TH·E EAGLE A MAGAZINE SUPPORTED BY MEMBERS OF ST JOHN'S COLLEGE VOL XXXYI (CONTAINS NOS, CLXV-CLXV!l} (§hrmlHrillga E. JOHNSON, TRINITY STREET PRINTED BY METCALFE AND CO. LIMITED, ROSE CRESCENT FOR SUBSCRIBERS ONLY 1915 iv CONTENTS. Obituary: PAGE Henry John Roby, LL.D. 197 Captain George Raleigh Kerr Evalt 206 Captain Francis Campbell Norbury, M.A. 208 Lieut. Donald Williamson Rennie, B.A. 208 Second Lieut. Harold William Rosevearc 210 Obituary for 1914 211 EAGLE. Our Chronicle 222 THE The Library . 242 October 1914. Te1'm, Our War List 245 Notes from the College Records (cou/iuucd) 253 chr-.... � �......,.. ..;1-;<f. c. .2.83 The Commenioralion Sednon . 284 NOTES FROM THE COLLEGE RECORDS. Corslopitum 287 (Continued from Vol. xxxv., p. 300.) Epistle in Terza Rima to T.S.M.W. 298 Good God! 301 N what follows a selection of letters is printed People 306 of various dates which have been preserved A Book of Milton's Library 308 U in College. They cannot be said to be of very great interest, but occasionally they Lines written below Grantchesler Mill 316 throw a little light on some point of College history N cw Poetry . 317 or on some of its members and so are worth putting " Children of the Dead End" 324 on record. The College and lhe War 329 John Smyth, the writer of the first letter, was Think still high thoughts 333 one of the Fellows of the College admitted at its first opening College Mission to Walworth 334 on 29 July 1516. He was instituted Rector of Thorington, in Essex, 19 February Obituary: 1521-2, on the presentation of Bishop Fisher Bishop Moorhouse 336 and Hugh Ashton; he resigned the living in vVilliam Palchett, K.C. 344 1531. He is described as B.D. in the episcopal Act William Grylls Adams, Sc.D. 347 Book. In these early days the Master acted as Bursar Captain Robert McCheyne Linnell 350 of the College, and from several letters it Lieutenant Kennelh Sinclair Thomson, B.A. 352 would appear that in Metcalfe's absence from Cambridge Charles Glass Playfair Laicllaw, M.A. 352 Smyth acted as his deputy. William Wynn Pralt Pittom, B.A. 354 Ryght honourabyll syr in my humbly manner hartyly recom I Our Chronicle 356 mend to your mastershyppe certyfyyng yow that haue re sauy' e d your I The Library 367 1 ouyng etters of your seruand and as �oncernyng 1 the matter that Om· War List 372 you wold haue Mr Gold to mak Inquisition 0 pon as yett he . bays don notbyng 111 the caws VOL. XJCXVI. B Notes from Collegt: Records. 2 tlu: Notes from the College Records. 3 but the next weke he intends to go home and then he hays hym in Pembroke haulle. Syr Stafford browght hym to our promysecl me to mak inquysycyon of yt. For ther ys non howse and saycl the presydent of Pembrocke hawlle wolcl in Cambryg that can gyffe ony informacion opon yt. Syr haue wryttyn to the master for hyme but that he monyd the haue mayd a bargyne with a carpentare to belcl the house young man to be with vs at Sant Jhons, yf so be he myght I end at Castle-end and also to make a new stabyll and new be scoler and so through the mocyn of syr Stafford the gattes and dores and he shall haue for workmanshype thereof young man is content rather for to be with vs than in any xxvjs. viijd and yt ys supposyd of warkmen that the tymber other plays. Syr master bery recommencles hym vnto your and lhake and other costes that wyll go therto or yt be mastershyppe and desyers yow to remember hys scoler that fenyshyd wyll draw iiij/i. Also syr haue lattyn the house I he spake on to yow for as concerning Mr ydeall. Master in the bochery for xxviijs. a year and he to pay for all costes bery has sett a mayson of werke of the entre the hawlle in of reparacions for the spays of xxti yer, so that we fynd and so therby on charge or other ensure yow wee spend I stufe lherto. Syr Cowper of Huntyngton bays browght me mych money and yett we do nothyng but syche wycb bays no money as yett. I haue mayd inquysycyon opon hyme necessytye to be don nor as yett skarsly al that ther is. Syr and I am informycl he ys a sympyll person therfor wat ys far yow welle in the proteccyon of our saffyour Jhesu, from to be don in this caws pray you delyver with your selfe. I Cambrige this last clay of June in sant Jhons Colage by your Also the man of Schelforth was neuer with me sens ye went. own scoler and beclman Syr haue sewer knowlyge of syr