Read the Herald For Local News Week-end Weather Today »nd tomorrow, fair n Strvmg Sutnmtt tat 64 Yean cowl Outlook for holiday and weeh party- cloudy awf tome tkumr of brief Summit Record 64th Yitr—No. 52 In Two Section- SUMMIT, N. 4., THURSDAY, MAY 21, I9SS Cnttrt4 m S**«M ttu* «t tfe* wU* •I SiunnM M. I. tlwtir tkt ict •# Hurt* $ U7» 10 i'EATS Pizzi Tells GOP Lottery Arrests Tribute to Dead, Ball Game Why Polk Replaced Here Break Up Murray on Ticket Charges inftde by Mn», Prvd Four-County Ring Feature Memorial Day Rites Meteger, Republican City Com- A seventh man wai arrested Memorial Day services, honoring the city's dead of niitieewoai&n Of District T of Monday in the inter-state rigjtfd all wars, will be conducted by Beacon Hill Post, Veterans Ward 1, that chsirtian Edward "Double Eagle" lottery which was of foreign Wars, and American Legion Post, 138, on Sat- C. Pies! Ignored the desire of the Ur ay 1 broken In Summit last weekend l o 'P?™ ?* arid^ftcrnoon at St. Teresa's Cemeterv majority, of the committee in the by local police and members of and Soldiers' Memorial Field. James F, Piana, VFW Appointment and subsequent elec- the Union County prosecutor's of- tion of Mra, Iaobel Polk as county fice. eommuiiuer, «n,l B. A- Bncinvald, legion chairman. yw»terday urged• fourth vice chairwoman; were The man, Adolph Conte, 49, it answered by Mr. Pizzi «t tret Summit Federal the public to pay tribute to the the proprietor of the Paris Beau- dead by attending the services. week's meeting of the Committee, ty Shop In Newark. He Hvea in Although Mn», Archibald Mur- Irvihgton. ' : Member* of the posts, with their ray received the largest number Beefs Two colors, wi!! parade to the ceme- of vote* from th« Summit COl' Meanwhile, John P. Skelly, 29, tery, . Summits only burying Committee, Mr. Pizai explained, he of BloomCteld, arrested here Fri- ground, at 10:15 am The grave* was unable to *ecttro support for day, waa release in $1,000 ball. New Directors of the servicemen from tln> Civil by Magistrate Albert H, Bierman her candidacy for the county, of- .BEGINS DUTIES-Lawrence C. Frank Hill Pratt. *a!« f War to and including tiie Korean Sunday. ,-Arrestinj; officers wer«: fice from the- tkardaley faction Burr lnst Thursfey began his of CiltH Pharmaceutical Products conflict, will be decorated with because Mrs. Murray had declared duties ft-s a«soela!e secreiary in Police Chief JBdVra'fd K. Egan, flags and geraniums. Lieutenant Detective John Sayre, Inc.. ana Car! S. Hujett, publisher herself & supporter of the Doerr 'charge of adult activities at the At 10:45 a.m., the VWF pent will Acting Union County Captain of o> Tbe Summit Herald, were elect- ticket, Summit YMCA. The ne?W post wan ed to the board of directors of the .-jnduct 'its memorial riiual with created because of the merger of Detectives Frank Englehart and past eoinni«riiler George J. Ferry. BeardMey had defu-accd Doerr in Union County Chief Deieetive Summit Federal Saving and Loan the election for county eiktirnian the Lincoln YMCA wkh the On- .Vviui-iatloii, it u<&s announced thiV Srd. preeidisig. This ceremony will tml Y. The Lincoln YMCA closed Louis Lombards. Skvlly oiong include the Invocation by Rev, «nd naturally, he *iid. would not with his f«ther-in-!ttw, Fidelio w»vk by Arthur T. D«i!py, prwi- • tttcept a Etoe^rr supporter on hisit* auor,t> on Friday. Mr. Burr, dent oi the Association. John Twomey of St. Teresa'.<% v,-iio li^s been vac tioning at Petrillo. 58, «l£o of Bloomfield Church, the mernorin! addre^? and committee. Since Summit d..'.«ired v/ero picked up after leaving « The sdeciion of Mr. Pratt «?> representation on the County COl' I'l.ifii'i KtlAard Island lias been a the laying of wreaths on the erc?»t Y ex. cutivc at Madras, India, Summit candy store Friday. The * director of Summit Federal aads of the mound in thf section re- Committee it therefore wai necea- a prominent Industrialist to the where he gained international rec- men were questioned until after served for tho.«o who made the ;,iry to offer a candidate at.-eept- board, Mr. I>ailey isaid. Mr. Pratt, ognition for inn boy*** work. He midnight by arresting officers and supreme sacrifice. nbic to the chairman. Union County Prosecutor H. Ru.v la his attiliation with Ciba handles 1 is a unlive of Texas but received >.A.VFW firing squad will fire the Consequently, according to M . sell Mori's, then taken to Bloom- •the eoast-to-coiUit s«iles oj>erat!on traditional three volleys after h:.s i riy eiluv'.u:ion in Oklahoma. of the company and also under his I'hxl,. Mr*. Pol!:, who -.vis « Hi- i.i ;•« ^rndtiate of Langs ton Uni- field police headquarters. v.