Please ask for: Paul Rawcliffe Telephone: 01482 615016 Fax: 01482 614804 Email: [email protected] Text phone: 01482 300349 Date: Wednesday, 19 February 2020 Dear Councillor, Full Council You are requested to attend the Full Council to be held on Thursday, 27 February 2020 in Council Chamber at 10:00 . Yours faithfully, Matt Jukes Chief Executive Town Clerk Services, Hull City Council, The Guildhall, Alfred Gelder Street, Hull, HU1 2AA www.hullcc.gov.uk Tel: 01482 300300 Page 1 of 324 Full Council To: Membership: All Members of the City Council (57) Officers: Matt Jukes, Chief Executive Niki Clemo, Director of Children, Young People and Family Services Julia Weldon, Director of Public Health and Adult Services Mark Jones, Director of Regeneration David Bell, Director of Finance and Change Management Ian Anderson, Director of Legal Services and Partnerships Paul Rawcliffe, Democratic Services Officer (x5) For Information: Honorary Aldermen (x7) (Public Sets) Labour Group Secretary Democratic Services (x10 Public Sets) Guildhall Reception (Public Set) Reference Library (Public Set) Page 2 of 324 Full Council 10:00 on Thursday, 27 February 2020 Council Chamber A G E N D A CIVIC AND PROCEDURAL 1 Apologies To receive apologies for those Members who are unable to attend the meeting. 2 Declarations of Interest To remind Members of the need to record the existence and nature of any Personal and Discloseable Pecuniary interest in items on the agenda, in accordance with the Member Code of Conduct. (Members Code of Conduct - Part D1 of the Constitution) 3 Minutes of the Meeting of the City Council held on 16th 7 - 34 January, 2020 To consider the above minutes. 4 Composition of Political Groups The Monitoring Officer to report any changes to the compostition of political groups. (Council Procedure Rules 5.2.5). 5 Membership of Committees, Joint Committees and External Bodies To consider motions (if any) to appoint members to a committee or a joint committee. (Council Procedure Rules 5.25 and 10.1.13) NON-EXEMPT ITEMS PUBLIC ITEMS LEADER OF COUNCIL AND CABINET Page 3 of 324 6 Leader's Statement The Leader of Council may make a statement to the Council and a period of up to 10 minutes is allowed for this purpose. The leader of a political group represented on the Council may respond to the statement and a period of up to 5 minutes each is allowed for this purpose. (Council Procedure Rule 13) 7 Housing Revenue Account Budget Setting 2020/2021 and 35 - 80 Beyond To consider the above report. 8 Review of Locally Defined Discounts for Council Tax in 2020/21 81 - 98 To consider the above report. 9 General Fund Revenue Budget 2020/21 and Medium Term 99 - 246 Financial Plan 2020/21 to 2022/23 To consider the above report. 10 Capital Strategy 2020/21 to 2022/23 247 - 266 To consider the above report. 11 Treasury Management Strategy Statement, Minimum Revenue 267 - 324 Provision Policy Statement, and Annual Investment Strategy 2020/21 To consider the above report. OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY, REGULATORY AND OTHER COMMITTEES JOINT ARRANGEMENTS BUSINESS DEFERRED FROM THE PREVIOUS MEETING OF COUNCIL MEMBER BUSINESS Page 4 of 324 Page 5 of 324 Page 6 of 324 132 Council 16 th January, 2020 PRESENT:- Councillor Wilson, Lord Mayor (in the Chair). Councillor Petrini, Deputy Lord Mayor (D. C.); Councillors Abbott, Akbar, Bell, Bisbey, Black, Brabazon, Brady, Bridges, Burton, Chaytor, Collinson, Clark, Conner, Coward, Craker, Dad, Drake- Davis, Dunstan, Fareham, Fudge, Gardiner, Greenhill, Haines, Hale, Harrison, Hatcher, Healand, Herrera-Richmond, Ieronimo, Kennett, Kirk, Langley, Lunn, Matthews, McCobb, McMurray, Neal, Nicola, Pantelakis, Payne, Pritchard, Quinn, C. Randall, (Mrs.) C. E. Randall, Ross, Singh, D. Thompson, M. Thompson, Wareing, Webster and Williams. APOLOGIES:- Councillor Allen. Belcher, Chambers and Tock. Minute Description/Decision Action No. By/Deadline PROCEDURAL ITEMS 83 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Hale declared a personal interest in minute 95, insofar as he was the Lead Officer for Children and Asylum Seekers at North East Lincolnshire Council. Councillor Kennett declared a personal interest in minute 95, insofar as she was a Trustee of Hull Help for Refugees. Councillor Ieronimo declared a personal interest in minute 96, insofar as members of his family and friends had, or would be applying for, EU citizenship. 84 MINUTES Agreed – That the minutes of the meeting of the City Council, held on 21 st November, 2019, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and correctly recorded and be signed by the Lord Mayor. 85 COMPOSITION OF POLITICAL GROUPS The Town Clerk reported that there had been no Page 7 of 324 133 changes to the composition of the political groups within the City Council. Agreed – That the report be noted. 