December 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1805 set out for Portland. Although they didn’t know dential campaign in Jackson County, OR. Always service oriented, John will continue anyone in Portland and didn’t have jobs, they John stayed in touch with my office through to volunteer in his community and was re- knew where they were meant to be and trust- similar political and community volunteer ef- cently appointed to the board of the Jackson ed in their ability to make a new life in a place forts. Soon, when a member of my staff de- County Retired Seniors Volunteer Program. In they loved. cided to return to school part time, I brought addition, he has been approached to serve on Cary worked at the Oregon State Hospital, John on to share the workload and the fol- the board of the United Way and the Jackson where she was employed as a Mental Health lowing year, John joined my team full time to County Veterans Advisory Committee. Specialist for almost 25 years. She was an handle veterans and military casework and Whether spending time with family, golfing outspoken advocate for her patients and fellow provide input on related policy matters. or volunteering it will always be easy to iden- workers. Cary championed patient rights and Bringing John onboard wasn’t without issue. tify John from afar in the University of Illinois fought to bring the option of alternative care to John Howard is a pretty common name for characteristic orange and blue, or overhear the hospital. She was instrumental in starting one and we already had a John on staff. The the words to the Songs of the Illini—from Illi- successful yoga and mindfulness meditation communication logistics could have been nois Loyalty to Hail to the Orange—which he programs at OHS. These programs were well- daunting, yet by chance House IT averted a loudly and proudly belt out with the slightest liked and well-attended. Many of Cary’s pa- crisis. John was bestowed with a non-standard provocation. tients sent her notes affirming how very helpful email address that had no ‘‘dot’’ between his Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me yoga and meditation are to their recovery. first and last name. Thereafter and forever- in honoring John’s 40 plus years of public One of Cary’s colleagues said, ‘‘Speaking more, John was referred to as NoDot amongst service and in wishing fair winds and following up for alternative care in the workplace can Team Walden. seas to a true gentleman, shipmate, and take courage. Cary treated her patients with During his ten years on staff, John has han- friend. Godspeed, NoDot! dled 4,144 cases for individual constituents compassion, dignity and respect, and they f loved her for it. She was fierce!’’ Cary’s family and veterans, almost 1/3 of all the cases han- PERSONAL EXPLANATION and friends will forever remember her for her dled in 16 years by my office. That doesn’t in- caring, compassionate, playful nature and for clude the countless other veterans and other the joy she brought to all their lives. Cary was constituents assisted on the side with informa- HON. CHRISTOPHER P. GIBSON loved by everyone who knew her and she is tion and guidance. OF NEW YORK Of course, it was hard for him to top the terribly missed. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES success of one of his first cases on staff Cary is survived by her husband Jim, and Thursday, December 11, 2014 where he showed an ability that surprised us mother, Eileen Zneimer of Portland; father, all, bringing veterans back to life. John was Mr. GIBSON. Mr. Speaker, on roll call no. Jack Zneimer of Sarasota, FL; son Aaron contacted by a veteran who had received a 555, I was unavoidably detained on official Luchene of Canby; daughter, Ann Klug of letter from the VA containing the shocking business. Merrillville, IN; brothers Peter Zneimer of Chi- news that he was deceased. Working with his Had I been present, I would have voted cago and John Zneimer of LaCrosse, WI; and contacts at the VA, John was able to get the ‘‘yea.’’ sister Maud of Mill Valley, CA. error corrected and brought the veteran back f We send our sincere condolences to her to life in the VA’s records. Over the years, HONORING THE LIFE OF JOHN H. family, and join in the celebration of her life. John has had a couple other similar cases, all KREBS f of which he found fascinating to resolve. TRIBUTE TO JOHN HOWARD As my veterans caseworker, and later as Di- rector of Constituent Services, John worked HON. JIM COSTA with veterans organizations across the district OF CALIFORNIA HON. GREG WALDEN to make sure that I heard their concerns and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OREGON let them know I was available to assist. John Thursday, December 11, 2014 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES was a familiar face at veterans meetings and Mr. COSTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise with my col- events in southern