B T he Courier-Gazette a Established January, 1846. Entered as Second Cl»< Mall Matter By The Courier-Gazette, 465 Main St. Rockland, Maine, Thursday, January 26, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPY V olum e 94................... Number 1 1. The Courier-Gazette Employers Warned [EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A- WEEK STATE A GENEROUS LIME CONTRACT A SATISFACTORY BUDGET— IF IT PREVAILS Editor They Must Pay 2.7 Percent “The Black Cat” WM. O. PULLER Gov. Lewis O. Barrows has submitted his legislative budget Associate Editor Due On Payrolls Before CAPITOL Good news reached the office of ing assigned part of the first zone for the next two years, and it calls for appropriations aggre­ FRANK A WINSLOW January 3 0 the Rockland and Rockport Lime (Aroostook County), and all of the gating $22,921,980. Down in Washington, D. C., they wouldn't Subscriptions 4300 per year payable Corp, yesterday in the form of as­ others. call that a drop in the bucket, but it's a pretty good sized In advance: single copies three ecu s. surance that it would receive the This industry calls for magnesium Advertising rates based upon clrcula Employers subject to the unem­ Maine's elderly persons in need expense bill for a State which is edging back Into the Union. tlon and very reasonable ployment compensation law must A.A.A. government contract for lime, which Is taken from the Ulmer Yet it is an increase of only $20,000 over the figures of two years NEWSPAPER HISTORY of aid would have to be United furnishing Maine farms with agri­ quarry to the North of the Pleasant The Rockland Oazette was estab. pay the 2.7 percent due the State on ago, and will represent a fine achievement if Legislature will ’Ished In 1846 In 1874 the Courier was States citizens to be eligible for cultural lime to the amount of 4.000 street iron bridge. It is to be stop at that point. Up to this time the biennial raid on the established and consolidated with the their 1938 payrolls before Jan. 30 old age assistance under a bill filed tons a month for four successive packed in 100-pound bags, and de­ Treasury has not taken form, but in the next two months Oazette In 1882 The Free Press was if they wish to obtain credit with es'abllshed In 1855 and In 1891 changed with the Legislature today by Rep­ months. liveries will begin at once. there is quite certain to be an outburst which will be hard to Its name to the Tribune. These papers the Internal Revenue L apartment, consolidated March 17, 1897 resentative Williams (R) of Bethel. The governnent gives the lime to Supt. Knott C. Rankin, who will check, and the taxpayer will have that uncomfortable feeling it was pointed out by the Maine the fanners. But it is deducted supervise the delivery, said that Representative Roy K. Dennison which every Legislature engenders. ••• Unemployment Compensation Com­ from the farm allotments. the new contract, when officially The budget items cover all proposed State expenditures (R> of East Machias submitted a The State is divided into five confirmed, will give employment to* •- Censure pardons the ravens •* mission. except those for highways which are financed by the gaso­ By The Roving Reporter —• but rebukes the doves.—Juvenal bill which would establish the month zones for this purpose, the Rock­ about 35 additional men. Th" National Social Security Law line tax and automobile fees. Increases were recommended of November as one-month open land and Rockport Lime Corp., be­ And that's good news, surely. for old age assistance and other welfare activities, agriculture, provides for a 3 percent unemploy­ There were once two cats of Kilkenny. season on deer in all counties. The institutions, and the sea and shore fisheries department. Each thought there was one cat too ment compensation tax on the pay­ The budget would make available for old-age pensions in many; Would Make Cut open season varies in the 16 coun­ So they fought and they fit. rolls of those who employ eight or the next biennium $4,182,000. an increase of $1,932,000 over the And they scratched and they bit. ties at present. The measure was Till, excepting their nails more persons in certain fields of RIGHT, CLEVE, OLD BOY! $2,250 000 appropriated for the current biennium. Under the State Master Richardson tabled by Representative Malcom And the tips of their tails. employment for a specified perod of proposal to provide assistance for 15.000 elderly persons at an Instead of two cats, there weren't any. Says State Department P. Noyes of Franklin, pending ref­ average monthly rate of $20.75 for the biennium, cities and time. If however the employer pays Harvesting an ice crop is no cinch erence to a committee. Tomatoes Never Should Be