Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 CITY COMMISSION: 4 year terms; Non-Partisan; elected cily-wide by city residents; takes office no later Lhan Lhe l7'h day after general election Mailing Address: Office ofC:ily Commissioners City Hall, 4'" Floor 300 South Adams Street Tallahassee, FL 32301 (850) 891-8181 www .talgov .com/commission SEAT 1 (fALL 2020) SEAT 3 (FALL 2018) Scott Maddox email: scott.maddox(iiltalgov.s;om Nancy Miller email: nanQ'[email protected];om SEAT2 (PALL 2020) SEAT 5 (FALL 2018) Curtis Richardson email: curtis.richardson(ultalgov.com Gil Ziffer email: gil.ziffer(ultalgov.com MAYOR, SEAT 4 (FALL 2018) Andrew (~illum email: andrew.gillum(.Vtalgov.com SCHOOL BOARD: 4 year terms; Non-Partisan; elected by districts; Takes office 2'"1 Tuesday after general election Mailing Address: Leon County School Board 2757 West Pensacola Street Tallahassee, fL 32304 (850) 487-7100 www.leonschools.net DISTRICT 1 (FALL 2018) DISTRICT 3 (FALL 2018) Alva Swafford Striplin Maggie Lewis-I3 u Ller (850)933-8864 email: stritllina(.V!eonschools.net (850) 576-3308 email: mail. lewis butlcr(ullconschool s. net DISTRICT 2 (PALL 2020) DISTRICT4 (PALL 2020) Rosanne v\T ood Dee Dee Rasmussen (850) 942-0730 email: WQQdr(ull~Qn~chQQI~.nct (850) 201-2929 email: rasmu~~~nd(wl~~ms~hQQls.n~t DISTRICT 5 (FALL 2018) Georgia Joy Rowen (850) 575-5114 email: jbQws:n2 l(.V!,;Qlll>;~ H - 11~1 PUBLIC DEFENDER & STATE ATTORNEY: 4 year terms; Partisan; elected in Leon, Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Liberty and Wakulla counties; takes office 2nd Tuesday after general election Mailing Address: Leon County Courthouse 301 Soulh Monroe Slreel Tallahassee, fL 32301 PUBLIC DEFENDER (FALL 2020) STATE ATTORNEY (FALL 2020) Andy Thomas (DEM) Jack Campbell (DEM) 301 South Monroe Street, Room 401 301 South Monroe Street, Room 475 ( 850) 606-1000 email: contact form (850) 606-6000 fax: ( 850) 606-1001 www.fltld2.com www.sao2fl.org/ Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 COUNTY JUDGES: 6 year terms; Non-Partisan; elected countywide; takes office 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday in january Mailing Address: Leon County Courthouse, Suite 265 301 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, rL 32301 (850) 577-4000 www.2ndcircujt.org Pax: (850) 922-0070 SEAT 1 (FALL 2018) SEAT 3 (FALL 2018) Stephen Everett Ronald W. r:lury (850) 577-4318 SEAT2 (FALL 2022) SEAT4 (FALL 2018) J. Layne Smith (850) 577-4317 Augustus D. Aikens, Jr. (850) 577-4314 SEATS (MLL 2020) Nina Ashenafi Richardson (850) 577-4316 CIRCUIT JUDGES: 6 year terms; Non-Partisan; elected in Leon, franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Liberty and Wakulla counties; lakes office lst Tuesday after lst Monday in January Mailing Address: Leon County Courthouse 301 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FT. 3230 I (850) 577-4000 www.2ndcircuil.or\! GROUP I (FALL 2018) GROUP9 (fALL 2022) Robert Long Jr. email: Sl.2arkmanm~mleoncount~il.~:ov Karen Gievers email: underwoodl~mleoncounl~il.~:ov Leon County Courthouse, Room 365-L Leon County Courthouse, Room 365-D (850) 606-4310 fax: (850) 606-4310 (850) 342-0247 fax: (850) 342 -0403 GROUP2 (FALL 2018) GROUP 10 (fALL 2020) Barbara Hobbs email: warejcmleoncount~H.~:ov Martin A. Fitzpatrick email: ~:astonl~mleoncount~il.~:ov Leon County Courthouse, Room 365-E Leon County Courthouse, Room 365-l (850) 875-8031 fax: (850) 627-5323 850-875-8041 fax: (850)875-0878 GROUP3 (FALL 2018) GROUP 11 (fALL 2022) James 0. Shelfer email: ~;;oodwinm(w leoncountyfl.