ELLIMATTAELLINfiATTA bulblrulf, nurserynursery GRASSY FLAT ROAD,HOAD, DIAMONDDIAMOND CREEKCBEEK 30893089 VICTORIAVICTORIA —- AUSTRALIA TelephoneTelePhone 4381622438 1622 LISTLIsr 1980-811ggo.Bl THE AUSTRALIANAUSTRALIAN DAFFODILDAFFODIL SOCIETYSOCIETY The AimsAims of the SocietySociety areare to improveimprove thethe standard of DaffodilsDaffodils inin Australia and toto disseminatedisseminate informationinformation perper medium medium of ol periodical periodical NEWS NEWS LETTERS. LETTERS. Annual SubscriptionSubscription $2.00 Honorary SecretarySecretary Mrs.Mrs. F.F. J.J. HunterHunter BeenakBeenak Road.Road, WANDIN SOUTH,SOUTH, VIC., AUSTRALIAAUSTRALIA 31393139 INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTION Inln futurefuture I Ishall shall give give a a description description of of my my more more recent recent registered registered seedlingsseedlings andand newnew stock.stock. Il-have have deleteddeleted fromfrom mymy listlist manymany ofof thethe oldold favourites, favourites, butbut mostmost areare stillstill available available at at the the 1979/80 1979/80 prices.prices. TERMSTERMS ALLALL PRICES PRICES QUOTEDQUOTED AREARE IN IN AUSTRALIAN AUSTRALIAN DOLLARS DOLLARS WouldWOuld overseasoverseas customers please check exchange rate with youryour Bank, Bank, AgencyAgency oror Post Post Office. Office, AllAll ordersorders in in excess excess of of $10.00 $10.00 (Aust.)(Aust.) otherother thanthan mixed, mixed, accompanied accompanied byby cashcash oror chequecheque willwill be be given given the the following {oliowing discounts, discounts, posted posted before: before: 11 February FebruarY — 15% andand 1 1 March March — 10%. -15% -10%. DiscountsDiscounts areare availableavailable toto Horticultural Horticultural SocietiesSocieties and and Garden Garden Clubs.Clubs, BulbsBulbs orderedordered byby overseasoverseas customerscustomers will bebe forwardedforwarded S.A.L.S.A.L. (Surface(Surface. AirAir Lifted)Lilted) oror AIRAIR MAILMAIL wherewhere S.A.L.S.A.L. doesdoes NOTNOT apply,apply, unlessunless requestedrequested other-other- wisewise byby customers.customers. DueDue toto highhigh postal/freight postal/freight rates, rates, all all customers customers areare now now requested requested toto pay pay 50%50% ofof it.it. BulbsBulbs areare NORMALLYNORMALLY DESPATCHEDDESPATCHED fromfrom latelate FebruaryFebruary throughthrough untiluntil latelate MarchMarch onon thethe basisbasis ofof receiptreceipt ofof orders. orders. 2 WhereWhere "NET" isis printedprrnted afterafter thethe price,price, no no discount, discount, unfortunately,unfortunately, cancan bebe allowed.allowed. ■r denotesdenotes few to offer WDWD meansmeans withdrawn to increaseincrease stockstock PLEASEPLEASE PRINT NAMENAME ANDAND ADDRESSADDRESS ININ BLOCK BLOCK LETTERS LETTERS KEYSKEYS AnAn "A""A" in in front front of of the the name name indicates indicaies that that it itwas was raised raised in in AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA andand "NZ""NZ" that that it it originated originated in in NEW NEW ZEALAND. ZEALAND. TheThe figuresfigures indicateindicate relativerelative timetime ofof flowering:flowering: "0"'I0" —- earliestearliest "6""6" —- latestlatest TheThe smallsmall lettersletters