INDEX TO VOLUME 24 Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts and reviews are in ordinary type. Only minerals for which definite data are siven are indexed. Abukumalite(ShinHata)....... 66 Brandenberger, E. Angewandte Adinolesof D.inasHead, Cornwall. Kristallstrukturlehre. IBook (Agrell). 63 review] 276 Agrell,S. O.. 63 Bray, J. M. Ilmenite-hematite- Alderman, A 277 magnetite relations in some Allen,V. T.. 194 emery ores. 162,183 Alurgite from California, new oc- Brochantite. (Palache,Richmond) 463 currenceof. (Webb). I z.t Brunckite. (Herzenberg) 350 Ammonium mica synthesized from Buerger,M. J. Crystal structure of vermiculite. (Gruner) 428 gudmundite.. 183 Anderson,B. W... 528 Bullard, F. M. Rosebudmeteorite, AngewandteKristallstrukturleh re. Milam Co., Texas 184,242 (Brandenberger)[Book review] 276 Burns,B. D. 528 Antlerite. (Palache). 293 Apatite, fluorescent,from Center Calcite,Fe-Mn. (Yosimura). 660 Strafford, N. Hamp. (Stewart) 274 Caledonite. (Palache, Richmond) 441 Australitesof unusualform. (Single- Canyon Diablo iron, identification ton). 63 of diamond in. (Ksanda, Awariute.(Owens, Burns). 528 Henderson).... 677 CesAro,G..... 280 "Baddelyite" from Alno-an error. Chao,S.H...... 277 (vonEckermann). 528 Chemicalanalyses of minerals,pres- Bannister,F. A. ....64,66 entationof. (Hey). 347 Barksdale, J. D. Silicified wood in Chlorite veins in serpentine near dolomite. .. ..181,699 Kings River, Calif. (Durrell, Bavenite,ne\\r occurrence of. (Clar- Macdonald). 452 ingbull). 277 Chrysoberyl occurrence near Behre,C. H., Jr. 181 Golden, Colo. (Waldschmidt, Beliankin,D. S.. 279 Gaines). 193,267 Bell,J. F. 181 Cinnabar,darkening of, in sunlight. Berman, H. Torsion microbalance (Dreyer).. +57 for determining specific grav- Claringbull,G. F.. 277,347 ity of minerals 182,434 Clay, Hawaiian ceramic, mineral -- and Gonyer, F, A. Re-ex- composition of. (Wentworth, amination of colusite. 377 Wells,Allen).... 19+ Berry,L. G.. 182 Clay minerals, hydrothermal for- Bertrandite...... 802 mation of, in laboratory. (Nor- Beryl..... 804 ton)... I B-uranotile. (Steinocher, Nov4iek). 324 Clays, adsorptive, of Texas Gulf Bidalotite.(Rao, Rao). 3S0 coast.(Ilagner). .67,187 Bloorn, M, C, Mechanism of the Clerici solution for specific gravity genesisof polym.orphousforms. determination of small mineral 182,281 $rains. (Jahns). 116 Blgvad, R.. 278 Cliftonite (discreditedspecies) 280 Botryogen.(Quentenite). 525 Colloform ores, European, of Mis- Bowles, O. The stone industries. sissippiValley type. (Behre). 181 [Book review]. 461 Colusite, its occurrence, paragene- 811 8t2 INDEX sis and geretic significance. Determination of comPonents of (Nelson) 369 a heterogeneous particulate Colusite, re-examination of. (Ber- mineral system. (Goldman' man, Gonyer) 377 DallaValle). 4A Contributions to the knowledgeof Devadite.(Fermor) 406 the chemical composition of Diamond cutting in terms of the earth's crust in the East atomic structure, exPlanation Indian Archipelago.(Van Ton- of. (Kraus,Slawson). 188 geren) [Book review] I72 Diamond in Canyon Diable iron' Cooke,H. B. S. 277 identification of. (Ksanda' Coombs,H. A. 186 Henderson) 677 Copiapite, crystallography of. Diamond, variation in hardness of. (Peacock) l9l (Kraus, Slawson) 661 Copiapite, conlposition and optics Dichroism in tourmaline, quantita- of.