Spring 2019 Issue IV March 26th, 2019 Women’s History Month By Kaitlyn time, all those who Klaiber and Max attended participat­ Rogers ed in honoring the first female presi­ On Thursday, dent of SUNY March 14th, Dr. CCC, Dr. Kathe­ Christine Atkins rine P. Douglas, hosted an event in and listened to fra i r NlT, JLr'M- -M collaboration with women from differ­ • bJi i Air. The Center for Di­ ent generations and versity and Inclu­ backgrounds share sion to celebrate their stories and Women’s History thoughts. Month. The event SUNY CCC was held in the Tri­ has enjoyed the angle Lounge in residence of its and the Commons and first female presi­ ran from 12:15 to dent since July 1st, president of the position of power, 1:30 in the after­ 2011. During her In This Edition noon. During this time as the sixth college, Dr. Doug- Dr. Douglas has las has transformed shown many peo- Kiss the Blarney Stone: SUNY CCC and ple that women are Campus consequentially, capable of doing News 1 the lives of thou- extremely great St. Patrick’s Day sands of students. As a woman in a Continued on p.2 Weather 2 Upsetting Admissions National 4 News Fraud Revelation Columns 6 If you’ve binge-watched Gossip Girl, or even only watched season one, you Student may remember an episode revolving around the importance and stress that Interests 10 comes with taking the SAT’s. You may Read more about fun facts and the also recall Chuck hiring and paying two Upcoming 16 people to take the test, pretending to be... Events history of St. Patrick’s Day on page 2! Read more on page 4. Page 2 Campus N ews March 26th, 2019 things during a grew up in West black woman at a she believes in cussion, Lee talked time when this ob­ Africa, described job. In a work envi­ when it comes to about how we vious fact is not herself as a Third ronment dominated trying do anything, should respect the clear to many peo­ Culture Kid. She by men, Sheila which are, “Don’t elderly, because ple in our society. talked about her shared how she hurt yourself, don’t they’re the ones Dr. Douglas took involvement with learned to adjust to hurt someone else, who paved the way an important role in MK Safety Net, an not being heard by and don’ t hurt the for the rest of us. renovations of the organization which sitting quietly. This environment. ” Ruth and Beth Arthur A. Hough­ advocates for and ultimately caused Lee grew up didn’t say much, ton, Jr. Library and helps children, spe­ her coworkers to and lived during but both addressed athletic facilities. cifically missionary wonder why she the Great Depres­ their mothers as Her active and im­ kids, who are dam­ was being so silent, sion and World strong women who pressive presence aged and abused. In thus causing them War II. She attend­ they admire before on campus has reference to rape to be more atten­ ed an all girls sharing with the reaped benefits for culture, Shary stat­ tive to what she school, where there room some reasons faculty, staff and ed, “Everyone is had to say. In re­ was one teacher why. One reason students which will responsible for sponse to the ques­ who taught all that was similar for be enjoyed for their own actions.” tions involving eight grades. That both was that their many years to Claudia, from feminism, Sheila teacher is still a mothers were self­ come. South Jamaica in explained how she woman she admires less and loving The panel Queens, NY, ad­ believes that each to this day, telling caregivers. opened up discus­ dressed the obsta­ generation is differ­ the room how she Overall, this sion of several top­ cles she has over­ ent and with each took care of her event beautifully ics as students come, describing generation, there students by doing empowered women asked a series of herself as just an still will be a need things teachers by joining some questions ranging average girl trying for feminist groups weren’t expected to members of the from what life was to make it in this that fit in with that do, like purchasing college and com­ like growing up as world. Despite fac­ generation. necessary items for munity together to a female to whether ing overwhelming Lucretia, from her students. In the celebrate Women’s there is still a need hardships, Claudia Elmira, NY, told middle of the dis- History Month. ^ for a feminism commented that the story of her movement. There these times in her great aunt, a wom­ Kiss the Blarney Stone: were seven panel­ life shaped her into an she admires, ists in total, and who is today before who was a math St. Patrick’s