k INGOTS PLAY DU PONT POWDER WORKERS RETURN GAME AT PARLlN SATURDAY-MAY EVEN SERIES Oran bury. TWO TEN ROUND BOUTS SACRED HEARTS WIN SAME R. H E. Barlow, * .. 2 3 o Prizes At Big Legion HERE TOMORROW NIGHT FROM FRANKLIN A. 11-5 qompton. It.... l i • Many A., 0. Snell, m .. 3 3 1 I Applegate, lb ... 0 X l Games to Be Held Labor Pete (Red) McDonald, the Weet The Sacred Heart*, of South Am NodenWSMr, p. 0 X ft Day featherweight, who is to meet boy, defeated the Frankltn A. A., of IVroar, tk ..0 ft 1 id 6ide Petty, the Perth Ainboy e.ham* Mil* at south by a wore Snell. 8t> .. 1 1 1 City, Amboy Preparation* are fart being complet- County American I^gton mem ben SINS bloB, at the Auditorium import Club, oril-^S. WI»c*orM»Mtl pitching far IcCoe, cf ft 1 1 U. one FROM ed for the American games and cloeed to the Industrial WRV Legion ,A. CLOSE; tomorrow hie night, finish#.! up the home team allowed five Matter- roves, rf .. 0 0 o il to be held under the auspices of the! A. of New Brunswick. The entry training this iftern >on at the Sttll- ed hit* and struck out ten men. Middlesex County Athletic League fee is fifty cent* for each event, erg Get More man gym in Harlem. Ih the other featured at tb* bat tor (be C IX ( ; American Athletes Popular Tennis l.agoda Ninth Puts of the American Legion at hutgers ail event* closed to the legion mem- ten round bout Lew Snyder, the little Jap Player Sacred Hearte. Inning Rally Score by innings : I College athletic field. New Bruns- bers of the county, call for no entry Than Double Total Point Bayonne featherweight, will nreet a Tbo bod Wore I Now in Games at Across Run Aft« 0 0 wick, on Labor Day, Monday, Sep- fee. la Of Olympic H. E. Winning Helmetta ...... 0 1 0 0 3 0 1—7 tough preposition Joe V/ebber, Aft. >1. at o'clock the C ran bury 0 1 0 1 03 0 0 1—0 tember (, starting 2 in j The events are as follows; Score Nearest Jersey City. Webber made a great e .. I 4 9 Competitor Antwerp; Missed Here. Lagoda, | Fast and Exciting Game. (afternoon, which are being held un- events:—109 dash— showing in Severn 1 .-routs at the Sceelec*, If ....it i * *1 Open yards Two base hits Ldtkanic X. Apple- der the sanction af tha American handicap. 210 yards desr Bayonne club and will >v xly extend ZHsntrk. tb .. I • 1 1 -handioup! D Final Point 8«>fe la Panics Br »s«et*i Corrsspeodent. X. Barlow, Struck out 'Athletic union. IM yard* dash—handicap: 1 mil*— Olympic Snyder to the limit. Snyder is ill One figure that has grown familiar Zlentek. lb . I I » 0 Compton. ■ Points Total HELM fatey Bodenwelcer t, by Mondoker 3, There are sixteen events on tha; handicap: 1 mile relay -handicap, great shape right i.ow and will bo lo tennis crowds will be mlaMng Wltceak, tb ... « 1 1 1| BTTA, Aug. If—Cranbury ■ scored points by Norcroaa 5. Baaea on balla, Nor- (program, five of which are open, two •Open to Boy Scout troope of Mid even better tomorrow night, than from the courts of (he West Side Holton, rf 4 9 « 9; suffered their first defeat at the Sta- scored cross 7, Bodenvreiser 4. open to Boy Scouts of the county, dieses H yes'day he was in hie boiit with KI9 Tennis Club when the national • • Umpires, county;—Wall scaling con- l« 218 Potty Chill, cf......4 f| ton Sunday afternoon, when Hei- Black and FsUratt Scorer .WftSt 'eight are closed to the Middlesex ■k Jolted States at on 1 test. one half mile mar. the Auditorium club two weeks championship begins August 10, Sc*ekc*. M .4. .t 4 1 » tnetta nosed them out in ninth in- relay—{fear W Finland <0 105 for is not entered. I 1 9 a team, each man to run ISO yards). ago. Iehlya Kumagae Wlectorkoikl, p 4 The final Score was 7*4. .. IB 55 ftlftg rally. closed to Middlesex Ameri- ■wadaA Ill the six rpund bout Ted. (Kid) He left for Antwerp In July to take County *« Both teams had many opportunities can England . »l Of in the tennis Legion:—10# yards dash; ISO Beidmah, New Brunswick, meets part events of the It uitl to the oh the .. 4 ll put game winning side, PIONEERS DEFEAT All STAR yards dash; 449 yards dash; high Francs Tommy Mooney, bf New York. Olympic games which are scheduled Frank tin A. A. 27 but felled to take advantage of their Jump: broad Jump; three leg roAe; Italy J to begin August 15, Kumagac’s Kb. it. x. e. Shakes*. .. I 24 race: South Africa skill and his attractive Hamilton, If. 4 o 1 9 COMBINATION 8-6 equipment medley relay (dis- — personality SUNDAY, Panada .. li Cranbury scored the first run In tance 220. 