Christiana Security Tightens Up By TOM CONNER Due to continued increases in damages in monitors, and door checkers will result in ad­ Christiana Towers, changes in the security ditional charges, to be passed on to the monitoring system and party policy will go into Christiana residents, according to the effect today at 7 p.m., according to Stuart memorandum. However, if conditions improve, Sharkey, -director of Housing and Residence a reduction in surveillance and cost to the Ufe. residents may be possible, Sharkey said. According to a memorandum from Sharkey, Sessions said that at this time he "couldn't give the following major modifications will be im­ a dollar figure" on the cost to residents. plemented: However, he said he should know. the amount + The weekend sign-in Stations will be moved within two weeks. The cost would be a fee from the Towers to the Commons building. (Sign­ separate from the proposed $60 room rate in­ in times will remain 7 p.m. to 3 a.m.) crease for the fall. + There will be an increase in the Security Sharkey said residents were informed in patrol and monitors. September that conditions in the Towers were + Residents who have their parties broken up deteriorating and damages were increasing. by Security will probably have their room From September to January, public area and contract terminated and or may be subject to floor damages for both Towers totaled $5409.71, arrest. according to the memorandtim. This excludes Don Sessions, Christiana Complex Coor­ individual and residential damages, Sessions dinator, said the third change is "not new in said. terms of potential." Security will be enforcing The memo also stated that illegal activities this rule more stringently than in the past, he have continued, including physical harassment said. "Security is not going to issue warnings of Security officers. Nine propriety hearings two, three, or four times. They can and will were held connected with party violations. arrest." Sessions said a security committee, comprised According to the memorandum, the new set-up of residents, is being f()rmed to offer suggestions will be as follows: to the Office of Housing and Residence Life. There will be a monitor station in the "Idealistically, that committee could set the Christiana Commons where guests can call a policies for conduct in the Towers," Sessions resident for sign-in. Two monitor sign-in stations said. will be located in the East and West tunnel en­ Approximately 50 people attended a discussion trances in the main floor of the Commons. of the policy changes, Wednesday night in the Residents will sign in guests at these stations. Commons. He said some were upset with the Guest passes will be issued for identification. suddenness of the implementation and that there +At the second floor West entrance, first floor was a lack of student input. East entrance, and in the tunnel there will be One Christiana resident who was involved with ,.......,..~ monitor check points. Anyone passing these drafting a petition against the changes said she ·u, points will be required to show proper iden­ knew of · about 11 similar petitions "floating" tification or leave the· building. around the Towers. She added that she knew of STUDENTS TAKE FULL +The third floor West entrance will be locked three.. with 200 signatures on them, colleCtively. Avenue o dur on Friday and Saturday nights. A monitor will be There are 1300 resident:-; in the Towers. stationed at this entrance. Sessions said that input was supplied to him +student monitors will run the elevators in from Security, the Christiana Resident both Towers on Friday and Saturday nights. Association Board (CRAB), and individual Dorm Policy Changes , The addition of elevator operators, more residents. CRAB president Sue Gonzalos said the changes "ar~ for the better." "Student Found Not Guilty" Central Campus Coed By SUE WHARTON According to Sharkey, tlie plan Stuart Sharkey, director of will be ·implemented at no extra Grad Found Guilty of Disorderly Conduct Housing arid Residence Life, cost and with no major dif­ approved Wednesday the ficulties. By LORRAINE BOWERS drup became "excited and an­ Mindrup and Wasserbach filed recently submitted plan to turn "One of the big advantages is tagonistic" during a routine a complaint against the Security Central Campus coed. A university . student was investigation. A scuffle resulted that it will provide 69 more beds officers with Attorney· General The plan, approved by the for women," he said. Recently acquited of disorderly conduct and both Mindrup and Wasser­ Richard Weir's office. Steve Resident Student Association and offensive touching charges, bach were arrested for disorderly there has been a shortage of Simmons of that office said that (RSA) last week, will begin next rooms for female students, a and a university graduate was conduct and offensive touching. the complaint was investigated September. Brown and Sharp found guilty of disorderly conduct Mindrup and Wasser bach result of an