INFORMATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE - February 22, 2016 1. Director of Engineering and Public Works - letter dated February 10, 2016 - Relay For Life - Request Road Closure, May 11, 2016 2. Director of Engineering and Public Works - letter dated February 10, 2016 - Coldest Night of the Year - Saturday, February 20, 2016 3. Canoe Beach Park and Klahani Park Plans Open House - Thursday, March 3, 2016 from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at City Hall 4. C. Brook - letter dated January 21, 2016 - various concerns and City's response letter 5. D. Hall - letter received February 12, 2016 - Signage on the Fence at the Downtown Activity Centre and City's response letter 6. P. Harris - email dated February 2, 2016 - Syrian Refugee in Salmon Arm 7. D. MacQuarrie - email dated February 6, 2016 - Do you have 3.48 minutes to listen to one of more than 1200 of our sisters crying? 8. A. Borkent - email dated February 7, 2016 - Biking Safety 9. L. Wong, Manager, Downtown Salmon Arm - letter dated February 10, 2016 - Downtown Community Clean-up Day sponsored by Askews 10. Shuswap Trail Alliance - Letter of Understanding for members of the Shuswap Trails Roundtable 11. Interior Health - Population Health - Healthy Communities Update - February 2016 12. H. Cowan, Constituency Assistant to Greg Kyllo, MLA - email dated February 15, 2016- Applications for Bike BC and Air Access Programs Now Being Accepted 13. G. MacIsaac, Chair, Gas Tax Management Committee - letter dated January 21, 2016 - Gas Tax Strategic Priorities Fund Application - Stormwater Master Plan 14. G. MacIsaac, Chair, Gas Tax Management Committee - letter dated January 21, 2016 - Gas Tax Sh'ategic Priorities Fund Application - Hudson Street Revitalization 15. G. MacIsaac, Chair, Gas Tax Management COll'uniltee - letter dated January 21, 2016 - Gas Tax Strategic Priorities Fund Application - Water Pollution Control Centre - Ultraviolet (UV) Light Disinfection System Upgrade 16. Goverll'ffient of Canada, Province of British Columbia and UBCM - News Release and Backgrounder dated February 12, 2016 - 57 Projects in British Columbia Communities receive $73.3 million in federal Gas Tax Funds 17. J. Mah, Promotions Coordinator, News Talk 980 CKNW - Email dated February 9, 2016 - Pink Shirt Day - Wednesday, February 24, 2016 18. Emergency Management BC - email dated February 4, 2016 - 2016 Preparedness for People with Disabilities 19. B. Swoveland, RadonAware BC Lung Association - letter dated February 10, 2016 - Recent BC Building Code Changes 20. J. Foy, National Campaign Director, Wilderness Committee - letter dated February 12, 2016 - Cleaning Up Be's Dirty Mining Industry­ https:/lwww.wildernesscolllillittee.org/publicationicleanin g bcs dirty mining industry 21. C. Deakin, Assistant Corporate Officer, City of Port CoquitIam - email dated February 5, 2016 - 2016 FCM Resolution - Build Canada Grant Funding City of Salmon Arm 500 - 2 Avcnne NE Mailing Addrcss: Box 40 8al111on Arm, Be VlE 4N2 Tel: ~50.803.4000 Fax: 250.803.4041 www.saimonarm.cn February 10, 2016 File: 5460.04 canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life Coordinator PO Box 3451 Salmon Arm, BC ViE 4S2 Attention: Jennifer Dies, Relay for Life Coordinator Dear Madam: RE: RELAY FOR LIFE Reference is made to your letter dated February 2, 2016, I am pleased to grant authorization for the following requests: 1) Pursuant to Section 201 of Traffic Bylaw No, 1971 - permission Is granted for the Canadian Cancer Society to ciose Alexander Street (between Hudson Avenue and Lakeshore Drive NE onlv) for the purpose of street painting on Wednesday, May 11, 2016, weather permitting (after 6:30 p.m, and prior to 6:30 a,m,) subject to the use of washable, biodegradable paint and Item #3, 2) To paint the Relay for Life logo on Lakeshore Drive NE (In front of Shuswap Park Mall - between brick crosswalks) Is approved, subject to the use of washable and biodegradable paint, provided street painting is done and dry prior to 6:30 a,m, to allow continuous traffic flow on Lakeshore Drive NE, These requests are subject to the provision of adequate supervision and comprehensive general liability insurance with a limit of not less than $2,000,000,00 Inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury (including death, personal Injury and property damage) with the City of Salmon Arm named as an "Additional Insured", Please fOlWard a copy of your liability Insurance prior to May 11, 2016. Please contact the businesses on Alexander Street NE to gain their approval of this project and the proposed ciosure of Alexander Street NE, You may contact Rob Hein, Manager of Public Works (250-803-4087) to arrange for barricades, signs, etc, for the event. Best Wishes for a very successful campaign, Yours truly, ..