Glenton that ther ys a I JOHN SMYTHE1 presi. lordshyppe in notynggame shyer of xviij a yer and yt gyffes Addressed: To hys honourable master Mr doctor Metcalfe ij benefycys one of xxl. and another of xl. the wyche we master of Sant Jhons Colage in Cambrige now residing at may hayfe now yf yt pleas yow but ye must pay for ytt after hudsons by pollis swarthe at London be these delivered. xxijti yer purchys and the holmony must be payd as sonn as ye take possessyon the wyche may be within this fowret­ night yf yow wyl do after this manner that haue showyd I yow master vychanseler supposys yf my lord or master John Wilbor, the writer of the following letter, was Assheton know opon ylt they would sewrly haue yt for yt probably the John Wilboer or Wylbore, ys supposed that yt is bothe pleasand and profitabyll. Syr B.A. 1508-9 and M.A. 1511-12 of the University. watt ys your mynd in this caws pray yow lett me know as He was a Priest I in the diocese of Rochester, shortly as can be for haue promysed to gyff a awnswer being Vicar of Lamber­ I hurst 1515-19 ; Master of shortly thereof. Sir Mr Skallys brought a nayllman to me Newar1� Hospital, Strood, 15 until its disso and says that we owght to hyme for naylles resayuyd the last q, lution ; Vicar of St Nicholas, Rochester, yer Is. mony, the wych haue payd hym but meruelycl 15 19-22; Vicar of Isleham, Cambridgeshire Otl. I I (a peculiar that there shuld be so many naylles resaued and no money in the diocese and gift of the Bishop of Rochester) payd for them. Syr bowght as mych tymber and borcles , 1521-23 ; Rector of Chislehurst, 1523-52; I Master of and naylles as cost me xxti nobylles. Syr as concernyng Cobham College, 1533-34. On 1 July 1534 King Henry alother matters that ye wrott to me apon shal do the best VIII appointed John Wylbore , clerk, I � . A., of in them that !yes in my power. the parish church of Chesylhurst, Kent, to be hls chapla Syr master Vychanselar and the company hays monycl me in with licence of non-residence on his benefices. to wrytt to your mastershype to desyer yow to be gucle He became a Prebendary 1 542 of Rochester in and died in 1552 master to this young man he synges and plays at orgaynes s , directing by his will that he hould be buri ryght welle and without we haue hym now they will haue ed in the Cathedral. His letter is of Notes front the College RecOI'ds. 5 Noles fro ill the College Records. 4 John Bamburgh, the writer of the following letter, interest as giving us a glimpse of the negotiations was probably the person of that name who was Vicar of which went on after Fisher had abandoned hope of West Malling, in Kent, The letter of John securing the Lady Marg aret's estates fo r the College 1517-24. Wilbor which follows clearly refers to the death of the and turned to the expedient of obtaining the estates of of Malling, probably Bamburgh. If this decayed religious houses. The date of the letter is incumbent surmise be correct we seem to have the name of an probably about or a little earlier. 1520 unrecorded benefactor. Reyght worschypfull master I herttyly comend me to In owr mersifull redeemer I recommende me vnto yow yow and to sei I haue• spokyng to my loord and perswaclyd trusting in God that yow be mery in body and sowle serte­ my loord to cum and speyk wyth my loord cardynall for my fyyng yow that I haue bene sore vexyd with my olde loord [lady was firstwritten and then erased] of cleynschyer sekenesse sence yow were att M:lllyng. Sir the cause of my mater and he thynghes that ye sall doo as well os yff he wer wrytyng ys thys besyecyng yow to be good Master to my ther wyth the helpe of my loord of Wynchester. I schewed pore kynsman the bryngar here of no nother then I wolde my loorcl how my loord carclynall mayd offer to yow of ij be to yom·se yf I were in auctoryte for as sone as I can nunereys and of a marke to choys of the ij nunereys of M performe. He bath a grete myncle to the company of theu.. wether of them that ye wolclhaue or the mark and I told · M that be induyd with vertue. I pray yow that he may be in to hym yowr answer and how he did schew to yow ['that chamber and bedclfellow with sum honest yong man and be my loord cardynall said '-these words were interlined and that menys he shall the soner opteyne hys purpose.
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