440, *80. 1 miie). have made him with the rf ........... 4 e • o ns popular TILL Fierttoh, Denmark .............. 6 10 their Initial trtp to tho bat and -he Closed to Industrial A. A. of Mow galleries, who will regret his ab- ib 4 1 1 1 The Pioi\ rs defeated an All Star Norway 7 10 9 horns team svsned up the score in Brunswick:—1 mije relay. sence, even though they wish him Svanfe,ansen, lb ..4 1 1 team on Sunday afternoon by a Score Sathonia 6 I 0 the second. Cranbury went ahead Entries will close Monday, August luck abroad. Earnest, c 4 1 9 of I—4. Thomas did the pitching New Zealand .— 5 In the third and increased their lead SO with James A. Harkins, P. O.IM INGOTS READY Kumagae and his friend. Seilchiro Louie, tb.. 4 0 • 1 for the combination while Australia ..— K to four runs In the fifth, when thres winning 174. New Brunswick, and blank* Oan Kashlom, have not forgotten the Pambldd. *S-p .4 1 1 0 Letts the mound for tbe iETETORS Belgium .............. I 4 tallies were put across. Again Hel* occupied be received from various member* championship, however, for in a Mansfield, p-S* ........ t 0 9 9, AH Sta'*. .— I metta came back strong and scored of the legion throughout tbo county. Caecho-SIorakia S. cf.4 114 letter to Julian Myrlek, president Peterson, three runs. In the Helmeiti The bog score: Lose Out in The to be for th* Holland .— t a. — *<* atu eighth prizes awarded of the tjnlted States Te tulle ma Playground Boys Lawn evened the score with a rurt and different event* are as follows: Luxembourg 1 1 13 • 4 1 up Pioneers. Association, they Say how sorry they otace more Cranbury went ahead in Events Held in *V Nos. I, 2. 2. 4—gold, silver aa< Score AB. R. H. E. Aquatic In a dr lisle that la characteristic are not to be able to play on both by inning: their halt of the the bronze medals: No. 5—team 9—8 nldtJt. making 0 1 1 prl*a> »r the Country the seventh revival sides of the Atlantic at almost the Franklin iMOItll Store 4-4. Crowl. rf.5 Pool Afternoon silver also 11 Yesterday loving cup, gold, silve* Of the came to a Combination to same time. Written from Ostende Sacred Heart -.1 0 I 1 1 * l 1 Callow, 2b.5 0 1 1 Olympic games Applegate’s With a do-or-die determination and bronze medals; No. 8—silver Close Antwera where Were In a tourna- Summary:—Two baa* bits. Lago- Thompson, cf.....5 110 are the at yesterday. There they playing Helmet !a entered the ninth frame. Like the good sports they loving cup for first and second tsUUi*; Was slim Go to Partin for ment to before the da, 1: Wlecaorkeekl. ScwleeS, Xltaak: Newmark. lb......5 1 1 0 four city a Crowd present to cheer Saturday get practice Platt and wee advanced representatives of the No. 7—Team prize—silver stated the first base on ball*. olf WtoewfhMl, it singled M. Bonalsky, 2b.6 12 1 l0J|}ui the advent 0( America’s again com- Olympic games, they that When playgrounds admitted their defeat! cup: sliver and bronze medals; Koa Return Game. Mansfield. Pambtad. l! Mruek Tihiberman Walked to first. N. Letts, ss.5 1 X 0 ing out in fifet place, and by the big- local entry wa* not of high class, oft 1: the V. M. C. A. boys department | S. 9, 10, 11, 12—Gold, sliver and Latkanie came to bat with none out 2 by that ever but that much keener oUt by Mansfield. I; by Paftlblnd, It J. Malinouski, If.S 4 0 in the gest margin was known ih competition and with the drat ball pushed he yesterday afternoon big aqua- j bronze medals; Nos. 12, 14,—aflvef the of the modern but was at by Vflecwf-kOskl. 14; left on bakes, S B. Bonalsky, c.S 0 1 0 held In the of the as- history events, Manager Harry Applegate'* Rari- anticipated Antwerp. sent It sailing over second base for tic meet pool and bronze medals: Noa 15—toanf was Zenao 4; Pfanklln, t: hit by pitcher, Thomas, p.4 0 1 0 will their the affair of such world-wide In- tan Works tossers Bhlmldsu, the Sensational H., three sociation building, but try prize—sliver loving cup; gol, stiver Copper baseball a base drive, scoring Platt and < terest that those cOuld make Japanese, who was expected to play ftyank.
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