Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Institutional Publications Commencement Ceremony programs 1958-06 Naval Postgraduate School Commencement Exercises / June 1958 Naval Postgraduate School (U.S.) Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School http://hdl.handle.net/10945/41201 14·u ..ll"J' l.;. S. N2val Postgraduate School M o11 terey, California luitrh ~tutrn I Nauul Jnntgrahuatr &rqnnl Monterey, California Commencement Exercises Thursday, June 12, 1958 King Hall Ten O'Clock THE U.S. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL THE U.S. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL comprises the Engi­ neering School, the General Line School and the Navy Management School. Established in 1909 as the School of Morine Engineering, as a port of the U.S. Naval Academy, it answered the need for advanced education of naval officers. In 1912 the School of Marine Engineering became the Postgraduate Deportment of the Naval Academy, and the scope of its engineering curri­ cula was broadened to include Ordnance, Naval Construction, and Civil Engineering. After a suspension of operations during World War I, the Deportment resumed operations in 1919 in a separate building on the Naval Academy grounds. Two years later it was officially designated the United States Noval Postgraduate School with a further extension of its curricula scope and growth of its enrollment taking place in the years between the two World Wars. In 1927 the General Line Course was started within the Post­ graduate School to acquaint junior line officers with modern developments taking place in the Navy and to broaden their professional knowledge by means of integrated courses in naval science. World War 11 caused an increase in enrollment from about 125 to over 600 and a tremendous expansion of activity; in contrast to the period of suspension during World War I. After hostilities ceased in 1945, a program was initiated to relocate the School and improve its pro­ fessional status. Between 1945 and 1948 legislation was passed granting the right to award Bachelor's, Master's and Doctor's degrees; creating the office of Academic Dean; establishing the School as a separate activity with its own Superintendent; authorizing reestablishment at Monterey, California; and purchasing the Del Monte site. General Line Schools were established at Newport, Rhode Island, and at Monterey, California. The Aerology Department was transferred to Monterey to relieve crowding at Annapolis, but further progress was delayed until 1951. Fresh impetus resulted in the appropriation of funds in 1951 to consolidate the Postgra­ duate School at Monterey. Consolidation was completed in 1952. The latest addition to the Naval Postgraduate School, the Navy Management School, was established in 1956. Its misssion is to provide an educational program for officers in the application of sound scientific management practice to the complex organizational structure and opera­ tions of the Navy with a view toward increasing efficiency and economy of operation. U.S. NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT - 1958 PLATFORM PARTY Front Row (R. to L.) Dean Roy S. Glasgow Professor G. Robert Giet l.. Academic Dean, Naval Postgraduate School Department of Electronics Captain John A. Hack, U.S. Navy Professor Charles V. 0. Terwilliger Director, Navy Management School, N.P.S. Department of Electrical Engineering Captain Alfred P. Coffin, U.S. Navy Professor Wendell M. Coates Director, General Line School, N.P.S. Department of Aeronautics Captain Harold M. Heming, U.S. Navy Professor William D. Duthie Director Engineering School, N.P.S. Department of Aerology Rear Admiral E. E. Yeomans, U.S. Navy Professor Fred L. Coonan Superintendent, Naval Postgraduate School Department of Metallurgy and Chemistry The Honorable Richard Jackson Third Row (R. to L.) Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Personnel and Reserve Forces Commander John B. Williams, U.S. Navy Major General William M. Breckinridge, U.S. Army Department of Industrial Management Commanding General, U.S. Army Training Center (Infantry) Commander Alfred P. Boileau, U.S. Navy and Fort Ord Department of Financial Management Commander Robert E. Paige, U.S. Navy Second Row (R. to l.) Department of Humanities Professor William H. Church Captain Delbert M. Minner, U.S. Navy Department of Applied Management Department of Seamanship and Administration Captain William R. Crutchcer, U.S. Navy Professor Fred E. LaCauza 0. in C. Naval Engineering Curricula Academic Chairman, General Line School, N.P.S. Captain Charles M. Jett, U.S. Navy Professor W. Randolph Church Commanding Officer, Naval Air Facility, Monterey Department of Mathematics and Mechanics Commander Michael J. Macinnes, (ChC), U.S. Navy Commander Charles A. Darrah, U.S. Navy Chaplain Naval Air Facility, Monterey 0. in C. Communications Curricula Commander Edward J. Hemphill, (ChC), U.S. Navy Captain Robert A. Chandler, U.S. Navy Chaplain, Naval Postgraduate School 0. in C. Aerology Curricula Captain Maxim W. Firth, U.S. Navy Captain Thomas L. Conroy, U.S. Navy Commanding Officer, Administrative Command, N.P.S. Assistant Director, Navy Management School, N.P.S. Captain Louis P. Spear, U.S. Navy Captain Jefferson