f , 'W -** , •'■J; * ^ - j. '^flV ' ' C - ^ f ■ V. t ***** •r" ' OCEAMCriQI ! m ■ ...JH f- . j, I Daylight Saying Ends V Memorial Field . Turn Clocks Back One Hour Saturday Night 'Saturday At 2 P.M. — and o( the teacp---------- — — SEVEN CENTS Vol. LXXXVI, No. 43 NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSET ' : FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1961 jlnltcj States o t America the 185th year Board To Secure Options On n o x MEMORIAL CROSS iation keefects OCEAN GROVE—The Me­ Two Sites For New Schools morial Cross on the front of the Ocean' Grove. Auditorium NEPTUNE TWP. — The p o s e d 2-scliool ; project. tt will be- lighted the week of Oc­ res board of education future In , other action Wednesday tober 28 to November- 4 in memory of Beniali. B. and planning; committee will meet night the board adopted its new OCEAN GROVE — Kinsey N. Merritt of Elizabeth' and NEPTUNE TWP. — John W- Knox, veteran township Tuesday to take options on" policy for non-educational use .of clerk for 41 years, died suddenly last Thursday night in Margaret H. Hennig, by the Ocean Grove was elected to his ninth one-year term as presi­ Children. two sites in the-, northwest the schools, placing responsibility dent of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association at the Fitkin Hospital..A native son of Neptune and a dean of the section of th e . toivriship for in the hands of the superintendent; municipal clerks in New Jersey, Mr. Knox had been, a patient annua) trustees’ meeting on Friday, Oct. 20. the - proposed two new ;. 12- The vote was 8-0. Board Member The Association elected-two in Fitkin Hospital for less than a week. He was 66 years classroom elemenfary schools.- William Neaves abstained, de­ new officials. George C, Mil­ of age. Chairman Robert Davis re. claring that the responsibility Services were held Monday ------—— Rt. 33 Widening ler of Madison, a retired in-' regation proted to the board Wednes-! sho" 1<’ be boaVd of «ducat- morning’ in the Fs^ry Memorial Harold A. Smith, he directed tho day night that,state approval lon (rfflC0' •-« re.o v er-lo ad in g the surance executive and a New- Home, Asbury Park. Rev. Arnold installation of machine bookkeep­ anizes Nov. 5 of the schematic- renderings superintendent; with minor things. From Parkway a r k Conference Methodist VanLummell, pastor of Grand ing. The same number of employ­ of the schosila has. been recei­ Pretty soon he’ll be- spending half leader, was elected vice presi­ Averiae Reformed Church, Asbury ees" (4) are handling the office as ved* following. a conference of his time on buildings and we will To Collingwood : Park officiated at the funeral 16 years' ago, despite the popu­ Special Service At need another" superintendent to dent in charge of business, Hamilton Fire. House Superintendent Victor, J, W. replacing John S. Yeo, who parlor, which was crowded to lation ijxplpsion. He also organ­ Christie, •,. and ... the board’s take care of education.” Roadway '• Past Monmouth capacity, find during the inter­ ized tho Community Dog Control, resigned from the board in For Lutheran Church Mrs. Matilda Hawthorne, ■ was . Memorial Park & Blueber­ program, inviting joining muni­ architects, Ketchum & Sharpe ment at Monmouth Memorial Park. of- Somerville, with Dr. Ed­ hired as a'manager of the Sum- ry Acres To Be 4 Lanes August. Franklin L. Par­ cipalities to participate on a dis­ NEPTUNE—-The Rev. Eu­ ward Spare,consultant ip, merfield cafeteria. tridge, Jr., of Maplewood and trict level. gene W. Beutel, Pastor of- Re­ the Building;,Services Divi­ Superintendent Christie inform­ TRENTON—The New Jer­ Oeean Grove, an. attorney, Mr. Knox organized the town­ deemer Liitherair Church has sion of the State • Department ed the board that three Neptune sey State Highway Depart­ was elected a member of the announced that this; riew con­ ship's Planning Board, Housing of ^Education. _ High School youths have been ment today called for bids Business Committee. Authority and Urban. Redevelop­ gregation will be formally or­ commended for their grades in the November 15 on a contract ganized, at a Special Service After the -board selects the ment Authority, aei’Ving as secre­ two sites, the architects will National Merit Scholarship exams. for modernizing 1.2 miles; of. tary of .these units; He' was a which is scheduled to be held They are: Douglas Stevens, son of N. J. Route 83' in Wall Town­ at 8:30 on Sunday, Nov: 5, in complete all necessary cost founder and past president of the estimates to present to the Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas K: Stevens,; ship- and New ■ Shrewsbury M onmouth County Municipal the meeting room of the Borough; Monmouth County.: