Copyright by Mitchell Dean Ingram 2020 The Dissertation Committee for Mitchell Dean Ingram Certifies that this is the approved version of the following: Entre Broma Y Broma La Verdad Se Asoma: The Mobilization of Third-Grade Emergent Bilinguals’ Cultural Capital Around Sites of Humor Committee: _________________________________ Cynthia Salinas, Supervisor _________________________________ Deborah Palmer _________________________________ Abril Gonzalez _________________________________ Denise Davila _________________________________ Tracey Flores Entre Broma Y Broma La Verdad Se Asoma: The Mobilization of Third-Grade Emergent Bilinguals’ Cultural Capital Around Sites of Humor by Mitchell Dean Ingram Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Austin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The University of Texas at Austin May 2020 Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to all those in my life with whom I have had the pleasure to share a laugh together. To my colleagues who help me laugh my way through, to the “system” that gives me something to laugh against, to my mentors who give me reasons to laugh, to teachers who expanded my lens to laugh, to my students who give me new things to laugh about, to mis amig@s muchilingües que saben reírse entre idiomas, to my aunts/uncles/grandparents who built me up to laugh, to my in-laws who are always good for a laugh, to my cousins who don’t let me not laugh, to my friends with whom I can always share a laugh; to my parents who taught me how to laugh, to my brothers who taught me how to laugh at myself, to my children who are always ready for a laugh and give me deep joy, to my wife, whose laughter is a melody that reverberates and makes my soul sing, and to GOD who created laughter….much truth and love has been exchanged through it all…¡gracias!:^) Acknowledgements ¿Dónde empezar? Tanta gente me ha echado (y me siguen echando) la mano…In every endeavor that I have been blessed to undertake in my life, after the accolades or reprimands fade, beyond the achievement of the laudable or self-focused objective, what remains and is of upmost priority, are the relationships that were forged through this journey of life. As with any endeavor in life, my experience through the course of obtaining this doctorate was rife with struggle and joy, desperation and hope, valleys and hills. What allowed me to press on, in conjunction with the never-ending love que nunca fallará de nuestro Jesucristo, were the incredible people that crossed my path along the way. I am indebted to the sacrifices they made in their own way to share their time and heart with me; for their guidance, friendship, and love I am deeply grateful. I could write an entire book on just how thankful I am that these people are my life and for each of them individually. Ann Ford-thank you for a great reprieve and our talks about plants and old-school Austin life. You were a breath of fresh air! Stephen Flynn, thanks for keepin’ it real, brother! We shared a lot of good convos along the way! Let me know if you want to storm the tower…I’m still down!;^) Jeffrey Grimes, you’re a genius…thanks for all of your aid along the way! You’re from Texas; you can’t help it!;^). Kelly (Queli) Importa…jaja! Un abrazote y bendiciones para tu familia (especialmente La Sirenita). Ricardo, what a solid dude! Gracias por todo y no te pongas bien truki-trux!:^) Alicia Zapata, me salvaste un par de veces y te lo agradezco del alma. Que Dios siempre les guarde a ti y a tu hijo precioso. Gypsy Snow, how cool to get to know you? Much love to you and the fam! Thanks for everything! Janelle Hedstrom, v salt of the Earth meets brilliance…keep on keepin’ on! Jim Maxwell (Big J.R.), your juggling prowess is a metaphor of your keen ability to keep life’s challenges in the air. Blessings to you, my southern friend! For those in the academic race who inspired me in some way: Ramón Martínez (tu humildad como persona y proezas como académico me inspiraron!), Allison Skerrett (always with a smile and brilliant humanizing insight), Beth Maloch (your commitment to truth and growth, coupled with kindness), Noah DeLissovoy (your willingness to consider what is beyond y siempre de buena onda). Louis Harrison (a man who holds the balance of gentleness and strength…fighting the Good fight!), Denisse Dávila (always with a hearty and friendly dose of warmth and academic insight:^), Tracey Flores (a true encourager with big-picture understanding! ) Elizabeth Keating (a kind individual and true considerer of ideas about language!). ¡Paty! What a wonderful addition you make to UT. ¡Thank you for