~;;ov Dawn Caloca-Johnson email: leedocwleoncountyfl.~;;ov T.con County Courthouse, Room 365-J Jefferson County Courthouse, Room 22 (850) 606-4309 fax: (850) 606-4335 (850) 342-0247 fax: (850) 606-4475 GROUP4 (fALL 2020) GROUP 12 (FALL2018) Charles Dodson email: crocketl(mleoncountyil.gov Terry P. Lewis email: laurao(iVleoncountyLl.gov T.con County Courthouse, Room 365-C T.con County Courthouse, Room 301-C (850) 606-4307 fax: (850) 606-4339 (850) 606-4308 fax: (850) 606-4477 GROUPS (FALL 2018) GROUP 13 (PALL 2020) frank Allman email: 12orrittk1wleoncountyfl.~ov James Lee Marsh, email: 13 North Monroe Street, Quincy, FT. 32351 Leon County Courthouse, Room 365 (850) 606-4305 fax: (850) 606-4476 (850) 606-4306 fax: (850) 606-4407 GROUP6 (fALL 2020) GROUP 14 (fALL 2022) Kevin J. Carroll email: rettm(mleoncountyil.gov James C:. Hankinson email: rissingerb(mleoncountyG.gov T.eon County Courthouse, Room 330 T.con County Courthouse, Room 301-F (850) 606-4311 fax: (850) 606-4332 (850) 606-4320 fax: (850) 606-4437 GROUP7 (FALL 2018) GROUP 1S (fALL 2022) Robert R. Wheeler email: owensk(mleoncountyil.gov Jonathan Sjostrom, C:hie[Judge email: gaussl(mleoncountyil.gov T.eon County Courthouse, Room 365-A Leon County Courthouse, Room 30 1-D (850) 606-4315 fax: (850) 606-4374 (850) 606-4321 fax: (850) 606-4474 GROUPS (fALL 2020) GROUP 16 (fALL 2020) John C. Cooper email: barbers(illleoncountyLl.gov Angela C. Dempsey email: hoo12erh(mleoncountyG.gov T.eon County Courthouse, Room 365-B Leon County Courthouse, Room 365-A (850) 606-4313 fax: (850) 606-4333 (850) 606-4322 fax: (850) 606-4349 Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 FLORIDA SUPREME COURT: 6 year terms; Non-Partisan; selected state-wide by meril retention on general election ballot Mailing Address: 500 South Duval Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1925 (850) 488-0125 'NWw.floridasuprcmccourt.org Peggy A. Quince (merit retention vote 2018) R. fred Lewis (merit retention vote 2018) (850) 922-5624 (850) 488-0007 James E.C:. Perry (merit relenlion vole 2022) Charles T. Canady (meril relenlion vole 2022) (850) 921-1096 (850) 410-8092 Barbara J. Pariente (merit retention vote 2018) Ricky Polston (merit retention vote 2022) (850) 488-8421 (850) 488-2361 Jorge Labarga, ChiefJustice (merit retention vote 2022) (850) 413-8371 1'' DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL: 6 year terms; Non-Partisan; selected by merit retention on general election ballot in Leon, Alachua, Baker, Bay , Bradford, Calhoun, Clay, Columbia, Dixie, Duval, Escambia, Franklin, Gadsden, Gilchrist, Gulf, Hamilton, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Levy, Liberty, Madison, Nassau, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Suwannee, Taylor, Union, Wakulla, Walton and v\T ashington counties. Mailing Address: 301 Soulh ML King Boulevard Tallahassee, fL 32399-1850 (850) 487-1000 'NWw.ldca.org Susan Kelsey (merit retention vote 2022) Timothy D. Osterhaus (merit retention vote 2020) James R. vVolf (merit retention vote 2022) T. Kent Wetherell, II (merit retention vote 2022) Thomas D Winokur (merit retention vote 2022) LoriS. Rowe (merit retention vote 2022) Harvey L. Jay III (merit retention vote 2018) Ross L. Bilbrey (merit retention vote 2022) Allen vVinsor (merit retention vote 2018) Stephanie W. Ray (merit retention vote 2018) Joseph Lewis, Jr. (merit retention vote 2020) M. Kemmerly Thomas (merit retention vote 2018) Bradford L. Thomas (merit retention vote 2018) Scott Makar (merit retention vote 2020) L. Clayton Roberts (merit retention vote 2020) GOVERNOR AND CABINET: 4 year