Oregon. Further, he was Thursday, December 11, 2014 leagues, Congressman XAVIER BECERRA, Con- instrumental in developing a presentation for Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to gressman AMI BERA, Congresswoman JULIA civic groups on what goes on in congressional honor John Howard, an indispensable member BROWNLEY, Congresswoman LOIS CAPPS, offices, making my services more known and of my staff and good friend who will soon re- Congressman TONY CA´RDENAS, Congress- available to constituents. tire after ten years of faithful service to me A good naval officer is always concerned woman JUDY CHU, Congresswoman ANNA and the people of Oregon’s Second District. about the morale of his sailors. John carried ESHOO, Congressman SAM FARR, Congress- John has had a long, dedicated career serv- that approach with him and became the de woman JANICE HAHN, Congressman JARED ing his country. In fact, this actually marks facto Morale Officer in my Southern Oregon HUFFMAN, Congresswoman ZOE LOFGREN, John’s second retirement. In 1994, John left District Office. Combining this with a firm belief Congressman ALAN LOWENTHAL, Congress- his beloved United States Navy after a thirty in the importance of quality community out- woman DORIS MATSUI, Congresswoman GLO- year career, rising from enlisted seaman to reach in politics, John founded ‘‘Rope Yarn/ RIA NEGRETE MCLEOD, Congressman JERRY Commander. A passionate Fighting Illini alum- Veterans Outreach Wednesdays’’ which are MCNERNEY, Congressman GEORGE MILLER, nus, John received his commission in 1970 as weekly after hours gathering for staff and local Congressman RICK NOLAN, Congresswoman a graduate of the Navy ROTC program at the veterans to discuss local veteran’s issues and GRACE NAPOLITANO, Congresswoman NANCY University of Illinois. John served on five partake in the occasional fermented bev- PELOSI, Congressman SCOTT PETERS, Con- ships, including command of the USS Sagi- erage—as any good sailor would! gresswoman LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD, Con- naw (LST–1188) and several shore assign- During his tenure, John took the reins of my gressman RAUL RUIZ, Congresswoman LORET- ments, including two tours in Washington D.C. service academy selection process, changing TA SANCHEZ, Congressman ADAM SCHIFF, After a few years of retirement—and a brief and building it into the strong program it is Congressman BRAD SHERMAN, Congress- stint as a dotcom millionaire gone bust with an today. He constructed a board of retired mili- woman JACKIE SPEIER, Congressman ERIC independent software development com- tary officers to interview all candidates that SWALWELL, Congressman MIKE THOMPSON and pany—John and his wife Cathy relocated from was decidedly ‘‘Purple,’’ ensuring all service Congressman HENRY WAXMAN to pay tribute to Virginia Beach, Virginia to Medford, Oregon in components were fully represented. This sys- the life of former Congressman, John H. September 2001. In fact, the closing on his tem has proven to be highly successful. In Krebs. home was delayed because of 9/11. He per- fact, nine of the 18 students I nominated last John Krebs was an honorable man, and a severed through and settled in to the Rogue year received an appointment to the class of community leader whose unwavering service Valley getting involved in his community 2018. will be greatly missed. In addition to his two through the United Way and several military As John heads into retirement, he is looking terms in the United States Congress from organizations. I first met John when he was forward to some increased time with his exten- 1975–1979, Mr. Krebs was a civic and Demo- the president of the Rogue Valley Council of sive family, which includes his wife Cathy, his cratic Party leader in Fresno, California. Addi- the Navy League where he presented me with son, five daughters; soon-to-be 13 grand- tionally, he worked as an attorney for over 30 an honorary Navy League membership. children—including two newborn fraternal twin years, he was an apprentice diamond cutter A lifelong Republican, John stepped up to granddaughters—along with 2 foster grand- during his youth in Tel Aviv, and he served in volunteer with the 2004 Bush/Cheney presi- children. the U.S. Army. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:03 Dec 14, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11DE8.009 E12DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1806 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 12, 2014 While in Congress, he was best known for As we work to invest our tax dollars in the RECOGNIZING PACIFIC NORTH- his authorship and enactment of legislation in- most efficient manner possible, we need to WEST NATIONAL LABORATORY’S corporating the Mineral King Valley into Se- know which government programs work, which 50TH ANNIVERSARY quoia National Park, thwarting Disney devel- do not, and which could be improved.
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