Mixed With Clam towns would contribute $1,942,500. To provide a recommended Expenses Should Drop into the State fund he is allowed to if you have Charlie McIntosh’s ex­ appropriation of $2,240,000 in State funds, the budget suggested Chandler. New Gloucester — Ex­ perience of "going under" five times State Orange Master Richardson deduct up to 2.7 percent, providing Chowder— ’S a Sacrilege the transfer of $400000 from the sinking fund reserve and pro­ empting from registration trucks the present season. And if you land of , Strong told a conference of the State is paid on time. posed $790,690 be made available by deferring the amortiza­ If not paid before Jan. 30 delin­ of non-residents, with carrying on the top side of an ice pick, as Orange lecturers in Augusta Wed­ tion of the remaining $1,485,000 in the 1937 deficiency account, quent employers are liable to a capacity of one-and-one half tons Housewives, and others, who add its culinary pinnacle and to doom he did. With considerably more to which would be added a balance of $1,055,722 from general than 200 pounds to his credit. Mr. nesday expenses of State depart­ double assessment for the Federal or less, used in conveyance of farm tomatoes to Maine clam chowder it to mediocrity. funds. McIntosh possesses one of the well ments should be cut 10 percent as a Government will take the entire produce to Maine markets. The latest of these ideas promul- will be liable to the penalty oj “dig­ O----------O-----------0 known qualities of Ivory soap, but “first concession" to local communi­ i.iree percent while the state can Noyes, Franklin—Exempting from ging a barrel of clams at high tide" still collect its 2.7 percent, and may BACK TO THE CORNCOB? the facetious person who said that ties which Oov. Barrows in his taxation, property in possession of a resort to legal action if necessary if a bill Introduced to the Maine he went down to Inspect the under budget message Tuesday said should common carrier while en route or •} Grandma may have smoked a corncob pipe, and in some Subject employers will be given legislature by Representative Cleve­ side of the ice was, of course, only pay one-quarter of the expense of awaiting further transportation in Instances she may even have chewed tobacco, but it is doubtful federal credit only for that portion land Sleeper, Jr., of Rockland, be­ kidding. a through bill of lading. if many persons would like to see a renewal of those obsolete old age assistance. He expressed of their 1938 contribution which is Weatberbee. Lincoln—Modifying comes a law. customs. Yet before us lies a copy of the Miami Herald show­ The young bicyclist who was seen the belief a 10 per cent cut would actually received by the MUCC by the liquor sales law relating to the Sleeper's bill entitled, “A Bill To ing a picture of Mrs. Byron Chandler, a Long Island socialite, riding at full speed on the side­ Jan. 30 result in no loss of efficiency in responlblllty of sellers for damages Prohibit The Use Of Tomatoes As ’ lighting up a streamlined pipe model at Palm Beach. Without walk at The Brook the other day Contributions on payrolls for the State departments. done by drunken persons, to include An Ingredient In The Preparation wishing to be finical we venture the hope that the Chandlers was certainly not observing the rules last quarter of 1938 are due to be Richardson is a member of the only those guilty of illegal sale. of Maine Clam Chowder" was and their streamlined pipes will not venture north of the of safety. It should be stopped. paid the Maine Commission during prompted, he said, by “the infiltra­ present Legislature. ' the present month. These have al­ Sanborn, Cumberland — Authoriz­ Mason and Dixon line, at least. ing directors of the Kennebec tion of foreign ideas of cookery’’ The recipes tell of “raised bread.” Although the conference did not ready started coming in and the Bridge to modify the State's con­ that threaten to “throw Maine clam but the "riz" bread that our mothers number will increase steadily until act on Richardson's recommenda­ tract with the Maine Central Rail­ chowder from its culinary pinnacle SMUGGLING STARS and grandmothers made was "pretty tion his suggestion of a 10 percent the first week in February. good stuff," as the new city solici­ road Company to reduce from $15.- and to doom it to mediocrity." When we read about the motion picture stars being "Tomatoes and clams have no af- ! tor would say. cut in State expenses brought 000 to $8,000 the annual charge arrested for smuggling we somehow find it impossible to under­ rounds of applause from the 200-odd against the company for mainten­ flnity either of mind or body.
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