CAMPUS MAP PARKING ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRST ROBB IA A VE 1 NUE Gifford 1 Arbore tum CAMPUS PARKING & SHUTTLE 102 107 1-109 URBINO 106 GreenhouseGreenhou se SPEED Green Red Pay Station Miller Circle Shuttle Route AV 1300 Camp o SSanoano LIMIT ENUE Gray White Coral Gables Street Stanford Shuttle Route 15 Knight Physic s E M . P . H . 2 Parking AN BuildingBuil ding DRIV 2 Pink Yellow Shuttle Stop CO E ER NA WILD C Unless AV DRIV 101 Gautie r A Evening Gate O Cox 104 Plaz a M otherwise ENUE P Annex O Brown Burgundy (locked 11:30 p.m. to 6 a.m.) Rosenstiel School Shuttle Stop McArthurArth ur S posted AMAR 1-109A A BA N 105 Addition N E O L RA SA A C Cox V R COA Restricted Visitor Pick-up and Drop-off Crosswalk I Colleg e of EN C ScienceScienc e U A AV E R Building Engineerin g B ENUE Unga r M BuildingBuilding McArthur EngineerinEngineerin g Purple Zipcar Electric Vehicle Fence A TRIL GateGate H BuildingBuil ding 2-109B 3 L L Hous e 2-109A 3 Charging Station A O AV DoolDoolyy E Saint Augustine MILLE 201A IV Catholic Church ENUE MemorialMemori al R Classroo m DR RO Frost Science and N Park head-in only in designated spaces; if you back in, a front plate must be displayed—enforced 24 hours. AD G McLa more EngineerinEngineeringg Building BuildingBuildi ng ZU (under construction) LE B MEMORIA L DRIV E Plaz a SchoolSchoo l of A University of Miami parking permit is required seven days a week, 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. TA AV Colleg e of NurNurssinging and Color restrictions are enforced Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. C School of Law BRUNSO ONSOL 202 203 ENUE Arts and HealtHealthh Studie s PayByPhone is available throughout campus. Restrictions apply. D C 204 AT Sciences SchwaSchwartrtzz 209A A 504 201 A Richte r AV E Ashe CenterCenter for NursNur singing 4 ENUE Libr ary AdAdmiministnistratirati onon and HeHealthalth Studie s Allen 4 Smoking is prohibited throughout the Coral Gables campus. MILLE F BuildingBuil ding Hall R SiSimulatiomulationn HospitalHosp ital Doctors FrosFrost MuMussicic Studioudios FFosteroster FrosFrost MuMussiicc Studioudios DRIV E Graduatduate Advancin g ReseResearcarchh Hospita l IV South BuildingBuild ing North VE DR HermaHermann E anandd Educatioationn I RO SchooSchooll A RingRing TTheatrheatree DR MA MessingeMessingerr DE AM UV-A-A TA N Music Exec. GusmanGusman LG Knight ReciRecital Hall School of E SA Foote InternationaIntern ationall ON RO VoVolpelpe Concer t U AD (under construction) BuildinBuildi ngg 212 Univer sity Gree n S AV O AV ildin g Building Commun icatioation N BuildingBu Hall 209B E ENUE V E 214 A UV-3 CO UnivUniversiersity Villag e NUE Rehehearsaarsall CeCenternter Frost Sc hool of Music Ferr é Whitteten BRUN RNICHE Townhousehousess Wolflfsoson O 5 Intramural Field Stanfordanfo rd ShalalShalalaa Studenudentt BuildingBuilding LearningLearnin g BuildingBuil ding N 5 A Reside ntialtial S AV UV-B Musisicc Center Center I CollegeColle ge Weeks 215 P ENUE Administ rati onon Feldenkrei s CoCommonsmmon s BuildingBuilding Music LibrLibraarryy Plaz a Centre x 6230 SW 57 Avenue UV-C Walsh anandd Technolochnologygy Studen t Center Comple x BuildingBuilding Weeks Weeks CenterCenter School of Educaatiotion 722 UV-4 UV-2 TToowewer Music Center Quadrangle fofor ReRecordingcordin g and Human DevDevelopmenelopment 474 Pi Kapp a 506 Whitten Merric k 209C Alph a and Performancrmance AL Utility Plant HechtHech t-St-Stanfanfordord Labyrint h UnivUniversiersity BuildingBuil ding 210 BE University Village (under construction) RosborouRosbo rougghh UnivUniversiersittyy N DiningDining Hall Lakesideside Patio CenterCent er MerritMerrittt Panhelnhelllenienic Univ ersi ty GA TToowewer Villag e Albeng a Garag e Schi ff Jenkin s Scha rlin BuildingBuilding AV CO E Credi t Unio n Cobb BuildingBuild ing Family Patio 6 E TTeennisnnis HoHoususee DRIV 6 UV-7 E NUE LLE Fountain TY 446B Lake Osceola Admmissionsissi ons 301 302 UV-5-5 GE UNIVERSI DRIV Sc Miam i Herber t E UV-1 Aresesttyy BuildinBuilding hw SchiSchiffff DRIV McDonaldMcDo nald AG ar Tennis Center BusinesBusinesss School tz TTeennisnnis CCenterenter TToowewer VILL LIGURIA Pi KappaKapp a Wa 60 E Fate PhPhi 721 lk 3 HerbeHerbe rt wa Bridge Cesarano 300 AV WeWellnllnesess Archit ecture Eato n University VViillagllage UV-6 y Stububblefieldblefield Plaz a ENUE 604A Hecht Center 4488 Resid ential EpsteiEpstei nn//Kosar West Athletichleti c Pentlandntla nd Colleg e Building Scodella Garag e Alpha Sigmgmaa E TToowewer Facultculty BuildingBuildi ng Beha vioral Laborator y SC Lambdaambd a Knight CenterCent er Schwartz Center Archit ecture Studenudent Scho ol OD Phi DRIV 4 49 Medicin e 475 EL Chi Alph a SpSpororttss for Athletic 446A Hecht Services 7 LA 60 CompleComplex Excelle nce Building 7 BRESCI Kearns ResideResid entialntial Building 1551 718 A 309A ) VE Sports