MISSION STATEMENT insideFEBRUARY To faithfully chronicle the work and progress of the church in the Atlantic Union territory and inform, 2004 instruct, and inspire our church members. FEATURES DEPARTMENTS Editorial 3 4 From One Week to 100 Years and Christ Is Still Working Miracles! Quoi de Neuf? 11 ¿Qué Está Pasando? 22 Youth Connections 24 8 Cover Story: This & That 31 Union Springs Academy New Beginnings NEWS Atlantic Union College 6 Greater New York 12 Northeastern 14 16 Adventist Education Northern New England 18 Comes to Southern New England 20 Rhode Island INFORMATION Bulletin Board 25 Obituaries 25 17 Bermuda Conference Classifieds 29 Members Conduct DEADLINES Evangelistic Meetings in April Issue February 13 Cape Town, May Issue March 12 South Africa June Issue April 9 February 2004 Vol. CIII, No. 2 The Atlantic Union GLEANER is pub- lished monthly by the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day The cover story on page 8 of Adventists, 400 Main Street, South Lancaster, MA 01561. Printed by ABOUT THE COVER: Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak Ridge Drive, this month’s issue features an update on the program at Union Springs Hagerstown, MD 21740. Standard postage paid at Hagerstown, MD Academy—the only boarding academy in the Atlantic Union. The 21740. Annual subscription price, $8.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Review and Herald® Publishing Association, 55 West Oak cover photo was taken by sophomore Victoria Miller. Ridge Drive, Hagerstown, MD 21740. 2 Atlantic Union GLEANER, February 2004 Visit the Atlantic Union Web site EDITORIAL Be Aware of Deception n Mark 13:1-37*, Luke 21:5-36, and them all away. That is how it will be at the Matthew 24 and 25 we see Jesus sitting coming of the Son of Man.” Ion the Mount of Olives, speaking to His In the fifty-one verses of Matthew 24, it disciples about the destruction of Jerusalem is very clear that the principle instigator and His own second coming, in apocalyptic behind these subtle errors invading our language. These passages have been termed contemporary world is Satan. I’m glad that the Great Eschatological Discourse. God in His love, and Jesus in His mercy, It is believed that sometime between took the time to warn us against the Tuesday afternoon to Thursday night of deceptions of Satan. Passion Week, AD 30 (or 29), Jesus seeks to Deceptions, however, can be avoided by prepare His disciples for the tragedy of His our careful attention and obedience to “It is necessary death, for carrying on His work after His God’s word and His commandments. The departure, and avoiding deception in the last Psalmist says in Psalm 119:105, “Your for Christians days just prior to His second coming. Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for History records the fulfillment of the my path.” The word of God, as revealed in to read often the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 the Bible and in the writings of Ellen G. A.D. Currently, as the gospel is being carried White, are the most informed revelations warnings of to the world, we can see more and more of God’s will and plans for His church. indications of Satan’s deceptive activities. They are written to guide our thinking and influence our actions towards the purposes Jesus, so that It is necessary for Christians to read of reconciliation with God and man, spiri- often the warnings of Jesus, so we can tual healing, and eventually everlasting life. we can remain remain spiritually strong and faithful. I’m sure that, as a people professing the In all these Gospels, the predictions wonderful truths of Jesus, we have no about the levels and the way deceptions spiritually strong desire or plan to be deceived. Yet, unless would be introduced into the world in the we possess that humble, teachable spirit of last days are very clear. In Mark 13:6, Luke and faithful.” Jesus, unless we remain faithfully commit- 21:8, and Matthew 24:5 Jesus says, “For ted to following God’s word, unless we many will come in my name, claiming ‘I daily feed on His word, we can be am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” In deceived by the arch-enemy, Satan. I pray Mark 13:22 and Matthew 24:24 Jesus went therefore, that 2004 will be a time for on to predict, “For false Christs and false greater prayer and renewed study of God’s prophets will appear and perform great word as we go about fulfilling His mission signs and miracles to deceive even the in the Atlantic Union Conference. elect—if that were possible.” In Matthew 24:38, Matthew alone says, “For in the Carlyle C. Simmons is the executive