afterafter thethe name name represent represent thethe recommended recommended use:use: dd —- decorativedecoraiive pp —- growinggrowing inin potspots oror panspans ee —- exhibition rr —- growinggrowing inin thethe rockrock gardengarden gg —- gardengarden COLLECTIONSCOLLECTIONS willwill bebe made made up up on on request. request. Flowering Flowering mixed mixed seedlings seedlings areare availableavailable atat $15.00 $15,00 a a hundred, hundred, plus plus FULL FULL FREIGHT. FREIGHT' BONUSBONUS OFFEROFFER ForFor anan order of:of: (a)(a) $25.00$25.00 oror above, one bulb ofof youryour choice choice NOT NOT exceeding exceeding $8.00, $8'00, whenwhen cash is forwarded with thethe order.order. (b)(b) $15.00,$15.00, oneone bulb ofof youryour own own selection selection NOT NOT exceeding exceeding $6.00, $6'00, whenwhen cash is forwarded with thethe order.order. JustJust inin casecase therethere hashas beenbeen aa strongstrong demanddemand for a certaincertain bulb,bulb, Ilwould would suggestsuggest that you either makemake a second choice or statestate that youyou willwill leaveleave itit toto my my discretion,discretion, oror that that you you do do NOT NOT wantwant aa substitute. substitute. 3 1980/811980/41 RELEASES RELEASES Honey x Ellimatta' van KOOTiRd,g. d,g' 1-2 1-2 W-P. W-P' Creamed Creamed Honey x Ellimatta. (A)(A) ALBERTINAALBERTINA van KOOTER openYrv" pint< cup with shovel shaped AA large targe decorative decorative long lo,igrvrrv serrated i"iiitedev"q'[vv open pink cup with shoveleacheach shaped$5.25 $5'25r ■ perianthperianth segments. segments. (A) BETTYBETTYBEERYe.43Y-Yo.JaniceDettmanxAircastle.Aquitedistinct BEERY e. 4 3Y-YO. Janice Dettman x Aircastle. A quite distinct■I (A) a 2 mm mirgin of orang_e. each $16.25 exhibitionexhibition soft-line soft-line flower floweiwith with a 2 mm margin of orange. each $16.25lced 9W-GW' Greenholm x Sea Green' (A)(A) BONNIEBONNIE MARIE MARIE d,e,g. d,e-,g. 3-4 3-4 9W-GW. Greenholm x Sea TheGreen. little Iced cup segridntJ *rat form a.complete circle. whitewhite perianth perianfr segments thatiii'"v" form a completethe'remainder circle. The little cup hasii;;'; a 3Trn* mm of ot green gie;'ji in the eye and"nd the remainder is'. white. each::[f; $16.75g16.75 (A)(A) CECILEcEclLEsPlTzd,e,g'5gG-G.SeaGreenxGreenholm.Aspectacular SPITZ d,e,g. 5 9G-G. Sea Green x Greenholm.Green/white A spectacular Group poericus. itli"pLilrnji-sEgments are soft-linesoft-tine poeticus. The perianth segmentsmm are Green Green/White Group 134C' Group 2 mm The tiny little;;td;;;;n" r'iJ r 151B.151B. The tiny little 4 mm corona& A 1has mm 1 mmmiigin Green of Grouporansb 134C, gt"Tt*r":r? 2 mm Green/Whiteai""hlwniie'Group Group 157B1578 & A 1 mm margin of Orange Groupeach $ 128C.5.75 (A)(A) ELLENELLENlSoBELd,e,g'32W-PW'ChartwellxlsobelChaplin'Anexce|. ISOBEL d,e,g. 3 2W-PW.'obtooir. Chartwell x Isobel Chaplin.breeding' An The excel- star pink cupped L"inirrii"" of unusual lenttent pink cupped Exhibition Daffodilur" white of unusual whilst the breeding. long narrow The star cup shaped!;;r5;";;iJpp,";"ffiiinir' overlapping perianth are white whilst the long narroweacheach $18.25 $18'25 cup isiJ'?;;";";';i'tlof a deep but NOT carroty Ju""Jtv"iui' red. Viable. viiui"' (A)(A) ERNIEERNIEGiBSONd,e,g'2-31W-W'GlensheskxTablecloth'Thisiced GIBSON d,e,g. 2-3 1W-W. Glensheskinipeo x Tablecloth.perianth, segments This iced of whitewhite trumpet trumpet has has"'Yer!