-hich taps.--wi:i be foun.ied hy Uoardaley , baeljt-r, \\-m Mtb.v, itutfi! ;UX)I-"'IS HONOR SUMMIT MEN ~:?a\t( past pre»- at the cer«>niony for the burning of the mortgage direction falls the areas of Puerto >::y a trumpeter.i of the Summit Hijrh fur Mr.i Murray ami r<r»*c'rr.'ci as vcr* ml holds an MA degree The arrests ignited « four coun- idents of Watchting Council,,Boy Kco.itx, two of tliern ion the Cotnuil headtiiiaitcrd bwikuHg At f*L».nfii«j<l. Rico. Virgin Inlands, Hawaii «nt| t rur11 Oxnip' Williams College of School band Summit's eandidn.t- for fourth ty, E.-f-e^, Union, Bergen and Pas- ' Summit residents*, were honored at the annual iliniit-r Another Siiuunit resident. RobiTt L. Hmson of 2SA!«ka. Hr is a registered phttr- the IJjliv t-raity of Chicago. Mra. v,i-o ehoinvonian, Tiurv .M;," Pnik sate probe. Tile investigation also of the . Conneil lie Id last week at Msrlinsville Inn, CJlen Oak.s avenue, received the Sitwr leaver ft mr.cist. A New Engender by At 11:30 am. the participating Burr M pics. nUy ."tidying f°r 1 ulurtined Uie iinaiiinint.* VON- ct ex-crn-Ls to Xe'.v York. The lottery. Martlii.iville. Atiov'e. left tn right, arc Rupert R. the fifth to bo given in this city, for hi* co birth, he received liis edueatioit PI veteran*' groups will place wreatii* htr m !.<; <']';{ di--;r<e in psychiatric numbers of the County Coimnit- a!.so knoH'n «a the "AB lottery" I^ewis of 19 E.'<sex road, Leo Montinr-t of Wedtfield, . interest In trie scouting 'movVment Ttt«- aw.i Milne, at the World \V«r I monument in S1H-I Ij WMI; nt Loyohi Univcrsi.y, was in operation from Friday-to- Bdnmll Park «nd at the soldier* fe present including tiio.it' of 2ti Clifford Bernard of 30 Do Uary and iiay- aeccptoil by wifi* sins,''' "Mr, Hnntn-n out of Mr_ Hulctt h a native of Troy. She pian;>• on continuity;; her work Fridny. AU play for the week had memorial flagpole in the Washing- Summit meml)«'rs. J mond Smith of l'lniiifieW, Mr. Bi rnaid otfi.'iatcil j the tomitvy on n bu.siii<',s.H tiip. N*. V. an«l received his education at . •(IBP nearby college "Hd mak- to be in before 10 am. 5a turd ij ton School playground. Following his e.xplann:;on of her 1:oine in iUunmit. at the Troy Country Day Scliool t;\e Murray-PolJt mot tor, the clmir- P»y Off Was Fixed and Rutgers1 School of Journalism. In the sftemoon, the group* will n-.:*n appointed the fc>;iy.v.ing Officials said '.he lottery pay- He l» e former telegraph editor of go to .Memorial Field where, at 1:30 p.m., the American Legion ;- (tiding commkiws; off* were based supposedly on 'Pierson Renamed ! Seven-Man Group Named the Troy Record and *s active, post will hold its observance just Publicity; Frank J. Kerrigan, California and the cax disbursements of 10 large (trofeauional.ly OR a member of the Italian cities which the ring ni'-m- prior to the season'^ base-bail chairman; Mrs, C^m-ncc W. Knoll, rtktorial committee of the Newopener between the Summit Legion Jr., Alien G. Butler: headquarters*: bertf told the players were cabled Chairman of To Study Campaign Budgets Jersey Pre^ji A«.%oci«tion and Uie Summit to Swap eaoh week from Italy to Xew York > Yankees and the New York Little Mrs. J. Gordon -S eeie, Robert T. publications committee of tiie Na- Giants. ' Reynolds, co-chairmen: Mr*. Jn- However, euthoritles deckirt'd they >.. i>ui coincnt of the fi;ip;Knt- nor. II Lindeit p'acf tional Editorial Association. He Red Cress Ctels? iv of i sev.'ii--:ite.mb::r burl^t'C .-,,j)h Fan ton, David K 'T.ruclifccs.s, h?<l learned no such figures over I Harold Dvin-'W-jit. IS is prcsidt-nt of The Summit Hcr- Mr. BuchwaM wi!! officiate at School Teachers , i \ i uiiinnitcc- as.d of the .sclu'd- Jr., .Mrs. J. Richardson Van Dyke, wore cabled. Insttfad the winning E.iH.-tion n' ' f' avenus-. Fr=-"Jerick C alu Company and the Summit Pub- this ceremony which will include A teat'htT swap with California ol l',i iirinss to review the pro-\'S Druid Hist .road. Titans A. the invocation by R.»v Tvvoniey. the M*.v Louis Ciullo <\:u1 Mr.v ,1 nv.-.i numbers were picked on the b'i.;i*» 'niber.s uf ' • iifhir.g Company, an.i tlii- appointment cf r»o new il l''")l huij;;c.ii o! ih > ci,-,Ht A.
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