(Berry).. .. 182 tive measurement of. (Slaw- Copperiodate,artificial.... .. 390 son, Thibault) +92 Corundum in dike at Glen Riddle, Discreditedspecies .280,728 Penna.(Tomlinson). 193,339 Donnay,J. D.H. 184 Cristobalite in southwestern Yel- Dreyer, R. M. Darkening of cinna- lowstone Park. (Howard). 485 bar in sunlight. 457 Crystal habit variation in NaF. Drugman,J. 63 (Frondel)..... .. 185 Durrell, C. and Macdonald, G. A. Crystal space groups determined Chlorite veins in serPentine without r-rays. (Donnay) .. 184 near Kings River, Calif.. 452 Cupro-asbolane.(De Leenheer) 657 Cuprorivaite.(Minguzzi) 350 Eight Mile Park, Colo., minerals of. (Landes) 188 Emery ores, ilmenite-hematite- Dakeite, identity with schroecke- rrragnetiterelations in' (Bray) ringite.(Novddek)... 317 162,t83 DallaValle, J, M. with Goldmaa, Emrnons, R. C. and Gates, R. M. F. H. Determination of courPo- New method for determina- par- nents of a heterogeneous tion of feldspartwins.. 577 40 ticulate mineral system. Endothermite(Beliankin).. 279 634 Darapskite . English, G. L. Descriptive list Deer, W. A. and Wager, L. R. of new minerals 1892-1938. Olivines from Skaergaard in- [Book review] 347 E. trusion, Kangerdlugssuak, Epidesmineand stellerite, relation 18 Greenland. to stilbite.(Pabst) . .. 63 De Leenheer,L. 657 Evans, R. C. Introduction to crys- Density determination, micropyc- tal chemistry.IBook review]. 657 nometric, improved techaique Eyepiecemicro-planimeter.(Cooke) 277 in. (Ksanda,Merwin)... .. 482 Descriptive list of new minerals Fabrics of inclusions and the ad- 1892-1938. (English) [Book jacent intrusive rocks, com- reviewl 347 parisonof. (Ingerson).. .187, 607 Descriptivepetrography of igneous Fahey, J. J. Shortite' a new car- rocks. Vol. IV. Feldspathoid bonateofNaandCa .. .. 514 rocks and peridotites and perk- tr'airbairn, H. W. Correlation of nites. (Johannsen) [Book re- quartz deformation with its viewl. 64 crystalstructure..,....., '. 351 INDEX 813 Faratsihite. 536 Genesis of polyrnorphous forms, Feldspar, resorbed, in a basalt mechanismof.(Bloom). ..182,281 'W. flow.(Fries).. .. 782 Glass, J. J. and Schaller, T. Feldspar, introduction of, into in- Inesite 26 clusions,Ellsworth, N. Hamp. Glasses, alteration of, to mont- (Page) . 190 morillonite. (I{auser, Reyn- Feldspar twins, new method for olds).. 590 determination of. (Emmons, Goldich, S. S. and Kinser, J. I{. Gates)...... 577 Pertlite from Tory Hill, On- Feldspatloids,stainingof. (Shand) 508 tario... 185,407 Fermor, L. L. 279, 406 Goldman, F. H. and DallaValle, Fisher, D. J. with Palache, C. J. M. Accurate determination Gratonite, a new mineral from of components of a heteroge- Peru 136 neous particulate mineral sys- Fleischer,M.. 185,189 tem ... 40 Fluorine, qualitative determina- Goldschmicltine, a new antimonide tion of in minerals. (Foley, ofsilver.(Peacock).... 227 West)..... 398 Gonyer, F. A, with Berma:r, II. Fluorite, twinned octahedra.(Swit- Re-examinationof colusite.. 377 zer). .193,805 Goodspeed,G.E..... 186 Foley, F. C. and West. P. W. Granite pegmatites of Mt. Antero Qualitative determinationof F region, Colorado. (Switzer) 193, 791 in minerals. 