-"*ii" very wide shovel r'n*ur shaped perianth segmentsat ofthe llarruw trumpettrsrrt'vr is'serrdted and ooen excellentexcellent overlap.overlap' TheThe'narrowllre narrow trumpet is serrated eachandeacn open$14.50 $t+'so at NET theNET mouth.mouth. d,e,g. 2 1W-W. Tablecloth x Glenshesk. Good (A)(A) FLORENCEFLORENCEDETTMANd,e,g'21W-W'TableclothxGlenshesk'Good DETTMAN iegments, ine white trumpet is serrated whitewhite shovel shovet shaped srrapef,p"iii'rir,-tne perianth segments, the white trumpeteacheain $12.50 is$tz's0 serrated NET NET andand quite quite open open at at the mouth.moutn' (A)(A) JOEJoEBREARLEYo,e,g.32Y-GW.El,limaitaxSpellbinder..Adelightful BREARLEY d,e,g. 3 2Y-GW. Ellimatta x Spellbinder.ouerlapping A delightful perianth lime Daftdiii oi u"'y gooo subsiance' ■ allall soft so{t lime Daffodil of very good substance, overlappingeacheach $12.75perianth $12'75 r segmentssegments and and a a very very long long narrow narrow cup. cup' 4 4 (A) JOHN DETTMANNDETTMANN d,e,g. 3-4 1Y-PY. CreamedCreamed HoneyHoney xx Spellbinder. A very goodgood yellow/pinkyellow/pink Daffodil.Daffodil. TheThe softsoft yellow yellow perianth perianth segments segments are pointed and of goodgood overlap.overlap. The open trumpettrumpet isis a softsoft pinkpink with a 55 mmmm bandband of yellow.yellow. each $20.00$20,00 NETNET ■I (A) KAREEN VERONICAVERONICA d,e,g. 3-4 1W-P. Pink Delight x PinkPink Treasure.Treasure. A veryvery imposingimposing softsolt pinkpink trumpettrumpet Daffodil.Daffodil. TheThe whitewhite perianthperianth seg-seg- ments have excellentexcellent overlap.overlap. The The shell shell pinkpink trumpettrumpet hashas aa 3 mmmm margin of white.white. Viable.Viable. each $25.00$25.00 (A) LEONARD MONTGOMERIEMONTGOMERIE d,e,g. 33 2Y-Y.2Y-Y, Arctic Gold x Gahna.Gahna. AA truly majesticmajestic deepdeep goldgold flower.flower. SmoothSmooth shovelshovel shapedshaped perianthsperianths of excellent overlap and a longlong narrownarrow serratedserrated cup.cup. Viable.Viable. each $12.75$12.75 r■ (A) LESLIE BARBARABARBARA d,S.d,g. 3 2Y-Y.2Y-Y. GalwayGalway x YellowYellow Moon.Moon. VeryVery goodgood overlap of the perianthperianth segmentssegments and the long openopen cup isis serrated.serrated. Viable. each $3.75$3.75 (A) LORNAVE d,e,g. 5 3W-YO. LynetteLynette ShollSholl xx Lily May Curtis. A beauti-beauti- fully balancedbalanced flower.flower. TheThe perianthperianth segmentssegments are of almostalmost completecomplete overlap whilstwhilst the almost {latflat cupcup is a bright yellow with aa wirewire bandband of orange,orange, viable bothboth ways.ways. each $17.50$17.50 r■ (A) MOYA NEWMANNEWMAN d,e,g. 2 2W-Y. Bonnington xx Open Pollinated. A nearnear trumpet bi-colour ofof firstfirst classclass standards.standards. TheThe whitewhite perianthperianth segmentssegments have excellent overlap and the expanded yellowyellow cup is serrated at the mouth.mouth, Viable.Viable. each $6.00$6.00 (A) RITA MAYMAY d,e,g. 2-3. MostMost DeliciousDelicious xx Pommy.
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