New Jersey Division-of Local Sr.; Eileen McKiernan; daughter Clerks -Association' and a ':•; past Hamilton Fire. House. The of Mi*, and Mrs. George F. Mc- Between the Garden State Park­ initial charter members of Government for. approval, in way and the Route 34 (Colling­ president' bf. -the Monmouth.County order for the board to exceed ICiernan, and William' Heyser, son Municipal Association. the congregation-win be re­ of Mr. and Mrs, William Heyser. wood) traffic circle, Route 33 is ceived into membership dur­ its borrowing capacity. Ap­ a two-lane concrete road congested Mr, Knox was a member of the ing this service. - proval is expected, Mr. Davis The following were added to the by traffic volumes that reach sum­ Asbury: Park American Legion said. The voters will then be substitute teachers list: Robert D, mer peaks of 10,000 cars a day, Post, F&AM Lodge, Elks Club, and The guest speaker for. the Ser­ asked to ballot on the quest­ Clayton, B,A', arid. M.A. from Univ. The. congestion is intensified by Rotary Clubs. He held perfect-at­ vice of Organization will be the ion. of California; Robert N. Miller, Rev. Dr. Gordon S. Huffman, traffic from the dualized portion tendance in Rotary, for a number It is estimated that construction B.A., Univ. of North Carolina; president of the Eastern District of R outes 33 & 34, west of the of years and enjoyed meeting ft! of the two schools will be between Richard E. Merlino, B.S., Villan- of The American Lutheran Church. Collingwood circle,.. moving onto low Rotarians in other clubs thi $500,000 and $600,000, exclusive of ova; Albert W. Nisski, B.A.,'Fair- Dr. Huffman’s office is in Wash the narrowseetion. oughout the county. land cost. The-board, has approxi­ leigh Dickinson; Louise Roolvink, ington, D. C. He. will also offi­ Construction plans call, for wid­ He was a former member of the mately $200,000 remaining- from M.S., Newark State; Janet Toombs, cially install Pastor Beutel as the ening the present 20-foot wide John W. Knox the new high ichool bond issue, B.S Buffalo State, and Frances state League of Municipalities, a Pastor of Redeemer Church and highway to 52 feet by adding 16 the funds to be used in this pro- M: Rowley, B.A., Penn State. A b palibearers, township office director of the former Neptune preside over the business meeting feet on each side of it. The entire four-lane roadway will then be re­ employees carried the bier through Bank and Trust Co., and a former which is scheduled to follow ttic a Neptune police guard of honor. Service. surfaced with, bituminous concrete. director of the Asbury Park & At, the Wyckoff-Shafto Road in­ The massive array of flowers was On the agenda for the business History Department s Leo Galcher Ocean Grove Bank. He had been tersection, a left-turn jughandle is George C. Miller carried to the cemetery in four meeting are the adoption of a secretary of the township’s Rep­ planned for the safety and con­ Neptune fire department trucks. constitution, the adoption of sev­ New Member of N. H. S. Faculty venience of sjastbound Route 33 Other officers reelected ublican r Executive Committee for eral resolutions and the election Born In Neptune traffic. The overall project ex­ were: Dr. Samuel J. Tmscott, many years, of tho initial Church Council, Mr. Knox was born in Neptune, By Ruthic Oberhauser and Carol Menzel tends from the Route 3-1' circle to of Binghamton, N. Y„ vice which will function as the official “A Mighty Mite” s, , point <50 feet east of Watson president in charge of pro­ the son of the late John F. and Board of the congregation. Anna Robertson Knox.. Following Between. 1910 and 1920 Mr. One of ‘ the - iilty.'.'rnifii-v Avenue in New Shrewsbury, near gram; George L. Hergeshei- A Fellowship Hour ' with ’ light high school he was employed by Knox was known as “a mighty bers at Neptune High School this the- Garden State Parkivay. mer, Arthur W. Abbott, Jr., refreshments will conclude the the J. G. McCory Co. and tho. N1 mite” in basketball at the Shore. year is Mn Leo Galcher, who ; A short portion of Sharis River and George K. Slingland, festivities for the day. Members J. Bell Telephone Co. He became A newspaper account recalls that teaches American history a rid Brook north of the highway will members of the business com­ of the community are welcome township clerk on Jan.- 1, 1920, John1 “was the star of the Redmen world history classes. be relocated fo flow through a 15- mittee; Dr. Edward G. Latch, to attend this Service. a part-time position that became quintet that ranked as just about Mr, Galcher was born in Pater­ foot wide culvert about 100 feet Dr. J. Edgar Washabaugh, full-time in 1927.
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