398 Graphic granite. (Wahlstrom). 681 Foshag,W. F.. 185,728 Gratonite-preliminary description with Gale, W. A. Teepleite, of a new mineral from Cerrode a trew mineral from Borax Pasco,Peru. (Palache,Fisher). 136 Lake, Calif.. 48 Gruner, J. W. Ammonium mica Francolite,composition of (Sandell, synthesized from vermiculite . 428 Hey,McConnell).... 277 Formation and stability of Fries, C., Jr. Resorbed feldspar in muscovite in acid solutions at abasaltflow.... 782 elevatedtemperafures.. 624 Frohberg, M. H. Occurrence of 186 riebeckite in Michipicoten dis- Gudmundite, crystal structure of. trict, Ontario 382 (Buerger). .. 183 Frondel,C.. ... 185 Fuller, R. E.. 186 Hagner, A. F. Adsorptive clays of Furnival, G. M. Notes on qtlartz TexasGuIfcoast..... .. .67,187 group '(dikest'. 499 Elanksite, composition, space and unit cell of. (Ramsclell). 109 Gabrielson,O. 406 Hanley, F. B. New accessibilityof Gaines, R. V. with W'aldschmidt, 'W. ThomsoniteBeach, Minn..... 726 A. Occurrence of chryso- Harmotone, association of, with Ba beryl near Golden,Colo. 193,267 feldspar at Glen Riddle, Gale, W. A. and Foshag, W. F. Penna.(Meier). 189,540 Teepleite, a new mineral from Harmotone, corundum and hyalo- Borar Lake, Calif.. 48 phane at Glen Riddle, Penna. Gates, R, M. with Emmons, R. C. (Meier,Tomlinson). 189 New method for determina- Hauser, E. A. and Reynolds, If. H. tion of feldspartwins.. 577 Alteration of glasses to mont- Gems and gem materials. (Kraus, morillonite. 590 Slawson)[Bookreview]... 461 Hawaiian ceramic clay, mineral 814 INDEX composition of. (Wentworth, Jahns, R. H. Clerici solution for Wells,Allen) 194 specific gravity determination Elenderson, E. P. I87 of smallmineralgrains...... 116 with Ksaada, C. J. Identifi- Jarrell, O. W'. Marshite and other cation of diamond in the minerals from Chuquicamata, CanyonDiablo iron. 677 Chile...... ......188,629 Henricks, S. B. Polymorphism of Occurrenceof antlerite at themicas.. 729 Chuquicamata 301 Random structures of layer with Palache, C. Salesite, a minerals as illustrated by new mineral from Chuquica- cronstedite.Possible iron con- mata, Chile. 388 tent of kaolin 529 Jefterson,M. E. Optical measure- Herzenberg,R.. 350 rnents on micas . 729 Hess, H. H. World distribution of Johannsen,A. Descriptive petrog- serpentinized peridotites and raphy of igneous rocks. Vo[. its geologicsignificance.. 275 IV.[Bookrevie\{] ... 64 Hexahedritemeteorites from Chile, chemical study of. (Hender- Kaolin, possible iron content of. son) . 187 (Henricks)...... 529 Hey,M. H. 66,277,280,347 Kaolinite in some "eenie" coals, History of the study of ore min- (Claringbull).. 3+7 erals. (Thomson) 137,181 Kasoite.(Yosimura) 658 Hopeite, symmetry and unit cell Keith, M. L. Selectivestaining to of.(Wolfe).... 194 facilitate Rosiwal analysis 561 Hata, Shin 66 Khoharite.(Fermor) 27q Howard. A. D. Cristobalite in south- Kinser, J. IL with Goldich, S. S. western Yellowstone Park. 485 Perthite from Tory Hill, On- Huckitta meteorite, central Aus- tario. 185,407 tralia. (Madigan,Alderman). 277 Klein, I. Microcline in the native H unt, W. F. Book
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