increasing number of and that it had been concluded Halls will be coed by floor and women attending the university. but not guilty · of offensive maintained during the trial that that there was "no criminal Cannon Hall will alternate every touching in jpint court case this the one Security officer, out of Sharkey said that suggestions a wrong-doing on the part of the other room, except the first floor to turn central dorms coed had week: . uniform, Lynn, had hestitated to Security officers." which will be coed by wing. UOlversity Security officers show identification properly and come up in the past, although students had not supported the took student Robert Wasser~ch, singled the two beer drinkers out 21, of _13A Wharton Dnve, · of a crowd. They maintained that idea until this year. In September several Resident Papermill Ap~rtments, and they were asked unusual and Advisors and students formed the g~aduate Pa~ Mindrup, 22, of 900 irrelevant questions by the On the Inside Kirkwood Highway, Apartment Security officers. Mindrup and Central Campus coed Com­ 7, to the Newark Alderman's Wasserbach also complained of mittee and accomplished what UD Searches for Hot Air Sharkey termed an "excellent Court for an in~ident wh~ch. oc- unusually rough treatment by the job" surveying dorm residents. curred on Dec. 4 m the Christiana officers. Delaware Geological Survey Explores for East Tower. Wasserbach said he has a The committee compiled a Geothermal Energy Sources .............. Page 6 "well prepared report" which ~ndrup 'Yas fined _$50, the swollen knee-cap as a result of mmiiDum fme . for disorderly the incident and he had gone to went before the Student conduct. He said he probably the infirmary and the Newark Activities Committee Board the Prefer Chocolate Moose? Residence Life Advisory B~ard, woul~ not ~ppeal Judge Vance Emergency Center, where an as well as the RSA. Fun~ s deciSion. orthopedic surgeon confirmed Outing Club Encounters Dead Cow ......... .. Page 9 According to Nancy Masino, Mmdrup and Wasse:bach ~ere the injury. He said he also\ sur­ resident advisor in Cannon, 81 approached by S~c1;1nty officers fered from a swollen eye. Min­ Hens Feast On Bisons per cent of those surveyed felt Jack Ly!ID and William ~me for drup was not seriously injured LaSalle Is Foe Tonight for ECC that students would return to possessiOn of ~e~r m the although he said Lynn had hit elevators of Chnstiana East. him several times with a judo Playoffs at lafayette ........ ...... ...... Page 16 Central Campus if the dorms According to the officers, Min- stick. were to turn coed. Page 2 _ REVIEW, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware March3, 1978 :• •·····MONTY ·········································: PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL * PHASE IV * • Pol1·cy Chan-ge ·Delayed : AFRICAN QUEEN * STAGECOACH * LOST WORLD -* : A policy change that would allow political and religious groups the •. REEFER MADNESS * LET IT BE * NANOOK OF THE •. right to solicit funds on campus has been delayed by University Treasurer J. Robert R. Harrison. : NORTH * BOB CANNON TOM SEBOK ICE BOX : According to Rick Stine, assistant dean of students, Harrison asked • FERGUSON AND MAGEE WOODEN NICK!EL * • thai implementation of the policy change, endorsed by the-Faculty Senate and Vice-President John Worthen, be delayed until financial : PIETHROWIN * THUM WRESTLIN * WET T-SHIRT AND A : procedures for student organizations could be examined and updated. • WHOLE WHOLE LOT MORE AND MORE AND MOREl • Harrison said he was concerned about the degree of accountability • • of student groups for fund-raising activities. He said he is satisfied • STUDENT CENTER DA Yl • with procedures for handling University of Delaware Coordinating • STUDENT CENTER DA Yl • Council funds -and ticket sales, but he is less confident of controls on : STUDENT CENTER DA Yl : other types of fund-raising events. •. STUDENT CENTER DAY! •. SlinesaidtheDeanofStudents'Officeisnowreviewingthefinancial - procedures and will send its recommendations to Harrison by next : STUDENT CENTER DA Yl : weekHanoi Spy Knows? : STUDENT CENTER DA Y·l : PaclflcNewsServlce • I •1 Only days before he would be arrested by the FBI and charged with spying for Hanoi, David Truong had a brief and pleasant chat with his :. STuDENT.CENTER DAY • :. old friend William E. Colby, the former director of the Central • • Intelligence Agency, in one of the new subway stations here. "We were both in a hurry," recalled Colby in a telephone interview, •: ST uD EN T ' •:·"so we just exchanged business cards and said we'd get together someday." • ' I • Colby, now in private law practice here, said that he had met socially with Truong on "three or four occasions" over the past •:. c EN TE • D A y • . •:. several years, during which they discussed Truong's family and "h?w the war was going and what it was all about and, you know, polite • · OO A M • differences of opinion." .
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