D. Parker, U.S. Navy 0. in C. Engineering Electronics Curricula Assistant Director, General Line School, N.P.S. Captain Oliver W. Bagby, U.S. Navy Department of Naval Warfare Captain Paul Foley Jr., U.S. Navy Commander Robert L. Mastin, U.S. Navy Chief of Staff, Naval Postgraduate School i 0. in C. Aeronautical Engineering Curricula Captain Carter L. Bennett, U.S. Navy Commander Kenneth F. Shiffer, U.S. Navy 0. in C. Ordnance Engineering Curricula Department of Applied Engineering Professor Austin R. Frey Commander Henry S. Nisbet, U.S. Navy Department of Physics Department of Materiel Management Professor Robert E. Newton Commander Louise K. Wilde, (W), U.S. Navy Department of Mechanical Engineering Special Assistant to the Superintendent In honor of the graduating students and t heir families, there will be a reception at the Superintendent's q uarters commencing immediately after the ceremony. Those attending the ceremony are cordially invited. PROCESSIONAL March and Chorus from "Judas Maccabeus" Handel NATIONAL ANTHEM INVOCATION Commander MICHAEL J. H. MaclNNES (ChC), U.S. Navy INTRODUCTION OF SUPERINTENDENT l By Captain HAROLD M. HEMING, U.S. Navy Director, Engineering School INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER By Rear Admiral E. E. YEOMANS, U.S. Navy Superintendent, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School ADDRESS TO GRADUATES By The Honorable Richard Jackson, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Personnel and Reserve Forces AWARDS OF CERTIFICATES FOR COMPLETION OF CURRICULA General Line School . Captain ALBERT P. COFFIN, U.S. Navy Navy Management School . Captain JOHN A. HACK, U.S. Navy Engineering School . Captain HAROLD M. HEMING, U.S. Navy Aero logy . Captain ROBERT A. CHANDLER, U.S. Navy Command Communications . Commander CHARLES A. DARRAH, U.S. Navy Engineering Curricula . Captain CARTER L. BENNETT, U.S. Navy CONFERRING OF DEGREES ROY S. GLASGOW, Academic Dean For the degree Presentation of candidates by Bachelor of Science . Professor FREDERICK L. COONAN Bachelor of Science in Aerology . Professor WILLIAM L. DUTHIE Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical Engineering Professor WENDELL M. COATES Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Professor CHARLES Van 0. TERWILLIGER Bachelor of Science in Engineering Electronics Professor GEORGE R. GI ET Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Professor ROBERT E. NEWTON Bachelor of Science in Physics Professor AUST! N R. FREY Master of Science . Professor W. RANDOLPH CHURCH Master of Science in Aerology . Professor WILLIAM L. DUTHIE Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Professor CHARLES Van 0. TERWILLIGER Master of Science in Engineering Electronics Professor GEORGE R. GIET Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Professor ROBERT E. NEWTON Master of Science in Physics Professor AUST! N R. FREY BENEDICTION Commander EDWARD J. HEMPHILL (ChC), U.S. Navy RECESSIONAL March Militaire Francaise from "Algerian Suite" Saint-Saens MUSIC UNITED STATES ARMY BAND Fort Ord, California Chief Warrant Officer MICHAEL REGA, Conducting CANDIDATES FOR CERTIFICATES OF COMPLETION OF CURRICULA General Line EDWIN W. ABBOTT, Ill, LCDR, USN Office of the Chief of Novol Operations EDWIN C. ADAMSON, Jr., LT, USN University of California at Los Angeles *FRANKLIN H. ALDEN, LCDR, USN Naval Electronics Laboratory, Son Diego ROBERT G. ALDRICH, LT, USN U. S. Naval Postg raduate School BENJAMIN C. AMICK, Jr., LT, USN . Stoff, COMSERVLANT JACK F. ANDRUS, LT, USN Naval Parachute Uni t, NAAS, El Centro, Calif. JACKIE K. ASHMORE, LT, USN USS PRINCEON CCVS-37) *ROBERT F. ATHERTON, LT, USN USS ON SLOW (AVP-48) ROBERT F. AUMACK, LT, USN USS RANGER CCVA-61) ERSKINE P. AUSBROOKS, Jr., LT, USN Airborne Early Warning SqtJodron ONE *ALLEN H. BALCH, LT, USN . USS INTREPID (CVA-11) DOUGLAS L. BARKER, LT, USN USS ORISKANY CCVA-34! JERALD D. BARNES, LCDR, USN USS ESSEX CCVA-?) CHARLES A. BARTON, LCDR, USN Naval Intelligence School, Washington, D.C. JOHN J. BEREND, LCDR, USN University of Washington EDWIN R. BLACKBURN, LDCR, USN USS YORKTOWN CCVS-1 OJ ROBERT 0 . BODELL, LDCR, USN Air Development Squodron ONE RICHARD F. BODETTE, LT, USN Commander Barrier Pacific, Midway Detachment CHARLES 0 . BORGSTROM, LT, USN Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron EIGHT *JAMES R. BOULWARE, LT, USN Naval Intelligence School, Washington, D.C: . *EUGENE H. BOUSLOG, LT, USN Air Anti-Submarine Squadron THIRTY-NINE CLOYDE I. BROWN, Jr., LTJG, USN USS SHADWELL CLSD-15) JAMES L. BROWN, LT, USN . Fleet Submarine Training Focilities, Son Francisco *JOHN M. BROZENA, LT, USN Naval Intelligence School, Washington, D.C. WILLIAM R. BRYANT, LT ,USN Air Anti-Submarine Squadron TWENTY-ONE ROBERT A. BUCK, LT, USN . Air Transport Squadron SIX CHARLES B. BURGESSER, LCDR, USN Naval CIC School, Glynco, Brunswick, Go. RAMON L. CARPENTER, LT, USN Naval Air Ba sic Training Command, Pensacola *MILTON J. CHEWNING, LT, USN USS INTREPID CCVA-1 ll RAYMOND G. CHOTE, LT, USN USS ESSEX CCVA-9) BEN N. COLE, LCDR, USN Department of Justice, 12th Naval Di strict, San Francisc:> HARRY W. COLONNA, LCDR, USN Naval Air Basic Training Command, Pensacola ROBERT D.
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