CollegColle ge SchooSchooll of Archit ecture Bresciresciaa NU Sigma NE CoCommmonmonss 303 NUE A AV CA Hall of E Pick 717 E Alph a Peerezrez 450 AV E Fame entlan d LLoweowe . Hall Epsilon Pentlan Architec ture HURRI 435 714 Casa Soffer HoHoususe Center Art Muse umum 309 W 57 Alph a LaGorce E (S InIndoordoor Practice Bacardi EpsiloEpsil on Pi House AD 1552 Cobb Stadium Facility 434N 436 DRIV RO Walkway & MurphMurp hy 304A Bresci a MMilleriller D D Footbridge 319 320 RE 716 BuildLab Design Studio Mahoney -Pearson FOR Dining Hall Lau Foun ders N Studio Arts Sigma 8 Hall H100 TA 8 446 S 310 BuildinBuildingg i 444 ET Chi Wesley Lakeside Mahoney D 4 R 711 Watstscoco Cenenteter 317 Foundatio n T STRE 304B A ViVillag e E 60 Fiieldeld house 444 Residential 702 E V 714 E R . Colleg e 1535 Levant e L Greentre e T MerricMerrickk VIA Pavia S U AvAveenunue Practice Field s Rd Newman AlumniAlum ni CentraCentral O Orovitz PA O B L EnerEnerggyy PlanPlantt ce GarGaraaggee Baptist 304 304C Build ing CenterCente r i GarGaraaggee Christia n L Maho ney- Pearsonrson I A 715 v 705B 1 443 Science MinistMinistrryy R D 431 er Commoonnss A A S 60 C N 705 A 705D R 9 Ligh t Field WALSH AVENUE WALSH AV ENUE G 9 LEVANTE AVENUE E E Episco pal 321 V LEVANTE AVENUE I E 305 The LLennennarar E R V Cente r Gate 65656565 Red Road Rainbow FlipseFlip se I D 608 Pearso n 701 FoundationFoundation R Hous e BuiBuilddining DRIV Cant erbury D O E Build ing DRIV 307 Reside ntia l MahoneyMahone y--PPeearsonarson Plumer N ENUE Medica l CenterCente r R Ponce de LeoLeonn Hous e K IV A 425S 425N C Colleg e Building R I R Topppelpel 308A M D GarGaraaggee R Garage A AV A FPL Braman MMilleriller R Career CenterCent er UE McKnight Fraser D 202A E N Rodrigueuezz SubsSubsttaatiotionn Cente r GU Buildinildingg DA M A Baseb allll Klotz IIndondo or OR DICKINSO S PPaarkrk (Hille(Hill el) F SA Build ing Batting Facilicility 308B Univ ersi ty AN ST PolicePolic e 10 LE 10 PONC E DE LEON BOUL EVARD RON FR ASER WAY PONCE DE LEON BOUL EVARD PONCE DE LEON BOUL EVARD CIRC 43 42 RA Gables One Parking 727 Metrorail/ Univ ersi ty Station ALHAMB US-1 (SOU TH DIXIE HIGH WAY) US-1 (SOUTH DIXI E HIGH WAY) US-1 (SOUTH DIXI E HIGH WAY) S. 11 Visito r 11 Entran ce . Pedestrian D 726 Bridge T V GabGableless One TToowewer ET ET L E UR B O CO STR STRE R ET Gables One E A L IN L R O OS Parking STRE A A B Copyright ©202 1 TU A University of Miami ARIP C GUST M YNAD AU MA ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRST ON-CAMPUS SHUTTLES Parking Garages Campus Parking Hurry ’Canes Shuttle Service Miller Circle and Stanford Routes Stanford Route Miller Circle Route Mahoney-Pearson Garage Fall and Spring Schedule Monday - Friday Permit Parking (Students, Faculty, and Staff) (Green permit holders only) ......................... Q-9 The shuttle is available without charge to all University students, (Regular Class Day Service) 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Stanford Circle Miller Circle Merrick Garage faculty, and staff and serves major areas of the University as well All vehicles regularly parked on the Coral Gables Campus (Brown permit holders and visitors) ................... N-8 as the University Metrorail station and Rosenstiel School Campus. Safe Ride Monday - Friday must be registered with the University of Miami Parking and It facilitates the use of perimeter parking lots and provides a con- 305-769-6065 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Transportation office and have a valid University parking permit. Pavia Garage venient means of traveling around campus without using a per- Metrorail Saint Augustine / Parking permits are virtual and linked to your vehicle’s license (Pink permit holders and visitors) ..................... N-8 sonal vehicle. The shuttles run every seven to nine minutes during Summer Schedule Monday - Friday University Station Frost School of Music plate. All vehicles must be parked head-in only, unless a front- class days and every 15 to 20 minutes all other times. (Regular Class Day Service) 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. mounted plate is displayed. A permit is required to park on Ponce de Leon Garage campus from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. seven days a week. (Lennar Foundation Medical Center The Hurry ’Canes Shuttle does not operate on University of OFF-CAMPUS SHUTTLES Hecht Athletic Center / patients and staff only) ............................. F-9 Miami designated holidays. Ponce de Leon University Village Parking lots are identified by color. Vehicles must park in Parking Garage University Village Albenga Garage Schedules are posted on the parking website at Rosenstiel School Shuttle the color zone that corresponds to their assigned permit (University Village residents only) ....................
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