e Spelman SpoilIf., t VOLUME XVI NO.8 APRIL 8, 2002 AUC Entreprenuers: Meet 5 Young Stars Rising to the Top MEET THE AUC’S FINEST for last year’s Morehouse Spring time stu- Actually, the only thing Bray and1 By: Domnick Hadley & Cynthia Fest Stepshow, the Spelman Col­ EO. Like other en- Parish is waiting on is the profit Brown college I Daniels lege Freshman week flier, this , time is her main en- that will roll in as her business operate and up-and-cc year’s Homecoming flier, and sev­ grows to a remarkable size, fueled clothing line, DaReales.' Acknowledging Your Gifts eral activities for various Greek “Designing is not some­ by a determined young woman. collegians, both natives of organizations. thing I can sit down in an hour And yet Parish is not Mass., teamed up in It took Erika Parish a Parish’s first assignment and pump out. It takes a good alone: Take a look at some other 2000 to launch their idea and short while to realize that her tal­ as a teenage girl growing up in deal of time, and I have two part young entrepreneurs from around haven't looked back sense. ent was a gift from a higher being, Memphis, TN was to design shirts time jobs outside of this and I am the AUC ■ jP They plan to pursue other it took an even shorter time for her for a bowling team in Memphis. taking a full load of-classes at »Ventures but the pilot project for to transform her gift into a profit­ Her cousin, who taught her how Spelman,” says Parish. FJJBU? The Next Generation 'their company lies in their fashion able business. to design, gave her the entire Although she struggles interest. Parish started her busi­ project, confident Parish would do with time, she is a large supporter Christopher Bray and ||* Bray loves clothes, as ness, ELEKTRIK DESIGNS, after an excellent job. The rest is his­ of students who follow their Jepome Warren definitelvj^e suc­ does Wafren, who is fascinated arriving in Atlanta in 2000. The tory. Although she worked as a dreams at this young age. cess in their future - - if Reflected wjth how the industry works. So, company serves as an outlet for graphic designer for two years “A lot of people wait un­ through their confidence. When naturally owning a clothing line T promotional media for parties and prior to arriving at Spelman, it was til they are adults to do so-called they speak about their place in the was a primary option for the duo. club events. In addition, Parish in the AUC that Parish watched her adult things but if you are given fashion industry they speak in fu­ However, their aspirations are designs web pages and CD covers. company flourish. a skill or a talent than you should ture tense instead of precept. Hear­ much, much deeper. “Everything I learned As the co-publicity chair­ use it now,” says Parish. ing them speak yoj They both hunger and about graphic design, I learned person for the Student Govern­ And using her talent is they were a big cc thirst for success and will from a family member by the time ment Association, Parish was exactly what she is doing. She .chains of stores ni let nothing stand in the I was 16. It was something I re­ given several opportunities to dis­ plans to continue running her rise office building? ally enjoyed doing and after see­ play her talents, which opened the business and excelling in s, the whol their hopes and dreams, not even ing the arena in Atlanta for pub­ doors for several student clients. schoolwork. ungry young’’ the crippling U.S. licity and printed media, I figured Parish admits that her To those students who less mission towards pr Following the 5 this was something I could do business has not been effected by think they can not sfecomplish letting nc ksontheW alongside school to make money the poor economy, especially since what she has accomplished Par­ theirnoj ter Towers every industry in I , U.S. e35 and it became a full blown busi­ her clients are mainly organiza­ ish says, “If you have the exper­ what we want, ness,” says Parish who is a sopho­ tions with budgets that acknowl­ tise to start a business at 19 or 109 and we can actuall travel and tourism indus more at Spelman College. edge promotions as an expense. you shouidn’tput lijn^taticyS on Bray'con: ' the hardest And a full blown busi­ Yet, even with a booming yourself or wart t£4ct,qst your see it 1 ness it is. Parish has created fliers business, Parish still faces the ambit: thijjg b Ok Jasmie Guy: Making Her Dreams a Reality By: Astrid Thomas life and her three major dreams, porting one another. For each audition, Guy ad­ they wanted her to imitate the styles During the month of Feb­ which influenced not only her ca­ “Black men are the re­ mits she says to herself, “ I have to of Janet Jackson and Paula Adbul ruary, many speakers came to reer but also her life. flections of us (Black women),” pretend until I can do it.” so she stopped singing. Spelman College to observe Black “I felt that she passed said Guy, who also spoke on how Jasmine Guy began her “Life is a process,” stated History month and share their pearls of wisdom down to her to deal with racism by not giving singing career in a Broadway musi­ Guy. achievements as successful African young, black sisters when she came up, and achieving your own per­ cal, “Dancing in Boston,” for eight Approaching the age of Americans. One of the notable and spoke before us. I also felt that sonal dreams and goals. Guy dis­ months. Afterwards, she received the forty, Guy still has dreams she wants speakers that took time to share their her overall, resounding message cussed her life and dreams and part in the TV show, “Fame” and met to pursue. Her third major dream is life experiences and informative was always shoot for the impossible, shared her struggle with racism in the well-known Debbie Allen. to write books for African Ameri­ presentation was Jasmine Guy. because when you attach yourself the entertainment industry. “Getting to know her per­ can children. As she works on her Guy, a native of Atlanta, to yourself to your goals, they be­ “Her overall speech sonally is like getting the jewels di­ third dream, she is being whole, cre­ Georgia is a successful and versa­ come,” stated Toccarra Cash, a made me look at racism from a dif­ rectly,” commented Guy. ative, balance, full, happy, chal­ tile entertainer. She is widely rec­ freshman at Spelman College. ferent perspective,” said Michelle As Guy continued to make lenged, and filled with love and will ognized for her role as Whitley Gil­ Guy started her presenta­ Gaskin, a Spelman College fresh­ herself known in the entertainment continue to be there for her husband bert in a “Different World” and other tion with how far African American man. industry, she encountered some ob­ and her daughter, Imani. In addition roles in movies such as “School men and women have come through Guy’s first major dream stacles on her way to fame. Her sec­ to her third dream, she would like Daze.” trials and tribulations, adding that was to dance in the Alvin Aliey ond major dream was to make al­ to write multi-characters for a one- Guy’s lecture explored her African Americans need to start sup­ Dance Theatre after high school in­ bums sing in Broadway musicals, woman show by portraying the stead of going to college. At the age and perform in theaters. After strug­ characters with dance and song. of 12, she took dance classes at gling to make a living off her sing­ Guy’s presentation had a Spelman College in Reed Hall. In ing and acting jobs, Guy was inter­ successful turn out of students and her She auditioned for Alvin Aliey ested in playing a role on the “Cosby faculty; some were even standing up Dance Company in her junior year Show,” because it was a quality show and sitting on the stage as they lis­ of high school and was one of the about an African American family. tened attentively to Guy’s message. six chosen not to dance but to par­ The casting directors, however, did “From Jasmine Guy’s pre­ ticipate in a workshop in New not want to see her. sentation I had an urge to accom­ York. Throughout her participation Then “A Different World,” plish all of my goals and make my in the workshop, she earned her the spin-off of the “Cosby Show” was dreams realities. I was enthused first paycheck, making $75 dollars created, for which Guy finally read about how “real” she was; it made a week. Three years later, she went for the part of Jalessa Vinson but did me think that ‘if she could do it, I to work with renowned dancer not get the part because the produc­ could do it, too’. I believe that she Judith Jaimson. Because she was ers felt she looked too much like Lisa should be among one of our role not able to support herself as a Bonet. Guy was determined to get a models as Spelman women,” com­ dancer, Guy soon left to pursue role in the show, so she decided to mented Carendylyn L.
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