humanizing the process con puro cariño! Jacqueline, mi hermana dominicana, gracias por siempre ser tan linda conmigo! Aprecio tu amistad y lo que compartimos de tu queridísima madre patria. ¡Deseándote lo más chévere en esta vida! Deb, you are a wonderful academic and person. I know you as one who gives the benefit of the doubt and really takes the details/context into consideration. Thanks for taking a chance and reaching out to me…Estoy convencido que Dios me alcanzó a través de ti justo a tiempo para ofrecerme un cambio bastante necesitado. Your advice has been much appreciated, your openness to ideas has been energizing, and your demeanor has always been valued. You create terrific community…no pares nunca! Eres un apoyo tremendo y una amiga nuestra! ¡GRACIAS! C(i)ynthia…¿qué decir? I have told you vi many times and will continue to tell you, you are a Teacher at heart, which transcends any existing schemata that “the academy” (all lower case) will ever be able to offer, acknowledge, or understand. You have been truly selfless as you’ve helped us get through…I might as well have been one of your struggling freshmen in Social Studies. It wouldn’t have mattered, you would have been there to sustain, promote, and encourage. You are brilliant in ways that academia does not even have the tools to measure (nor even the awareness that they don’t have those tools;^). You, however, get it. Thank you for putting the “cool” back in “school”; without it, it’s just sh...!:^). You embody the adage (that the academy would do well to learn), “Nobody cares how much one knows until they know how much one cares.” ¡Bendiciones para ti y el querido Hoppy (Dr. Gómez:^) siempre! Mis colegas, socios, com(p)adres, y familia de BBE. Les agradezco su apoyo y amistad a través de todo. Para l@s que aventuraron antes y que nos dejaron una herencia de primeros (segundos y terceros:^) auxilios a base de lo que aprendieron, redimiendo sus propias luchas y sufrimientos, les doy gracias. Incluyo en este grupo, Blanca Caldas (la académica bacán y de buen corazón:^), Lucía (y la preciosa Analú), Dori Wall (tan linda y generosa), Katy (a.k.a Izzy:^), si no fuera por tu investigación y pursuit tan comprensiva, nunca hubiera yo tenido la oportunidad de haber expreimentado todo esto. Mil gracias por ser siempre tan generosa con tus consejos, materiales, y tiempo. Bendiciones para ti y tu linda familia. Dani: Much love to you, man! You’re growing not only to be a solid academic, but an amazing husband and daddy…sigue por ese camino, hermano mío! Idalia, te felicito y agradezco en/por todo! Haydeé-siempre de vii animadora, con su pasión animadora y pura! Inspiras a tod@s en tu alrededor, “Échate pa’lante!” ¡Bendiciones siempre! Lucy, you were one of the first people I met in BBE…jaja! You had me rollin’ within 30 seconds. ¡Tú eres familia! Nomás que tengas cuidado con los cigarillos sin marca;^)! ¡Que El Señor te bendiga siempre y jamás se te olviden de las píldoras!;^). Katherine…I’m so happy how it all worked out for you! You endured quite a trial, pero Dios te ha bendecido abundantemente! Desi, quien me ha enseñado tantas cosas y quien me sigue inspirando de siempre “coger la vara, ‘om!:^). Gracias por compartir conmigo tanto amor nica conmigo! Siempre habrá una amistad entrañable contigo y le pido a Dios lo mejor para vos y tu familia! Lizzie, with soooo much pretense around us, you were such a breath of fresh air…thank you for keeping us grounded! María José…¡qué bacán ha sido trabajar con vos! Sos una persona extraordinariamente amable y divertida. ¡Gracias por aguantar mis desahogos y te deseo lo mejor! Nathaly y Mohit! Mil gracias por haber echado tanto esfuerzo en mantener la comunidad en BBE. ¡Se les agradece bastante! ¡Dra. Fránquiz, bienvenida “pa’ trás” y que lleves el programa “pa’lante!;^) ¡Roza! What a crazy ride this has been and what a privilege it’s been getting to know you and the wonderful Mannyón...bendiciones para siempre! Randy (el otro güero guapo en 440:^), te deseo the best, hermano! You are brilliant and God knows it! Keep on shinin’, my Texan brother! ¡¡Dr. Dré!! Bringing some of that Madison love south side and keepin’ the flow real and true. Tenemos a ti y a la fam presentes en el corazón! If this gig don’t work out, let’s start a band with you as lead flow-er! Much love to la querida Caro y el dicharachero Eli! ¡Besos! David..¡Ay Santo! So much shared…and so much still left to share! Eres un hermano…DIOS nos viii tiene juntos por tantas razones, not the least of which was you sharing about Mariachis y los dichos de tu queridísima ‘buela.
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