86 MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEES , JOINT Paul Rawcliffe/ COMMITTEES AND EXTERNAL BODIES Di Taylor/ Louise Hawkins Moved by Councillor Chaytor and seconded by Councillor Hale: That Councillor Chaytor be appointed to the vacancy on the Charterhouse Board of Trustees. To note that Councillor Conner has withdrawn from the Licensing Committee. Moved by Councillor Dad and seconded by Councillor Ross as an amendment: The motion with the amendment that Councillor Payne be appointed to the vacancy on the Charterhouse Board of Trustees. Amendment lost. Motion carried. 87 PETITIONS The Town Clerk reported that he had not received any petitions that needed to be considered by the City Council. Agreed – That the report be noted. 88 LEADER’S STATEMENT The Leader began his statement and commented on the Council’s relentless progress in Children’s Services; the Parliamentary Election held on 12 th December, 2019; the progress of devolution for the North; the need for a united approach to business across the Humber region; works to Beverley Road Baths and East Park, and the start of the Council’s house building programme across the City. Councillor Fareham replied to the Leader’s Statement and commented on people who knew their duty; South Yorkshire’s deal for devolution; Page 8 of 324 134 the need to relent on the rules for Local Economic Partnerships (LEP); Lord Haskins’ recent retirement from the Chair of the LEP; organisations doing the jobs they were established to do, and ‘One Yorkshire’. Councillor Ross replied to the Leader’s Statement and commented on the issue of climate change and how the Council should help; the Parliamentary election held on 12 th December, 2019; the next Leader of the Labour Party; the future for local government under the new Conservative Government; leaving the EU; devolution for Yorkshire, and that help was needed for the City as a whole and not just the City Centre. Agreed – That the Leader’s statement, and the responses to that statement, be noted. 89 QUESTIONS (WITH WRITTEN NOTICE) TO THE LEADER OF THE COUNCIL, MEMBERS OF THE CABINET, CHAIRS OF COMMITTEES AND OTHERS Councillor Petrini asked if the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services could reassure her and her Ward Colleagues that the Council had a robust plan to sort the ongoing issues of fly- tipping in the City, and how it affected ten-foots and private alleyways? The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services replied that fly tipping was a national problem, but in Hull there was a quicker response time than most. There was also a free bulky item collection service and ‘bring out your rubbish days’ as part of that service. In addition Street Scene currently removed the vast majority of fly tipping within 48 hours of receiving the request. Even during the busy post-Christmas period Street Scene still maintained this removal timeframe. Street Scene would actively enforce against fly tipping where evidence was available. The removal of fly tipping from private land; ten-foots, and alleyways was the responsibility of the landowner. Councillor Ieronimo asked if the Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment, Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property could please Page 9 of 324 135 explain wh y the CCTV on Bethune Avenue had been out of order for almost a year now? The Portfolio Holder for Economic Investment, Regeneration and Planning, Land and Property replied that this was a bit of a tale of woe. The planning permission granted for the new housing development did not include a condition on the developer to relocate the camera from its original position where the new access road needed to be built. Eventually, the developer did relocate the camera pole to a new location. When the scheme was finished, it turned out it had to be in the middle of the new foot path. The KCOM fibre connection required was never completed because of an adoption issue. It was protected under a Section 38 Notice, which prevented the digging up of the new footpath. He was obviously looking to resolve this with new options made available through the Smarter Cities platform and partners. He was guessing it would be some sort of wireless model to save them digging up the path. Due to the present position of the camera pole a meeting was being arranged with Councillor Ieronimo to see if alternative locations could be found to re-site the camera. So he thought there were some lessons to be learnt for all of us here. He would also work with his colleagues in the Planning Service to try and hold developers’ ‘feet to the fire’ to ensure those things were done at the front end, rather than try to be rescued at the back end. Councillor Fudge ask if the Portfolio Holder for Operational Services could update the Council on the impact of the Litter Enforcement Teams in the City following their implementation at the beginning of January, 2020? The Portfolio Holder for Operational Services replied that the new team was in place and enforcing from 8 th January, 2020.
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