bridge is smooth and qul.t in this pattern of noill and confusion. - Photo by Joe Lippincott planned to intervene. Convoys of Eisenhower took over as the first The sixth count charges him with He said this was to avoid any in­ country has earned for him the the slaying of his stepmother, Mrs. terference with a conspiracy trial ------------------------------------- French troops were on the high. right to have his ,..quest grant­ ways in the vincinity of Algiers, Juanita Smith, on or about last Oct. which ended June 16 in Corallo's ed," the Pre5ident wrote. 2. Her body was found June 12 in a conviction. but it was impossible to determine The NATO council, after releas­ shallow grave n ear Ihe home in The six-member subcommitt.
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