terms; Partisan; elected statewide, takes office 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday in January Mailing Address: The Capitol 400 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-000 l GOVERNOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Rick Scoll (REP) (FALL 2018) Carlos Lopez-Canlera (REP) (FALL 2018) (850) 488-7146 email: ri~k ~~!!t1,«l s.:!!!; m~fh!ri!li! ~!!ID (850) 717-7146 email: ~i!rl<1s l<!ps.:z-~i!nts.;ra(•l&:<!!; m;dl<!ri!li! ~~~m rax: (850) 922 -9002 www .ilgov .com rax: (850) 922-9002 www.llgov.com ATTORNEY GENERAL CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Pam Bondi (REP) (FALL2018) Jimmy Patronis (REP) (FALL2018) (850) 414-3300 email: 12S!lll - QQDdi(.Vm~flQiidals:gi!l , >:Qlll email: (:FO.Palronis{£Vmyiloridacfo.com fax: (850) 410-1630 m~fh!ri!li!l~iji!l ~<!m I (877) 693-5236 www.mxfloridacfo.com COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE Adam Putnam (REP) (FALL2018) (850)617-7700 email: adam.j2U lnam{£V freshfromilorid a. com fax: (850) 617-7744 www.freshfromflorida.com Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 FLORIDA SENATE: 4 year terms; Partisan; elected by districts term limit of 8 consecutive years; take office upon election www.flsenate.gov DISTRICT 3 SENATOR William "Bill" Montford (DEM) (FALL 2020) 208 Senate Office Building 404 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, fL 32399-1100 (850) 487-5003 email: montford.bill.webCulflsenate.gov Represents all or part of Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor and \Nakulla counties FLORIDA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 2 year terms; Partisan; elected by districts term limit of8 consecutive years; lakes office upon election www.myiloridahouse.~ov DISTRICT 7 REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 8 REPRESENTATIVE Halsey Reshears (REP) (FALL 2018) Ramon Alexander (DEM) (FALL 2018) 1102 The Capitol 1001 The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1300 (850) 717-5007 (850) 717-5008 Represents all or parl of Calhoun, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Represents all or part of Leon and Gadsden coun Lies jefferson, Lafayelle, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Taylor Wakulla counties DISTRICT 9 REPRESENTATIVE Loranne Ausley (DEM) (FALL 2018) I 00 I The Capitol 402 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, fL 32399-1300 (850) 717-5009 Represents all or part of Leon county U.S. PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT: 4 year terms; Partisan; 1 takes ofGce noon, January 20' ' following the general election Mailing Address: The While House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 (202) 456-1414 fax: (202) 456-2461 www.whilehouse gov PRESIDENT (FALL 2020) VICE-PRESIDENT (FALL 2020) Donald). Trump (REP) Mike Pence (REP) email: [email protected] email: [email protected] Last updated on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: 2 year terms; Partisan; elected by districts Lakes office January 3'd following the general election www.house.gov 2"d DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE NealDunn(REP) (FALL2018) Local OlTice: Washington Office: 300 S. Adams St. A·3 1213 Longworth House Office Building Tallahassee, H 32301 Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-5235 Fax: (202) 225-5615 Represents all or part ofT.eon, Bay, Calhoun, Dixie, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Lafayette, Liberty, Madison, Suwannee, Taylor, vVakulla and vVashington counties.
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