THE SUNDAY STAR, Washington, D. C. •** C-7 SUNDAY. OCTOBER *l. IPM ¦an Ma».a ; av. ¦ *K' . ¦Da if t /tgmßjfak Jr» wsm \^o " mLJ aw/ .... Wm a* a PipShiQni - ilßWjrali - w a ... 1S) jb JH aßppV: i a. 1 BHk ' v. Big W JKHffil/’Sr jOA\AhsH9' lb#'' HB| "flk aJMSHf;V; a khidmcZ '. ! jE*«HHbi|A~' i f ¦'’ , xCvW" ly - XJI M Hk ¦PfjiwrjDpF^a |yISKIKAi*2"nL BP fm *si HBBfw vJBP amn., |w a hB FOOTLOOSE TAR HEEL—Dave Reed (10), North yesterday. Maryland’s A1 Pharton (77) helped stop THIS CLINCHED IT—Halfback Ned Oldham makes ning margin in yesterday’s game at Annapolis. Carolina quarterback, shakes off a Maryland tackier the play.—AP Wirephoto. life miserable for Cincinnati as he clutches ball George Ruth (43) Chuck Crumrine (arrow) and plungqs over from the one-yard line for (69) and Gus Del Rosa (55) try hard to stop him. and gains 7 yards in the first quarter at Chapel Hill Navy’s second score and what proved to be the win- Tatum Hands Maryland Worst Beating Since '4B Continued from fut C-l catch of a pass by Decantls to S « * T !reach the Maryland 30, and fHwil 3km, fa iJB. jm MBtiSL S BjNH Hr™f the most success and playing Washington's Dan Droze sprint- most of the game on oftense. ed 22 yards. Decantis took It The Tar Heels played as though ‘ over on the next play and Wally they wanted this one more than Vale converted. Maryland. They hit harder, had edged tackles, [ Suttop Reed for rush- more men on the blocked ing honors. 51 yards to 49. Jack as though they meant it and had Healy, with 28. led the impotent Maryland pursuit. At times the ! Terps. Petrella completed six of players seemed to be playing l| 111 I |Qpe touch football, particularly on l i^i£miin l ri Wm Maryfsnd 0 0 6 0— « punts and kickoffs. North Carolina 13 77 7—34 The Terps appeared baffled by Maryland scoring Touchdown: Carolina's new spread formation Beardsley »27. pass from Petrella). right North Carolina scoring—Touchdowns: and could not make the Jim Jones (22, pass from Reed); De- adjustments. icantis 2 (2. run: 7, run); Reed *l. run); flB, manages , Robinson pass from Reed). Con- Somehow Maryland » versions: Blazer 3. Vale. fairly to a to come close draw MARYLAND in the statistics even In the deci- Left end—Beardsley. Scott, Steppe. Ponzo. sive beatings they’ve been taking. Left tackle—Wharton. Stall, Kiehman. The Tar Heel margin in rushing Left guard—Kolarac, Tonetti. Suchy, Hoffman was 197 to 113, but Petrella, with Center—Alderton. Main. L. Athey. receivers, Right guard—Davis. R. Athey, Declcco. **¦ great help from his Right tackle—Sandusky. Healy. Cole, managed to outpass the Tar ' Burgly. mkbmi mip*,* m Right end—Turner. Beck. Porter. Heels by a yard. Reunite. The Terps’ same old inad- Quarterback—Prltach. Petrella. Lewis. Left oalfback—Kershner. Ruievlyvan, m i r equacy in stopping a man on a 1 Tonahill . _ j yngMwpoa lgtfHm —¦ , Right halfback —Healy, Hawklna. Lay- r punt return put them in early man Behrmann. trouble. Larry McMullen, who, Fullback —Hamilton. Skarda. Ratter according to the Tar Heels, ran NORTH CAROLINA Left end —Pavne. Olen. Muachamp, today like he runs in practice, • Livesay, Turlington. took a punt and raced 30 I Left tackle—Ruasarage. Blazer. Fritsch Left auard—Junes Janes. Lear. yards 24 Swearingen. to the Maryland almost Center —Koes. Hardison.' j ¦ Don Smith . before the crowd of 21.000 was ’ Right guard—Kemper, Setter. John seated this gloomy day. Jones, Dick Smith. Kryzak. Right tackle—Redding. Poll. Loft- Two plays later Reed went! ** to pass, was i Right end —Robinson. Pulley. Filing- back trapped and -1 ion. threw one he probably should | Quarterback —Reed, Hathaway. Mar- auette. have eaten. Left halfback —McMullen. Decantls. , Varnum Sasser. _ _ It glanced off Tonetti into ! R i*ht halfback—Button. Ooff, Dross. • Jones' hands, and Jim was off to a touchdown from 22 yards out. Fumble Is Costly Potomac State Fritsch fumbled immediately after the kickoff and Jones was i •' '¦¦ '~. ¦•¦• - :; "' there again on the recovery. Reed f .J- • V4 ¦..*¦' v ijjL\ - fv T” and Ed Sutton took turns car-| i.|« roffestal | I-f - m. 1 rying to the one, and Emil De- Deteats MJC cantis took it over. KEYSER. W. Va.. Oct. (Spe- The punt Jones blocked gave ( cial).—Montgomery Junior Col- the ball to the Tar Heels on the lege of Takoma Park. Md., was Maryland 22. but the Terps held handed a 12-7 defeat by Potomac this time. State Junior College today when Early in the second quarter, ! it gave up two first-quarter way yards McMullen made his 44 touchdowns. &’.