---' " ~ ~ "--RobM"Nlewenhulzen, A,Sc,T, Director of Engineering and Public Works cc: Councillnformatlon Correspondence Downtown Salmon Arm RCMP I Ambulance Officials I Fire Department Rob Hein, Manager of Public Works .... .. RELAY RELAIS FOR LIFE POUR LAVIE Canadian Sodfl~ t Ca>lnr ellludl~nRe ~ Sodely dOl C~II(tr Jennifer Dies Relay For Life Coordinator Canadian Can<::er Society POBox 3451 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 452 Rob Niewenhuizen Director of Engineering and Public Works City of Salmon Arm PO Box 40 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4N2 Febl'uary 2, 2016 Dear Rob, The 14"' Annual Salmon A= Relay For Life takes place June 11 th and we are moving back to the Fall Fair Groundsl. We will continue this yeal' with a daytime event from l1am -llpm. wid, the hope to increase the number of teams and participants. The Relay For Life is a 12 hour noncompetitive fundraiser for cancer research and support services. On Wednesday May 11 tb, 2016 we would like your support to once again to create our "Road to Relay". This kick-off is always a huge success and helps bring awareness to the rest of the community. I would like to submit the following request on behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life. Request Details: ~ We would like to paint down the full length of Alexander St., between Hudson Ave & Lakeshore Drive (we will of course avoid the brick portions of the street). We would like to do this on Wednesday May 13th at a time dlat would be most convenient for the City and surrounding businesses (after 6:30pm and before 6:30 am). As was the case last year, we would ask for a temporary road closure (until the washable/biodegradable paint dried sufficiendy) and we will be sure to communicate with the local business to gain their approval .. ~ We would also like to again paint our Relay Fol' Life logo on Lakeshore Drive NE. Qn front of Shuswap Park Mall atld between the brick crosswalks) Sincerely, I'" JenDi9~~ '''CO','''' """;"",'"C:"C'~'''~ Relay For Life Coordinator RECEfVEI)\! Bus - 250-833-4085 i' Cell- 250-253-3550 [email protected] Ftll 0 5 2016 ;, :::ITY OF 3M.MON ARM www.:iJi=l ... Id. :T8SS'~l§,'J'ffi':- City of Salmon Arm soo - 2 Avellue NE Mailing Address: Box 40 Sal ilion Anll, BC VlE 4N2 Tel : 250.803.4000 Fax: 250.803.4041 www.salmonarm.ca February 10, 2016 File: 5460.05 Coldest Night of the Year Salmon Arm, BC V1 E 3B5 Email: [email protected] Attention : Chris Moore Dear Sir: RE: COLDEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR - SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2016 Reference Is made to your correspondence dated February 10, 2016. I am pleased to advise that authorization Is granted to hold the Coldest Night of the Year Walk on Saturday, February 20, 2015 starting at City Hall with the opening ceremonies at 5:00 pm. and ending at approximately 8:00 pm., at the Salvation Army Church on 2 Avenue NE as per attached route. This event will be granted subject to the provision of adequate supervision and Comprehensive General Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than $2,000,000.00 inclusive per occurrence for bodily injury (including death, personal injury and property damage with the City of Salmon Arm named as an "Additional Insured"). A copy of your insurance is on file, thank you. PleaSe be advised that all pedestrian crossings must be controlled by traffic signals where applicable to ensure pedestrian safety. Please contact the Ministry of Transportation for any required authorization. If you wish to borrow barricades and signs, please contact Rob Hein, Manager of Roads and Parks at 250- 803-4087 to make necessary arrangements. Best Wishes for a successful event. Yours truly, ~~--­ ;::;:::-:;7 ~::::::> ....-Ro i>Niew~ nhuizen, A.Sc.T. Director of Engineering and Public Works ce. CounclllnformaUon Correspondence Rob Heln, Manager of Roads and Parks RCMP I Ambulance' Fire Officials Peter Gooch, Ministry of Transportation X:\Opet'aUons Oept\Enoirwlllfing SlIfVioos\RQAO CLOSURES\20 16· Road Closuru\coldu t NJohI (h b 2O)\Appfovlll l I Uer.docx Robelt Niewenhuizen, Director of Engineering and Public Works City of Salmon Ann 200 - 2nd Avenue NE Salmon Arm, BCYI E4N2 February 10, 2015 The Coldest Night of the Y car Dear Rob Once again we will soon be walking the streets of Salmon Arm to raise money for the Salvation Army's Lighthouse Shelter and the Second Harvest Food Bank. I hereby formally request the City of Salmon Arm's pennission to hold tlus fund raising walk on February 20, 2015 from 5pm and also to hold the opening ceremonies at the front of City Hall again. We anticipate up to 500 walkers will be taking palt, stalting at City Hall and following the route shown on the attached plan, finishing at the Salvation Army Church on 2 Ave NE. Please confirm your approval of this route. The walk should be completed by 8pm. Once again I would encourage staff and councillors to join us on the walk and help to raise money for the hungry and homeless in our community.
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