secretary days before the flood, people were eating and communication director of the Atlantic and drinking, marrying and giving in mar- Union Conference. riage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; * The Scripture texts in this editorial are quoted from and they knew nothing about what would The Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright happen until the flood came and took © 1978, New York International Bible Society. at www.atlantic-union.org Atlantic Union GLEANER, February 2004 3 By Charé Gallimore From and Christ One week Is Still Working to 100 Years Miracles! t was late on a Wednesday when of Dave’s church—the High Banks Seventh-day New York Conference president Adventist Church—were Steven Gallimore received a call from organized into crews of I five to six, covering Pastor Gene Thomas. “We have a mem- specifically assigned grids ber who occasionally suffers from short- to search the ruggedly wooded area of Saranac. term memory loss,” Thomas began. “He “The organization was really amazing,” Dave has wandered away from his home, and Starks, a High Banks church member stated. Members of the Windover family were in no one can find him. We are searching the grid of searchers who found Dave As midnight Brooks. Fifteen-year-old Paul was the first in organized parties throughout the sur- approached, after hours to see him. rounding forest…. If we do not find of searching, the police suspended the search. The police feared that others him before dark, it will be unlikely he might be lost as the rain began flowing in torrents. With will be able to live throughout the frigid no other option except to go home, the group disband- ed. Pastor Thomas was among the few who drove up night.” With the possibility of death and down the roads in his 4-wheel drive truck searching until around 3:00 a.m. when his body became so tired, directly before them, Gallimore and he knew he too must rest. Early the next morning, the Thomas began pleading with the Lord group again organized into grids. Kim Windover, Mike Fowler, Miguel Cresto, Dave Darrah, and Paul for this man’s safety. Windover, all members of the High Banks church, hav- ing spent the night in anguish and prayer, now walked Dave Brooks, a retired man of 74, spent his days col- together in their assigned grid searching for their friend lecting cans along the roadside, selling the aluminum, and brother in Christ. The cold rain had turned to snow. and sending all the proceeds of his labor to ADRA. “This Tw enty-eight hours had passed since Dave left home to Wednesday had been no different,” Dave’s wife, Dorothy, search for cans. Around 2:00 p.m. on Thursday after- explains. Dave had left mid-morning with a bag in his noon, a Ranger, Bruce, found a small bag containing two hand, to do what he could to find more cans to further cans hanging on a tree. Paul Windover, 15 years of age, the work of his Savior. But, this time, Dave did not became excitedly hopeful. “That must be Dave’s!” he return. The police were called and more than 100 res- exclaimed. Within minutes Paul found a body, face cuers were organized. Forest rangers, troopers, K-9 down, lying straight on the wet ground. The group sur- units, fire fighters, community residents, and members rounded the body, fear gripping each face. As they 4 Atlantic Union GLEANER, February 2004 Visit the Atlantic Union Web site turned the stiff body over, unable to ance of Dave Brooks and a celebra- had delivered Dave that he brought even move his arms from their tion of the ministry that Saranac Lake them a donation. “Don’t ask me why,” straight, firm position, Kim noticed his church had participated in for the the stranger quipped. With these few last 100 years. words, he handed Sandy the two A district-com- heavy buckets then turned and left. "Thankful thoughts of finding Dave ‘just in bined worship Automatically Sandy shut the church time’ flooded their minds as they remembered service at the door behind her. Looking down at church allowed the buckets, she felt a twinge of fear the health care providers telling them how its members and as she saw the buckets were filled to very close Dave had been to death." visitors alike to the brim with bullets. Immediately enter into a new she called her husband, who quickly time of prayer came over. It was discovered that face was warm… and he was breath- and praise. Jim Dwyer, a faithful mem- under the bullets worth approximate- ing! Dave’s hands had swollen to dou- ber of the Saranac Lake church had ly $200 were two envelopes. Each ble their normal size.
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