•/ .- with a punt return, brushing off ¦*• xQSp&mi . sVi,i ¦ v '•¦-¦¦ . ¦•'¦• :>f*/ would-be tacklers to the Mary- Montgomery scored in the sec- quarter after Bill Lally re- land 23. Carolina was having ond TOUCHDOWN. MIDDIES—Navy For- yards and the first Navy touchdown as the Mid- one extra point for the Middies.—Star Staff Photos trouble all day with illegal pro- covered a Potomac fumble on Quarterback the 50. On the Jifth play, Ken restal finds Halfback Ned Oldham clear of two Cin- shipmen defeated the Bearcats for their third win by Ranny Routt and Paul Schmick. cedure from its spread, but two the scored touchdowns and penalties were offset by a 19- Williams passed 20 yards to Ed cinnati pursuers and tosses a pass good for nine of season. Oldham both for yard pass from Reed to Sutton. Higgins the touchdown. A 15-yard roughing penalty Montgomery threatened only jl4 yards for the Little Admirals’ Prep < touchdown before halftime against the Terps put the ball one other time. Quarterback Ted Bullis Routs ’other Early Navy Touchdowns Ottawa Makes Bid on the one, and Reed hurdled David returning the third-period and 46 yards in the third quar- i nine times N. C. State Beats line Caro- kickoff 55 yards to Potomac's 30 Chowan JC, 43-0 ter. He has scored in For Big 4 Playoff; the for a touchdown. i Bullis’ victories. lina came back to the Maryland and then on the next play pass- <Spe- three AHOSKIE, N. C., Oct. 20 ] * Bullis ... ..12 12 13—43 Beat Cincinnati, 13-7 seven, but Jack Davis made a big ing to the 7. The drive fizzled as Alouettes Run Wild cial.)—BillMack went on a four- < Chowan JC 0 0 O O— 0 backfleld, stop for the Terps to halt the Potomac held for downs. Bullis scoring: Touchdowns —Mack 4 Continued From Page C-l in Cincinnati's moved OTTAWA, Oct. 20 UP).—-The Dayton, touchdown spree here tonight as (40 pass-run from Luce: 20, pass from t to 20-0 drive. Potomac scored its first touch- the ball Navy’s 3-yard line Luce; 14, run: 4«. run>: Matalavase <OO. proved to be Navy’s winning, Ottawa Rough Riders today Skarda Intercepts down after Ray Binns ripped off Bullis Prep of Silver Spring, Md.,!run*: Luce <2.V run*; Bolms (4, plunge;. on two plunges, but then the DAYTON, Ohio. Oct. 20 (/P)— . after strengthened of for yards to the College,' Conversion—Huffman. score started Jim Nieman’s rain of penalties descended. their chances Carolina State's multiple Maryland finally made North tackle 50 5. thrashed Chowan Junior from North Whitehouse, formerly of | j ¦punt. A nine-yard pass It was 15 yards against Cin- making the Big Four football offense, which hadn’t functioned Carolina territory just before the Jerry 43-0, ending the latter's unbeaten to fol- Washington-Lee High in Arling- Forrestal Vince Monto. cinnati for holding, 5 more for playoff through three straight losses, half ended. Jim Skarda inter- status in its fourth football game Montana State Wins by running for the first time since ton, from 1 lowed a throw to delaying the game by sending defeating last-place flashed effectively today for cepted a pass by Curtis Hatha- went over the 3. The of the season. BOZEMAN, Mont., Oit. 20 I/P). Gober for 21 yards, it up, and 1951 by the here other touchdown on a 60- i set in a substitute, and 15 more Argonauts. a 20-0 football victory over the way and Rusevlyan led the Terms was Quarterback Lew Luce passed powerful ground Oldham cracked right tackle Toronto 37-26. yard pass play from Rudy Telek A attack over clipping on top of a 6-yard loss defeat Dayton Flyers. to the Tar Heel 19 before Bob to Mack for touchdowns the first for the final five yards. Oldham The was the sixth to made possible by a hard-charg- on a screen pass. Argos, A crowd of 10.000 saw the was smeared for a 9-yard loss Silvio Martell. two times Bullis got the ball and made good on the extra point to straight for the who have Potomac 0 luck, in Wolfpack score first and second, as time ran out. An 11-yard pass Btate 12 0 O—l 2 scored himself in the fourth ing line gave Montana State a give Navy 13-0 lead. Even with all that bad shown signs of dissension the - a Montgomery . 0 7 0 0- 7 however, Cincinnati thun- resulting firing quarter touchdowns, then hold to Turner and an 11-yard scoring—Touchdowns: quarter on a 25-yard roll out 26-6 football victory over Idaho came last week, In the Moose Potomac State to: Bearcats Fight Back off Daytonians run by Rusevlyan were the big Whltehoir (3.
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