Day their answers were thanking God, who teacher and burned filled with honesty was the only one to school desks to By Kaitlyn Student Life as they spoke about walk alongside her. keep people inside Kowalski (Commons Room beliefs and opin­ Sheila, who is the school warm 202) with their ions they’ve devel­ from New Jersey, during a snow­ On Monday, student IDs in oped based on per­ spoke about how storm. She also March 18th, 2019, hand to receive a sonal experiences. she was overlooked shared with the SUNY CCC stu­ delectable St. Pat­ Shary, who for being the only room three rules dents ventured to rick’ s- The Crier Forecast: - - 6 / / / / / / / / / I Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Icons made by RNS from www.flaticon.com Page 3 Campus N ew s March 26th, 2019 a kiss. The method while Zoe and her of kissing the stone classmates were has changed over given “gold coins” the years for safety and other St. Pat­ reasons. rick’s Day themed Formerly, visi­ items in celebration tors who would of the holiday, her pilgrimage to the sisters made Blarney Stone were “leprechaun traps” “held by the ankles in an attempt to and lowered head capture those elu­ first over the bat­ sive St. Patrick’s tlements” to kiss Day creatures. the stone. Now, Furthermore, fortunately, visitors Jamie Elliott, a use the bars for Freshman at SUNY support, along with CCC, annually cel­ someone to hold ebrates this holiday them, while they with her family, inspired goodie shock that the St. pinched by a lepre­ bend backwards to who, “always have bag. This assort­ Patrick’s Day as­ chaun.” Thus, wear give this sacred corned beef and ment of sweets in­ sortment did not green and let your stone a big sloppy cabbage” for din­ cluded a plethora include those es- St. Patrick’ s Day kiss. ner on St. Patrick’s of green: a choco­ timed holiday spirit shine. Day. late coin engraved themed ducks How have you A jolly occasion with the iconic among all the other Another fun fact! celebrated St. Pat­ indeed, St. Pat­ shamrock in cele­ gloriously green After cracking rick’s Day? rick’s Day unites bration of gifts. open the green for­ Curious to see the family for a day this holiday, tune cookie how others cele­ of joy and the for­ “Leprechaun Speaking of (which, from my brated this holiday, tune does not stop Poop” gummies, a green, did you perspective, tasted I interviewed fel­ just there! Kiss the shamrock shaped know...? as a regular fortune low SUNY CCC Blarney Stone for lollipop, a Twix (or According to a cookie would, but students for their eloquence beyond another decently CNN article pub­ with green food perspective. compare. To St. sized candy bar lished on St. Pat­ coloring), I re­ Sophomore Zoe Patrick’ s Day, if depending on as- rick’s Day itself ceived a fortune Heath describes her we’re lucky, we’ll sortment),and, odd­ (“All Your Burning that read “Kiss the previous experi­ be graced by you ly enough, a green St.Patrick’s Day Blarney Stone.” ence with St. Pat­ again next year! ^ fortune cookie, as Questions An­ Intrigued, I decided rick’ s Day in an well as two other swered”), before to research the cul­ educational setting: green candies. green, the color tural significance Interestingly, blue was the origi­ of this Irish stone. the vast majority of nal color of this Did you know? As the assorted can­ holiday. Further­ maintained by dies were from more, “the color Blarney Castle, a Oriental Trading green is a nod to website dedicated (www.orientaltradi Ireland’ s nick­ to this tourist at­ ng.com). Around name, the Emerald traction, the Blar­ holidays, I used to Isle.” Wearing the ney Stone, located peruse their maga­ color green, as the in Cork, Ireland, zines filled with article divulged, is “bestows the gift of party props and said to “prevent eloquence” to those toys! It comes as a you from getting who dare to give it Page 4 National & Local March 26th, 2019 country goes to message to Trump Khashoggi at a Sau­ Senate Backs War war. One Republi­ and Saudi Arabia di consulate in Tur­ can backer, Senator about the humanitar­ key in October. Powers Resolution to Mike Lee, said of ian disaster in Yem­ Trump has thus far the matter, “We’ re en. Many lawmakers refused to criticize End Military helping a foreign are also seeking to the Saudi Govern­ Intervention in Yemen power bomb its push Trump to de­ ment for the murder adversaries in what mand from the Sau­ or the crisis in Yem­ is undoubtedly, ir­ di Government a en.
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